Michael moore says white males are the most dangerous people in the country


just throw a fat burger at it and its gone
Michael Moore - who isn't even an American! is ignorant and has a big mouth. Perhaps he should've been sent to confront the shooter and try to convince him to give up his gun or stop playing video games!!!!! :evil:
Is Michigan still a part of the U.S? I thought it was some kind of third world country.

My goodness, contemporary White Guilt and white self loathing remain alive and well.

There's a pretty wide variety of sick people out there, and it develops & manifests in myriad different ways. Skin color irrelevant.

If Moore wants to focus on that which assuages his guilt and advances his hatred of whites, hey, whatever floats your boat, buddy.

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I agree that white males are dangerous, but not for the same reason Micky D does. We don't mug, burglarize, and shoot people. We've always found more systematic ways to kill people in bulk. :D
Michael moore says white males are the most dangerous people in the country

Considering that nearly 70% of gun deaths are suicide and most are white guys in Red States, then in a way, he could be kind of right.

So if they killed themselves with knives it would be less bad? Black on black violence is the largest amount of shooting related homicides in the USA.

I was talking about gun deaths.

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