Migrant kids outperform local kids

It is particularly amusing that ass-talker thinks pasting a link to wiki-aretoufuckingkiddingme- pedia because he knows nothing about logic himself is somehow 'impressive.'


....f Ad Hominem Attack.


Did you have to look that one up on 'wiki' too, professor?

And in no way did you deal with my valid and truthful point that your previous post was nothing but a Logical Fallacy and thus a Fail on your part.

I "admitted" that I had not [sic] personal observations of Asian schools or nations.....

...or families, or individuals...

Yet you lack the character and intelligence to take the next step.
So, you read a magazine article; never once met any of the countless millions you, in your ignorance, would generalize and condemn, and you DARE type the word "logic" on this thread? Even you should know better.

And as I suspected you hold to your False Dilemma.

You are pretending to hold the position that Anecdotal Evidence trumps Academic Studies.

Why? Because it gives you a lazy out to dismiss an idea you don't like without any work on your part.

Where's this magazine article you are pretending is more persuasive than reality?

Save your spin for someone that cares.

I believe it was in this book.

All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood: Jennifer Senior: 9780062072221: Amazon.com: Books

Wow. Not only is that not anything like an "academic study," but you haven't even read the book jacket. Way to go, ass-talker.

How did you reach either of those conclusions...

I went to the extraordinary length of looking at the book desciption. It was written by a journalist, not an academic. It is about the effect of parenting on PARENTS, not children, and makes no mention of the stereotypes and generalizations you mistake for fact. Way to go, ass-talker.
Slack-ass loser still trying to justify his flaccid, spineless, un-American fear of competition. Pathetic.
Uniform Utilitarianism

School uniform policies encourage teamwork and less fashion peer pressure, creating 'virtual environments' macro-symbolic of the globalization melting pot.

And as I suspected you hold to your False Dilemma.

You are pretending to hold the position that Anecdotal Evidence trumps Academic Studies.

Why? Because it gives you a lazy out to dismiss an idea you don't like without any work on your part.

Where's this magazine article you are pretending is more persuasive than reality?

Save your spin for someone that cares.

I believe it was in this book.

All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood: Jennifer Senior: 9780062072221: Amazon.com: Books

Wow. Not only is that not anything like an "academic study," but you haven't even read the book jacket. Way to go, ass-talker.

How did you reach either of those conclusions...

I went to the extraordinary length of looking at the book desciption. It was written by a journalist, not an academic. It is about the effect of parenting on PARENTS, not children, and makes no mention of the stereotypes and generalizations you mistake for fact. Way to go, ass-talker.

I don't know why you feel a need to be a dick about this.

Yes, the JOURNALIST wrote a book, and the main focus was on the effects on PARENTS.

The portion of the book that dealt with upper class parents dealing with new competition from high achiever Asian immigrants cited a study the looked at upper class parents in Texas.

Someone as smart as you could make the massive mental leap that as these parents feel pressure and respond by pushing their children into additional and earlier and more intensive and increasingly useless competition, that it would have an effect on the CHILDREN actually doing the work.

And yes, examples of the early and useless work was included, I did not just make that up.

ONe example that stuck with me was a mother who discovered that all the Asian Parents had enrolled their young children, I'm thinking EARLY grade school, in an enrichment program offered by a near by elite university.

It was expensive, her child was already heavily scheduled, she asked the representatives of the university if participation would be considered in admissions, years later.

She was assured that it would NOT be.

But all the Asian parents were still sending their kids...

I don't recall what her final decision was in that instance.

I've also seen the effect of schools that have tried to respond to increased level of competition with increased work loads on the children. Children literally staggering under the loads in their backpacks, constantly looking like strung out heroin junkies from overwork and lack of sleep, not having time to spend with family.

I have friends who are teachers who have dealt with parents who are upset about them NOT putting a lot of homework on their children.

Why are we importing people who will make our lives harder?
Where's this magazine article you are pretending is more persuasive than reality?

Save your spin for someone that cares.

I believe it was in this book.

All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood: Jennifer Senior: 9780062072221: Amazon.com: Books

Wow. Not only is that not anything like an "academic study," but you haven't even read the book jacket. Way to go, ass-talker.

How did you reach either of those conclusions...

I went to the extraordinary length of looking at the book desciption. It was written by a journalist, not an academic. It is about the effect of parenting on PARENTS, not children, and makes no mention of the stereotypes and generalizations you mistake for fact. Way to go, ass-talker.

I don't know why you feel a need to be a dick about this.

Yes, the JOURNALIST wrote a book, and the main focus was on the effects on PARENTS.

The portion of the book that dealt with upper class parents dealing with new competition from high achiever Asian immigrants cited a study the looked at upper class parents in Texas.

Someone as smart as you could make the massive mental leap that as these parents feel pressure and respond by pushing their children into additional and earlier and more intensive and increasingly useless competition, that it would have an effect on the CHILDREN actually doing the work.

And yes, examples of the early and useless work was included, I did not just make that up.

ONe example that stuck with me was a mother who discovered that all the Asian Parents had enrolled their young children, I'm thinking EARLY grade school, in an enrichment program offered by a near by elite university.

It was expensive, her child was already heavily scheduled, she asked the representatives of the university if participation would be considered in admissions, years later.

She was assured that it would NOT be.

But all the Asian parents were still sending their kids...

I don't recall what her final decision was in that instance.

I've also seen the effect of schools that have tried to respond to increased level of competition with increased work loads on the children. Children literally staggering under the loads in their backpacks, constantly looking like strung out heroin junkies from overwork and lack of sleep, not having time to spend with family.

I have friends who are teachers who have dealt with parents who are upset about them NOT putting a lot of homework on their children.

Why are we importing people who will make our lives harder?

The racist, xenophobic, lazy, illogical, un-American loser is really showing his true colors now.

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods......

So, you're talking out your ass - again.

It was dishonest of you to cut down my post to eliminate my citing of research.

You said "I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods." That means you are talking out your ass in declaring the childhoods of billions of people as "shitty." You are just desperate to justify your lazy weakness and fear.
I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods......

So, you're talking out your ass - again.

It was dishonest of you to cut down my post to eliminate my citing of research.

You said "I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods." That means you are talking out your ass in declaring the childhoods of billions of people as "shitty." You are just desperate to justify your lazy weakness and fear.

I was responding directly to your question based on where you thought I should be operation from, and then went on to share with you where I actually was operating from.

Your cutting of half my post to focus on my honest and direct admission that I have NOT discussed east asians [sic] childhoods with east asians [sic] was dishonest and, ironically lazy, as it was far easier for you than actually addressing my point.

I expected you to demand that I produce a link to the study I had read on the subject. Which would be difficult for me as I was going from memory.....

You are talking out your ass in declaring the childhoods of billions of people as "shitty." There is no "study" that can quantify some empty, pointless declaration of what constitutes a "shitty childhood" according to a lazy POS like you. I have spoken with thousands and thousands (and thousands) of people who had just the kind of childhood your lazy ass fears so much. Fine, happy, well-adjusted, successful people. I have spent decades working with young people in various Asian countries (no, they are not all the same, stupid) as well as here in the states who were and are growing up trying their best and challenging themselves instead of flattening their asses like your ilk. Again, fine, happy, well-adjusted people. Your weakness is YOURS. Don't try to justify it by claiming it as some kind of slacker ideal. America is better than that.

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

The meme that only direct experience counts is bullshit that discounts such abilities and communication, the printed word, words themselves, logic, reason, and the very concepts of "likeness" and empathy.

It is an idea that serves only to give the thinnest excuse for the intellectually dishonest to dismiss opinions that they cannot refute and yet, are too dishonest to admit that they cannot refute them.

Ironically, when you do that, you are actually talking out your ass.
So, you're talking out your ass - again.

It was dishonest of you to cut down my post to eliminate my citing of research.

You said "I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods." That means you are talking out your ass in declaring the childhoods of billions of people as "shitty." You are just desperate to justify your lazy weakness and fear.

I was responding directly to your question based on where you thought I should be operation from, and then went on to share with you where I actually was operating from.

Your cutting of half my post to focus on my honest and direct admission that I have NOT discussed east asians [sic] childhoods with east asians [sic] was dishonest and, ironically lazy, as it was far easier for you than actually addressing my point.

I expected you to demand that I produce a link to the study I had read on the subject. Which would be difficult for me as I was going from memory.....

You are talking out your ass in declaring the childhoods of billions of people as "shitty." There is no "study" that can quantify some empty, pointless declaration of what constitutes a "shitty childhood" according to a lazy POS like you. I have spoken with thousands and thousands (and thousands) of people who had just the kind of childhood your lazy ass fears so much. Fine, happy, well-adjusted, successful people. I have spent decades working with young people in various Asian countries (no, they are not all the same, stupid) as well as here in the states who were and are growing up trying their best and challenging themselves instead of flattening their asses like your ilk. Again, fine, happy, well-adjusted people. Your weakness is YOURS. Don't try to justify it by claiming it as some kind of slacker ideal. America is better than that.

If you talked to thousands and thousands of people, the obvious question is, how did you get to know all those thousands of people well enough to make such confident judgements on their mental health?

I probably know less than a dozen people well enough to be confident that I could speak to the state of their mental health.

It really, really sounds like you are talking out of your ass, again.

Or would that be "still"?
Correll, stop it. One, personal experience limits the set for observation and conclusion. And your comment "the printed word, words themselves, logic, reason, and the very concepts of "likeness" and empathy" are used by the far right to let their 'feelz' substitute for empirical data, quantitative analysis, etc. that is required to supplement experience, logic, reason, in order to come to rational conclusions.
Correll, stop it. One, personal experience limits the set for observation and conclusion. And your comment "the printed word, words themselves, logic, reason, and the very concepts of "likeness" and empathy" are used by the far right to let their 'feelz' substitute for empirical data, quantitative analysis, etc. that is required to supplement experience, logic, reason, in order to come to rational conclusions.

Have you ever personally experienced or observed a rape Jake?

Yet, I bet that you have plenty of "conclusions" on how bad it is, and how damaging to the victim.

What about Genocide?

DOes you lack of personal first hand knowledge of Genocide prevent you for having a strong opinion on the issue?

YOur position that I can't have an opinion on something I have not personally experienced or observed is utter nonsense.
Your example is the exception that proves the rules. We are not talking about rapes, Correll, but about academic performance.

Now Correll, we can document with empirical data and quantitative analysis genocide. That is what we should be doing with the OP.

Stay on track.

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

The meme that only direct experience counts is bullshit that discounts such abilities and communication, the printed word, words themselves, .....

This is your remarkably pathetic attempt at insisting that while you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, your illogical conclusions are valid. FAIL.

If you talked to thousands and thousands of people, the obvious question is, how did you get to know all those thousands of people well enough to make such confident judgements [sic] .....

Because I spoke with them at length about, among other things, personal matters - most often about or during their formative years.

Are you starting to see how reasoned thinking works, shitforbrains?
Your example is the exception that proves the rules. We are not talking about rapes, Correll, but about academic performance.

Now Correll, we can document with empirical data and quantitative analysis genocide. That is what we should be doing with the OP.

Stay on track.

What makes you think that my example is the exception? Other than your self serving interest in dismissing positions rather than seriously or honestly addressing them.

Document the OP? Err, it already has been. My point has been that this is not a change for the better.

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