Michael Cohen office raided by FBI

No, dope.

Money. Try reading the post I responded to that you conveniently omitted.
Then, why are they going after all the client files? You know. The stuff that is privileged and confidential?

Here you go, dumbass. Next time, answer your own questions.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Not all attorney-client communications are privileged.

The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client’s communication to her attorney isn’t privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client’s intent determines whether the exception applies. Most courts will apply the exception even if the attorney had no knowledge of, and didn’t participate in, the actual crime or fraud.

The crime-fraud exception applies if:

  • the client was in the process of committing or intended to commit a crime or fraudulent act, and
  • the client communicated with the lawyer with intent to further the crime or fraud, or to cover it up.
More here.

The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Please explain how that is relevant to ALL OTHER COHEN CLIENTS.

I am not talking about Trump.


I will wait for your idiotic reply.
Every scrap is subject to a motion to suppress.

See Cohen is not charged with a criminal conspiracy. No one is. Trump isn't even charged with a criminal conspiracy. A prosecutor does not get to investigate just to investigate and hope they find a criminal conspiracy.

A warrant isn't issued without probable cause either.

Like FISA warrants?

Yeah. Just like that, dope.

So you're saying the warrant is as dirty as the FISA warrants?

That's your desperate narrative there, chief.

I'm not an indian.
Fox Noise is blathering what Trump wants his sheep to hear: Mueller out of control, fire him, etc. Trump says witch hunt again. Lol!,,,,,
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

Make no mistake this no knock raid is not about Stormy Daniels.

Robert Mueller could care less about her. Remember that Trump's business records were subpoenaed recently. He's had them for about 2 months now. Mueller has had time to go over those, and Michael Cohen has been very good at setting up shell corporations for Trump--like he did in Delaware over the payment to Stormy Daniels.
Trump lawyer used shell company to pay off ex-porn star: report

Michael Cohen being Trump's personal attorney for decades has a lot of documents on Trump.

It's the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover grabbing Al Capone's accountant, and getting the books.

Al Capone was at least charged with a crime. No one has been charged with a crime.

Umm...the charges come after the investigation and collection of evidence.
you just threatened a Federal Officer....

WHERE exactly did HE threaten to kill anyone?

I "think" he said, "he needs to die".....that's his OPINION.....not a confession.
If he had said "I AM GOING TO KILL HIM".....THAT would be a threat.

Then again, it was "funny" to you when Kathy Griffith portrayed Trumps decapitation or when Snoop Dog threatened Trump....... wasn't it?
It was a crime which is serious enough that a Federal judge felt that the evidence is in danger of disappearing or Cohen could not be trusted to give up. All reports say, Cohen was not expecting this raid to take place. Since he has been with the Liar in Chief for so long, it is hard to say what they may find. I would think a dead boy would start stinking after a day or so....

Federal judges went out of their way to completely ignore the prelim injunction rules for political reasons. I trust federal judges as far as I can throw Michael Moore.

Let's see the affidavits.

You don’t get to see the affidavits.

The attorneys do. Do you know what a Motion to Traverse is? It's a motion to go behind the affidavits and question, under oath, the person who gave the information that the warrant is based on. It's an investigation as to the warrant itself. So yes, the attorneys will certainly get to see the affidavit and everything else too.
You’re not Trump’s attorney.
All I can say is....if they succeed in removing Trump after this extended witch hunt designed to do that in the first place whether Trump is right or wrong.......

And there aren't MILLIONS of angry people in the streets the next day......or the Civil War doesn't start.....

It's over.
Who will Trump fire tonight?

He's gonna light up another empty runway in Syria.

Possibly - but many experts are worried that he'll go apeshit tonight and fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller.
All I can say is....if they succeed in removing Trump after this extended witch hunt designed to do that in the first place whether Trump is right or wrong.......

And there aren't MILLIONS of angry people in the streets the next day......or the Civil War doesn't start.....

It's over.
Yeah you going for your second amendment .... I doubt it ...too many BONE SPURS
The stupid, stupid motherfucker stood up and said he had no knowledge of the $130,000 paid to stormy Daniels and that they should just ask Michael Cohen. And so that’s when Mueller hit the go button.

It is illegal for an attorney to transact and transfer money on behalf of his client without the knowledge of his client. Stupid fucking Trump threw his own lawyer under the bus.
Mr. Cohen is at the center of several aspects of the special counsel’s investigation. He also acknowledged paying $130,000 to Stephanie Clifford, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. on Monday raided the office of President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, seizing records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan obtained the search warrant after receiving a referral from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, according to Mr. Cohen’s lawyer, who called the search “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” The search does not appear to be directly related to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, but likely resulted from information he had uncovered and gave to prosecutors in New York.

“Today the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York executed a series of search warrants and seized the privileged communications between my client, Michael Cohen, and his clients,” said Stephen Ryan, his lawyer. “I have been advised by federal prosecutors that the New York action is, in part, a referral by the Office of Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

More: F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen - The New York Times

Apparently involves Stormy Daniels - and more.

Make no mistake this no knock raid is not about Stormy Daniels.

Robert Mueller could care less about her. Remember that Trump's business records were subpoenaed recently. He's had them for about 2 months now. Mueller has had time to go over those, and Michael Cohen has been very good at setting up shell corporations for Trump--like he did in Delaware over the payment to Stormy Daniels.
Trump lawyer used shell company to pay off ex-porn star: report

Michael Cohen being Trump's personal attorney for decades has a lot of documents on Trump.

It's the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover grabbing Al Capone's accountant, and getting the books.

Al Capone was at least charged with a crime. No one has been charged with a crime.

Well not yet.

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