Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare

I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.

It'a as amazing as the need for wacko progressives to tell everyone else what to do
The federal government changes a couple things in a federal program that daycare centers use willingly and to their advantage, and you fucking nutjobs lose your minds. Ridiculous.

I haven't lost my mind at all.

Just stating the facts that none of these people who want to tell everyone else how to live is really doing anything to prevent kids from getting fat

Instead of banning cupcakes they should be increasing phy ed and funding sports programs not micromanaging kids' calorie intake
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
RWrs like Staphunny cannot stand the idea that someone may get between them and their junk food.
Its their right to junk food.
God you people are pathetic
Their right to government provided junk food? Where is that in the constitution?
She was talking about Stephanie. I don't think that nut job is in a day care.
But you are right. This only effects centers that get federal funding. More attacks on the poor. :lol:
It's ridiculous anyway

It's just another symptom of the I will tell you what to do because I' know what's best disease

You mean health professionals know more about health that trash men? Well yeah. I'll leave it up to you to make the argument of why fried food is the better option.

But I get a feeling you cant make that argument. So why defend something you cant say?
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

if someone is taking care of my child, I'm all for them being told how they are going to treat my child.

By you or by some government hack?
(Billy ponders all the opinions while eating a well-stuffed chocolate eclair and considering Chinese food for dinner.)

I grew up eating Frosted Flake and drinking Cherry Kool Aid made with real sugar and so did most of the kids I grew up with

None of us are obese.

Good genes. Not everyone's as lucky.

Why does Stephanie want kids to eat bad food? Worried about the competition?
That is retarded, arian. Someone doesn't believe in people telling them how to live their lives and she wants kids to be unhealthy? The fallacies are shooting out of your ass and going everywhere.

stop whining. we're talking about what kids get in daycare.

or should daycare workers shove sugar water into your kids all day?

that's just silly.
You don't understand because you are a statist.
If people don't like what their kids are ingesting, go to another day care. Needless regulation is needless.

no. I don't understand because I'm not a childish whining pretend libertarian who thinks their kids eating healthy in school is bad.... but that they can stick their noses into people's most personal decision making processes.

so no.... I don't understand idiocy.
pretend libertarian? lol dumbass
Why in the hell would you think I think kids eating unhealthy is a good thing? God you fuckin nutters are morons. If you didn't have fallacies, you would just sit there drooling on yourself.
You mean health professionals know more about health that trash men? Well yeah. I'll leave it up to you to make the argument of why fried food is the better option.

But I get a feeling you cant make that argument. So why defend something you cant say?
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

if someone is taking care of my child, I'm all for them being told how they are going to treat my child.

In all seriousness Jillian, isn't that YOUR job? Why on Earth would you want the government telling a third party how to raise YOUR child?

Day Cares dont raise your child. Can we just stop the bullshit and address the topic at hand which is Why you think eating less fried food is bad.
Only a left loon would ever think it's the government's job to dictate what a parent can or cannot allow their child to eat.
When they're getting the food from the government at no cost, in a program they are voluntarily participating in to their benefit, then yes.

Nope, what is wrong with you loons you need the government as your nanny? Are you really that weak?
Providing toddlers with healthful food so they don't end up fat like 40% of American adults? OUTRAGE!!!!! Oh, the huge manatee!
RWrs like Staphunny cannot stand the idea that someone may get between them and their junk food.
Its their right to junk food.
God you people are pathetic
Their right to government provided junk food? Where is that in the constitution?
She was talking about Stephanie. I don't think that nut job is in a day care.
But you are right. This only effects centers that get federal funding. More attacks on the poor. :lol:
Oh I guarantee that wherever Staph is, the free food the government is providing her has been affected by Michelle Obama. She's a beggar trying to be a chooser.
Only a left loon would ever think it's the government's job to dictate what a parent can or cannot allow their child to eat.

You do realize that daycares , just like regular schools, can feed kids whatever they want to feed them right? They simply won't qualify for additional federal funding if they don't follow the regulations.

This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of BOTH sides.

On the left we have idiots saying "hey if you get food from the government then the government gets to tell you what to eat, whilst at the same time screaming that the government can't drug test welfare recipients" and of course the exact opposite from the right.

Both sides are ridiculous morons. If you invite the government into your life , deal with the consequences. Simple as that.
It's ridiculous anyway

It's just another symptom of the I will tell you what to do because I' know what's best disease

You mean health professionals know more about health that trash men? Well yeah. I'll leave it up to you to make the argument of why fried food is the better option.

But I get a feeling you cant make that argument. So why defend something you cant say?
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

One, this is about Daycares. You can still eat whatever you want and give it to your kids. This law doesnt prevent that so calm down

Two, Of course thats not the answer and thats why this isnt a bill on cupcake bans exclusively. I notice you keep saying what the answer IS NOT.

Can you tell us in the case of Obesity in America what the answer IS?

It doesn't matter.

It's no one's business what people choose to eat now is it? I' really sick of people thinking they have the right to tell others how to live their fucking lives.

If you want to be a fat fuck go ahead IDGAF.
Only a left loon would ever think it's the government's job to dictate what a parent can or cannot allow their child to eat.
When they're getting the food from the government at no cost, in a program they are voluntarily participating in to their benefit, then yes.

Nope, what is wrong with you loons you need the government as your nanny? Are you really that weak?
God you're stupid.
Only a left loon would ever think it's the government's job to dictate what a parent can or cannot allow their child to eat.

You do realize that daycares , just like regular schools, can feed kids whatever they want to feed them right? They simply won't qualify for additional federal funding if they don't follow the regulations.

This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of BOTH sides.

On the left we have idiots saying "hey if you get food from the government then the government gets to tell you what to eat, whilst at the same time screaming that the government can't drug test welfare recipients" and of course the exact opposite from the right.

Both sides are ridiculous morons. If you invite the government into your life , deal with the consequences. Simple as that.

Of course I understand it, our children attend private schools to get away from this lunacy. My children will eat what I allow them to eat, not some overweight, manly looking behemoth like Moochelle or any other government bureaucrat
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I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.

It'a as amazing as the need for wacko progressives to tell everyone else what to do
The federal government changes a couple things in a federal program that daycare centers use willingly and to their advantage, and you fucking nutjobs lose your minds. Ridiculous.

I haven't lost my mind at all.

Just stating the facts that none of these people who want to tell everyone else how to live is really doing anything to prevent kids from getting fat

Instead of banning cupcakes they should be increasing phy ed and funding sports programs not micromanaging kids' calorie intake
They're not banning anything. They tweaked a program that they fund and provide to the benefit of Daycares and people who voluntarily participate in said program. It takes a nutjob to say that means they are "banning cupcakes."
Where did I say it was a better option? It's no ones business what people eat

But then again eating some fried food once in a while will not make you obese either

So your answer is to do nothing and if anyone does anything you object. Seems like a good plan!

I'm for not telling people how to live their lives and it is a good plan

Seriously a cupcake ban is not the answer but you idiots seem to think it is

if someone is taking care of my child, I'm all for them being told how they are going to treat my child.

In all seriousness Jillian, isn't that YOUR job? Why on Earth would you want the government telling a third party how to raise YOUR child?

Day Cares dont raise your child. Can we just stop the bullshit and address the topic at hand which is Why you think eating less fried food is bad.

I don't think it's bad, in fact I think the government is well within its powers to regulate such programs that THEY fun. See how that works????

I was merely pointing out Jillian's weak argument about expecting the government to do HER job as a parent.
I'm truly amazed at the ability of RWNJ's to find insignificant little stories like this one and blow them up into massive drama. Countless times a day.
Tell me you don't think the Left does the same thing?

How about the current lefty fascination with boys/men using women's restrooms???
You guys are the ones who created that by increasing the scope of government with new laws about what potty's people need to use.
There's your second mistake...to think the R party is different from the D party.

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