META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

Well duh!

They censor the left, they censor the right, and the Overton window becomes so tiny that nobody can see or speak through it.

Yet, here are on this forum, people from the left and the right and everything in between having fine discussions and nobody is being censored and nobody is being arrested for speaking their minds.

You are even allowed to show your love and support for the Nazis without fear of retribution.

Just weird.
Yet, here are on this forum, people from the left and the right and everything in between
There are two leftists here that I'm aware of.

Everyone else is pretty much a conservative or a liberal (aka deranged conservative).
having fine discussions and nobody is being censored and nobody is being arrested for speaking their minds.
The topic is Facebook.
You are even allowed to show your love and support for the Nazis without fear of retribution.
Ooo - now YOU'RE getting turned on aren't you? :)
Just weird.
It's weird that you think the topic is this forum and not Facebook.

Would it help if I linked you to the thread...? :)
Holy crap. :eek:

If liberal ignorance didn't turn me on so much...

But yeah - the government colluding with Facebook to censor speech, and the presence of numerous *ex*-CIA operatives at the highest levels of content control there?

The very definition of fascism.
What about private entities having the right to associate with who they want confuses you? That includes the government. If I want to work with the CIA guess what mother fucker, that's my business. You don't like it, fuck on off. 😄
That is what the OP is after for sure.
These aren't people with principles or consistent values. That want to punish FB and Twitter because they were mean to Trump. It's no more complicated than that. The fact that what they're asking for amounts to state control of the media doesn't even register in their minds. It's just a grunt. And angry grunt, demanding that government give them what they want.
What about private entities having the right to associate with who they want confuses you?
What about government involvement in the regulation of speech and fascist collusion with private industry turns you on the most?
That includes the government.
See above; I am so hot right now...
If I want to work with the CIA guess what mother fucker, that's my business.
And liberals say they oppose fascism - I'm so glad it isn't true! :)
You don't like it, fuck on off. 😄
Dirty talk! Mmmm... :)
Being forced to flee fascism = Ever the American Way :)

You might want to buy a dictionary and look up that word. It seems a Nazi lover like you would know what the word means.

FB controlling what is said on their platform is no more fascism than you doing so in your own home.
Those of us who prize the Constitution see it a bit differently.

The Constitution does not apply to FB, it does not apply to any private company.

The Constitution is restrictions on what the Govt can do.

Have you ever actually read the Constitution?
These aren't people with principles or consistent values. That want to punish FB and Twitter because they were mean to Trump. It's no more complicated than that. The fact that what they're asking for amounts to state control of the media doesn't even register in their minds. It's just a grunt. And angry grunt, demanding that government give them what they want.
Holy crap.

If I hadn't seen this movie before, I'd be shocked.

Conservatives et al object to fascism and gross unconstitutional conduct, and are accused of desiring it.

Why, it's almost like liberals are projecting! :eek:

But that can't be it... :)
What about government involvement in the regulation of speech and fascist collusion with private industry turns you on the most?

See above; I am so hot right now...

And liberals say they oppose fascism - I'm so glad it isn't true! :)

Dirty talk! Mmmm... :)
Hey, if it turns you on to get slapped around I'm not going to blush, I'm a hedonist, I'd be happy to smack you to completion. 😄

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