Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Kaku’s conclusion is pretty is clear.

“The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” says Kaku. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music. The music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

“To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

World-Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created
Kaku’s conclusion is pretty is clear.

“The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” says Kaku. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music. The music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

“To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

World-Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created

somewhere in a far off dimension a young ethereal being, gazing down at the universe, says ....."hey pop.....my science experiments' science experiment just created life!"
humans are so flawed it's almost unbelievable
humans CANNOT comprehend/know/etc the beginning/creation/etc
But, but, but...
Are not all scientists Atheists?

Actually his point is what I have stated countless times on the gibberish that becomes the evolution vs. creation threads.

Not religious in any sense. But stands to reason that any higher evolved ancient intelligence would have far greater knowledge than us lower evolved primates.

God's flowing white robe is a lab coat.
Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery

Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery
OCTOBER 16TH, 2017

Several months ago there was a flurry of headlines claiming that Michio Kaku had proven the existence of God. In this exclusive interview with the famous physicist, Kaku elaborates on what happened.

I&T Today: You recently made a lot of headlines with your discoveries regarding the possible existence of a higher intelligence. Could you explain what you found?

Michio Kaku: There is a website that quoted me incorrectly. That’s one of the drawbacks of being in a public sphere: sometimes you get quoted incorrectly. And the reference I saw said that I said that you can prove the existence of God. My point of view is different. My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

Science is based on what is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. That’s called science. However, there are certain things that are not testable, not reproducible, and not falsifiable. And that would include the existence of God.

For example, look at reincarnation. If somebody at a cocktail party says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, how do you disprove that? How do you falsify that? Well, you ask some simple question and they get it wrong. Then you say, “Ha! I falsified your statement.” And they say, “No, the history books are wrong…How do I know the history books are wrong? Because I am Cleopatra. I am Julius Caesar.”

At that point, the conversation is over....​
Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery

Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery
OCTOBER 16TH, 2017

Several months ago there was a flurry of headlines claiming that Michio Kaku had proven the existence of God. In this exclusive interview with the famous physicist, Kaku elaborates on what happened.

I&T Today: You recently made a lot of headlines with your discoveries regarding the possible existence of a higher intelligence. Could you explain what you found?

Michio Kaku: There is a website that quoted me incorrectly. That’s one of the drawbacks of being in a public sphere: sometimes you get quoted incorrectly. And the reference I saw said that I said that you can prove the existence of God. My point of view is different. My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

Science is based on what is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. That’s called science. However, there are certain things that are not testable, not reproducible, and not falsifiable. And that would include the existence of God.

For example, look at reincarnation. If somebody at a cocktail party says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, how do you disprove that? How do you falsify that? Well, you ask some simple question and they get it wrong. Then you say, “Ha! I falsified your statement.” And they say, “No, the history books are wrong…How do I know the history books are wrong? Because I am Cleopatra. I am Julius Caesar.”

At that point, the conversation is over....​
His position is still that there is ultimately a creator...Whether that is or isn't the Judeo-Chrisian "God" is irrelevant.

That is the point of the OP.
Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery

Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery
OCTOBER 16TH, 2017

Several months ago there was a flurry of headlines claiming that Michio Kaku had proven the existence of God. In this exclusive interview with the famous physicist, Kaku elaborates on what happened.

I&T Today: You recently made a lot of headlines with your discoveries regarding the possible existence of a higher intelligence. Could you explain what you found?

Michio Kaku: There is a website that quoted me incorrectly. That’s one of the drawbacks of being in a public sphere: sometimes you get quoted incorrectly. And the reference I saw said that I said that you can prove the existence of God. My point of view is different. My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

Science is based on what is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. That’s called science. However, there are certain things that are not testable, not reproducible, and not falsifiable. And that would include the existence of God.

For example, look at reincarnation. If somebody at a cocktail party says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, how do you disprove that? How do you falsify that? Well, you ask some simple question and they get it wrong. Then you say, “Ha! I falsified your statement.” And they say, “No, the history books are wrong…How do I know the history books are wrong? Because I am Cleopatra. I am Julius Caesar.”

At that point, the conversation is over....​

Shouldn't AGW be "testable, reproducible, and falsifiable"?
Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery

Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery
OCTOBER 16TH, 2017

Several months ago there was a flurry of headlines claiming that Michio Kaku had proven the existence of God. In this exclusive interview with the famous physicist, Kaku elaborates on what happened.

I&T Today: You recently made a lot of headlines with your discoveries regarding the possible existence of a higher intelligence. Could you explain what you found?

Michio Kaku: There is a website that quoted me incorrectly. That’s one of the drawbacks of being in a public sphere: sometimes you get quoted incorrectly. And the reference I saw said that I said that you can prove the existence of God. My point of view is different. My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

Science is based on what is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. That’s called science. However, there are certain things that are not testable, not reproducible, and not falsifiable. And that would include the existence of God.

For example, look at reincarnation. If somebody at a cocktail party says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, how do you disprove that? How do you falsify that? Well, you ask some simple question and they get it wrong. Then you say, “Ha! I falsified your statement.” And they say, “No, the history books are wrong…How do I know the history books are wrong? Because I am Cleopatra. I am Julius Caesar.”

At that point, the conversation is over....​

Shouldn't AGW be "testable, reproducible, and falsifiable"?
Universe or planetary things of Great time-and-scale like Astronomy (and Macro-Evolution) are Not necessarily reproducible.
We can test it in other ways however, and we have.

You're too Stupid to debate me, and I won't humor for another 10 pages like some others will.
You lose again.
Kaku’s conclusion is pretty is clear.

“The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” says Kaku. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music. The music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

“To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

World-Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created
Jesus or Allah?
Where did music come from? Hmm?

Why are major scales happy, and minor scales sad?


The tones tie in directly with human emotion, btw.

Yeah, I got no link for that, but it is what it is.
Humanity is threatened by the infinite since it shows our true insignificance in a massive universe that overwhelmes our limited senses and perceptions.
We are literally blind and dumb as an infant species that can't even comprehend consciousness.
Patterns and non patterns in mathematics leading to the infinite in a variety of ways.
Biology interlaced in a planet wide web of life all carrying the same basic biological program with a built in intense mechanism for procreating.
Complex thought and emotional ability not just limited to humans, but shared in a limited fashion to lower life forms.
A specific set of laws regarding the universe.

In other words, a ton of scientific shit to just pop out of nowhere from a singularity that no one can even prove existed.

What we do observe in my humble opinion just comes across as a very complex design or program.
Point is, none of us know. May never know.
God, cosmic accident, who cares?
Still holds me in awe when I stare into the night expanse from the north woods.
Shouldn't AGW be "testable, reproducible, and falsifiable"?


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Kaku’s conclusion is pretty is clear.

“The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” says Kaku. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music. The music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

“To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

World-Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created
Jesus or Allah?


Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery

Michio Kaku Clears up God Discovery
OCTOBER 16TH, 2017

Several months ago there was a flurry of headlines claiming that Michio Kaku had proven the existence of God. In this exclusive interview with the famous physicist, Kaku elaborates on what happened.

I&T Today: You recently made a lot of headlines with your discoveries regarding the possible existence of a higher intelligence. Could you explain what you found?

Michio Kaku: There is a website that quoted me incorrectly. That’s one of the drawbacks of being in a public sphere: sometimes you get quoted incorrectly. And the reference I saw said that I said that you can prove the existence of God. My point of view is different. My own point of view is that you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.

Science is based on what is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. That’s called science. However, there are certain things that are not testable, not reproducible, and not falsifiable. And that would include the existence of God.

For example, look at reincarnation. If somebody at a cocktail party says that they are Cleopatra or Julius Caesar, how do you disprove that? How do you falsify that? Well, you ask some simple question and they get it wrong. Then you say, “Ha! I falsified your statement.” And they say, “No, the history books are wrong…How do I know the history books are wrong? Because I am Cleopatra. I am Julius Caesar.”

At that point, the conversation is over....​

No - not really. This depends whether we speak about intersubjective truth or objective truth. Indeed we do not know whether we are able to speak about objective truth - but we agree intersubjectively what we accept as an objective truth. Truth is in case of the belief in god and in case of natural science a very similiar word. Natural scienctists believe in one common truth within all phenomenons of the nature. This truth is independent from human beings. It is part of the natural structure of the world. Phycisist (natural philosophers, natural scientists) ask the nature itselve with experiments. And the way they ask this questions is the way of mathematics. Mathematics is the spirtuality of physics. This way we may call an "objective way" to seek for the truth within the natural world all around. The strange thing: The human idea "mathematics" has not any material side. Mathematics is only a kind of summary of totally abstract human thoughts. A pure rational structure. This pure rational structure is somehow part of the world all around, otherwise we could not say anything what's correct in natural science. "In the beginning was the word and the word was with god and god was the word" is a sentence, which might sounds reduced into physics like: "In the beginning was information and information was in [more than] everything and [more than] everything is information".

In case of Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar we use not experiments but documents tpo fidn out what's rogth or wrong. Nevertheless no one doubts in the existance of Cleopatra and Julius Cesar.

In case of god is the question "Exists god?" a much more complex philosophical question, because god is creator. God created every form of existance. Did he exist when he did so?

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Kaku’s conclusion is pretty is clear.

“The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” says Kaku. “The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music. The music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.”

“To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

World-Famous Scientist: God Created the Universe

String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created

Why and how the big bang came about in the creation of the universe is, of course, a deep mystery. Call that "circumstance" before the big bang "God" if you wish, but that doesn't clarify anything. It is just another word to say it is an unknown circumstance.

However the "God" understanding of the "circumstance" ends right there. There is nothing more to it that tells us that we should pray to it or that it has a moral code or that it micromanages our lives.


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