Michelle Claims Fat Kids Are A National Security Threat

hey Libo....if there is a ten year old who weighs 3x what he should weigh,has nothing physically wrong with him to warrent the weight,but just has an eating problem and his "Parents" have not seeked help for him or did their jobs and cut the food supply.....should these people be charged with Child Abuse?....

Doesn't matter it's not the governments place to dictate what we eat or drink
did you read what i have been posting?.....where have i said the Govt should dictate anything?......im talking Public Service Announcements.....there is a difference....
Did I say obese??
I think she is a selfish, mean spirited, angry woman with a big fat ass that thinks that she's better than everyone else especially by trying to tell us what to eat and where we can eat it.

thats the way you are looking at it.....maybe Michelle read this.....

Data from the 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (the most recent year for which data is available)

Total: 23.6 million children and adults in the United States—7.8% of the population—have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 17.9 million people

And............Your quote is out of context

Undiagnosed: 5.7 million people

Pre-diabetes: 57 million people

New Cases: 1.6 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older each year.

in 20 years time all these figures may double.....that will mean 100 million people with Pre-Diabetes....ten million walking around with it,and they dont even know it....just ignoring the shit happening to them.....

And..................Your quote of me is out of context so I have no response for you.

its ok so far you havent said much anyway.....
Still not a Government issue. The Government has much bigger things to worry about. No pun intended.

it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

I don't understand why people can't seem to differentiate between public service announcements and "controlling what we eat".

Did anyone complain when Laura Bush was "forcing" parents to teach their kids to read?
if the "Adults" can handle this, WHY are there more obese kids under the age of 10 then there has ever been?.....and why is Diabetes way up among that same age group?.....why has Diabetes for ALL age groups gone up?....the Adults are handling it real well aren't they?....most of those "Adults" are either obese themselves OR just plain overweight and i would not doubt that a good percentage of them are PRE-Diabetic and they dont even know it....its just a matter of time for them and unfortunately their kids also....

Still not a Government issue. The Government has much bigger things to worry about. No pun intended.

it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

The General Welfare Clause:<LINK
A clear distinction is made with respect to welfare as applied to persons and states. In the Constitution the word "welfare" is used in the context of states and not persons. The "welfare of the United States" is not congruous with the welfare of individuals, people, or citizens.

In the link above? It is an interesting disertation regarding the terms as meant when the term welfare was used in crafting the Constitution.

The term welfare as used, or rather implied is different as to what that term has morphed into some 200+ years later.

It's a good read.
it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

I don't understand why people can't seem to differentiate between public service announcements and "controlling what we eat".

Did anyone complain when Laura Bush was "forcing" parents to teach their kids to read?

They would have if she was a Democrat President's wife.
Still not a Government issue. The Government has much bigger things to worry about. No pun intended.

it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

i know ....all that has already been mentioned.....Laura and Illiteracy.....Nancy and Drugs....the thing is....how many people here defending little Obese kids,see these kids and see their Obese parents and then think shitty things about how sad it is for those kids....but thats ok.....just let them grow up to be the next generation of Obese people who will in turn have more Obese kids....in the meantime 40 percent of the population will be on the cusp of Diabetes.....15% will already have it....another percentage will have it.....but dont know it.....but the Govt should not be concerned about it.....
Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

I don't understand why people can't seem to differentiate between public service announcements and "controlling what we eat".

Did anyone complain when Laura Bush was "forcing" parents to teach their kids to read?

They would have if she was a Democrat President's wife.

Oh shut up Rdean, you can guarantee idiots complained about Laura, Barbara,Nancy, etc etc as well.
thats the way you are looking at it.....maybe Michelle read this.....

Data from the 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (the most recent year for which data is available)

Total: 23.6 million children and adults in the United States—7.8% of the population—have diabetes.

Diagnosed: 17.9 million people

And............Your quote is out of context

Undiagnosed: 5.7 million people

Pre-diabetes: 57 million people

New Cases: 1.6 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older each year.

in 20 years time all these figures may double.....that will mean 100 million people with Pre-Diabetes....ten million walking around with it,and they dont even know it....just ignoring the shit happening to them.....

And..................Your quote of me is out of context so I have no response for you.

its ok so far you havent said much anyway.....

Well you sure have but unfortunately it's all been pure BullShit ~
I think I'll just have to leave it at that.
Bottom line, don't have a fat pig trumpeting obesity. It's like having a serial killer giving seminars on decreasing the murder rate.
so if Michele was a triathlete,you would have no problems with this?......the message,even though its true,only means something if the right messenger delivers it...right?.....its funny out here when Arnold got in he tried to endorse physical fitness in the schools....he was criticized too....

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


Michelle is correct, and you are just making excuses for bad parenting.
Much ado about nothing.
A first lady is attempting to do what is right. She is right.
She's right about fat kids. She is wrong to think that government is the only way to thinner kids.

When did she claim that?
Ok, do no try to appear unsophisticated here.
Obama Signs Child Nutrition Bill Into Law as Part of Anti-Obesity Push - FoxNews.com
Also being targeted in this law are student and child's groups( scouts, marching bands,etc) fund raiser bake sales.
Nanny statism is what Michelle My Belle is supporting.

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

“Military leaders … tell us that when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight,” the first lady says in the prepared remarks, “childhood obesity isn’t just a public health threat, it’s not just an economic threat, it’s a national security threat as well."

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


Michelle is correct, and you are just making excuses for bad parenting.
It is NONE of the federal government's business to interject themselves into the private homes of citizens.
"Bad parenting"...That's an opinion.
Didn't JFK insist that school children exercise and wasn't he applauded for it?

Rightwingloons. :cuckoo:
Yes. He created the President's All American Fitness program.
Here's the difference. There was no new law. No mandate from a busy body government. JFK issued a challenge to all kids. I remember participating in phys ed class. We took these physical agility and endurance competitions. It was great trying out do your classmates and then getting your name in the paper and being honored by your school.
However, political correctness and helicopter parenting put a stop to the fun. These parents wrung their hands about THEIR kid's brittle "self esteem" over the fact that some kids could not compete. So the government dumbed down the whole thing and people lost interest.
When I was a kid it was all about competition. Boys were boys...Males. Fathers and sons. Brothers and brothers.
There was no "well you tried real hard". No tee ball, no bumper bowling, no coach pitch, no parents running onto the field wailing about how their little cupcake got knocked on his ass..
No wonder why kids are fat assed lazy little entitled bastards. They sit inside and play video games, stuff their nasty little pie holes while their parents praise them for being able to wipe their own asses.
Is all that a problem? Sure is. Should the federal government get involved and pass nanny state laws to stop it( it wouldn't) NO WAY!!!
That's the difference between the Left and the people who live in the real world and want government to leave them the hell alone. The Left wants government involved in anything and everything.

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


Michelle is correct, and you are just making excuses for bad parenting.
It is NONE of the federal government's business to interject themselves into the private homes of citizens.
"Bad parenting"...That's an opinion.

Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE.
it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

i know ....all that has already been mentioned.....Laura and Illiteracy.....Nancy and Drugs....the thing is....how many people here defending little Obese kids,see these kids and see their Obese parents and then think shitty things about how sad it is for those kids....but thats ok.....just let them grow up to be the next generation of Obese people who will in turn have more Obese kids....in the meantime 40 percent of the population will be on the cusp of Diabetes.....15% will already have it....another percentage will have it.....but dont know it.....but the Govt should not be concerned about it.....
Promote the general welfare, yes. Mandate it by political fiat? Hell NO.
Big difference. You people are quite comfortable with government telling you what to do every five minutes. Freedom loving people want government to leave them alone.
God gave us intelligence, God gave us the ability to speak ,read, write and think logically. He gave us the ability to reason. Most importantly, God gave us freedom of choice.
Didn't JFK insist that school children exercise and wasn't he applauded for it?

Rightwingloons. :cuckoo:
Yes. He created the President's All American Fitness program.
Here's the difference. There was no new law. No mandate from a busy body government. JFK issued a challenge to all kids. I remember participating in phys ed class. We took these physical agility and endurance competitions. It was great trying out do your classmates and then getting your name in the paper and being honored by your school.
However, political correctness and helicopter parenting put a stop to the fun. These parents wrung their hands about THEIR kid's brittle "self esteem" over the fact that some kids could not compete. So the government dumbed down the whole thing and people lost interest.
When I was a kid it was all about competition. Boys were boys...Males. Fathers and sons. Brothers and brothers.
There was no "well you tried real hard". No tee ball, no bumper bowling, no coach pitch, no parents running onto the field wailing about how their little cupcake got knocked on his ass..
No wonder why kids are fat assed lazy little entitled bastards. They sit inside and play video games, stuff their nasty little pie holes while their parents praise them for being able to wipe their own asses.
Is all that a problem? Sure is. Should the federal government get involved and pass nanny state laws to stop it( it wouldn't) NO WAY!!!
That's the difference between the Left and the people who live in the real world and want government to leave them the hell alone. The Left wants government involved in anything and everything.

What "law" are you talking about? What "mandate" has the Federal Government put down?
Michelle is correct, and you are just making excuses for bad parenting.
It is NONE of the federal government's business to interject themselves into the private homes of citizens.
"Bad parenting"...That's an opinion.

Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE.
Really? How so?...The other poster made a statement which was a descriptive subjective judgement. That is the definition of an opinion.
"Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE"....That's an opinion. And I dismiss it as trivial.
Next case.
It is NONE of the federal government's business to interject themselves into the private homes of citizens.
"Bad parenting"...That's an opinion.

Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE.
Really? How so?...The other poster made a statement which was a descriptive subjective judgement. That is the definition of an opinion.
"Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE"....That's an opinion. And I dismiss it as trivial.
Next case.

Bad parenting is NOT subjective. You're either a good parent, or you're a bad parent. Having a 12 y/o who weighs 200 lbs is NOT being a good parent, and that is not up for discussion.

You wouldn't claim that spousal abuse is a matter of opinion, would you?

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


Look at the picture you used. Look at most of those women. I cannot believe they stood there and remained silent. Or have they been obamaized?

LOL...I think the larger point is find the fat gorilla on the stage.
Fuck you, bitch.

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