Michelle Obama declares that parents feed their children "crap" and that govt must step in

Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?
You still paying attention to her? Jeez. Ever wonder what having a life would be like?

If you're going to tape a sign to your ass that says KICK ME! Then don't be too surprised when somebody actually does.

She had her eight years but apparently that wasn't enough to force the federal government down our throats as well as our children. It doesn't take a village, it takes a village idiot to know when they are done and leave already.

She never tried. She made recommendations. Interestingly, childhood obesity did decrease.

No worries though. You can still feed kids all the nasty shit you want, get them started on insulin asap cuz, you know, that'll show her.

If you really want to show FLOTUS Michelle how you feel, you could run contests for the youngest heart attack. Extra points if the kid dies.


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Right, how ever did we survive without the federal government running every aspect of our lives for us?
We didn't. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". The late 1800's, the GOP golden Age, a gd poisonous mess in every way. And we're back to that inequality. Great job. Back to 16 hour days, poor houses, and potters fields...and poison injected processed food.

You forgot slavery and child labor.

There were slavery cases successfully prosecuted in FL, 2008 and 2012 I believe, and we have returned to convict leasing in a for profit prison system. So yeah, slavery too. And debt peonage for college students.
He can't hold a candle to Insane Clown President
Yeah right...did you see the motorcade Obama had to go to the climate summit? The joker still thinks he is president. Talk about excessive, what size footprint did all of that C02 create. That is the problem with libs. One set of rules for the people and another for us, the enlightened liberals in power. What a joke.
No I didn't, I don't follow him around like you do, he's irrelevant. Once he fell right into the bailouts bullshit like Bush did, they were the same to me.
Bush bailed out Wall St, Obama Main St- though too much compromise with GOP bs...The Secret Service is in charge of ex-president security- more hateful stupid GOP propaganda.
Yeah right Michelle. High School kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint outside and liberals convince themselves that they made groundbreaking advances in nutrition.

Conservatives want to take school lunches away from hungry kids, give tax breaks to millionaires- and then pat themselves on their backs for being fiscally conservative.

They do? Have any evidence to your claim?

As much evidence as Whitey has for his claims that High school kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint.

Since when do you contards care about evidence?
Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. It's not her business what my kid eats, it's not her business what my kid drinks, it's not her business what kind of clothing they wear, and it's not her business what television shows they watch. It's not her business period.
He can't hold a candle to Insane Clown President
Yeah right...did you see the motorcade Obama had to go to the climate summit? The joker still thinks he is president. Talk about excessive, what size footprint did all of that C02 create. That is the problem with libs. One set of rules for the people and another for us, the enlightened liberals in power. What a joke.
No I didn't, I don't follow him around like you do, he's irrelevant. Once he fell right into the bailouts bullshit like Bush did, they were the same to me.
Bush bailed out Wall St, Obama Main St- though too much compromise with GOP bs...The Secret Service is in charge of ex-president security- more hateful stupid GOP propaganda.

Both admonistrations had the same economic "advisement" team at the time of the bailouts. Godman Sachs is always in the white house running the economy. Everyone loves warfare, foreign economic colonialism and arms dealing as a capitalist business model. I cannot for the life of me give a fuck about some fiction around dems vs reps or libs vs cons.
Yeah right Michelle. High School kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint outside and liberals convince themselves that they made groundbreaking advances in nutrition.

Conservatives want to take school lunches away from hungry kids, give tax breaks to millionaires- and then pat themselves on their backs for being fiscally conservative.

They do? Have any evidence to your claim?

As much evidence as Whitey has for his claims that High school kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint.

Since when do you contards care about evidence?

We have evidence--apparently you don't.

School drops Michelle Obama's 'healthy' lunches. Then, bam!

Schools Ready to Ditch Michelle Obama's Healthy Lunch Rules
You still paying attention to her? Jeez. Ever wonder what having a life would be like?

If you're going to tape a sign to your ass that says KICK ME! Then don't be too surprised when somebody actually does.

She had her eight years but apparently that wasn't enough to force the federal government down our throats as well as our children. It doesn't take a village, it takes a village idiot to know when they are done and leave already.

She never tried. She made recommendations. Interestingly, childhood obesity did decrease.

No worries though. You can still feed kids all the nasty shit you want, get them started on insulin asap cuz, you know, that'll show her.

If you really want to show FLOTUS Michelle how you feel, you could run contests for the youngest heart attack. Extra points if the kid dies.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Right, how ever did we survive without the federal government running every aspect of our lives for us?
We didn't. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". The late 1800's, the GOP golden Age, a gd poisonous mess in every way. And we're back to that inequality. Great job. Back to 16 hour days, poor houses, and potters fields...and poison injected processed food.

You forgot slavery and child labor.
The point is we're back to that inequality after 35 years of GOP tax policy. The late 1800's.
If you're going to tape a sign to your ass that says KICK ME! Then don't be too surprised when somebody actually does.

She had her eight years but apparently that wasn't enough to force the federal government down our throats as well as our children. It doesn't take a village, it takes a village idiot to know when they are done and leave already.

She never tried. She made recommendations. Interestingly, childhood obesity did decrease.

No worries though. You can still feed kids all the nasty shit you want, get them started on insulin asap cuz, you know, that'll show her.

If you really want to show FLOTUS Michelle how you feel, you could run contests for the youngest heart attack. Extra points if the kid dies.


Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Right, how ever did we survive without the federal government running every aspect of our lives for us?
We didn't. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!". The late 1800's, the GOP golden Age, a gd poisonous mess in every way. And we're back to that inequality. Great job. Back to 16 hour days, poor houses, and potters fields...and poison injected processed food.

You forgot slavery and child labor.
The point is we're back to that inequality after 35 years of GOP tax policy. The late 1800's.
When one looks the the inflection point of this current inequality as if it were a variation upon the BC/AD theme, it would without a doubt be BR/AR. Before Reagan/After Reagan.
How did a discussion about nutrition standards in schools morph into a rant about Wall Street? Let's face it , Michelle Obama ain't the brightest bulb in the 7-11 display but with the lame cooperation of the MSM she managed to grasp a desperate legacy with a campaign of nutrition standards in schools. It didn't fly because it was obviously a political stunt and the kids didn't eat the stuff anyway. Drain the swamp.
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Yeah right Michelle. High School kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint outside and liberals convince themselves that they made groundbreaking advances in nutrition.

Conservatives want to take school lunches away from hungry kids, give tax breaks to millionaires- and then pat themselves on their backs for being fiscally conservative.

They do? Have any evidence to your claim?

As much evidence as Whitey has for his claims that High school kids throw away their carrot sticks and smoke a joint.

Since when do you contards care about evidence?

We have evidence--apparently you don't.

School drops Michelle Obama's 'healthy' lunches. Then, bam!

Schools Ready to Ditch Michelle Obama's Healthy Lunch Rules
The Blaze is now data, god I'm loving the first season of Reality America.
He can't hold a candle to Insane Clown President
Yeah right...did you see the motorcade Obama had to go to the climate summit? The joker still thinks he is president. Talk about excessive, what size footprint did all of that C02 create. That is the problem with libs. One set of rules for the people and another for us, the enlightened liberals in power. What a joke.
No I didn't, I don't follow him around like you do, he's irrelevant. Once he fell right into the bailouts bullshit like Bush did, they were the same to me.
Bush bailed out Wall St, Obama Main St- though too much compromise with GOP bs...The Secret Service is in charge of ex-president security- more hateful stupid GOP propaganda.

Both admonistrations had the same economic "advisement" team at the time of the bailouts. Godman Sachs is always in the white house running the economy. Everyone loves warfare, foreign economic colonialism and arms dealing as a capitalist business model. I cannot for the life of me give a fuck about some fiction around dems vs reps or libs vs cons.
Not fiction. The middle of an economic meltdown is no time for radical economic reform. There are huge differences in Dem vs GOP policy. LBJ was the last time the Dems weren't obstructed, except 3 weeks for ACA. A boon for the poor, and actual beginning of a solution. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest, the continuing ruin of the nonrich and the country, and the huge military buildup.
How did a discussion about nutrition standards in schools morph into a rant about Wall Street? Let's face it , Michelle Obama ain't the brightest bulb in the 7-11 display but with the lame cooperation of the MSM she managed to grasp a desperate legacy with a campaign of nutrition in schools but it didn't fly.
Yeah, Don and Melanomia bright bulbs, jeez. Sorry if you don't like your corporate state media, but when you turn your life over to the substantial people, that's whutcha get; concentrated corporate power and wealth gobble up everything - that's who's bought up your media post Clinton's deregulation of the FCC.
How did a discussion about nutrition standards in schools morph into a rant about Wall Street? Let's face it , Michelle Obama ain't the brightest bulb in the 7-11 display but with the lame cooperation of the MSM she managed to grasp a desperate legacy with a campaign of nutrition in schools but it didn't fly.
They did pass all kinds of things that at least allow people to read what's in their food and got smart people thinking, dupe.
He can't hold a candle to Insane Clown President
Yeah right...did you see the motorcade Obama had to go to the climate summit? The joker still thinks he is president. Talk about excessive, what size footprint did all of that C02 create. That is the problem with libs. One set of rules for the people and another for us, the enlightened liberals in power. What a joke.
No I didn't, I don't follow him around like you do, he's irrelevant. Once he fell right into the bailouts bullshit like Bush did, they were the same to me.
Bush bailed out Wall St, Obama Main St- though too much compromise with GOP bs...The Secret Service is in charge of ex-president security- more hateful stupid GOP propaganda.

Both admonistrations had the same economic "advisement" team at the time of the bailouts. Godman Sachs is always in the white house running the economy. Everyone loves warfare, foreign economic colonialism and arms dealing as a capitalist business model. I cannot for the life of me give a fuck about some fiction around dems vs reps or libs vs cons.
Not fiction. The middle of an economic meltdown is no time for radical economic reform. There are huge differences in Dem vs GOP policy. LBJ was the last time the Dems weren't obstructed, except 3 weeks for ACA. A boon for the poor, and actual beginning of a solution. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest, the continuing ruin of the nonrich and the country, and the huge military buildup.

It is never time to be so radical as to keep Goldman Sachs out of the white house and running the economy for themselves, I agree, I have to. Where ya think tax cuts for the substabntial people come from, corporate think tanks, Goldman Sachs, Wall Street.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
Kids have been eating "crap" for a very, very long time...one way or another. What is missing is the fact that instead of getting outside, running, playing, riding bikes, building forts, etc...kids nowadays sit on their fat, dysfunctional asses, glazed eyes glued to computer screens playing some dumbass computer game.
You know, comparing the school lunches of today with what I got back in the 70's and early 80, well..............they aren't as good as what I got growing up.

Mrs. Obama may very well have a point.

And in many cases, school is the only place where the kid can get a meal.
So why give them low calorie garbage, if that's true?

If it's true they're starving, why feed them one cherry tomato, one got dog, a tbsp. of ketchup and an apple? How does that sustain a starving kid?

And if school lunches are the only meals these kids are getting, then obesity isn't a problem. Starvation is. And according to what you retards say, obesity is the reason we need low-cal lunches. But then you turn around and say wait they only get one meal a day! We must save the program! So we can make sure their one meal a day doesn't make them obese!

It's schizo. And it's exactly how commies justify the starvation of children.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
Kids have been eating "crap" for a very, very long time...one way or another. What is missing is the fact that instead of getting outside, running, playing, riding bikes, building forts, etc...kids nowadays sit on their fat, dysfunctional asses, glazed eyes glued to computer screens playing some dumbass computer game.
Just as the system hoped they would. Go try to find something without corn syrup in it.

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