Mexico mayor assassinated one day after taking office

You link me to the Huffington Post?

This is the first sentence I read.

"Republican futility is fueled by vapid intellectual disdain exhibited towards vision, wisdom, and long-term thinking, and a rejection of the foundational tenets of scientific inquiry. "

Seriously? You expect me to take that seriously?

I specified earlier that the "people" who told me that Working CLass whites, like my family were "racist" were the libs in the Media, from newspapers, magazines and books.

I never gave any thought to their race, I was discussing their ideas, which did not match with my observations of reality.

THe topic, at this point is your support of your claim about the Southern Strategy.

You will need to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the SOuthern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon.

OR, something of a similar scale in impact and duration.

I can't imagine what that would be. Neither has any other of the few libs that have tried to seriously support their position on this Myth.
Do I really have to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the Southern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon?

I suspect you think more of the southern strategy than it actually is. The GOP already has those whites. Their every policy is anti black/poor. Sometimes its not as obvious. Do I need to explain that too?

No no. There is too much for me to explain. I'm not letting you drag me into explaining it all and debating it all with you. I know what I know, you know what you know. 200 pages later aint gonna change your mind or mine.

The GOP did NOT have those whites in 68 when Nixon supposedly started the "Southern Strategy".

So what did he "do" to get them?

Every policy is anti-black? LOL! be serious!

Have you never considered this seriously before? Never once questioned what you were told?

You're not going to change my mind, if all you can say is "I know".

You might change your mind if you try to defend your belief system and completely fail.

I could tell you what some other libs have said, and how I demolished their attempts.

Would you like to start there?

Might save you some work.
No because you aren't convincing at all.

It's not about me. It's about your complete inability to make your case.

I mean when I asked you to support your belief in the Southern Strategy you posted that Nixon legalized abortion, then some code word stuff right after I told you not to do that, and then some accusations of GWBush doing push polls.

I mean, come on.

Now, you're at work. YOu might be telling yourself that when you have some uninterrupted time tonight you can do better.

Go with that. Focus on work while you are at work, and then when you come home just review Nixon or the Southern Strategy.

IF it's real, it shouldn't be hard to find how he got tens of millions of voters to flip parties.

It's got to be BIG...

Hey, this might help. Imagine what you would have to do to flip it BACK for the dems today.

It should give you an idea of what to look for historically.

Best of luck!
I guess you know better than the head of the RNC.

The perception that the Republican Party had served as the "vehicle of white supremacy in the South," particularly during the Goldwater campaign and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, has made it difficult for the Republican Party to win the support of black voters in the south in later years. In 2005,Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.

And mehlman has no idea what he is talking about, Nixon and Goldwater were not racists in any stretch of the imagination.....they have been lied about for decades and he decided to repeat the lie rather than explain the truth....all to get points with the left who will hate him anyway......
Libs can't point to one example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racist that doe not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

The SOuthern Strategy is a myth.

So Nixon's people admitting their was a Southern Strategy means there really wasn't one?
Libs can't point to one example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racist that doe not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

The SOuthern Strategy is a myth.

So Nixon's people admitting their was a Southern Strategy means there really wasn't one?

there wasn't a southern strategy....we have posted this over and over...
The southern strategy was a patterns in the election show it as well...

he creator of the southern strategy was rejected….

Nixon’s Southern Strategy: The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control Over the Black Community | Black Quill and Ink

The media coverage of the 1968 presidential race also showed that Nixon was in favor of the Civil Rights and would not compromise on that issue. For example, in an article published in theWashington Post on September 15, 1968 headlined “Nixon Sped Integration, Wallace says” Wallace declared that Nixon agreed with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and played a role in ”the destruction of public school system.” Wallace pledged to restore the school system, in the same article, by giving it back to the states ”lock, stock, and barrel.”

This story, as well as Nixon’s memoirs and other news stories during that campaign, shows that Nixon was very clear about his position on civil rights. And if Nixon was used code words only racists could hear, evidently George Wallace couldn’t hear it.

Among the southern states, George Wallace won Arkansas , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia and Louisiana . Nixon won North Carolina , South Carolina , Florida , Virginia , and Tennessee . Winning those states were part of Nixon’s plan.

“I would not concede the Carolina ‘s, Florida , or Virginia or the states around the rim of the south,”Nixon wrote. ”These states were a part of my plan.”

At that time, the entire southern region was the poorest in the country. The south consistently lagged behind the rest of the United States in income. And according to the

“U.S. Regional Growth and Convergence,” by Kris James Mitchener and Ian W. McLean, per capita income for southerners was almost half as much as it was for Americans in other regions.

Nixon won those states strictly on economic issues. He focused on increasing tariffs on foreign imports to protect the manufacturing and agriculture industries of those states. Some southern elected officials agreed to support him for the sake of their economies, including South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond.

“I had been consulting privately with Thurmond for several months and I was convinced that he’d join my campaign if he were satisfied on the two issues of paramount concern to him: national defense and tariffs against textile imports to protect South Carolina ‘s position in the industry.”Nixon wrote in his memoirs.

In fact, Nixon made it clear to the southern elected officials that he would not compromise on the civil rights issue.

“On civil rights, Thurmond knew my position was very different from his,” Nixon wrote. “I was for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and he was against it. Although he disagreed with me, he respected my sincerity and candor.”

- See more at: Nixon’s Southern Strategy: The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control Over the Black Community | Black Quill and Ink
And another link showing the Southern Strategy was a democrat lie....

Red state article on Southern strategy myth…..detailed….good look

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority | RedState

Goldwater had supported the 1957 and 1960 acts but believed that Title II and Title VII of the 1964 bill were unconstitutional, based in part on a 75-page brief from Robert Bork. But far from extending a welcoming hand to southern segregationists, he named as his running mate a New York representative, William E. Miller, who had been the co-author of Republican civil-rights legislation in the 1950s.

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.”

Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.
Is it possible that the mayor was murdered with one of the weapons the ATF shipped to Mexico? I bet the FBI and the CIA are bending over backwards not to investigate the incident.

THe lib Myth of the Southern Strategy claims that in one very important regard that the Party HAS NOT CHANGED.

If you are going to back up your claim that I am wrong, you need to demonstrate a long standing policy of pandering to Racists White Southerns.

You've been doing it since 1964, when Barry "Deep Down you KNow he's Nuts" Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and won five Southern States.

Then Nixon pandered to the racists in the Southern Strategy trying to pick up the Wallace votes.

Finally, Reagan talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks and Bush-41 showed us scary pictures of "Willie Horton" who never called himself Willie.
there wasn't a southern strategy....we have posted this over and over...

Yes, I know it embarrasses you. Then you claim that it's okay for cops to shoot black children with toy guns while thinking it's okay for armed terrorists to seize government property if they are white.
And another link showing the Southern Strategy was a democrat lie....

Red state article on Southern strategy myth…..detailed….good look

Red State? Seriously?

Look, man, if you want to unwind the last 50 years of your racism, maybe you can start by not trying to snatch food out of the mouths of poor black children and not kneejerk support every thug cop who shoots an unarmed black child.

But don't try to pull the "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes" trick. Because that never works.
Mexico has some very strict gun laws, worse than anything here except perhaps for Chicago, DC and other such crime-ridden hellholes.

So how could this have happened?
Apparently miscreants that are willing to commit murder have no respect for gun control laws.... who'd have thunk it? :cool:
Mexico has some very strict gun laws, worse than anything here except perhaps for Chicago, DC and other such crime-ridden hellholes.

Uh Mexico has a right to own guns in their constitution, just like we do. their guns laws aren't really all that strict. The fact the US Gun industry dumps a quarter million guns into Mexico is a large part of the problem.
Who dumped guns in Mexico???

I thought Obama dumped guns in Mexico.
You link me to the Huffington Post?

This is the first sentence I read.

"Republican futility is fueled by vapid intellectual disdain exhibited towards vision, wisdom, and long-term thinking, and a rejection of the foundational tenets of scientific inquiry. "

Seriously? You expect me to take that seriously?

I specified earlier that the "people" who told me that Working CLass whites, like my family were "racist" were the libs in the Media, from newspapers, magazines and books.

I never gave any thought to their race, I was discussing their ideas, which did not match with my observations of reality.

THe topic, at this point is your support of your claim about the Southern Strategy.

You will need to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the SOuthern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon.

OR, something of a similar scale in impact and duration.

I can't imagine what that would be. Neither has any other of the few libs that have tried to seriously support their position on this Myth.
Do I really have to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the Southern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon?

I suspect you think more of the southern strategy than it actually is. The GOP already has those whites. Their every policy is anti black/poor. Sometimes its not as obvious. Do I need to explain that too?

No no. There is too much for me to explain. I'm not letting you drag me into explaining it all and debating it all with you. I know what I know, you know what you know. 200 pages later aint gonna change your mind or mine.

The GOP did NOT have those whites in 68 when Nixon supposedly started the "Southern Strategy".

So what did he "do" to get them?

Every policy is anti-black? LOL! be serious!

Have you never considered this seriously before? Never once questioned what you were told?

You're not going to change my mind, if all you can say is "I know".

You might change your mind if you try to defend your belief system and completely fail.

I could tell you what some other libs have said, and how I demolished their attempts.

Would you like to start there?

Might save you some work.
No because you aren't convincing at all.

It's not about me. It's about your complete inability to make your case.

I mean when I asked you to support your belief in the Southern Strategy you posted that Nixon legalized abortion, then some code word stuff right after I told you not to do that, and then some accusations of GWBush doing push polls.

I mean, come on.

Now, you're at work. YOu might be telling yourself that when you have some uninterrupted time tonight you can do better.

Go with that. Focus on work while you are at work, and then when you come home just review Nixon or the Southern Strategy.

IF it's real, it shouldn't be hard to find how he got tens of millions of voters to flip parties.

It's got to be BIG...

Hey, this might help. Imagine what you would have to do to flip it BACK for the dems today.

It should give you an idea of what to look for historically.

Best of luck!

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a strategy by some Republican Party candidates of gaining political support in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.

You think this strategy is a myth?

Maybe it's just coincidence that after the civil rights movement whites went from voting Democratic to Republican. Maybe blacks had nothing to do with it. Why did the south leave the Democratic party then?

During this period, Republican politicians such as Presidential candidate Richard Nixon worked to attract southern white conservative voters (most of whom had traditionally supported the Democratic Party) to the Republican Party,[4] and Senator Barry Goldwater won the five formerly Confederate states of the Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) in the 1964 presidential election. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Nixon won Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee, all former Confederate states, contributing to the electoral realignmentthat saw many white, southern voters shift allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during this period.

Tell me why your racist kin switched parties.

Maybe instead of making me guess you can tell me why they switched parties???

1. The Civil Rights Act that passed Congress with more Republican Support than Democratic Support? SO in order to get back at their Democratic Party that supported the Civil Rights Act, they leave and go join the party that supported it MORE?! I'm not following how that works.

2. So Richard Nixon "worked to attract southern white conservative voters"? And how did he do that? It's not covered in your link. I would think that would be an important part of any discussion of the Southern Strategy, ie what racist policies did he advance to appeal to the racist voters. And yet, it never is.

3. Why do I think "they" switched? That was discussed in the article about the academic study that I linked you to, and which I discussed. The flip of the South was caused by the growth of a more well to do, Middle Class that was open to the policies of the GOP. The poor whites stayed loyal dems well into the 90s.
You link me to the Huffington Post?

This is the first sentence I read.

"Republican futility is fueled by vapid intellectual disdain exhibited towards vision, wisdom, and long-term thinking, and a rejection of the foundational tenets of scientific inquiry. "

Seriously? You expect me to take that seriously?

I specified earlier that the "people" who told me that Working CLass whites, like my family were "racist" were the libs in the Media, from newspapers, magazines and books.

I never gave any thought to their race, I was discussing their ideas, which did not match with my observations of reality.

THe topic, at this point is your support of your claim about the Southern Strategy.

You will need to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the SOuthern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon.

OR, something of a similar scale in impact and duration.

I can't imagine what that would be. Neither has any other of the few libs that have tried to seriously support their position on this Myth.
Do I really have to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the Southern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon?

I suspect you think more of the southern strategy than it actually is. The GOP already has those whites. Their every policy is anti black/poor. Sometimes its not as obvious. Do I need to explain that too?

No no. There is too much for me to explain. I'm not letting you drag me into explaining it all and debating it all with you. I know what I know, you know what you know. 200 pages later aint gonna change your mind or mine.

The GOP did NOT have those whites in 68 when Nixon supposedly started the "Southern Strategy".

So what did he "do" to get them?

Every policy is anti-black? LOL! be serious!

Have you never considered this seriously before? Never once questioned what you were told?

You're not going to change my mind, if all you can say is "I know".

You might change your mind if you try to defend your belief system and completely fail.

I could tell you what some other libs have said, and how I demolished their attempts.

Would you like to start there?

Might save you some work.
No because you aren't convincing at all.

It's not about me. It's about your complete inability to make your case.

I mean when I asked you to support your belief in the Southern Strategy you posted that Nixon legalized abortion, then some code word stuff right after I told you not to do that, and then some accusations of GWBush doing push polls.

I mean, come on.

Now, you're at work. YOu might be telling yourself that when you have some uninterrupted time tonight you can do better.

Go with that. Focus on work while you are at work, and then when you come home just review Nixon or the Southern Strategy.

IF it's real, it shouldn't be hard to find how he got tens of millions of voters to flip parties.

It's got to be BIG...

Hey, this might help. Imagine what you would have to do to flip it BACK for the dems today.

It should give you an idea of what to look for historically.

Best of luck!

Here is what authors on your side say:

This view has been questioned by historians such as Matthew Lassiter, Kevin M. Kruse, and Joseph Crespino, who have presented an alternative, "bottom up" narrative, which Lassiter has called the "suburban strategy." This narrative recognizes the centrality of racial backlash to the political realignment of the South, but suggests that this backlash took the form of a defense of de facto segregation in the suburbs, rather of overt resistance to racial integration, and that the story of this backlash is a national, rather than a strictly southern one.

In other words whites got defensive to segregation. They weren't overtly racist about it. And that it wasn't just the south.

Can you show me any conservative authors or links that back up what you are suggesting? Which I don't even know what you are suggesting. What are you suggesting? That civil rights had nothing to do with whites leaving the Democratic party?

1. Whites got defensive to segregation? I'm not sure exactly what you mean, and I'm not seeing how that supports your position on the Southern Strategy. It is not racist to flee the dysfunction of Democratically run cities with large black populations. You live in Detroit. Your Childhood was one of getting your white ass beat by racist blacks. You know what I am talking about.

2. Well, no Conservatives authors come to mind. There is the link to the liberals sociologists who's study/book was discussed in the New York Times.

Here it is again.

Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.”
You link me to the Huffington Post?

This is the first sentence I read.

"Republican futility is fueled by vapid intellectual disdain exhibited towards vision, wisdom, and long-term thinking, and a rejection of the foundational tenets of scientific inquiry. "

Seriously? You expect me to take that seriously?

I specified earlier that the "people" who told me that Working CLass whites, like my family were "racist" were the libs in the Media, from newspapers, magazines and books.

I never gave any thought to their race, I was discussing their ideas, which did not match with my observations of reality.

THe topic, at this point is your support of your claim about the Southern Strategy.

You will need to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the SOuthern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon.

OR, something of a similar scale in impact and duration.

I can't imagine what that would be. Neither has any other of the few libs that have tried to seriously support their position on this Myth.
Do I really have to show policies designed by Nixon to appeal to the Southern Racists, and that those policies have been part of every GOP platform since then, as the Southern Strategy has supposedly been in operation since Nixon?

I suspect you think more of the southern strategy than it actually is. The GOP already has those whites. Their every policy is anti black/poor. Sometimes its not as obvious. Do I need to explain that too?

No no. There is too much for me to explain. I'm not letting you drag me into explaining it all and debating it all with you. I know what I know, you know what you know. 200 pages later aint gonna change your mind or mine.

The GOP did NOT have those whites in 68 when Nixon supposedly started the "Southern Strategy".

So what did he "do" to get them?

Every policy is anti-black? LOL! be serious!

Have you never considered this seriously before? Never once questioned what you were told?

You're not going to change my mind, if all you can say is "I know".

You might change your mind if you try to defend your belief system and completely fail.

I could tell you what some other libs have said, and how I demolished their attempts.

Would you like to start there?

Might save you some work.
No because you aren't convincing at all.

It's not about me. It's about your complete inability to make your case.

I mean when I asked you to support your belief in the Southern Strategy you posted that Nixon legalized abortion, then some code word stuff right after I told you not to do that, and then some accusations of GWBush doing push polls.

I mean, come on.

Now, you're at work. YOu might be telling yourself that when you have some uninterrupted time tonight you can do better.

Go with that. Focus on work while you are at work, and then when you come home just review Nixon or the Southern Strategy.

IF it's real, it shouldn't be hard to find how he got tens of millions of voters to flip parties.

It's got to be BIG...

Hey, this might help. Imagine what you would have to do to flip it BACK for the dems today.

It should give you an idea of what to look for historically.

Best of luck!
I guess you know better than the head of the RNC.

The perception that the Republican Party had served as the "vehicle of white supremacy in the South," particularly during the Goldwater campaign and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, has made it difficult for the Republican Party to win the support of black voters in the south in later years. In 2005,Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.

Yes. I do.

Ken Melhman was born in 1966 long after these events. He learned about them the same way I did, from Union teachers in our government run schools.

THe difference is he never questioned what he was taught and looked to verify it himself.

If I met him, I would ask him the same questions I am asking you.

I assume I would get the same answers, or lack there of.
Sorry if you don't like the source


Bush Waged Nasty Smear Campaign Against McCain in 2000
Bush Supporters Called McCain “The Fag Candidate.” In South Carolina, Bush supporters circulated church fliers that labeled McCain “the fag candidate.” Columnist Frank Rich noted that the fliers were distributed “even as Bush subtly reinforced that message by indicating he wouldn’t hire openly gay people for his administration.”

McCain Slurs Included Illegitimate Children, Homosexuality And A Drug-Addict Wife.
Among the rumors circulated against McCain in 2000 in South Carolina was that his adopted Bangladeshi daughter was actually black, that McCain was both gay and cheated on his wife, and that his wife Cindy was a drug addict.”

Bush Campaign Used Code Words to Question McCain’s Temper.
“A smear campaign of the ugliest sort is now coursing through the contest for the presidency in 2000. Using the code word "temper," a group of Senate Republicans, and at least some outriders of the George W. Bush campaign, are spreading the word that John McCain is unstable. The subtext, also suggested in this whispering campaign, is that he returned from 5 1/2 years as a POW in North Vietnam with a loose screw. And it is bruited about that he shouldn't be entrusted with nuclear weapons.”

Bush Supporters Questioned McCain’s Sanity.
“Some of George W. Bush's supporters have questioned Republican presidential candidate John McCain's fitness for the White House, suggesting that his five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam drove him insane at the time.”

Bush Supporters Spread Racist Rumors About McCain’s Daughter.
Bush supporters in South Carolina made race-baiting phone calls saying that McCain had a “black child.” The McCains’ daughter, Bridget, was adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh. In August 2000, columnist Maureen Dowd wrote that the McCains “are still seething about Bush supporters in South Carolina spreading word of their dark-skinned adopted daughter.”

Rove Suggests Former POW McCain Committed Treason and Fathered Child With Black Prostitute.
In 2000, McCain operatives in SC accused Rove of spreading rumors against McCain, such as “suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute,” according to the New Yorker.

After Rove Denied Role In McCain Whisper Campaign, Reporters Concluded He Was Behind It.
A December 1999 Dallas Morning News linked Rove to a series of campaign dirty tricks, including his College Republican efforts, allegedly starting a whisper campaign about Ann Richard being too gay-friendly, spreading stories about Jim Hightower’s involvement in a kickback scheme and leaking the educational history of Lena Guerrero. The article also outlined current dirty tricks and whisper campaigns against McCain in South Carolina, including that “McCain may be unstable as a result of being tortured while a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.” (DMN, 12/2/99) After the article was published, Rove blasted Slater in the Manchester, NH airport, “nose to nose” according to one witness, with Rove claiming Slater had “harmed his reputation,” Slater later noted. But according to one witness, “What was interesting then is that everyone on the campaign charter concluded that Rove was responsible for rumors about McCain.”

Rove Was In Close Touch With McConnell, McCain-Feingold’s Chief Opponent.
Senior White House adviser Karl Rove was in close contact with Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) during McConnell’s effort to fight the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Bill in the U.S. Senate. According to Newsweek, though Rove and Bush have publicly kept their distance from McConnell on the issue, “sources tell Newsweek that Rove is, in fact, in close touch with McConnell as GOP experts study the bill for hidden land mines.”

Bush Campaign Accused of Using Push Polls Against McCain.
College of Charleston student Suzette Latsko said she received a telephone call from a woman who identified herself as an employee of Voter/Consumer Research, and that the caller misrepresented McCain’s positions and asked if Latsko knew McCain had been reprimanded for interfering with federal regulators in the savings and loan scandal. Voter/Consumer Research is listed as a polling contractor on Bush’s Federal Election Commission filings; the Bush campaign has paid Voter/Consumer Research $93,000 through December 31, 1999. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer denied the call was a push poll, but said it was important that the Republican Party remember McCain’s role in the S&L crisis.

Bush Campaign Acknowledged Making Phone Calls.
Tucker Eskew, Bush’s South Carolina spokesman, acknowledged the Bush campaign made such calls, but claimed they were not “push polls.” Eskew added, “Show me a baseless comment in those questions.”

Bush Used Fringe Veterans Group to Attack McCain as “Manchurian Candidate.”
“In the case of Ted Sampley, the same guy who did Bush's dirty work in going after Sen. John McCain in the 2000 Republican primaries is doing the job against Kerry this year. Sampley dared compare McCain, who spent five years as a Vietnam POW, with ‘the Manchurian Candidate.’”

Sampley Called McCain a “Coward” and a Traitor.
“Sampley… accused McCain of being a weak-minded coward who had escaped death by collaborating with the enemy. Sampley claimed that McCain had first been compromised by the Vietnamese, then recruited by the Soviets.”

A mix of unproven accusations mixed with filler. Push Polls? REally? THat is crappy.

That is not the Southern Strategy.

What policies of Bush's was aimed at pandering to White Racists, specifically in the South?
In 2005,Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.

Are you calling the head of the RNC a liar?

I asked you what policies of Bush were aimed at pandering to White Racists, specifically in the South.

You cite me an RNC chairman who states that the GOP "exploited racial polarization to win elections and ignored the black vote".

He didn't say how we supposedly did that either. Did you notice that?

And we have repeatedly tried to win some of the black vote. We just fail miserably. That is not ignoring it.
Libs can't point to one example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racist that doe not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

The SOuthern Strategy is a myth.

So Nixon's people admitting their was a Southern Strategy means there really wasn't one?

YOur reply is not an example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racists, that does not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

You've got nothing.

THe lib Myth of the Southern Strategy claims that in one very important regard that the Party HAS NOT CHANGED.

If you are going to back up your claim that I am wrong, you need to demonstrate a long standing policy of pandering to Racists White Southerns.

You've been doing it since 1964, when Barry "Deep Down you KNow he's Nuts" Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and won five Southern States.

Then Nixon pandered to the racists in the Southern Strategy trying to pick up the Wallace votes.

Finally, Reagan talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks and Bush-41 showed us scary pictures of "Willie Horton" who never called himself Willie.

And of course you are lying about Goldwater…..he supported every single Civil Rights act, desegregated the Arizona national Guard before Truman did it to the Army, funded the NAACP chapter in Arizona and supported every single civil rights move there was……

Nixon did not pander to any racist…you saw the platform he actually ran on….not racist, the exact opposite….

And it wasn't Reagan who brought up welfare queens…

We have this thing now called the internet…in the old days you guys could lie all day long and couldn't be called on it….you can't do that anymore….
And another link showing the Southern Strategy was a democrat lie....

Red state article on Southern strategy myth…..detailed….good look

Red State? Seriously?

Look, man, if you want to unwind the last 50 years of your racism, maybe you can start by not trying to snatch food out of the mouths of poor black children and not kneejerk support every thug cop who shoots an unarmed black child.

But don't try to pull the "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes" trick. Because that never works.

The democrats murdered blacks, instituted poll taxes and literacy tests and fought every single piece of Civil Rights legislation….the democrat party is the home of all racism in the United States…every major core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist as are it's current leaders.

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