Mic drop on Biden's EV executive Actions..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A mic drop is the gesture of intentionally dropping one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech to signal triumph

sound of mike drop

Car said it won’t provide further funding to Polestar, the electric-car maker it created with Volvo’s Chinese owner Geely—the latest EV retrenchment by the global auto industry.
The auto industry’s pivot to electric vehicles has been rocked by setbacks this year, just as a flood of new battery-powered models is hitting showrooms.

Earlier this week, French automaker

said it has decided to cancel the initial public offering of its electric-car unit Ampere. Ford, meanwhile, has slashed production of its electric F-150 Lightning, a pickup truck that has generated major buzz since its launch. Rental-car firm Hertz has said it was dumping about one-third of its EV rental car fleet, replacing the cars with gas-engine vehicles.

Also earlier this week,

—the world’s most valuable automaker—warned of notably lower growth this year. Data earlier this year has shown a slowdown in EV sales growth in the U.S., automakers delaying or cutting back on plans and anxiety rising among dealership owners.

New Report Shows Electric Vehicles Are Unreliable — These 3 Are the Worst​

Electric vehicles that typically weigh more than gasoline-powered cars can easily crash through steel highway guardrails that are not designed to withstand the extra force, raising concerns about the nation’s roadside safety system, according to crash test data released Wednesday by the University of Nebraska.
Gee, who could see this coming?


That shit has to happen organically by the free market.
What are we going to do with all those High Speed EV charging stations? Too late to get our money back?
What are we going to do with all those High Speed EV charging stations? Too late to get our money back?

Congress provided $7.5B for electric vehicle chargers. Built so far: Zero.​

The sluggish rollout could undermine President Joe Biden’s reelection messaging promoting electric vehicles
as of :
12/05/2023 05:00 AM EST

Congress at the urging of the Biden administration agreed in 2021 to spend $7.5 billion to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle chargers across the country, aiming to appease anxious drivers while tackling climate change.
Two years later, the program has yet to install a single charger.
I'm for the country taking all that money we're sending and spending throughout the Mid-East and putting a portion of it into EV research and our electric infrastructure. Oil has empowered that Islamic region.
I'm for the country taking all that money we're sending and spending throughout the Mid-East and putting a portion of it into EV research and our electric infrastructure. Oil has empowered that Islamic region.
Fossil fuels (Oil) has empowered America. Your president though wants to do what you do evidently...
Biden as President said..."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

In the meantime the USA oil industry will continue to raise gas prices affecting you directly and indirectly with higher goods/services prices. That figure has not been calculated. But here is a fact:
America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States
and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product.

If oil and gas prices go up just 25% more over the next 10 years DUE to emphasis on EVs replacing gasoline,
figure this:
Today's US GDP is at a current level of $27.94 trillion.
8% of $28 trillion is $2,240,000,000,000.
If that increases by 25% or nearly 1/2 Trillion dollars increase in GDP due to prices increasing, etc. for gas.
This works out to an additional cost of living to each of the 200 million Americans over age 18 and under 65
Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia
of $2,773 per person per year in the 10th year.
The median U.S. household income was $74,580. Adjusting for inflation, median household income dropped 2.2% from 2021 to 2022. Adjusting for inflation, the median household income has declined every year since 2019, when it was $78,250.
https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/average-us income/#:~:text=The%20average%20U.S.%20household%20income,2019%2C%20when%20it%20was%20%2478%2C250.

During that 10 years the median household income would see a increase in American household's monthly expenses total approximately $6,081, equating to $72,967 annually The Average American's Household Expenses Are $6,081 A Month Or $72,967 A Year — But The Median Annual Household Income Is Just $74,580.
or due to 25% increase in gas prices about 5% increase in household expenses due to gas prices.

Is Joe to be blamed for the poorly engineered EV's with defects along with the heart break of psoriasis? From a policy perspective supporting a transition to more EV's is the correct long term goal.

Is Joe to be blamed for the poorly engineered EV's with defects along with the heart break of psoriasis? From a policy perspective supporting a transition to more EV's is the correct long term goal.

Yes, it his his fault for rushing to mandate a product still in its infancy.

Let the market decide when they want EVs.

Is Joe to be blamed for the poorly engineered EV's with defects along with the heart break of psoriasis? From a policy perspective supporting a transition to more EV's is the correct long term goal.
But for someone who touted "unity"

On-the-Record Press Call on President Biden’s Unity Agenda Ahead of the State of the Union​

This truly ignorant Chief Executive of the USA was so stupid and divisive when he said this:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

If Biden had said the following:" "We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
If Biden had said this the fossil fuel industry as typified by this statement by
With Biden as President the oil companies said and I quote the CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

The prices went up because the oil industry said.."we'd better make our profits while we have a product to sell!"
So Biden took office in 2021.. Gas was $2.420/gal Jan21..went up and up and up to the highest in 6/22 of $5.032... more than 107% higher under Biden!
So much for the "unifier" president!
Remember, America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States
and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product.

Is Joe to be blamed for the poorly engineered EV's with defects along with the heart break of psoriasis? From a policy perspective supporting a transition to more EV's is the correct long term goal.
But there has been NO plan to increase electricity generating plants... which re-chargers need charge EVs.
FACTS are:

So if all the cars and trucks on the road each day use:

115 million cars and trucks hitting American streets every day.
How many kWh for average car and truck to travel 1 mile...
On average, Americans drive about 14,000 miles per year, and based on data from fueleconomy.gov, EVs consume an average of 0.35 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per mile driven. Given these numbers: 14,000 miles per year equals roughly 38.4 miles per day. With a level 2 home EV charger, that's about 13.4 kWh of electricity daily
So 115 million cars and trucks per day using 13.4 kWh per day or 1,541,000,000 kWh per day...
assuming 5 days per week times 52 weeks or 260 days or 400,660,000,000 kWh or a 10% increase in electricity usage.
With the average power plant generating 475,134,611 kWh per year divided into 400.6 Billion kWh for EVs means
an additional 843 electric power plants. At a cost to construct a nuclear power plant per kWh $7,000,000,000
$5,901,000,000,000 to build the 843 plants.
BUT wait...
Biden has guaranteed to rid fossil fuels..
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So that means Biden wants to get rid of 61% of electric power plants or 3,400 fossil fueled plants that provide 61% of our electricity!
So if Biden guarantees to rid fossil fuels that mean another 3,400 plants have to be replaced or at cost of
$7 billion per nuclear plant that will be another $23,800,000,000,000 !
Combined with fossil fuel plants replacement and additional kWh for EVs of $6 trillion or about $30 Trillion...
all to meet Biden's desire to rid "fossil fuels"!
There are 123.6 million households..
$30 trillion divided by 123.6 million households is $192,000 per household... how will we pay for it?

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