Merrick Garland Outed as the "Senior Biden Official" Obstructing the IRS Criminal Investigation into Hunter Biden

Not unless they were trying to keep him from going to the bathroom. If he was a threat to them why would they have to go hunting?
It's obvious you don't understand his threat. amazing, but not surprising.
Yes! Merrick Garland who labeled parents a domestic terror threat because they went to school board meetings to advocate for their children. Yes, that Merrick Garland who almost became a supreme court justice. He needs to be impeached ASAP.

Garland is unqualified to serve as Attorney General.
Biden. He was endorsed by Richard Spencer.

Richard Spencer is a left-wing nut by every political metric, who in his spare time thinks that White People are Superior to others.

He always would support Democrat policies,
that's exactly what is necessary. No man in a woman's restroom in my presence. I respect women and their rights. nut jobs can stay at home and beat off.
Thank you! One time a man followed me into the ladies restroom, and another man saw it and came in after him. He yanked him out of there, and then a couple of other men guarded the creep until the police came.

Of course, that was in the olden days when even Democrats were opposed to men going into ladies’ rest rooms.
Garland needs to be immediately removed and placed for lifetime disbarment so he can never practice law again. Then he needs go to prison for a very long time with Joe by his side....
Garland needs to be immediately removed and placed for lifetime disbarment so he can never practice law again. Then he needs go to prison for a very long time with Joe by his side....
Yep, he and Blinken need to go to jail. If
the guy who sent out the meme joke tweet about voting for Hillary by text is a felon facing 10 years in jail;

How can this not be a felony?
Yep, he and Blinken need to go to jail. If
the guy who sent out the meme joke tweet about voting for Hillary by text is a felon facing 10 years in jail;

How can this not be a felony?
The Meme is not a crime.... This is Obstruction of Justice... And He is using his position in the government to do this.. ie; Under color of law. this should put him away until he dies... 25-30 years.
Yes! Merrick Garland who labeled parents a domestic terror threat because they went to school board meetings to advocate for their children. Yes, that Merrick Garland who almost became a supreme court justice. He needs to be impeached ASAP.

He needs to be indicted.
"Based on his past statements, it doesn’t appear highly credible that he has changed his effusive allegiance to Donald Trump,” Brian Levin, a former New York police officer who is director of the Centre for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino, told the Telegraph. “The timing seems suspect. I think this is a function of not wanting to undermine the Trump campaign.”
Lefty spin for the party if the KKK.
Jesus Christ, there is no end to the depths Biden's corrupt hacks are willing to go for political power. These are largely incompetent boobs who cannot make any money in the private sector, so they hitch up to the public trough to feed.

Merrick Garland. Once appointed by the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama to control 1/9 of one-third of the U.S. Federal government. He is a career "public servant", or more accurately, a trough-feeder. You may have your problems with Cocaine Mitch, but at least he kept a bunch of miscreants and low-life scum hacks off the bench back in this day. The Garland defeat is perhaps Mitch's greatest contribution to our republic.

So Garland, as AG, has been sticking his nose into the IRS criminal investigation of Hunter Biden. We all suspected that the investigation is fixed. And it is. Thanks to this criminal investigator whistleblower with personal knowledge of this matter, we now have confirmation that the investigation is fixed AND that it is Merrick Garland (undoubtedly as Biden's puppet) who is obstructing the pursuit of justice. But there will be no justice unless the Biden administration is held accountable for this.


Garland and his partisanly weaponized DOJ have been obstructing, hiding Hunter's laptop, and refusing to investigate literally for YEARS.

Garland knew about Joe's espionage / classified scandal before tbe 2022 Midterm elections but refused to do his job and refused to let the American people know about it until the elections were over IOT protect Joe and Democrats.

Now evidence / testimony exposes Garland as the criminal perjurer and POS who is intentionally obstructing the IRS investigation to protect Hunter (and Joe) Biden.


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