Message to Trump


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

^^^^^^^ can you EXPAND a bit on that libel, nut????
I do not actually believe it-------probably false flag stuff

I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.

What a load of crap.

Trump did not run on a White Pride platform. He did not endorse swastika graffiti (which was likely done by a hiLIARy supporter).

How about Obabble disavowing all the divisive racist comments he has made prior to leaving office?
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I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.
How I wish more Americans who voted for Clinton are like you!
However, I would like to point out that it is the poisonous atmosphere created by the dishonest media and largely-left academia that gave some people the illusion that certain "inappropriate behaviors" are now permitted, not president-elect Trump.
I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.
He/She is reaching out. Lets take it for what its worth until otherwise proved
What a load of crap.

Trump did not run on a White Pride platform. He did not endorse swastika graffiti (which was likely done by a hiLIARy supporter).

How about Obabble disavow all the divisive racist comments he has made prior to leaving office?

I didn't say he did.

Just like Obama didn't run on loot and riot platform.

But to deny that alt-right racists and white priders may think Trump speaks for them and supports that agenda is ignorant.

I don't believe Trump does. And he should make sure they country knows that. Put the whites only people on notice.
I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

independent----you do not understand the minds of the red-neck hicks of the USA. When red-neck hicks say
"white people"----they are alluding to a very limited group---
to wit, English speaking, protestants and some catholics who eat white bread and drink beer at least four times per week. "white people" does not mean CAUCASIONS (a vague concept sometimes meaning 'white people') To expand----people called ARABS----are ---technically caucasions-----but not WHITE PEOPLE for middle America----same is true of jews and hindus from south east asia. For some people ---Italians are not 'white people' ---nor
are persons called "Hispanic" from south America regardless of descent. Persons of polish and german descent ARE called 'white' ----if they are Christian. Serbs are white----but not bosnians
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I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.

Honestly i think he will work witn everyone. Muslims will stay, but will be scrutinized when comming in. A wall will be built and obamacare replaced. What isnthe fear about? Do they think hes going to reimplement slavery or something?
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

Where do I get it from?

Do you not get the news? Along with the protests, there have been 'white pride' acts of intimidation and a new sense of entitlement. I'm saying both are un-American.

Americans = what? in your mind.
I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

independent----you do not understand the minds of the re-neck hicks of the USA. When red-neck hicks say
"white people"----they are alluding to a very limited group---
to wit, English speaking, protestants and some catholics who eat white bread and drink beer at least four times per week. "white people" does not mean CAUCASIONS (a vague concept sometimes meaning 'white people') To expand----people called ARABS----are ---technically caucasions-----but not WHITE PEOPLE for middle America----same is true of jews and hindus from south east asia. For some people ---Italians are not 'white people' ---nor
are persons called "Hispanic" from south America regardless of descent. Persons of polish and german descent ARE called 'white' ----if they are Christian. Serbs are white----but not bosnians
There ARE Red Necks.
There are ALSO well dressed, indoctrinated, wealthy, snot nosed brats who have never paid a utility bill in their life right now blocking traffic.
I hope someone in his inner circle is saying the same thing.

Although I did not vote for Mr. Trump, I do believe that as Americans, we must accept the outcome of the election and respect the will of the people. Furthermore, the voters in neighboring mid-western and rust belt states have spoken to us all about how bad our fellow Americans in those states have been hurting.

I was encouraged by President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech and his stated desire to be a President to all Americans. I remain optimistic and wish him well, because if he succeeds America succeeds.

While I may understand some of the emotions behind the protests in several cities, I am disappointed in those involved and would rather they look to President Obama's example in terms of a peaceful transition of power and give the incoming President an opportunity to show us what he can do.

I am equally distressed by the uptick in negative actions by those supporting a 'whites only' version of America. We live in a suburb of Chicago and my daughter has told me that even at her high school a group of people now feel entitled to say and do inappropriate things that go way beyond political incorrectness.

If President-Elect Trump sincerely wants to heal divisions and bring this country together, (and I believe he does) then he absolutely must get out in front of any sense of entitlement felt by 'white pride' people. To the extent a lack of political correctness on the campaign trail has been perceived by some as permission to cause harm through word or actions, President-Elect Trump must send a strong signal to Americans who feel threatened, that he has no tolerance for intolerance.

I would suggest President-Elect Trump stand in front of the wall with the swastika and 'make American white again' spray painted on it and tell those behind the mean spirited act, that he does not wish to be their President and they have grossly misconstrued his message. He could also use that moment to ask those protesting the election outcome to give him a chance to show them what he can do as their President. A simple but bold statement like that would silence, for a time, the critics and complainers in Washington and the media.

Again, I remain optimistic that President Trump can accomplish a great deal of good, and I hope this message gets passed along.
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

independent----you do not understand the minds of the re-neck hicks of the USA. When red-neck hicks say
"white people"----they are alluding to a very limited group---
to wit, English speaking, protestants and some catholics who eat white bread and drink beer at least four times per week. "white people" does not mean CAUCASIONS (a vague concept sometimes meaning 'white people') To expand----people called ARABS----are ---technically caucasions-----but not WHITE PEOPLE for middle America----same is true of jews and hindus from south east asia. For some people ---Italians are not 'white people' ---nor
are persons called "Hispanic" from south America regardless of descent. Persons of polish and german descent ARE called 'white' ----if they are Christian. Serbs are white----but not bosnians
There ARE Red Necks.
There are ALSO well dressed, indoctrinated, wealthy, snot nosed brats who have never paid a utility bill in their life right now blocking traffic.

right----red necks ---CULTURALLY
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

Where do I get it from?

Do you not get the news? Along with the protests, there have been 'white pride' acts of intimidation and a new sense of entitlement. I'm saying both are un-American.

Americans = what? in your mind.
Why not list the acts of Public Disturbance from both sides.
What a load of crap.

Trump did not run on a White Pride platform. He did not endorse swastika graffiti (which was likely done by a hiLIARy supporter).

How about Obabble disavow all the divisive racist comments he has made prior to leaving office?

I didn't say he did.

Just like Obama didn't run on loot and riot platform.

But to deny that alt-right racists and white priders may think Trump speaks for them and supports that agenda is ignorant.

I don't believe Trump does. And he should make sure they country knows that. Put the whites only people on notice.

Please link to any credible sources in which Trump approves of violence done by white supremacists. I missed that.
White Only?
Where do you get this bullshit from?
It's called Americans 1st, Allies 2nd and enemies can go to hell.

Where do I get it from?

Do you not get the news? Along with the protests, there have been 'white pride' acts of intimidation and a new sense of entitlement. I'm saying both are un-American.

Americans = what? in your mind.
Why not list the acts of Public Disturbance from both sides.

would that include every "someone pulled my head scarf" complaint?------there were thousands of such unwitnessed
cases----putatively on the crowded streets of New York City
during the week following 9-11-01
What a load of crap.

Trump did not run on a White Pride platform. He did not endorse swastika graffiti (which was likely done by a hiLIARy supporter).

How about Obabble disavow all the divisive racist comments he has made prior to leaving office?

I didn't say he did.

Just like Obama didn't run on loot and riot platform.

But to deny that alt-right racists and white priders may think Trump speaks for them and supports that agenda is ignorant.

I don't believe Trump does. And he should make sure they country knows that. Put the whites only people on notice.

Please link to any credible sources in which Trump approves of violence done by white supremacists. I missed that.

put that question to AL SHARPTON and your local mosque

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