Meryl Streep's incredible comments

All those Hollywood celebrities promised to move out of the country to Canada, Australia and even Jupiter (Cher said) in case Trump wins. Well, Trump won. So, what is Meryl Strip as well as the others still doing in Hollywood????

Good grief! I don't want the Hollywood elite. Let them move to Tierra del Fuego.
Fact is, that’s about the only way aging actresses can get any attention in Hollywood.
Interesting, she was on a stage to receive an award. Hollywood is paying her more attention than Drumpf…until she mentioned him.

But if your an 80 year old male you can have a 21 year old wife.

As Trump has proven
I don't hear Trump trying to be politically correct. That's the difference that sailed over your water logged noggin.
Trump didnt make fun of his disability. Thats how he makes fun of dumb people. Dont take my word for it though, just watch the video.

She just gave the most amazing comments on the Golden Globes. Everyone should see it.
She was wrong. He never made fun of his disability. Thats how he makes fun of dumb people. Dont believe me? Watch the video and see him do it to other people who ARENT disabled.

You mean sort of like this actor?

I don't think you understand what a reality show is.
Gee, how about that Trump wants to kick foreigners out of the country? How stupid can anyone be for believing that he ever said anything remotely like that? He wants to kick illegals out. Are you too stupid to know the difference?

Illegals are not foreigners?

Yes, illegals are foreigners. Not all foreigners are illegals.

Too complicated for ya, Corky?

Apparently, Ms.Streep’s commentary is too deep for your shallow mind. Then again, I think the instructions to monopoly would probably stump most Trump supporters.

OK so now lying about what someone says is just being "deep".

Gawd you people are pathetic.

Well, you lied about what Ms. Streep said. So you tell me.

I lied?

Here is the quote:

Amy Adams was born in Italy. Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem. Where are their birth certificates?

Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick 'em all out, you'll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.

Here's the Full Transcript of Meryl Streep's Powerful Golden Globes Speech

When has Trump ever spoken of kicking out Italians and Israelis? Oh yea, never.

She's a lying c-nt, and so are you.
She spoke truth to power. Trump is a small fraction of a man.
She spoke lies. Nothing but shit spewed from her mouth.

What specifically did she lie about?

Gee, how about that Trump wants to kick foreigners out of the country? How stupid can anyone be for believing that he ever said anything remotely like that? He wants to kick illegals out. Are you too stupid to know the difference?

Yes, she is.

But she knows all about free birth control.
The most "incredible" part of her speech isn't the litany of lies, it's the fact that she is on stage accepting a lifetime achievement award while claiming diversity is what makes Hollywood so great. Its hard to get anymore white and plain Jane than American born Streep. I guess it's ok to do a little white worshipping, so long as it is a liberal top 1% Hollywood actress.
The most "incredible" part of her speech isn't the litany of lies, it's the fact that she is on stage accepting a lifetime achievement award while claiming diversity is what makes Hollywood so great. Its hard to get anymore white and plain Jane than American born Streep. I guess it's ok to do a little white worshipping, so long as it is a liberal top 1% Hollywood actress.
Enumerate her lies.
Anyone who clings to the words and personal lives of actors must have a empty life. Sorry to say that it is a large number of the populace. Never cared about their opinions and never will. Big Middle finger extended from flyover country.
Same for sports figures. While it's fun to watch both do their thing, it's silly to equate being good at acting or throwing a ball with expertise in national politics or the best direction for the nation.
The most "incredible" part of her speech isn't the litany of lies, it's the fact that she is on stage accepting a lifetime achievement award while claiming diversity is what makes Hollywood so great. Its hard to get anymore white and plain Jane than American born Streep. I guess it's ok to do a little white worshipping, so long as it is a liberal top 1% Hollywood actress.
Enumerate her lies.
When she claimed martial arts isn't an art.
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