Michelle and Jackie Similar?

She's very nice looking, very stylish and modern looking. A huge improvement on Laura Bush. I think all the criticism of her looks and behavior stem from two things: one she is Obama's wife and the hatred for him is also aimed at her; two, it is racism pure and simple. She is not a beauty queen like Halle Berry; she's an ordinary black woman, a good looking one, but she's being pilloried for not looking like a cover girl and for having traditional African features. It's really sickening.

This is hilarious

the woman does not even have one iota of the grace or dignity like Laura has and she is a "big improvement" :lmao:

You have lived in 4 countries but you have not learned anything, obviously, if you are saying that the woman which can not even WALK graciously and as a woman has to is a "big improvement" over Laura :lol:
Pretty and Vogue.


again... look at her posture. And again, another posed photo shoot.

Posed and airbrushed more than Brittany Spears. But the orc jaw wasn't changed.
Her eyes have been moved to be even with each other. One is lower than the other one. Look at pics that aren't manipulated and you will see. Looks like she is going to have a bout of arthritis too. Her finger joints and wrist knobs look kinda big. If so..I pity her. That ain't gonna be fun. I don't much like her any more but I wouldn't wish RA on anybody.
The 'First Ladies' of 3 western nations.

They represent their nation in elegant high fashion style.

While Michelle dresses like the kitchen help. . :doubt:


first Two look like call girls.

outfits so tight they can barely make the steps.

and clearly Ms obama dressed herself

and she should not. That is one of the most unflattering outfits she could have chosen.

She actually would look much better in a straight dress.

The other two are just very thin. You are simply not accustomed to such thin women. Their outfit is NOT too tight, you are simply not used to the look.

you don't know me, so please don't blither on about what I am and am not used to.
I don't think anybody in the thread would be willing to have a current picture of themselves dissected in this fashion. I know I wouldn't, and I quite like the way I look.

Reading this thread is causing quite a paradigm shift in my perceptions of how truly ruthless women can be on such a superficial subject ... guess I've been sheltered.

Everything circled is photo manipulated. Blow up the pic and you can see for yourself.
first Two look like call girls.

outfits so tight they can barely make the steps.

and clearly Ms obama dressed herself

and she should not. That is one of the most unflattering outfits she could have chosen.

She actually would look much better in a straight dress.

The other two are just very thin. You are simply not accustomed to such thin women. Their outfit is NOT too tight, you are simply not used to the look.

you don't know me, so please don't blither on about what I am and am not used to.

If you post an idiocy like you did ( that they look like whores and can't move)the only conclusion can be that you have not seen thin women who dress in straight tight dresses and know how to WALK on 15 cm heels :rolleyes:
They're both so good looking. Not sure what you guys are talking about.


Look at those guns, she shouldn't wear sleeveless? You're nuts.

And anybody can look at old pictures, compare them to new, and see that she has worked hard, and lost a lot of weight.

She's very nice looking, very stylish and modern looking. A huge improvement on Laura Bush. I think all the criticism of her looks and behavior stem from two things: one she is Obama's wife and the hatred for him is also aimed at her; two, it is racism pure and simple. She is not a beauty queen like Halle Berry; she's an ordinary black woman, a good looking one, but she's being pilloried for not looking like a cover girl and for having traditional African features. It's really sickening.

And there you go, you go after Laura Bush. You bitch and moan and then go low. Sad.

see, how much better does she look in a long-sleeved dress?

she is tall and can wear a lot of fabric on herself, unlike Jackie who had to be minimalistic.

But even being so tall Michelle can not cut her torso into pieces - visually - because it does not look good on her ( which is rare in such a tall woman).

:lol: I showed three photos of her and she looks lovely in all three.

she was posed by a professional photographer, not in her natural state.


clothing, put on her, is not her. shoulders back, head up is not her.

she has no style or elegance, it's not natural for her.
They're both so good looking. Not sure what you guys are talking about.


Look at those guns, she shouldn't wear sleeveless? You're nuts.

And anybody can look at old pictures, compare them to new, and see that she has worked hard, and lost a lot of weight.

She's very nice looking, very stylish and modern looking. A huge improvement on Laura Bush. I think all the criticism of her looks and behavior stem from two things: one she is Obama's wife and the hatred for him is also aimed at her; two, it is racism pure and simple. She is not a beauty queen like Halle Berry; she's an ordinary black woman, a good looking one, but she's being pilloried for not looking like a cover girl and for having traditional African features. It's really sickening.

She's adorable. I love her in interviews and she works so hard, she always has. They expect so little of Republican FLs but Democratic FLs simply have to be perfect and submissive and seen but not heard like those of years gone by.

Some of this is residual anger about the nuclear option too. Oh well, this anger and criticism doesn't stop her from doing what she does. It shouldn't bother us.

Have a great night.

far more style and elegance. and much higher IQ than that fat fuck over rated POS flooze you have now. and something else. this one operated under extreme adverse conditions and stood tall. a true American FLOTUS
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No, she didn't even think she was all that. In fact, she thought she was ugly.

At the time she left for college, Jackie was already a beautiful young lady. As she described herself for Vogue magazine, "I am tall, 5’7", with brown hair, a square face, and eyes so unfortunately far apart that it takes three weeks to have a pair of glasses made with a bridge wide enough to fit over my nose. I do not have a sensational figure but can look slim if I pick the right clothes. I flatter myself of being able at times to walk out of the house looking like a poor man’s Paris copy, but often my mother will run up to inform me that my left stocking seam is crooked or the right-hand top coat button is about to fall off. This, I realize, is the Unforgivable Sin.".

Jacqueline Kennedy Biography
No, she didn't even think she was all that. In fact, she thought she was ugly.

At the time she left for college, Jackie was already a beautiful young lady. As she described herself for Vogue magazine, "I am tall, 5’7", with brown hair, a square face, and eyes so unfortunately far apart that it takes three weeks to have a pair of glasses made with a bridge wide enough to fit over my nose. I do not have a sensational figure but can look slim if I pick the right clothes. I flatter myself of being able at times to walk out of the house looking like a poor man’s Paris copy, but often my mother will run up to inform me that my left stocking seam is crooked or the right-hand top coat button is about to fall off. This, I realize, is the Unforgivable Sin.".

Jacqueline Kennedy Biography

She certainly had a nice sense of humor and a humility which is a virtue of a lady.
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The 'First Ladies' of 3 western nations.

They represent their nation in elegant high fashion style.

While Michelle dresses like the kitchen help. . :doubt:


another good photo...

do not look at the dresses...... look at how they are presenting themselves.....look at how they are walking.... two are walking heads tall, shoulders back..... elegant.

I've seen that picture many times and never before noticed that Big Moo was bow legged.
That is how she is built. She is not fat anywhere else, which makes it clear it is a body type issue. She isn't fat. Your attack on her is purely partisan and probably racist. I'd like to know what a great beauty you are, how graceful and elegant, why you are in such a position to put someone else's body type down. What makes you such a vision of perfection?
I don't think anybody in the thread would be willing to have a current picture of themselves dissected in this fashion. I know I wouldn't, and I quite like the way I look.

Reading this thread is causing quite a paradigm shift in my perceptions of how truly ruthless women can be on such a superficial subject ... guess I've been sheltered.

As has been noted before, by you and others, those who are the harshest critics wouldn't have the nerve to show themselves here. Their own looks are probably far below what Mrs. Obama's are; their appearance, elegance, grace, deportment, intelligence, and education probably aren't any match for Michelle Obama's, yet they show no hesitation here in reviling her to the max. It's easy enough to hide behind a computer screen when you want to put someone else down.

Another point to make is that it isn't Mrs. Obama who is comparing herself to Mrs. Kennedy. I doubt Michelle has any desire to make a comparison or ever thought to. She's intelligent enough to know that two completely different women from two completely different eras and backgrounds, two different races, are not comparable. They are not comparable in any way. It is ludicrous to do so.

Jackie was raised to be a 'princess,' essentially. Her style and appearance, her ability to function in an elite milieu, those were what she was bred for. Her object in life was to be some important, wealthy man's wife. Michelle was raised to be an educated, middle class, working woman and mother. Two completely different worlds.

As well, if we are going to revile the women in leadership positions in our country for not looking like models, for not looking like the ideal of feminine beauty, for not acting like air hostesses who never crumple, fade or become disheveled, who never lose their calm composure or express a personal opinion, then we have failed ourselves as women and failed as a culture which is supposed to look upon women as equals to men.
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