Meryl Streep's incredible comments

"Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick us all out, you’ll have nothing to watch except for football and mixed martial arts, which are not arts"
How come the left never defines art?
Excellent question! My guess is so they can control the dialogue by agreeing or disagreeing on what is art depending upon their particular agenda at the time. Kinda like SCOTUS Potter Stewart's infamous comment when defining pornography "I know it when I see it".
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Excellent question! My guess is so they can control the dialogue by agreeing or disagreeing on what is art depending upon their particular agenda at the time. Kinda like SCOTUS Potter Stewart's infamous comment when defining pornography "I know it when I see it".
She just gave the most amazing comments on the Golden Globes.
Could you tell if she was acting?

Everyone should see it.
Can you tell us why?
Trump mocks handicapped script: chapters after the Meryl Streep climax
More precisely the day after: from two other official actors, playing "real men in real life", one of them also "real christian", to the UFC president.

Real men Vince Vaughn and Mel Gibson, also a passionate christian
Two more official actors casted in this episode, this time in secondary roles, more precisely the exact same one.
Their reaction to Streep's speech is scripted as "stern and glared ... in stark contrast to the enraptured Hollywood audience who applauded the speech ".
In other words: their mission is the same as Meryl Streep: to have the audience accept Trump's demonization of handicapped, setting the stage to legalize genocide, but this time based on association not dissociation.
Note that casting a "real christian" is important in the context of lowering the acceptance for the legal extermination of disabled: for real christians the weaker someone is the more he must be protected.

UFC president script's line for the "reply"
Headlines have him referring to Streep as "uppity, 80-year-old", while reminding the audience in article's body of her real age: "(who, for the record, is actually 67 years old)".
This line is part of two main agendas.
Which is the main agenda in each case (for each person in the audience) depends on how negatively does each one assess the statement that Meryl Streep is 80 years old.
1. Rather neutral, for most:
Same general agenda (legalize genocide) advanced by the episode where Streep was casted ("Trump mocks disabled reporter").
it advances "lowering the acceptable age to be killed", having the beasts view "a 67 years old as much worth the air he breathes as a 80 years old".
Reminder: killing an 80-year-old in hospitals and homes for elderly has long been accepted by an audience reduced to beasts.
This is the reason why nearly 100 million could be "euthanized" in hospitals and homes for elderly in the US and EU and in this millenium alone.

2. Rather negative: it advances "setting the stage to terminate the show", more precisely to "strip human cattle of its entertainment", having them confirm this message: "UFC = brain damaged environment, it won't be missed if it will be terminated".
Reminder: during the BIG BANG, that starts with Osama's resurrection and Obama's staged arrest, illuminati will proclaim global slavery, a world where there's as much place for 67 years old slaves as for NFL and UFC.

Notes from Jan 9, 2017
Not impressed! Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn glare daggers through Meryl Streep's Golden Globes anti-Trump speech
Both men looked stern and glared at the actress as she address the audience
This was in stark contrast to the enraptured Hollywood audience who applauded the speech
Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn glare through Meryl Streep's Golden Globes 2017 speech | Daily Mail Online

UFC President dismisses ‘uppity, 80-year-old’ Meryl Streep’s take on MMA
If you kick them all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.”
White was asked about those remarks in an interview posted Monday by TMZ Sports.
“It’s not going to be everybody’s thing, and the last thing in the world I expect is an uppity, 80-year-old lady to be in our demographic and love mixed martial arts,”
Dana White dismisses ‘uppity, 80-year-old’ Meryl Streep’s take on MMA

Trump mocks disabled reporter psy-op: Meryl Streep, official actress, casted in script's climax.
Streep 's role illustrates the two forms of the dissociation technique.
Agendas: From legalize genocide of undesirable (from specifically fomenting hatred against handicapped to lowering the acceptable age to be "euthanized") to setting the stage for a "black list in show business".
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda: Trump mocks disabled reporter Meryl Streep official actress casted for climax

Reminder of what was explained in advance worldwide only by Last Prophet and is now already unfolding, from the Ukraine to the Philippines:
BIG BANG: the most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever.
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
1. Multiracial society and open borders becomes manhunt for aliens and non-whites
2. Legalize drugs becomes execution of drug addicts
3. "Gay marriage legalized" becomes manhunt for homosexuals.
4. "Ultra-nationalists" become "our national heroes"
5. Staged democracy becomes Hitler was right
See also the added preview section with unfolding examples.:
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

All in Blog
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Handicapped: Hollywood real men Vaughn, Gibson UFC v liberal Meryl Streep: association v dissociation
McCann is part of the civilian population in the vicinity of Sandhurst. Streep acted in "A Cry in the Dark" so you go back to comparisons to the Madeleine McCann case. It is the story of a wild dog carrying off the child. You next link the dates for the Nigerian Civil War to see how close you can come to the day that Madeleine McCann disappeared. You then note that Nigeria's Gowon was trained at Sandhurst as also was Vernon Kell. You now have a more potent history for the Russian hacking story, especially the blunder of the MI6 agent in Italy hunting for evidence.
You may next try to find out if there was a child abducted on the coast of Australia near to the dates for the Nigerian Civil War.
She spoke truth to power. Trump is a small fraction of a man.
She spoke lies. Nothing but shit spewed from her mouth.

What specifically did she lie about?

Gee, how about that Trump wants to kick foreigners out of the country? How stupid can anyone be for believing that he ever said anything remotely like that? He wants to kick illegals out. Are you too stupid to know the difference?

Illegals are not foreigners?

All illegals are foreigners but not all foreigners are illegal
Carving the Melon

Streep links to the disappearance of little girls. The Cheryl Grimmer case links to railroads, namely, the Indian Pacific Express, from Perth to Sydney. Grimmer disappeared in Jan 1970 and the railroad began operation in February of that year, suggesting a possible link to a ritual abduction.

No doubt, the Harriman Railroad fortune links to Kaiser Wilhelm Institute as does the Rockefeller Foundation. Therefore, the Boxer Rebellion:

Boxer Rebellion
Boxer Rebellion - Wikipedia

'....Kaiser Wilhelm II...."Carving the Melon"....'

Indian Pacific
Indian Pacific - Wikipedia
Gansu Muslims play and important role in the story of the Boxer Rebellion, and Muslim tb in Virginia immigrants resonate with Roger Hollis and tb in retired circus elephants in Tennessee. The theological link to Roger Hollis is the Joshua Reynolds link at Balliol College.

'The MI6 recruitment board's rejection of Hollis was also influenced by his lack of a university degree and his deficiency in languages. Hollis had no facility with foreign languages and never acquired any. Such rebuffs would have disenchanted most candidates but Hollis persisted to an extent which would now arouse suspicion. On his behalf, Miss Sissmore and White pressed the MI5 chief, Sir Vernon Kell, to take him on. When the staff had been as small as twenty-five officers, Kell insisted on interviewing every potential recruit, but in 1938 the service was expanding too rapidly for this to be practicable so he agreed to the recruitment of Hollis provided that Miss Sissmore would take responsibility for him, which she agreed to do.

It remains strange that MI5 should have taken on such a frail young man knowing that he was not fully recovered from tuberculosis, a highly infectious disease, to work in a post which he had no vocational qualifications. His unsuitability for work abroad was also a disadvantage to MI5, which had many overseas commitments in those days.'
(Pincher, Too Secret Too Long)
'A journalist by trade, Klop was press attache' at the German embassy in London from the mid-twenties until the mid-thirties, when he was required to prove he was of 'pure Aryan descent.' Introduced to Vansittart by his private secretary, Sir Clifford Norton, he was quickly employed as an informant. Klop was also well acquainted with the Director-General of MI5, Sir Vernon Kell, and kept in touch with a stream of German visitors to his home at Radcliffe Gardens, who helped supply Vansittart with information on the Nazis. In reward, Vansittart secretly helped Klop apply for British citizenship. The 'notice of intent' was published in a Welsh-language newspaper in the knowledge that German Intelligence would have few Welsh-language experts. From that point on, Klop determined to appear British and deliberately expunged his past.'
(Dorril S, MI6)

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