Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA

You've hit on the perfect description....and yes it's obvious the dbod didn't listen to the speech

I've posted a graphic of the most salient points as well as the YouTube video. WTF have you two fat-asses done except bitch about something you don't even understand?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

Absolutely correct.
So what the hell are you here arguing about then? You said she didn't mean it that way just to come full circle and verify that's exactly what she meant.

It's absolutely correct that Pumpkin-Catfish is too stupid to understand. And you, too.
her career is built upon being fake.
What did you expect?

"her career is built upon being fake."
So is Trump's. But at least she's been in the spotlight for 40 years without insulting anybody.
You must mean except those times she opens her mouth to insult people like last night. Sure she didn't come right out and call people asshole Trump voters but that is exactly what she meant.

Her comments were directed at Trump, not the people who voted for him. You didn't listen to the whole 5 minutes either. SO STFU
Geezus you're a big Streep fan eh?

I'm a big fan of hers and about 300,000 others who are ripping Trump a new asshole on FB and Twitter and other Trump Resistance sites that are popping up all over the internet.

I hope a celebrity takes the mic every single day and outs Trump.

So basically you want him to have a 2nd term then, interesting.
This dude is about to use the White House as a ATM and you're upset about Streep not properly respecting MMA.

Wrong, the point being made is how the hollyweird elite are themselves divorced from the reality of the PEOPLE of the USA. They have nothing in common with the average person living in the US and more to the point they applaud themselves for it. In other words they are every bit as elitist as the rest of the political class who screw this country over at every opportunity.
The fact that she may have not even been "trying" to diss sports or middle America basically proves the point that people on the right are making. That progressives are out of touch with most of the country.
Exactly. Hey she didn't mean to talk down to you little people like that it's just she thinks of you that way and it slipped out.

You as well as others here did not listen to her entire comments, and yet you want to weigh in on them. This is exactly how TrumpleThinSkin got elected.

Her first comments were about the diversity and origins of many of the people in the audience last night. Some of them coming from beginnings that most of you stupid morons on here can't imagine. It's really sad that you all are so bigoted and prejudiced against anything that's not directly within your immediate, myopic grasp.

I did listen to the whole thing, and her fluff up front was just window dressing for her partisan hacks later on.

She's a hack, you're a hack.

So you condone a presidential candidate making fun of handicapped people and she was wrong to call him out on that. Good for you, fuck-wad.

So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?

God you people are fucking lemmings.


"So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?"

Nope. But you do.

I've posted a graphic of the most salient points as well as the YouTube video. WTF have you two fat-asses done except bitch about something you don't even understand?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

Absolutely correct.
So what the hell are you here arguing about then? You said she didn't mean it that way just to come full circle and verify that's exactly what she meant.

It's absolutely correct that Pumpkin-Catfish is too stupid to understand. And you, too.
"her career is built upon being fake."
So is Trump's. But at least she's been in the spotlight for 40 years without insulting anybody.
You must mean except those times she opens her mouth to insult people like last night. Sure she didn't come right out and call people asshole Trump voters but that is exactly what she meant.

Her comments were directed at Trump, not the people who voted for him. You didn't listen to the whole 5 minutes either. SO STFU
Geezus you're a big Streep fan eh?

I'm a big fan of hers and about 300,000 others who are ripping Trump a new asshole on FB and Twitter and other Trump Resistance sites that are popping up all over the internet.

I hope a celebrity takes the mic every single day and outs Trump.

So basically you want him to have a 2nd term then, interesting.

He won't make it through 2 years before he's impeached.
Exactly. Hey she didn't mean to talk down to you little people like that it's just she thinks of you that way and it slipped out.

You as well as others here did not listen to her entire comments, and yet you want to weigh in on them. This is exactly how TrumpleThinSkin got elected.

Her first comments were about the diversity and origins of many of the people in the audience last night. Some of them coming from beginnings that most of you stupid morons on here can't imagine. It's really sad that you all are so bigoted and prejudiced against anything that's not directly within your immediate, myopic grasp.

I did listen to the whole thing, and her fluff up front was just window dressing for her partisan hacks later on.

She's a hack, you're a hack.

So you condone a presidential candidate making fun of handicapped people and she was wrong to call him out on that. Good for you, fuck-wad.

So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?

God you people are fucking lemmings.


"So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?"

Nope. But you do.


What opinions is he trying to force on the rest of us?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

Absolutely correct.
So what the hell are you here arguing about then? You said she didn't mean it that way just to come full circle and verify that's exactly what she meant.

It's absolutely correct that Pumpkin-Catfish is too stupid to understand. And you, too.
You must mean except those times she opens her mouth to insult people like last night. Sure she didn't come right out and call people asshole Trump voters but that is exactly what she meant.

Her comments were directed at Trump, not the people who voted for him. You didn't listen to the whole 5 minutes either. SO STFU
Geezus you're a big Streep fan eh?

I'm a big fan of hers and about 300,000 others who are ripping Trump a new asshole on FB and Twitter and other Trump Resistance sites that are popping up all over the internet.

I hope a celebrity takes the mic every single day and outs Trump.

So basically you want him to have a 2nd term then, interesting.

He won't make it through 2 years before he's impeached.

if you can't see the smarmyness.... well you figure out the next part.

It's Hollywood in general, and in particular the group masturbation sessions known as award shows.

I guess you don't know what the meaning of smarmy is. Here, for your education:

excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating,servile, etc.

Hollywood aren't allowed opinions? Interesting...
if you can't see the smarmyness.... well you figure out the next part.

It's Hollywood in general, and in particular the group masturbation sessions known as award shows.

I guess you don't know what the meaning of smarmy is. Here, for your education:

excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating,servile, etc.

Hollywood aren't allowed opinions? Interesting...

It fits perfectly. All of those speeches are part "person X sucks" and the rest is preening flattery for themselves and their fellow travellers.

They can have opinions. Where did I say they should be stopped from being self centered asshats giving stupid speeches?

I am calling them out on it, nothing more. Why do you have to take it to the next step (censorship) when you make your point?

Talk about interesting....
You've hit on the perfect description....and yes it's obvious the dbod didn't listen to the speech

I've posted a graphic of the most salient points as well as the YouTube video. WTF have you two fat-asses done except bitch about something you don't even understand?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

I don't take the loon posting here or Streep serious...see that's where they both fail. Neither of them are worth the powder to blow them to hell

She graduated from Vassar and received an MFA from Yale and has an Honorary Doctor of Arts degree from Dartmouth. You never even got out of high school.
I did listen to the whole thing, and her fluff up front was just window dressing for her partisan hacks later on.

She's a hack, you're a hack.

So you condone a presidential candidate making fun of handicapped people and she was wrong to call him out on that. Good for you, fuck-wad.

So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?

God you people are fucking lemmings.

The truth is, Trump wasnt even making fun of his disability. Thats just how he makes fun of people when they are acting dumb. Watch this video. He does the same EXACT same thing to people who ARENT handicapped.

Oh fucking horseshit. It's recorded on video. And he was specifically talking about Kovaleski at the time.

Six-month-later historical revisionism. Classic.

Did he use the same gesture, ever, when referring to other people?

Does Kovaleski make those motions due to his disability?

Nope and nope. And don't insult everybody's intelligence pretending to be stupid enough to think such a mockery doesn't involve gross exaggeration. Everybody already knows better.

This is just one more case of Rump evading responsibility for anything and everything he does, and now he's got you sychophants enabling him. Which is disgusting.
What opinions is he trying to force on the rest of us?

Build a wall
Stop Muslim immigration
Make America great again

I could go on...

A lot of people want that wall, and who does it hurt besides people trying to get here illegally.

As for stopping Muslim Immigration, it has been done before in limited ways (Iran ban back in the 70's) and hurts no one here already

And Making America Great Again is forcing exactly what on people?
I've posted a graphic of the most salient points as well as the YouTube video. WTF have you two fat-asses done except bitch about something you don't even understand?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

I don't take the loon posting here or Streep serious...see that's where they both fail. Neither of them are worth the powder to blow them to hell

She graduated from Vassar and received an MFA from Yale and has an Honorary Doctor of Arts degree from Dartmouth. You never even got out of high school.
So you condone a presidential candidate making fun of handicapped people and she was wrong to call him out on that. Good for you, fuck-wad.

So you condone smarmy self centered prick actors thinking they are better than the rest of us?

God you people are fucking lemmings.

The truth is, Trump wasnt even making fun of his disability. Thats just how he makes fun of people when they are acting dumb. Watch this video. He does the same EXACT same thing to people who ARENT handicapped.

Oh fucking horseshit. It's recorded on video. And he was specifically talking about Kovaleski at the time.

Six-month-later historical revisionism. Classic.

Did he use the same gesture, ever, when referring to other people?

Does Kovaleski make those motions due to his disability?

Nope and nope. And don't insult everybody's intelligence pretending to be stupid enough to think such a mockery doesn't involve gross exaggeration. Everybody already knows better.

This is just one more case of Rump evading responsibility for anything and everything he does, and now he's got you sychophants enabling him. Which is disgusting.

You are seeing what you want to see. Nothing more. He has been shown on video doing the same thing for guys like Cruz.
if you can't see the smarmyness.... well you figure out the next part.

It's Hollywood in general, and in particular the group masturbation sessions known as award shows.

I guess you don't know what the meaning of smarmy is. Here, for your education:

excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating,servile, etc.

Hollywood aren't allowed opinions? Interesting...

It fits perfectly. All of those speeches are part "person X sucks" and the rest is preening flattery for themselves and their fellow travellers.

They can have opinions. Where did I say they should be stopped from being self centered asshats giving stupid speeches?

I am calling them out on it, nothing more. Why do you have to take it to the next step (censorship) when you make your point?

Talk about interesting....

Where have I even mentioned censorship? You can have a go at them. I'm having a go at you having a go at them. That is free speech.

No, you had no idea what smarmy means. If you actually listened to her speech she was far from smarmy.

A lot of people want that wall, and who does it hurt besides people trying to get here illegally.

As for stopping Muslim Immigration, it has been done before in limited ways (Iran ban back in the 70's) and hurts no one here already

And Making America Great Again is forcing exactly what on people?

It hurts the tax payer because it'll cost a shit load and be totally ineffective. I note you didn't deny he is trying to force that shit upon you.
if you can't see the smarmyness.... well you figure out the next part.

It's Hollywood in general, and in particular the group masturbation sessions known as award shows.

I guess you don't know what the meaning of smarmy is. Here, for your education:

excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating,servile, etc.

Hollywood aren't allowed opinions? Interesting...

It fits perfectly. All of those speeches are part "person X sucks" and the rest is preening flattery for themselves and their fellow travellers.

They can have opinions. Where did I say they should be stopped from being self centered asshats giving stupid speeches?

I am calling them out on it, nothing more. Why do you have to take it to the next step (censorship) when you make your point?

Talk about interesting....

Where have I even mentioned censorship? You can have a go at them. I'm having a go at you having a go at them. That is free speech.

No, you had no idea what smarmy means. If you actually listened to her speech she was far from smarmy.

When you make the "aren't allowed to have opinions" you are implying some desire on my part to silence said person. Stop being so obtuse (am I using the word right, Thesaurus-Rex? )

Smarmy in the sense of her being excessively flattering of HERSELF and her fellow travelers.

A lot of people want that wall, and who does it hurt besides people trying to get here illegally.

As for stopping Muslim Immigration, it has been done before in limited ways (Iran ban back in the 70's) and hurts no one here already

And Making America Great Again is forcing exactly what on people?

It hurts the tax payer because it'll cost a shit load and be totally ineffective. I note you didn't deny he is trying to force that shit upon you.

Nice goalpost move there.....

and how do you know it will be ineffective?
You've hit on the perfect description....and yes it's obvious the dbod didn't listen to the speech

I've posted a graphic of the most salient points as well as the YouTube video. WTF have you two fat-asses done except bitch about something you don't even understand?
You see Sassy, It wasn't that she was talking down to you like you're an idiot it's just that you're too fucking dumb to understand what she was really trying to say about people (you) she thinks are dumb.

Absolutely correct.
So what the hell are you here arguing about then? You said she didn't mean it that way just to come full circle and verify that's exactly what she meant.

It's absolutely correct that Pumpkin-Catfish is too stupid to understand. And you, too.
her career is built upon being fake.
What did you expect?

"her career is built upon being fake."
So is Trump's. But at least she's been in the spotlight for 40 years without insulting anybody.
You must mean except those times she opens her mouth to insult people like last night. Sure she didn't come right out and call people asshole Trump voters but that is exactly what she meant.

Her comments were directed at Trump, not the people who voted for him. You didn't listen to the whole 5 minutes either. SO STFU
Geezus you're a big Streep fan eh?

I'm a big fan of hers and about 300,000 others who are ripping Trump a new asshole on FB and Twitter and other Trump Resistance sites that are popping up all over the internet.

I hope a celebrity takes the mic every single day and outs Trump.
So you have completely lost track of your initial argument. And somehow still have the nerve to call others stupid. Amazing show of no self awareness.

Yes me too, please keep these people talking and in the headlines.
I have no idea why Meryl Streep would want to pick a fight (pun intended) with the MMA crowd last night.

“And if we kick ’em all out,” she said of all of the international stars, “You’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” The idea is, without all of the diversity present in Hollywood and at the Globes, we’d all be left with Trump and his supporters watching football and mixed martial arts, apparently the hobbies of the modern-day neanderthal.

Meryl Streep Was Dead Wrong About MMA In Her Golden Globes Speech

Clearly, Streep has never watched a UFC fight or set foot in an MMA gym. It's probably the most ethnically diverse place I've ever been. We have white guys, black guys, Asian guys, middle eastern guys, and women who train at my gym. Some were actually born in Brazil, Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe.

Streep's remarks further illustrate the isolated Hollywood bubble these people live in and precisely why their elitist disdain for middle America cost them the election.

Streep is a nasty little twat spewing her hatred at decent Americans.

Wake up middle class, The leftist elite fucking HATES you. A bitter old hag like Streep is just one example.
[QUOTE="Missouri_Mike, post: 16261093, me
Geez, those sure sound like horrible ideas.[/QUOTE]

The first one is dumb
The second is fascist
The third would be okay if only it needed to happen. The US has always been great.

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