Michael J Fox - Human Shield

Thank you for your extreme response. I don’t supposed you learned “stuff it” in Bible study. Responding in this thread has been an education to me. The extreme lack of civility displayed by RSR, Hobbitt, Hawk, and ScreamingEagle, underlined what I already knew about the extreme right. It is pathetic when one cannot rationally argue and must resort to epithets and mockery. What class. What brave “men” you are hiding behind the anonymity of a computer screen while you call others who do not share your extremist views ***hole and jack***, while saying ****you, and stuff it. I’m sure you gave each other plenty of well deserved rep points. Good show boys. I will remember you guys the next time I go to the polls to do my part to make sure that your antediluvian, extremist views are defeated.

Didn't know you were so thin-skinned....telling you to "stuff it" is not an extreme epithet. One might say it is a pretty normal response to someone who implies that you're a "religous extremist" which is a pretty classless, mocking epithet itself, which I'm sure comes from the liberal "Book". In addition, as others have mentioned, frustration gets expressed here because you've been avoiding pointed questions, you dance around the facts, not to mention using the aforementioned inappropriate and defamatory label. I usually like your posts but sadly in this thread you are arguing much like a lib.

I, for one, am one American who refuses to be marginalized by the liberal slandering epithet of "religious extremist". I am proud to be a normal Christian who believes in the sanctity of human life and I'm not going to back down on that just because of the nasty smears on religion that liberals deliberately make (as if they have some superior substitute). I'm not a nut. I'm not an extremist. Killing innocent human life does not have a place in my set of ethics....whether you want to call them Christian or not...and they are backed up by science.
Didn't know you were so thin-skinned....telling you to "stuff it" is not an extreme epithet. One might say it is a pretty normal response to someone who implies that you're a "religous extremist" which is a pretty classless, mocking epithet itself, which I'm sure comes from the liberal "Book". In addition, as others have mentioned, frustration gets expressed here because you've been avoiding pointed questions, you dance around the facts, not to mention using the aforementioned inappropriate and defamatory label. I usually like your posts but sadly in this thread you are arguing much like a lib.

I, for one, am one American who refuses to be marginalized by the liberal slandering epithet of "religious extremist". I am proud to be a normal Christian who believes in the sanctity of human life and I'm not going to back down on that just because of the nasty smears on religion that liberals deliberately make (as if they have some superior substitute). I'm not a nut. I'm not an extremist. Killing innocent human life does not have a place in my set of ethics....whether you want to call them Christian or not...and they are backed up by science.

Nope.... I know lots of Christians. And you are, indeed a religious extremist. And you should be marginalized.... not from the practice of your religion, but from forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system.... one in which we don't believe.

I have great respect for religion. You, however, clearly have total and complete disdain for anyone who doesn't think like you. Your assertions are not backed up by science. They are backed up only by your theological beliefs. Unfortunately, a particular percentage of this country seems to be confused about what science is. Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament.
Nope.... I know lots of Christians. And you are, indeed a religious extremist. And you should be marginalized.... not from the practice of your religion, but from forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system.... one in which we don't believe.

I have great respect for religion. You, however, clearly have total and complete disdain for anyone who doesn't think like you. Your assertions are not backed up by science. They are backed up only by your theological beliefs. Unfortunately, a particular percentage of this country seems to be confused about what science is. Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament.

I know lots of Christians= I'm an expert at knowing what a true Christian is.

religious extremist= Anyone that believes the bible to be God's Word, and holds it as a moral, and wise standard for their lives.

Marginalized = Interrnment Camp ala Japanese Americans/WW2?

forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system= Tieing us tolerant folks up, and utililizing water drip torture, car batteries, Spanish Maidens(Inquistion torture tool), sleep dreprevation, starvation, media control(desperate house wives/sex in the city), etc, unmercilessly.

we= All who are truly the enlightened(Better educated, Mensa prodigies,(basically brats).) ones of tolerance, and fairness, and damned well better be heeded or you'll be marginalized.

your theological beliefs.= Code word/phrase for "bible believing Christians", and not those folks killing and maiming in the name of Allah.

respect for religion= As long as it doesn't disagree with or crimp my own philosophical/political/religious agenda.

particular percentage of this country= Archaic, stone age, red neck, apple pie, American Flag, biblicists.

Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament= Good old human secularism repackaged as tolerance. Tolerance for what? Any and all skewed human belief systems, except pure, biblical Christianity, cause pure biblical Christianity makes me uncomfortable as it holds me accountable for my life in total.

Christianity = Stupid, intolerant religion. Jesus was a lunatic, Had a God complex, etc. Right?
I know lots of Christians= I'm an expert at knowing what a true Christian is.

religious extremist= Anyone that believes the bible to be God's Word, and holds it as a moral, and wise standard for their lives.

Marginalized = Interrnment Camp ala Japanese Americans/WW2?

forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system= Tieing us tolerant folks up, and utililizing water drip torture, car batteries, Spanish Maidens(Inquistion torture tool), sleep dreprevation, starvation, media control(desperate house wives/sex in the city), etc, unmercilessly.

we= All who are truly the enlightened(Better educated, Mensa prodigies,(basically brats).) ones of tolerance, and fairness, and damned well better be heeded or you'll be marginalized.

your theological beliefs.= Code word/phrase for "bible believing Christians", and not those folks killing and maiming in the name of Allah.

respect for religion= As long as it doesn't disagree with or crimp my own philosophical/political/religious agenda.

particular percentage of this country= Archaic, stone age, red neck, apple pie, American Flag, biblicists.

Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament= Good old human secularism repackaged as tolerance. Tolerance for what? Any and all skewed human belief systems, except pure, biblical Christianity, cause pure biblical Christianity makes me uncomfortable as it holds me accountable for my life in total.

Christianity = Stupid, intolerant religion. Jesus was a lunatic, Had a God complex, etc. Right?

Any chance of rewriting this post? I don't think you've misrepresented it enough...
I know lots of Christians= I'm an expert at knowing what a true Christian is.

Er.... no. I just know there are varying degrees and I know the difference between someone who adheres to a particular belief system, whatever it is, and fundamentalists..... whether it's Christianity, Judaism or Islam. You'd certainly acknowledge fundamentalist Islam is not the same as regular Islam and you'd certainly acknowledge that fundamentalist Muslims shouldn't be allowed near any governmental system.

religious extremist= Anyone that believes the bible to be God's Word, and holds it as a moral, and wise standard for their lives.

No... religious extremists are anyone who thinks their religion should impact laws that affect others.

Marginalized = Interrnment Camp ala Japanese Americans/WW2?

Yeah... that's what I said.... bizarre correlation to make. That's how you see things? If someone opposes living under your religious rules then it's the same as wanting you to be in an internment camp? I hear there are meds for that type of paranoid thinking.

forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system= Tieing us tolerant folks up, and utililizing water drip torture, car batteries, Spanish Maidens(Inquistion torture tool), sleep dreprevation, starvation, media control(desperate house wives/sex in the city), etc, unmercilessly.

I can't even begin to respond to that one cause it makes no sense. If you'd like, you can try again.

we= All who are truly the enlightened(Better educated, Mensa prodigies,(basically brats).) ones of tolerance, and fairness, and damned well better be heeded or you'll be marginalized.

No... WE... who believe in separating science and religion because they aren't the same thing. I know this concept confuses you.

your theological beliefs.= Code word/phrase for "bible believing Christians", and not those folks killing and maiming in the name of Allah.

Where you getting that one from?

respect for religion= As long as it doesn't disagree with or crimp my own philosophical/political/religious agenda.

No. As long as it doesn't impact on others who don't share your beliefs. Much as this may pain you, you don't live in a theocracy. I'm sure there are wahibbists who bemoan not being able to impose their religious laws on others as much as you do. You should get together with them.

particular percentage of this country= Archaic, stone age, red neck, apple pie, American Flag, biblicists.

You seem to confuse fundamentalist Christian with American. Try again. Once again, you don't live in a theocracy.

Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament= Good old human secularism repackaged as tolerance. Tolerance for what? Any and all skewed human belief systems, except pure, biblical Christianity, cause pure biblical Christianity makes me uncomfortable as it holds me accountable for my life in total.

Christianity in no way makes me uncomfortable. Again... you don't live in a theocracy. You live in a secular country. Deal with it.

Christianity = Stupid, intolerant religion. Jesus was a lunatic, Had a God complex, etc. Right?

No... Jesus was a spiritual leader and healer. He wasn't a scientist and his teachings have nothing to do with science, so stop pretending they do.

Real simple.

Clear enough for you?
I can't even begin to respond to that one cause it makes no sense. If you'd like, you can try again.
I'm pretty sure he's likening primetime network TV with agressive wartime torture.

Wait, maybe he's got a point on that issue. :p:
Nope.... I know lots of Christians. And you are, indeed a religious extremist. And you should be marginalized.... not from the practice of your religion, but from forcing the rest of us to abide by your belief system.... one in which we don't believe.

I have great respect for religion. You, however, clearly have total and complete disdain for anyone who doesn't think like you. Your assertions are not backed up by science. They are backed up only by your theological beliefs. Unfortunately, a particular percentage of this country seems to be confused about what science is. Hint: it isn't in the Old or New Testament.

Of course, as a presumptuous liberal you would think me, President Bush, and ALL the many others who elected President Bush as being "religious extremists"..... :stupid:
(you've marginalized more than half the country)

I wonder, can you definitively answer these questions?

1) how do you define human life?

2) what are your ethics concerning the killing of innocent human life?
Of course, as a presumptuous liberal you would think me, President Bush, and ALL the many others who elected President Bush as being "religious extremists"..... :stupid:
(you've marginalized more than half the country)

Of course being a presumptious uber-religious conservative you would assume that all the people who voted for Bush would hold the same religious views as you....:smoke:
Of course, as a presumptuous liberal you would think me, President Bush, and ALL the many others who elected President Bush as being "religious extremists"..... :stupid:
(you've marginalized more than half the country)

I wonder, can you definitively answer these questions?

1) how do you define human life?

2) what are your ethics concerning the killing of innocent human life?

Whatever definition I have for human life, it is mine and, regardless of what you might see as good intentions, you don't get to define it for me.

My ethics? Again, mine. I wouldn't impose mine on you. So please don't impose yours on me. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?
Whatever definition I have for human life, it is mine and, regardless of what you might see as good intentions, you don't get to define it for me.

My ethics? Again, mine. I wouldn't impose mine on you. So please don't impose yours on me. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Grasping for straws? LOL

Spoken like a typical spineless, waffling, relativist, linguini liberal. :bs1:

and let's not forget tap dancer
Whatever definition I have for human life, it is mine and, regardless of what you might see as good intentions, you don't get to define it for me.
My ethics? Again, mine. I wouldn't impose mine on you. So please don't impose yours on me. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Ok.......you've defined life around your parameters......Does that make them correct?

Oh, you do impose your ethics on others, as you freely express marginalizing(potentially dangerous code word for restricting one's constitutional liberty)

Main Entry: mar·gin·al·ize
Pronunciation: 'märj-n&-"lIz, 'mär-j&-n&l-"Iz
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -ized; -iz·ing
: to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group
- mar·gin·al·i·za·tion /"märj-n&-l&-'zA-sh&n, "mär-j&-n&l-&-/ noun

Pretty scarey talk from a "tolerant" one in our society.

Marginalizing was the one step before the "final solution" in Nazi Germany.

Hittler, did his initial job of "marginalizing", Jews, Biblical Christians, Gypsies, Mentally Retarded, Physically handicapped......etc.. Many became bars of soap and lamp shades in tolerant folk's homes. Therir gold fillings filled the Third Reich's war treasury with thousands of bars of bullion.

Little is mentioned of the myriads of biblical Christians that resisted Nazism and also joined the other unfortunates and martyrs in death camps(Dietrich Bonhoffer, Corrie Ten Boom,......... Ten Boom, risked her life hiding Jews in her home in Denmark. She was finally caught and placed in a concentration camp along with her sister. Corrie miraculously avoided execution through some amazing situations, but her sister died of disease in the camps. Both Corrie and her sister ministered to the the many thousands of Jews that were imprisoned along with them. Corrie's mother and father were both killed by the Nazis.

It was biblical Christians that stood up against Nazism and paid the ulitimate price.

Who are the one's being marginalized, but the ones that can't display a manger scene on church property without it being vandalized, or ruined with Graffitti......or a Jewish Synogog that has Swaztikas spray painted across it's doors.

Do the liberals or their ACLU jump to support these types of intolerance..........NO! They will however jump to the defense of same sex marriages being taught to kindergartners, and condoms as the final solution to HIV, instead of abstinance. Instead of teaching accountability, they encourage victimology.......in all who error on the side of indiscretion. Sin is non'existent. All you do wrong are just victims.......

50 years ago, biblical Christianity was considered common place, and norm in it's tenents in the U.S.

Has society become smarter, more intelligent, or just plain more anti-authoritarian........as it is the Dr. Spock generation(1950's) that is raising another crew of brats without boundaries in their lives.

Did you know that the ultimate of rejection is to give a child everything it "wants".........rather than everything it "needs"? Did you know the best way to create a rebellious child is to give him/her everything possible? Children weren't/aren't taught patience.......and what do you end up with? We are in Iraq for a couple years......we don't get instant victory.........."Let's get out.". WW2 went on from 1941 until 1945........It actually started even earlier into the late 1930's in Europe before the U.S. become involved via Pearl Harbor. A patient, depression beaten generation fought WW2. I doubt that Gen X could handle a WW2 unless it was wrapped-up in a year with next to zero casualties.

We have a generation of children, growing up that are being raised by a "village" rather than a mother at home. Exercise classes and "my time" is paramount over these little one's time and needs of maternal bonding. Pre-schools are growing as fast as weeds.........as Kids are become latch Key kids..........No wonder the latest generations have no moral, ethical, understanding of right and wrong. They have to self-define everything in their lives, as they were never modeled anything of substance by their parents accept, love of material gain, ownership, and me, "myself and I" come first(work and aerobics). If I had that modeling, I would have been ranting, "Hell no I won't go!" too. Thank God, I was able to look and live outside the box, with parents that made time for me.

Instead of being showered with umpteen million toys, I wore-out my Tinker Toys, and Lincoln logs that I had as main toys growing up in the 1950's.

Instead of a myriads of computer games entertaining my senses, I had to learn to find ways of entertaining my sense through playful creativity....i.e.. building roads in the dirt in the back yard, and running my toy cars on them, catching bugs in canning jars, bug collections, stamp collections, making home made kits, riding my bike up to a local lake and going fishing for Blue Gills........instead of jelling my brain in front of the latest computer game.

That's what we're dealing with folks...........a generation thats now starting to vote, and that the democrats are keying in on, that don't want to think outside themselves.......Let someone else fight their battles, let someone else be the one that defends their constitutional rights, let someone else shed their blood so they can enjoy the next Rave.......or get bombed out of their skulls on weed, or alcohol on Friday night or get laid.

This generation is for the most part shallow........they vote for the person that says, "if it feels good, do it!"....the Hell with loving your neighbor as you love yourself". They redefine "love your enemy" to mean, "No war at any cost to us, as long as it doesn't affect my freedoms to indulge in my little self centered world."

Young men nowadays are being raised as spineless wimps. Women, are raised to flaunt their femininity in ways that mock the beauty of their species. Young men are not taught to be gentlemen, but to just be self centered "jerks".

Disclaimer: There are many wonderful, well adjusted young men and women of Gen X and later generations, that have stood against the onslaught of depravity thats thrown at them from every angle that society can muster, but they're rare. Families can't always have stay at home moms, but in some cases they can, but there's an unwillingness to give up the 3,000 sq ft home for the 1500 sq ft home and the ski boat, and the Porsche, inorder that Mom can stay at home and give Junior and Missy a wonderful start in life, while dad brings home the "bread" and models a work ethic of sacrifice for others to his offs-spring.

Kids are bonding more with their daycare providers than with their parents..............Why have kids' if someone else is going to raise them for the most part.........What are the ideals and beliefs of those that will have your kids for 8 hours a day except for hopefully weekends! Thats potentially 40 hours or more a week that some stranger is relating to your gullible little one.

These kids grow up with no moorings/foundations of life.........they don't have goals.......they latch onto causes, but really don't know whats right and whats wrong. They are easy prey for religious, cult entrapments, and extremist political brainwashing........

Look what my vaunted Flower Generation did.......their parents were the "High Ball", country club, generation.......Church was a chore, but sociall acceptable, faith in God was inherited......not a personal relationship/passion. No wonder the Post WW2 parents had these Drop Out Of Society Kids.............Parents lived for their evening let-down drink's before dinner........Church was a hit or miss proposition..........What modeling was this?

I have absolutely no doubts that their off-spring would challenge authority........and basically look for any way to "check-out" of society. Fortunatelly a handfull of these flower kids found some concrete answers in the bible, and we had the great 60's-70's Jesus movement wave........,but not all hit that mark, and many opted for suicide via drugs or the Golden Gate Bridge........

Nowadays, many of the flower generation's offspring are right on this forum. They are questioning authority with a fervor that makes their Hippie parents look like Gold Waterites. Accountability is a swear word........if it's intended or aimed at themselves............it's their mantra if it's aimed at everyone but them.
Whatever definition I have for human life, it is mine and, regardless of what you might see as good intentions, you don't get to define it for me.

My ethics? Again, mine. I wouldn't impose mine on you. So please don't impose yours on me. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Yea, my definition for human life is puberty. So, Im allowed to kill any pre puberesents and you dont have the right to impose your opposing values on me. Therefore, you cant make it against the law, and Im free to do it whenever I want.
Didn't know you were so thin-skinned....telling you to "stuff it" is not an extreme epithet. One might say it is a pretty normal response to someone who implies that you're a "religous extremist" which is a pretty classless, mocking epithet itself, which I'm sure comes from the liberal "Book". In addition, as others have mentioned, frustration gets expressed here because you've been avoiding pointed questions, you dance around the facts, not to mention using the aforementioned inappropriate and defamatory label. I usually like your posts but sadly in this thread you are arguing much like a lib.

I, for one, am one American who refuses to be marginalized by the liberal slandering epithet of "religious extremist". I am proud to be a normal Christian who believes in the sanctity of human life and I'm not going to back down on that just because of the nasty smears on religion that liberals deliberately make (as if they have some superior substitute). I'm not a nut. I'm not an extremist. Killing innocent human life does not have a place in my set of ethics....whether you want to call them Christian or not...and they are backed up by science.

If George Washington were alive today, they would consider him an extremist religous nut. He relied on prayer very often when conducting the revolutionary campaign.
Ok.......you've defined life around your parameters......Does that make them correct?

You miss the point. As an athiest I do not want to impose my will on you. I do not want those tenets in law. Do you want yours?

Hittler, did his initial job of "marginalizing", Jews, Biblical Christians, Gypsies, Mentally Retarded, Physically handicapped......etc.. Many became bars of soap and lamp shades in tolerant folk's homes. Therir gold fillings filled the Third Reich's war treasury with thousands of bars of bullion.

Which has what to do with what she was saying. You know you are drawing a terrible analogy don't you? I find it bizarre that liberals are often accused (rightly sometimes) of being disgusting of comparing Bush to Hitler, and yet here you are...

It was biblical Christians that stood up against Nazism and paid the ulitimate price.

Lotsa folks did and to single out Christians is disingenous and is a slap in the face of those other folks who stood up too. Trust a far right-wing Christian to not be ALL-INCLUSIVE in handing out kudos.

Who are the one's being marginalized, but the ones that can't display a manger scene on church property without it being vandalized, or ruined with Graffitti......or a Jewish Synogog that has Swaztikas spray painted across it's doors.

And those responsible for such actions should be held accountable. What has that got to do with marginalisation? Are you saying that all non-Christians and all non-Jews are responsible for these actions? Who is being marginalised? Where does it stop? Who defines the term and the conditions of said marginalisation?

Do the liberals or their ACLU jump to support these types of intolerance..........NO! They will however jump to the defense of same sex marriages being taught to kindergartners, and condoms as the final solution to HIV, instead of abstinance. Instead of teaching accountability, they encourage victimology.......in all who error on the side of indiscretion. Sin is non'existent. All you do wrong are just victims..

I bet dollars to doughnuts the ACLU would slam such folk if they found out who they were. Abstinance is a joke. People like having sex for fun. Get over it. Education is the only true solution. If you really want two people to stay married forever, have 2.4 children, a dog and picket fence I got some real bad news for you. Not only that, your utopia will never occur due to human nature. Now you can try and deal with the reality of that or hide your head in the sand. As for victimology, what a crock. Another all-encompassing stereotype with nothing to back it up.

We are in Iraq for a couple years......we don't get instant victory.........."Let's get out.". WW2 went on from 1941 until 1945........It actually started even earlier into the late 1930's in Europe before the U.S. become involved via Pearl Harbor. A patient, depression beaten generation fought WW2. I doubt that Gen X could handle a WW2 unless it was wrapped-up in a year with next to zero casualties.

That's right it started in 1939 NOT 1941 and you are being disingenuous again. People who want OUT of Iraq never wanted in, in the first place. So they aren't shouting about getting out because of the time it is taking, they are just reiterating what they wanted in the first place.

We have a generation of children, growing up that are being raised by a "village" rather than a mother at home. Exercise classes and "my time" is paramount over these little one's time and needs of maternal bonding. Pre-schools are growing as fast as weeds.........as Kids are become latch Key kids..........No wonder the latest generations have no moral, ethical, understanding of right and wrong.

What is wrong with being raised by a village? It happens in many parts of the world. And why is the mother not at home? Because mother is at work because your great capitalist society has made it that to get anywhere in life you have to work, work, work - bring in two paychecks just to make ends meet in some instances. I know a TONNE, an absolute TONNE of couples who would love to stay at home but cannot afford to unless they want to rent their whole lives and have nothing for their kids. Both my kids were/are in daycare and are absolutely fine.

They have to self-define everything in their lives, as they were never modeled anything of substance by their parents accept, love of material gain, ownership, and me, "myself and I" come first(work and aerobics).

You can thank your conservative, capitalistic "Greed is good" pals for that eightballs....Lefties are the ones trying to save the planet, plant a tree, stop the slaughter of whales....yeah, real selfish folk those lefties...

Instead of being showered with umpteen million toys, I wore-out my Tinker Toys, and Lincoln logs that I had as main toys growing up in the 1950's. Instead of a myriads of computer games entertaining my senses, I had to learn to find ways of entertaining my sense through playful creativity....i.e.. building roads in the dirt in the back yard, and running my toy cars on them, catching bugs in canning jars, bug collections, stamp collections, making home made kits, riding my bike up to a local lake and going fishing for Blue Gills........instead of jelling my brain in front of the latest computer game.

So you're a luddite? That's your problem? And I bet a generation before yours made their toys last generation to generation. Times change. You think kids don't learn from computer games? You bet your arse they do. You are melancholic for a time that has come and gone. And I bet you parents and grandparents thought you were spoiled too.

That's what were dealing with folks...........a generation thats now starting to vote, and that the democrats are keying in on, that don't want to think outside themselves.......Let someone else fight their battles, let someone else be the one that defends their constitutional rights, let someone else shed their blood so they can enjoy the next Rave.......or get bombed out of their skulls on weed, or alcohol on Friday night or get laid.

Total utter poppycock. Many of them work hard, go to school, have part-time jobs. Most do those other things as well. They always have. You must've lead a very sheltered life...

This generation is for the most part shallow........they vote for the person that says, "if it feels good, do it!"....the Hell with loving your neighbor as you love yourself". They redefine "love your enemy" to mean, "No war at any cost to us, as long as it doesn't affect my freedoms to indulge in my little self centered world.

Can you try any harder to use stereotypical BS without anything to back it up? You think slackers are the norm? How do you know this? What studies have you seen to back up your assertion?

Kids are bonding more with their daycare providers than with their parents..............Why have kids' if someone else is going to raise them for the most part.

Total, utter crap. Spoken like someone who has never had a kid in daycare. Daycare is a two-edged sword. Every teacher I have spoken to knows when a kid has been to daycare. They are more social, usually ahead in reading and writing and don't get as sick as often. On the other hand, the others have had time with their parents.

These kids grow up with no moorings/foundations of life.........they don't have goals.......they latch onto causes, but really don't know whats right and whats wrong. They are easy prey for religious, cult entrapments, and extremist political brainwashing.

I wish I had read your whole post before starting to answer, because now I am seeing you are just having a rant with no substance...bummer (I wasted my time)...

Look what my vaunted Flower Generation did.......their parents were the "High Ball", country club, generation.......Church was a chore, but sociall acceptable, faith in God was inherited......not a personal relationship/passion. No wonder the Post WW2 parents had these Drop Out Of Society Kids.............Parents lived for their evening let-down drink's before dinner........Church was a hit or miss proposition..........What modeling was this?.

Because church has all the answers, right? Life if very complicated. Religion helps some, to others it is a hindrance. Each to their own, which was the whole point of Jillian's post in the first place. I have this mantra that you do what you want to without imposing on me and I'll do the same. This seems to be an objection of yours...

Accountability is a swear word........if it's intended or aimed at themselves............it's their mantra if it's aimed at everyone but them.

You mean like Bush? Where is his accountability? When was the last time he took questions from a crowd (I mean genuine questions, not preprepared ones)? When was the last time he went on a talkback station to take listener's calls to get the pulse of the nation? Where is his accountability. All those things you described above - about selfishness etc, were him down to a tee 20 years ago - adn every other blue-blood born with a silver spoon in mouth (and yes, that includes most of the Kennedy's)
Originally Posted by jillian
Whatever definition I have for human life, it is mine and, regardless of what you might see as good intentions, you don't get to define it for me.

My ethics? Again, mine. I wouldn't impose mine on you. So please don't impose yours on me. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Grasping for straws? LOL

Spoken like a typical spineless, waffling, relativist, linguini liberal. :bs1:

and let's not forget tap dancer

Actually thats a pretty conservative or libertarian take on it.

Leave me alone, mind your own damn business, and i'll do the same in return.
You miss the point. As an athiest I do not want to impose my will on you. I do not want those tenets in law. Do you want yours?
Which has what to do with what she was saying. You know you are drawing a terrible analogy don't you? I find it bizarre that liberals are often accused (rightly sometimes) of being disgusting of comparing Bush to Hitler, and yet here you are...
Lotsa folks did and to single out Christians is disingenous and is a slap in the face of those other folks who stood up too. Trust a far right-wing Christian to not be ALL-INCLUSIVE in handing out kudos.
And those responsible for such actions should be held accountable. What has that got to do with marginalisation? Are you saying that all non-Christians and all non-Jews are responsible for these actions? Who is being marginalised? Where does it stop? Who defines the term and the conditions of said marginalisation?
I bet dollars to doughnuts the ACLU would slam such folk if they found out who they were. Abstinance is a joke. People like having sex for fun. Get over it. Education is the only true solution. If you really want two people to stay married forever, have 2.4 children, a dog and picket fence I got some real bad news for you. Not only that, your utopia will never occur due to human nature. Now you can try and deal with the reality of that or hide your head in the sand. As for victimology, what a crock. Another all-encompassing stereotype with nothing to back it up.
That's right it started in 1939 NOT 1941 and you are being disingenuous again. People who want OUT of Iraq never wanted in, in the first place. So they aren't shouting about getting out because of the time it is taking, they are just reiterating what they wanted in the first place.
What is wrong with being raised by a village? It happens in many parts of the world. And why is the mother not at home? Because mother is at work because your great capitalist society has made it that to get anywhere in life you have to work, work, work - bring in two paychecks just to make ends meet in some instances. I know a TONNE, an absolute TONNE of couples who would love to stay at home but cannot afford to unless they want to rent their whole lives and have nothing for their kids. Both my kids were/are in daycare and are absolutely fine.
You can thank your conservative, capitalistic "Greed is good" pals for that eightballs....Lefties are the ones trying to save the planet, plant a tree, stop the slaughter of whales....yeah, real selfish folk those lefties...
So you're a luddite? That's your problem? And I bet a generation before yours made their toys last generation to generation. Times change. You think kids don't learn from computer games? You bet your arse they do. You are melancholic for a time that has come and gone. And I bet you parents and grandparents thought you were spoiled too.
Total utter poppycock. Many of them work hard, go to school, have part-time jobs. Most do those other things as well. They always have. You must've lead a very sheltered life...
Can you try any harder to use stereotypical BS without anything to back it up? You think slackers are the norm? How do you know this? What studies have you seen to back up your assertion?
Total, utter crap. Spoken like someone who has never had a kid in daycare. Daycare is a two-edged sword. Every teacher I have spoken to knows when a kid has been to daycare. They are more social, usually ahead in reading and writing and don't get as sick as often. On the other hand, the others have had time with their parents.
I wish I had read your whole post before starting to answer, because now I am seeing you are just having a rant with no substance...bummer (I wasted my time)...
Because church has all the answers, right? Life if very complicated. Religion helps some, to others it is a hindrance. Each to their own, which was the whole point of Jillian's post in the first place. I have this mantra that you do what you want to without imposing on me and I'll do the same. This seems to be an objection of yours...
You mean like Bush? Where is his accountability? When was the last time he took questions from a crowd (I mean genuine questions, not preprepared ones)? When was the last time he went on a talkback station to take listener's calls to get the pulse of the nation? Where is his accountability. All those things you described above - about selfishness etc, were him down to a tee 20 years ago - adn every other blue-blood born with a silver spoon in mouth (and yes, that includes most of the Kennedy's)

Your post is actually much more full of "utter crap" and "poppycock". It's about time you atheists stop thinking you are the only "rational" solution to society's problems. You delude yourselves.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Eightball again.

Originally posted by Redhots
Actually thats a pretty conservative or libertarian take on it.

Leave me alone, mind your own damn business, and i'll do the same in return.

No, a conservative plays by the rules. Rules are made by consensus. Actually the point being made was that she has no set of ethics. If liberals are going to lay their type of thinking on the rest of us via the rules, they'd better damn well have a good reason and be able to explain themselves.
Your post is actually much more full of "utter crap" and "poppycock". It's about time you atheists stop thinking you are the only "rational" solution to society's problems. You delude yourselves.

I know, because, you know, religion has proven time and time again to have the answers, right?:rolleyes:

No, a conservative plays by the rules. Rules are made by consensus. Actually the point being made was that she has no set of ethics. If liberals are going to lay their type of thinking on the rest of us via the rules, they'd better damn well have a good reason and be able to explain themselves.

Her reasons are very sound. You just don't like them...go figure...
I know, because, you know, religion has proven time and time again to have the answers, right?:rolleyes:

If you go by the body count, I'd say atheism has proven time and time again NOT to have the answers.

Her reasons are very sound. You just don't like them...go figure...

Sure, and society will work like a charm if we live by 300 million different sets of rules. :rolleyes:

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