Mexico mayor assassinated one day after taking office

No, you didn't.

You libs constantly post what you CLAIM they did ie "making racist appeals" but you almost never say WHAT "racist appeals".

And you know why?

Because the best you got boils down to "code words and dog whistles", which is bullshit.

You don't flip a third of the country, for generations, with rhetoric.

uh, yeah, actually you do by talking about '

Crime. Desegregation. Forced Busing. Affirmative Action.

Really, it was an act of misdirection worthy of David Copperfield. The rich dismantle the middle class, and get the middle class to blame those poor black people.

Now, I don't know how old you are. I'm old enough to remember when we had race riots in Chicago, and my parents were really afraid that the rioters would spill into our nice white neighborhood. I remember my dad showing my mom how to shoot a gun. (Nothing scarier than watching your mom nervously pack heat.)
What an incredible lie.

Reagan had a 8 year campaign against the Soviet Union ranging from Diplomatic (tear down that wall, for ONE example) to covert (weapons to Afghanistan, support for Solidarity), to Economic (working with Saudi Arabia, Star Wars), and Military (massive expansion of US abilities).

Yes, Reagan did a lot of really stupid shit that we are still paying for today. He's the one who armed Jihadists because those nasty commies might teach girls how to read or something. It came back to bite us on 9/11, but you guys never learn, do you?

And thank you for implicitly admitting that Reagan did not "use Welfare Queen until it became a popular image".

No, he talked about "young bucks" and told white middle class people that their problems were those uppity blacks demanding things like affirmative action and desegregation.

The racism at the heart of the Reagan presidency

Reagan also trumpeted his racial appeals in blasts against welfare cheats. On the stump, Reagan repeatedly invoked a story of a “Chicago welfare queen” with “eighty names, thirty addresses, [and] twelve Social Security cards [who] is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.” Often, Reagan placed his mythical welfare queen behind the wheel of a Cadillac, tooling around in flashy splendor. Beyond propagating the stereotypical image of a lazy, larcenous black woman ripping off society’s generosity without remorse, Reagan also implied

another stereotype, this one about whites: they were the workers, the tax payers, the persons playing by the rules and struggling to make ends meet while brazen minorities partied with their hard-earned tax dollars. More directly placing the white voter in the story, Reagan frequently elicited supportive outrage by criticizing the food stamp program as helping “some young fellow ahead of you to buy a T-bone steak” while “you were waiting in line to buy hamburger.” This was the toned-down version. When he first field-tested the message in the South, that “young fellow” was more particularly described as a “strapping young buck.” The epithet “buck” has long been used to conjure the threatening image of a physically powerful black man often one who defies white authority and who lusts for white women. When Reagan used the term “strapping young buck,” his whistle shifted dangerously toward the fully audible range. “Some young fellow” was less overtly racist and so carried less risk of censure, and worked just as well to provoke a sense of white victimization.
No, you didn't.

You libs constantly post what you CLAIM they did ie "making racist appeals" but you almost never say WHAT "racist appeals".

And you know why?

Because the best you got boils down to "code words and dog whistles", which is bullshit.

You don't flip a third of the country, for generations, with rhetoric.

uh, yeah, actually you do by talking about '

Crime. Desegregation. Forced Busing. Affirmative Action.

Really, it was an act of misdirection worthy of David Copperfield. The rich dismantle the middle class, and get the middle class to blame those poor black people.

Now, I don't know how old you are. I'm old enough to remember when we had race riots in Chicago, and my parents were really afraid that the rioters would spill into our nice white neighborhood. I remember my dad showing my mom how to shoot a gun. (Nothing scarier than watching your mom nervously pack heat.)

That was very unclear.

Are you claiming that Crime was not a real issue in the late 60s and that Nixon used it as "Code Words" to appeal to Southern Whites?

Nixon forced Desegregation on nearly all Southern Schools. That is the exact opposite of pandering to Racists. That is taking direct and very strong action against their agenda and interests.

Nixon greatly expanded Affirmative Action.

By this time the POlitical Elites of BOTH parties were Pro-civil rights. The Racists of the South were NOT going to get their racist agenda or interests in either parties platform or polices.

A majority of BOTH PARTIES in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil RIghts Act.
What an incredible lie.

Reagan had a 8 year campaign against the Soviet Union ranging from Diplomatic (tear down that wall, for ONE example) to covert (weapons to Afghanistan, support for Solidarity), to Economic (working with Saudi Arabia, Star Wars), and Military (massive expansion of US abilities).

Yes, Reagan did a lot of really stupid shit that we are still paying for today. He's the one who armed Jihadists because those nasty commies might teach girls how to read or something. It came back to bite us on 9/11, but you guys never learn, do you?

And thank you for implicitly admitting that Reagan did not "use Welfare Queen until it became a popular image".

No, he talked about "young bucks" and told white middle class people that their problems were those uppity blacks demanding things like affirmative action and desegregation.

The racism at the heart of the Reagan presidency

Reagan also trumpeted his racial appeals in blasts against welfare cheats. On the stump, Reagan repeatedly invoked a story of a “Chicago welfare queen” with “eighty names, thirty addresses, [and] twelve Social Security cards [who] is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.” Often, Reagan placed his mythical welfare queen behind the wheel of a Cadillac, tooling around in flashy splendor. Beyond propagating the stereotypical image of a lazy, larcenous black woman ripping off society’s generosity without remorse, Reagan also implied

another stereotype, this one about whites: they were the workers, the tax payers, the persons playing by the rules and struggling to make ends meet while brazen minorities partied with their hard-earned tax dollars. More directly placing the white voter in the story, Reagan frequently elicited supportive outrage by criticizing the food stamp program as helping “some young fellow ahead of you to buy a T-bone steak” while “you were waiting in line to buy hamburger.” This was the toned-down version. When he first field-tested the message in the South, that “young fellow” was more particularly described as a “strapping young buck.” The epithet “buck” has long been used to conjure the threatening image of a physically powerful black man often one who defies white authority and who lusts for white women. When Reagan used the term “strapping young buck,” his whistle shifted dangerously toward the fully audible range. “Some young fellow” was less overtly racist and so carried less risk of censure, and worked just as well to provoke a sense of white victimization.

1. Way to move the Goal Posts. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense.

2. Moving the goal posts again. NOw it's "Young Bucks" and with Salon as the source?:haha:

Code Word and Dog Whistles and really weak claims about them at that.

Policy. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

You libs might be, but it serves your interest to be "mistaken" or to lie about it.
The Cleaners called- They said they were having a hard time getting all that soot out of your white robes.

That was very unclear.

Are you claiming that Crime was not a real issue in the late 60s and that Nixon used it as "Code Words" to appeal to Southern Whites?

I would say to White people in general, but particularly in the South, where they saw uppity black people as a threat.

Nixon forced Desegregation on nearly all Southern Schools. That is the exact opposite of pandering to Racists. That is taking direct and very strong action against their agenda and interests.

Not really. The point that Nixon and other Republican racists is that after they lost "Separate but Equal" about two decades earlier, the focus shifted to complaining about busing to enforce desegregation. No one wanted their kids bused into a 'that' neighborhood.

Project MUSE - Richard Nixon and the Desegregation of Southern Schools

Scholars assessing Richard Nixon's contribution to the desegregation of Southern schools have often been unimpressed. His biographer Stephen Ambrose concedes that there was some White House contribution, but observes that "Nixon had to be hauled kicking and screaming into desegregation on a meaningful scale, and he did what he did not because it was right but because he had no choice." The political scientist Michael Genovese concurs, telling us that Nixon sought to "withdraw the federal government from its efforts at desegregation." A recent civil rights dictionary concludes that this was "the first successful presidential candidate to be opposed to civil rights enforcement," adding that "many of his tactics thwarted the furthering of school desegregation." The noted civil rights historian, William Chafe, meanwhile, contends that "Nixon repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to the politics of polarization"; "continued to embrace" southern evasions that "had been invalidated by the Supreme Court"; and used "the power of the presidency to delay, if not halt completely, federally imposed school desegregation."

Nixon greatly expanded Affirmative Action.

The primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have never been blacks, they've been White Women.

By this time the POlitical Elites of BOTH parties were Pro-civil rights. The Racists of the South were NOT going to get their racist agenda or interests in either parties platform or polices.

Which didn't stop the GOP from blowing those dog whistles loudly.

A majority of BOTH PARTIES in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil RIghts Act.

Yes. Yes, they did. And then Goldwater opposed the act, Nixon did the Southern Strategy, Reagan talked about Young Bucks and Welfare Queen, and Bush said Willie Horton was going to kill us all.

1. Way to move the Goal Posts. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense.

Your inability to follow reasoning isn't my problem, Cleetus. I really try to dumb these things down for you as much as I can.

Moving the goal posts again. NOw it's "Young Bucks" and with Salon as the source

Salon's a pretty good bit of journalism. They totally busted fat hypocrite Henry Hyde when the MSM refused to.

Policy. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

Oh, guy, there's no END to how fucking stupid the racists in the South are. These dumb-shit-kickers just sit there when the rich screw them, and they are just so darned happy to live in their trailer parks and fly the Stars and Bars.
The Cleaners called- They said they were having a hard time getting all that soot out of your white robes.

Standard lib Ad Hominem to be used when you can't make your case. Which is nearly always. Oh, and fuck you.

That was very unclear.

Are you claiming that Crime was not a real issue in the late 60s and that Nixon used it as "Code Words" to appeal to Southern Whites?

I would say to White people in general, but particularly in the South, where they saw uppity black people as a threat.

An evasive answer because you know that crime rose badly in the 60s and 70s. Your implication that any discussion of Crime was a "Dog Whistle" is so stupid that even you are afraid to state it clearly, let alone actually defend it on it's merits.

Nixon forced Desegregation on nearly all Southern Schools. That is the exact opposite of pandering to Racists. That is taking direct and very strong action against their agenda and interests.

Not really. The point that Nixon and other Republican racists is that after they lost "Separate but Equal" about two decades earlier, the focus shifted to complaining about busing to enforce desegregation. No one wanted their kids bused into a 'that' neighborhood.

Yes really. Desegregation of schools was a huge issue and Nixon forced the SOuthern Schools to do it. The actual racists did not want their sons and daughters attending schools with black boys and girls. That is documented historical reality that completely disproves the lib Myth that Nixon was pandering to White Southern Racists.

Project MUSE - Richard Nixon and the Desegregation of Southern Schools

Scholars assessing Richard Nixon's contribution to the desegregation of Southern schools have often been unimpressed. His biographer Stephen Ambrose concedes that there was some White House contribution, but observes that "Nixon had to be hauled kicking and screaming into desegregation on a meaningful scale, and he did what he did not because it was right but because he had no choice." The political scientist Michael Genovese concurs, telling us that Nixon sought to "withdraw the federal government from its efforts at desegregation." A recent civil rights dictionary concludes that this was "the first successful presidential candidate to be opposed to civil rights enforcement," adding that "many of his tactics thwarted the furthering of school desegregation." The noted civil rights historian, William Chafe, meanwhile, contends that "Nixon repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to the politics of polarization"; "continued to embrace" southern evasions that "had been invalidated by the Supreme Court"; and used "the power of the presidency to delay, if not halt completely, federally imposed school desegregation."


Nixon greatly expanded Affirmative Action.

The primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have never been blacks, they've been White Women.

<sigh> Whatever, :rolleyes: The point here is the intent of Nixon, which was to vastly increase Affirmative Action to benefit blacks. Another documented historical fact that disproves your lib Myth of Nixon pandering to racist whites.

By this time the POlitical Elites of BOTH parties were Pro-civil rights. The Racists of the South were NOT going to get their racist agenda or interests in either parties platform or polices.

Which didn't stop the GOP from blowing those dog whistles loudly.

You know what "Dog Whistle" is "Code" for? A lib can't find any real racism and is forced to make up shit.

A majority of BOTH PARTIES in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil RIghts Act.

Yes. Yes, they did. And then Goldwater opposed the act, Nixon did the Southern Strategy, Reagan talked about Young Bucks and Welfare Queen, and Bush said Willie Horton was going to kill us all.

Goldwater had his reasons which were not racist, Nixon obviously did NOT pursue the Southern Strategy as I have shown, Reagan mentioned concerns about welfare dependency once or twice and abuse were and are valid, and Willie Horton was a scary murderous rapist asshole that only a mad fool would have let out.

1. Way to move the Goal Posts. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense.

Your inability to follow reasoning isn't my problem, Cleetus. I really try to dumb these things down for you as much as I can.

I followed you just fine asshole. And called you on your bullshit. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense

Moving the goal posts again. NOw it's "Young Bucks" and with Salon as the source

Salon's a pretty good bit of journalism. They totally busted fat hypocrite Henry Hyde when the MSM refused to.

1, YOu don't deny that you moved the goal posts. Good for you.

2. Salon is a left wing rag.

Policy. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

Oh, guy, there's no END to how fucking stupid the racists in the South are. These dumb-shit-kickers just sit there when the rich screw them, and they are just so darned happy to live in their trailer parks and fly the Stars and Bars.

Your regional bigotry is noted. The point stands. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

NOte the difference in our content here. You post "code words" and "dog whistles" and deny documented historical reality to support your Theory of The Southern Strategy.

I, on the other hand, post links to actual documented Republican POlicy over generations of time, that were enacted and had real affects on real people.

Wake up, dummy.
Standard lib Ad Hominem to be used when you can't make your case. Which is nearly always. Oh, and fuck you..

Guy, it's is tiresome to watch you deny reality.

An evasive answer because you know that crime rose badly in the 60s and 70s. Your implication that any discussion of Crime was a "Dog Whistle" is so stupid that even you are afraid to state it clearly, let alone actually defend it on it's merits..

Of course, Crime was a dog whistle. So was a racist justice system that increased the prison population from half a million to 2 million, or a war on drugs that puts a young black kid in jail for a little blow while Rush LImbaugh and Cindy McCain get rehab for their 'little problems".

Yes really. Desegregation of schools was a huge issue and Nixon forced the SOuthern Schools to do it. The actual racists did not want their sons and daughters attending schools with black boys and girls. That is documented historical reality that completely disproves the lib Myth that Nixon was pandering to White Southern Racists.
The courts forced Nixon to do it nearly 20 years after Brown vs. Topeka. It should not take 20 years to implement something. Come on, guy, didn't you get the GOP Talking Points. No one tries to defend Nixon anymore.

<sigh> Whatever, :rolleyes: The point here is the intent of Nixon, which was to vastly increase Affirmative Action to benefit blacks. Another documented historical fact that disproves your lib Myth of Nixon pandering to racist whites..

Except that was never the intent of Affirmative Action at all. You could meet your quota just as well by hiring an Asian Chick as a black man. Shit, the Asian Chick let you check off two boxes.

Goldwater had his reasons which were not racist, Nixon obviously did NOT pursue the Southern Strategy as I have shown, Reagan mentioned concerns about welfare dependency once or twice and abuse were and are valid, and Willie Horton was a scary murderous rapist asshole that only a mad fool would have let out..

Again, I put up the quote where Ken Mehlman not only copped to the Southern Strategy, he APOLOGIZED for it. You are going into serious denial mode here, guy. You are denying things the Republicans are actually admitting they did.

I followed you just fine asshole. And called you on your bullshit. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense.

Reagan talked about the Welfare Queen more than once, too. So why do you give him credit for one and not the other? Oh, yeah, because the Welfare Queen makes St. Ronnie look bad, while the Berlin Wall makes him look like a miracle worker.

1, YOu don't deny that you moved the goal posts. Good for you.

Actually, guy, the Young Bucks statement was kind of worse than Welfare Queen, which is why Reagan dropped it fairly quickly.

Your regional bigotry is noted. The point stands. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

NOte the difference in our content here. You post "code words" and "dog whistles" and deny documented historical reality to support your Theory of The Southern Strategy.

I, on the other hand, post links to actual documented Republican POlicy over generations of time, that were enacted and had real affects on real people.

Wake up, dummy.

No, you guys gave up on Civil rights after the 1960's. And the few times when you did do it, it was because you were dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING. For instance, Bush-41 vetoed the 1990 Civil Rights Bill. And after a lot of people howled about it, he finally caved and signed the much weaker 1991 Civil Rights Act. Republicans rewarded him by supporting Nazi Pat Buchanan in the Primaries.

Pretty much since then, every GOP Primary fight is "How much can I pander to the racists, and then try to walk it back before the general. And every year, you guys scratch your big monkey craniums wondering why 90% of blacks vote against you.

"They must be voting for that free stuff, Cleetus!"
Standard lib Ad Hominem to be used when you can't make your case. Which is nearly always. Oh, and fuck you..

Guy, it's is tiresome to watch you deny reality.

An evasive answer because you know that crime rose badly in the 60s and 70s. Your implication that any discussion of Crime was a "Dog Whistle" is so stupid that even you are afraid to state it clearly, let alone actually defend it on it's merits..

Of course, Crime was a dog whistle. So was a racist justice system that increased the prison population from half a million to 2 million, or a war on drugs that puts a young black kid in jail for a little blow while Rush LImbaugh and Cindy McCain get rehab for their 'little problems".

Yes really. Desegregation of schools was a huge issue and Nixon forced the SOuthern Schools to do it. The actual racists did not want their sons and daughters attending schools with black boys and girls. That is documented historical reality that completely disproves the lib Myth that Nixon was pandering to White Southern Racists.
The courts forced Nixon to do it nearly 20 years after Brown vs. Topeka. It should not take 20 years to implement something. Come on, guy, didn't you get the GOP Talking Points. No one tries to defend Nixon anymore.

<sigh> Whatever, :rolleyes: The point here is the intent of Nixon, which was to vastly increase Affirmative Action to benefit blacks. Another documented historical fact that disproves your lib Myth of Nixon pandering to racist whites..

Except that was never the intent of Affirmative Action at all. You could meet your quota just as well by hiring an Asian Chick as a black man. Shit, the Asian Chick let you check off two boxes.

Goldwater had his reasons which were not racist, Nixon obviously did NOT pursue the Southern Strategy as I have shown, Reagan mentioned concerns about welfare dependency once or twice and abuse were and are valid, and Willie Horton was a scary murderous rapist asshole that only a mad fool would have let out..

Again, I put up the quote where Ken Mehlman not only copped to the Southern Strategy, he APOLOGIZED for it. You are going into serious denial mode here, guy. You are denying things the Republicans are actually admitting they did.

I followed you just fine asshole. And called you on your bullshit. The Point you refused to admit was that Reagan did more than just say, once, "Tear Down this Wall" and then have Repubicans give him credit for winning the Cold War. You were talking nonsense.

Reagan talked about the Welfare Queen more than once, too. So why do you give him credit for one and not the other? Oh, yeah, because the Welfare Queen makes St. Ronnie look bad, while the Berlin Wall makes him look like a miracle worker.

1, YOu don't deny that you moved the goal posts. Good for you.

Actually, guy, the Young Bucks statement was kind of worse than Welfare Queen, which is why Reagan dropped it fairly quickly.

Your regional bigotry is noted. The point stands. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

NOte the difference in our content here. You post "code words" and "dog whistles" and deny documented historical reality to support your Theory of The Southern Strategy.

I, on the other hand, post links to actual documented Republican POlicy over generations of time, that were enacted and had real affects on real people.

Wake up, dummy.

No, you guys gave up on Civil rights after the 1960's. And the few times when you did do it, it was because you were dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING. For instance, Bush-41 vetoed the 1990 Civil Rights Bill. And after a lot of people howled about it, he finally caved and signed the much weaker 1991 Civil Rights Act. Republicans rewarded him by supporting Nazi Pat Buchanan in the Primaries.

Pretty much since then, every GOP Primary fight is "How much can I pander to the racists, and then try to walk it back before the general. And every year, you guys scratch your big monkey craniums wondering why 90% of blacks vote against you.

"They must be voting for that free stuff, Cleetus!"

1. I repeat, fuck you.

2. Crime exploded with the Baby Boom and Liberal polices colliding. ONly a partisan hack would deny it was a real issue. Of course Prison populations rise. And Race Card play noted and laughed at.

3. Nixon wasn't President during those years. It was Democratic Presidents who dragged their feet. Your denial is pathetic. Nixon moved on this and this alone would ruin any Theory of a Southern Strategy, if you were rational.

4. YOur claim that Affirmative Action was not meant to help blacks is nonsensical. Nixon hugely advanced AA and did it to help blacks.

5 Ken Mehlman was a fool. And citing him does not distract from the points I made that you cannot counter. Goldwater was a life long supporter of Civil Rights. Nixon obviously did NOT pursue the Southern Strategy as I have shown, Reagan mentioned concerns about welfare dependency once or twice and abuse were and are valid, and Willie Horton was a scary murderous rapist asshole that only a mad fool would have let out.

6. I already explained the difference between giving someone credit for something they had a huge campaign to achieve, as Reagan did with fighting the Soviet Union, and something he mentioned once or twice. You are the one who is being selective in your thinking based on what serves your political purposed.

7. YOur really didn't address my points other than unsupported denial and some moving of the goal posts, so, here it is again.
Your regional bigotry is noted. The point stands. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

NOte the difference in our content here. You post "code words" and "dog whistles" and deny documented historical reality to support your Theory of The Southern Strategy.

I, on the other hand, post links to actual documented Republican POlicy over generations of time, that were enacted and had real affects on real people.

Wake up, dummy
1. I repeat, fuck you.

2. Crime exploded with the Baby Boom and Liberal polices colliding. ONly a partisan hack would deny it was a real issue. Of course Prison populations rise. And Race Card play noted and laughed at.

Of course it was a real issue. But the solution should have been addressing poverty and the ready availability of guns, not creating a prison industrial complex built on human misery, which is EXACTLY what conservatives did. So while Japan or Germany lock up less than 100,000 people, we lock up TWO FUCKING MILLION.

3. Nixon wasn't President during those years. It was Democratic Presidents who dragged their feet. Your denial is pathetic. Nixon moved on this and this alone would ruin any Theory of a Southern Strategy, if you were rational.

No, it was the Southern STATES that dragged their feet. JFK and LBJ had to do the heavier lifting on desegregation, like voting rights, busting up the KKK, ending Jim Crow, ending Poll Taxes, Ending "Literacy Tests". Desegregating the Schools was pretty much the last thing on a long checklist, and Tricky Dick dug in his heals until the courts told him to do it.

4. YOur claim that Affirmative Action was not meant to help blacks is nonsensical. Nixon hugely advanced AA and did it to help blacks.

Tricky Dick did nothing of the sort. Congress did these things. And they did it because you had riots in the streets demanding change. Quit trying to make Tricky Dick into a hero. The guy fucking resigned in disgrace.

5 Ken Mehlman was a fool. And citing him does not distract from the points I made that you cannot counter. Goldwater was a life long supporter of Civil Rights. Nixon obviously did NOT pursue the Southern Strategy as I have shown, Reagan mentioned concerns about welfare dependency once or twice and abuse were and are valid, and Willie Horton was a scary murderous rapist asshole that only a mad fool would have let out.

guy, you can keep pretending your boys weren't race baiting assholes, but the scoreboard says otherwise. Goldwater got a whopping 6% of hte black vote in 1964, and you guys have been in the cellar ever since. So one of two things.

a) 90% of blacks are stupid.
b) Your party really has engaged in 50 years or racist stupidity

I'm going with b.

6. I already explained the difference between giving someone credit for something they had a huge campaign to achieve, as Reagan did with fighting the Soviet Union, and something he mentioned once or twice. You are the one who is being selective in your thinking based on what serves your political purposed.

Well, no Reagan spent a very long time playing on White fears, distracting stupid people while dismantling the Middle Class. So he did work on it for a long time, and we are still paying for it today. And frankly, I'd rather have the USSR back than have to deal with the Jihadists Reagan armed.

7. YOur really didn't address my points other than unsupported denial and some moving of the goal posts, so, here it is again.
Your regional bigotry is noted. The point stands. The GOP policy has been pro-civil rights since forever. The Racists of the SOuth, despite your own bigotry are not stupid enough to miss that.

Again, guy, if your party has a problem with blacks, there's PROBABLY A GOOD REASON FOR IT. Seriously, you are coming off like the wife beater who wonders why his wife cut off his schlong after all he's done for her.

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