Michelle Claims Fat Kids Are A National Security Threat

it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

Bottom line, don't have a fat pig trumpeting obesity. It's like having a serial killer giving seminars on decreasing the murder rate.
You're a piece of shit, you fucking asshole.
wow... how much of a loser do you have to be to mind educating kids about healthy eating?


I guess the trolls like their kids and wives obese and making them the Hamburger Helper every night for dinner, because they can't see that a healthy lifestyle is best for everyone in the long run.
if the "Adults" can handle this, WHY are there more obese kids under the age of 10 then there has ever been?.....and why is Diabetes way up among that same age group?.....why has Diabetes for ALL age groups gone up?....the Adults are handling it real well aren't they?....most of those "Adults" are either obese themselves OR just plain overweight and i would not doubt that a good percentage of them are PRE-Diabetic and they dont even know it....its just a matter of time for them and unfortunately their kids also....

Still not a Government issue. The Government has much bigger things to worry about. No pun intended.

They'll pry that Twinkie from your cold, dead hands, eh?

Lol, I almost pissed myself laughing :rofl:
Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

Bottom line, don't have a fat pig trumpeting obesity. It's like having a serial killer giving seminars on decreasing the murder rate.
You're a piece of shit, you fucking asshole.

Syn, just igonore that worthless troll. He's not worth responding too, just worth making fun of.
wow... how much of a loser do you have to be to mind educating kids about healthy eating?


I guess the trolls like their kids and wives obese and making them the Hamburger Helper every night for dinner, because they can't see that a healthy lifestyle is best for everyone in the long run.

its' also the pure hackery of objecting because it came from michelle obama. as was pointed out, it's a pretty good guess that they never complained when laura encouraged kids to read.

but they're a buncha nutbars... so it's not like you can expect anything better.
it isnt?....they cant try and get people to realise whats happening health wise?.....they cant put out public service messages telling people this?.....it wont be much of a Govt if 30-50% of the people are suffering from the health issues that Obesity and Diabetes brings on will it?.....and since its happening at an earlier age,all the problems associated with these too problems,will set in, in midlife instead of old age.....thats great aint it?.....the Govt should ignore a National Health problem because its not in the Constitution.....does not the Constitution say....."promote the general Welfare"?......what does that mean?..... is not the HEALTH of the Citizens of this Country something that affects the General Welfare of the Country?....the US Govt. has every right to be concerned about the health of its Citizens.....without those Citizens the Govt aint worth shit.....i cant believe the amount of people here who think this is something to just let happen....who gives a shit.....as Spock would say.....FASCINATING......

Harry, they're just being stupid idiotic partisan hacks. Whether the government should be involved or not, the First Lady has ALWAYS had a cause that she trumpeted from her position; this just happens to be Michelle's. They know this, they just don't care.

Bottom line, don't have a fat pig trumpeting obesity. It's like having a serial killer giving seminars on decreasing the murder rate.

You should really get back on the meds ...

Michelle is losing her mind.

Now she's saying that because only 1 in 4 kids in the US can qualify for the military this has become a threat to National Security.

Now I've heard everything.

Call it one of those unintended consequences of the Nanny State.

Kids aren't allowed to run around and play like they did when I was growing up so now we've got kids that are getting by on Monster drinks just to keep from being bored to death.

After sitting around the house for hours on end in the summer kids get fat. Many parents won't allow them out on their own. School buses have to drop kids off mere feet from their doorstep. It's all just a side-effect of the Nanny State this country has immersed itself in.

I've felt for quite some time that all of this coddling that goes on is only going to make kids unable to cope with life but military life is out of the question folks. Our pampered kids won't be able to handle the culture-shock they will experience. It doesn't matter if they're out of shape or not.


Look at the picture you used. Look at most of those women. I cannot believe they stood there and remained silent. Or have they been obamaized?

LOL...I think the larger point is find the fat gorilla on the stage.

Oh, so you're a RACIST retard! That explains it all ...
wow... how much of a loser do you have to be to mind educating kids about healthy eating?


I guess the trolls like their kids and wives obese and making them the Hamburger Helper every night for dinner, because they can't see that a healthy lifestyle is best for everyone in the long run.

its' also the pure hackery of objecting because it came from michelle obama. as was pointed out, it's a pretty good guess that they never complained when laura encouraged kids to read.

but they're a buncha nutbars... so it's not like you can expect anything better.

Yeah, I didn't vote for Bush, but I loved what Laura Bush did for her Reading Program, and praised her often for doing it.

Why do these people want fat, unhealthy kids, don't they realize that THEY are the ones who will be wiping thier butts in the nursing homes here in a few years?
I guess the trolls like their kids and wives obese and making them the Hamburger Helper every night for dinner, because they can't see that a healthy lifestyle is best for everyone in the long run.

its' also the pure hackery of objecting because it came from michelle obama. as was pointed out, it's a pretty good guess that they never complained when laura encouraged kids to read.

but they're a buncha nutbars... so it's not like you can expect anything better.

Yeah, I didn't vote for Bush, but I loved what Laura Bush did for her Reading Program, and praised her often for doing it.

Why do these people want fat, unhealthy kids, don't they realize that THEY are the ones who will be wiping thier butts in the nursing homes here in a few years?

Exactly how I feel here. Way back when Michelle was on Huckabee and talking about this subject I posted that although I didn't vote for BO, don't like BO I absolutely think Michelle cares about this topic, has the right to be concerned about this topic, and should use her position as the First Lady to push this topic.

I just don't see what the uproar is about.
This fatass bitch Obama has no business telling Americans about eating healthy when her and her brats are fat bitches through and through. This woman does a great stand in for Magilla Gorilla and she wants to talk about Obesity? Have another Pizza Big Mo.

Ah, another Conservative Republican chimes in.

Yes I do, and shame on you for being a poseur for a great quarterback.

Wait...what? A poseur? You are perhaps unfamiliar with what avatars are for?

And, I must say, you do your political party proud.
The truth is that Kids are FAT. Look at their parents they are fat also. A lunch program is not the solution and neither are any Big Govenment mandated programs.
Michelle is so on target with the kids. It's the all part of the Revolution to indoctrinate our children into the New Way of Things to come. We can't have a strong obama private military with all of these little fatties.
It's about control.......We are slowly being told what to do, how to eat, gps my car, remove my salt, touch my boobs, built a mosque, give me healthcare..................

You would think that the Best community organizer Ever would be thinking more along the line of Community Involvement for helping people/kids learn to live a more healthy lifestyle. If kids are going to get free lunch and dinner it should require that the parents be involved such as taking classes and volunteering. Community sports programs would be a good start. Kids need to put down the remote and get outside. Get them involved in sports. Involvement in sports teaches teamwork. Teamwork is key to being successful in the real world. Everything should start at the community level not MO telling us what to do.

Michelle really needs to take a good look at her own big fat ass.


this is where MANY the so called "Adults" of the Country have failed.....whether you want to admit it or not....we have a lot of fairly dense people in the population, and there is nothing wrong with someone of note OR the Govt putting messages out there to hopefully wake people up.....we are not talking about violence on TV or Video games .....you can turn off the TV and the Video games....sorry but a disease like Diabetes....is with you to stay....

Messages are fine. Just don't start offering up stupid Legislation mandating anything. The Adults really can handle this one. The Government can go ahead and sit this one out. The Government doesn't need to raise our children. I would prefer they take on other more important issues.

Oooooo! This started when?
This fatass bitch Obama has no business telling Americans about eating healthy when her and her brats are fat bitches through and through. This woman does a great stand in for Magilla Gorilla and she wants to talk about Obesity? Have another Pizza Big Mo.

Ah, another Conservative Republican chimes in.

there are a lot of Liberal Democrats who feel the same way.....its all fabrication....

Check his reply...he confirmed what I said.
Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE.
Really? How so?...The other poster made a statement which was a descriptive subjective judgement. That is the definition of an opinion.
"Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE"....That's an opinion. And I dismiss it as trivial.
Next case.

Bad parenting is NOT subjective. You're either a good parent, or you're a bad parent. Having a 12 y/o who weighs 200 lbs is NOT being a good parent, and that is not up for discussion.

You wouldn't claim that spousal abuse is a matter of opinion, would you?
Correct. Bad parenting is just that. However I am not discussing that.
The issue is, the other poster's use of that description. He claimed that certain behaviors are in his opinion ,bad parenting. Again, HIS opinion. And again, use of a subjective judgement to further a political agenda. That agenda is nanny state regulations affecting and interfering with parenting.
I am aware of what is clearly negligence on the part of parents. However, there is a fine line that separates advice and intrusion. A recommendation by a government entity is fine. A law or mandate by government to regulate behavior in the home in the process of child rearing is intrusion.
Really? How so?...The other poster made a statement which was a descriptive subjective judgement. That is the definition of an opinion.
"Dumbest statement ever made, ANYWHERE"....That's an opinion. And I dismiss it as trivial.
Next case.

Bad parenting is NOT subjective. You're either a good parent, or you're a bad parent. Having a 12 y/o who weighs 200 lbs is NOT being a good parent, and that is not up for discussion.

You wouldn't claim that spousal abuse is a matter of opinion, would you?
Correct. Bad parenting is just that. However I am not discussing that.
The issue is, the other poster's use of that description. He claimed that certain behaviors are in his opinion ,bad parenting. Again, HIS opinion. And again, use of a subjective judgement to further a political agenda. That agenda is nanny state regulations affecting and interfering with parenting.
I am aware of what is clearly negligence on the part of parents. However, there is a fine line that separates advice and intrusion. A recommendation by a government entity is fine. A law or mandate by government to regulate behavior in the home in the process of child rearing is intrusion.

SOME people believe that beating, not spanking, but BEATING your children is acceptable parenting. Are you saying the government has no right to tell parents that they may not beat their children? What about curfews for children? Some parents believe that children should be allowed to run wild at all hours of the day and night. Does the government not have a right to say "no you can not let your children run free"?

Also, let's get something straight. The First Lady speaking her opinions on the subject absolutely does not equal new government policies being implemented. She is not a branch of the government.
Bad parenting is NOT subjective. You're either a good parent, or you're a bad parent. Having a 12 y/o who weighs 200 lbs is NOT being a good parent, and that is not up for discussion.

You wouldn't claim that spousal abuse is a matter of opinion, would you?
Correct. Bad parenting is just that. However I am not discussing that.
The issue is, the other poster's use of that description. He claimed that certain behaviors are in his opinion ,bad parenting. Again, HIS opinion. And again, use of a subjective judgement to further a political agenda. That agenda is nanny state regulations affecting and interfering with parenting.
I am aware of what is clearly negligence on the part of parents. However, there is a fine line that separates advice and intrusion. A recommendation by a government entity is fine. A law or mandate by government to regulate behavior in the home in the process of child rearing is intrusion.

SOME people believe that beating, not spanking, but BEATING your children is acceptable parenting. Are you saying the government has no right to tell parents that they may not beat their children? What about curfews for children? Some parents believe that children should be allowed to run wild at all hours of the day and night. Does the government not have a right to say "no you can not let your children run free"?

Also, let's get something straight. The First Lady speaking her opinions on the subject absolutely does not equal new government policies being implemented. She is not a branch of the government.

Jesus Christ...
Ok...."some people" is not government mandate or passage of a law.
The protection of individual liberties( the right of a child to not be abused by a parent or guardian) is an essential function of government.
Curfews.....Real simple. Minors are not afforded the rights of adulthood. Yes, government in the context of protecting the public whether it be the public from the minor child or the child from the the public( predatory adults) are another essential function of government. Law enforcement.
\Here is the difference. If a child has an eating disorder or the child is medically obese and the parent ignores the need for essential medical attention, then yes the government can and should step in and protect that child's rights.
However, it is certainly NOT the government's business to interfere in the normal course of parenting by stepping in and telling the parent , "no your child may NOT have another cookie because last year we passed this law that allows us ( government ) to effectively come into your home and monitor what you are feeding your child"....
Now, do see the difference?
The first lady is not a branch of government.....No shit..
But then again, where were you when the Clinton's occupied the WH?

Quote from Hillary Clinton

"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers.
We are the president."
Hillary Clinton Quote/Quotation

Thought I'd just throw that in there..\
Look, the wife of the US president is not an official of the executive branch. However each First Lady usually selects a cause of particular interest to herself and the president. Her job is to not only support that agenda for herself but to support the President's agenda as well. It is not a great leap to connect Mrs. Obama's nutrition cause to the President's agenda. And given the fact that just Monday the President signed into law new nutrition laws confirms that.
Now get that straight.
Class dismissed.....

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