Michelle and Jackie Similar?

do not look at the dresses...... look at how they are presenting themselves.....look at how they are walking.... two are walking heads tall, shoulders back..... elegant. [/COLOR]
Plus, Michelle needs to ditch the bare shoulders and sleeveless shirt look.

She has big long hulking arms and they need to minimized and covered not exposed and featured. . :cool:

She thinks it is a distraction from her fat ass. LOL. As if anything could be.


No, just out of focus and from a distance. Photography certainly can manipulate the content of the photo.

another good photo...

do not look at the dresses...... look at how they are presenting themselves.....look at how they are walking.... two are walking heads tall, shoulders back..... elegant.

I've seen that picture many times and never before noticed that Big Moo was bow legged.
That is how she is built. She is not fat anywhere else, which makes it clear it is a body type issue. She isn't fat. Your attack on her is purely partisan and probably racist. I'd like to know what a great beauty you are, how graceful and elegant, why you are in such a position to put someone else's body type down. What makes you such a vision of perfection?


The picture says a lot ... And what it says has nothing to do with "fat".
How you hold your head and shoulders says a lot about how you view the world around you.
It is no wonder First Lady Obama has such a shitty view of the country laid at her feet.

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see, how much better does she look in a long-sleeved dress?

she is tall and can wear a lot of fabric on herself, unlike Jackie who had to be minimalistic.

But even being so tall Michelle can not cut her torso into pieces - visually - because it does not look good on her ( which is rare in such a tall woman).

:lol: I showed three photos of her and she looks lovely in all three.

The airbrush can be such a blessing to ugly buck toothed women like the moo sow!

yep... which is what i have been saying all along...... look at her in this.

shoulders back

head held high

chin up

arms back

very poised... very graceful looking...very elegant.

a very well posed photograph..... My guess is she is holding her breath for the pic.

All of which does is not come naturally to her......it makes her look stiff and uncomfortable. The grace and elegance came very naturally with jackie.

And from a distance! LOL
She has some great arms. Her face? Not so much.

And I STILL can't see that humungous pic that still only loads 1/4 of the way. Red wall. Paintings. That's all I see.

I thought this place automatically resized pics.

Give it a few minutes. It takes some longer than others.

far more style and elegance. and much higher IQ than that fat fuck over rated POS you have now. and something else. this one operated under extreme adverse conditions and stood tall. a true American FLOTUS

She's all pointy.

that's because your used to lookin' at 300lbs of pork shit

I think she is referring to the bra. But it was clearly a snipe at Jackie because her bust is covered with 3 layers of fabric and definitely NOT pointy.
No, she didn't even think she was all that. In fact, she thought she was ugly.

At the time she left for college, Jackie was already a beautiful young lady. As she described herself for Vogue magazine, "I am tall, 5’7", with brown hair, a square face, and eyes so unfortunately far apart that it takes three weeks to have a pair of glasses made with a bridge wide enough to fit over my nose. I do not have a sensational figure but can look slim if I pick the right clothes. I flatter myself of being able at times to walk out of the house looking like a poor man’s Paris copy, but often my mother will run up to inform me that my left stocking seam is crooked or the right-hand top coat button is about to fall off. This, I realize, is the Unforgivable Sin.".

Jacqueline Kennedy Biography

Most people with humility do. The point is she made the effort as first lady to make the US proud. And she did. She was lovely.

Michelle Obama is a sow. She makes no effort even though she has the money and could if she chose. Everything she wears looks like it came from the Salvation Army.
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another good photo...

do not look at the dresses...... look at how they are presenting themselves.....look at how they are walking.... two are walking heads tall, shoulders back..... elegant.

I've seen that picture many times and never before noticed that Big Moo was bow legged.
That is how she is built. She is not fat anywhere else, which makes it clear it is a body type issue. She isn't fat. Your attack on her is purely partisan and probably racist. I'd like to know what a great beauty you are, how graceful and elegant, why you are in such a position to put someone else's body type down. What makes you such a vision of perfection?

alright...do i say anything anywhere in this thread about her being fat or ugly? Is a matter of fact in several threads ive defended her on that very subject.... she is built the ways he is. That is her body type. In my opinion, she has a very healthy body image, one in which she should try and be a role model with to young girls today in direct opposition to the bombardment of stick figure advertising.

Now, regardless of her body type...... it does not change the fact that she slouches, is not graceful....or elegant. It does not change that there is no way to say she compete with jackie in any of these categories or even come close.

and by the way....how can making truthful statements about michelle be partisan? Jackie was married to a democratic president too.....
No, she didn't even think she was all that. In fact, she thought she was ugly.

At the time she left for college, Jackie was already a beautiful young lady. As she described herself for Vogue magazine, "I am tall, 5’7", with brown hair, a square face, and eyes so unfortunately far apart that it takes three weeks to have a pair of glasses made with a bridge wide enough to fit over my nose. I do not have a sensational figure but can look slim if I pick the right clothes. I flatter myself of being able at times to walk out of the house looking like a poor man’s Paris copy, but often my mother will run up to inform me that my left stocking seam is crooked or the right-hand top coat button is about to fall off. This, I realize, is the Unforgivable Sin.".

Jacqueline Kennedy Biography

Most people with humility do. The point is she made the effort as first lady to make the US proud. And she did. She was lovely.

Michelle Obama is a sow. She makes no effort even though she has the money and could if she chose. Everything she wears looks like it came from the Salvation Army.


our kneeling obamabots here try to divert the attention from their failed goddess to our possible photos.

Well, when you or me, or any other critics will be FLOTUS or POTUS - then you, Sarah and Esmerada can criticize and watch our pictures as much as you would like.

Now we are going to criticize this failure of a FLOTUS as much as we wish because she and her failure of a husband embarrass America and her husband is RUINING our country.

And learning some basic manners, etiquette and self presentation is a distinctive necessity of the FLOTUS. Michelle is a lazy cow not because she is fat or not - that all is manageable - but because she so obviously disregards and disrespects her role of representing this country as a First Lady.

She looks like First Slave - and that is a shame. A woman with her body and her brain can polish herself to be almost perfect in less than a month. If she would do the job.
But she is just a lazy cow.
A mule in a horse harness.

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