Migrant kids outperform local kids


I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

The meme that only direct experience counts is bullshit that discounts such abilities and communication, the printed word, words themselves, .....

This is your remarkably pathetic attempt at insisting that while you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, your illogical conclusions are valid. FAIL.

NOthing in your post supports your conclusion.

It is nothing but a strongly worded assertion.

My point stands.

If you talked to thousands and thousands of people, the obvious question is, how did you get to know all those thousands of people well enough to make such confident judgements [sic] .....

Because I spoke with them at length about, among other things, personal matters - most often about or during their formative years.

Are you starting to see how reasoned thinking works, shitforbrains?

1. Thousands of them? For how long, each? Your claim is not credible.

2. And considering the intellectual dishonesty and lack of objective judgement you show in your debating style, I do not trust your judgment.
Do you many people who are or have grown up in the countries you don't (or likely can't) name? You are talking out your ass based on fear, weakness, and stereotype.

I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

The meme that only direct experience counts is bullshit that discounts such abilities and communication, the printed word, words themselves, .....

This is your remarkably pathetic attempt at insisting that while you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, your illogical conclusions are valid. FAIL.

NOthing in your post supports your conclusion.

It is nothing but a strongly worded assertion.

My point stands.

The only point you've proven is that you are talking out your ass about things you admittedly have no idea about.
Your example is the exception that proves the rules. We are not talking about rapes, Correll, but about academic performance.

Now Correll, we can document with empirical data and quantitative analysis genocide. That is what we should be doing with the OP.

Stay on track.
What makes you think that my example is the exception? Other than your self serving interest in dismissing positions rather than seriously or honestly addressing them. Document the OP? Err, it already has been. My point has been that this is not a change for the better.
Your exception has not proven to be the norm. That is the fallacy of hasty generalization. Now, Correll, you are being dishonest. Accept the fact that you are arguing off your back foot and are in danger in slipping on your argument, Correll.

If you talked to thousands and thousands of people, the obvious question is, how did you get to know all those thousands of people well enough to make such confident judgements [sic] .....

Because I spoke with them at length about, among other things, personal matters - most often about or during their formative years.

Are you starting to see how reasoned thinking works, shitforbrains?

1. Thousands of them? For how long, each? ....

Yes, for varying amounts of time; from weeks to years.
I have met people from east Asia. I have not discussed with them their nation's culture of childhoods.

I have read ....

Talking out your ass as usual.

The meme that only direct experience counts is bullshit that discounts such abilities and communication, the printed word, words themselves, .....

This is your remarkably pathetic attempt at insisting that while you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, your illogical conclusions are valid. FAIL.

NOthing in your post supports your conclusion.

It is nothing but a strongly worded assertion.

My point stands.

The only point you've proven is that you are talking out your ass about things you admittedly have no idea about.

NOthing in your post supports your conclusion.

It is nothing but a strongly worded assertion.

My point stands.
Your example is the exception that proves the rules. We are not talking about rapes, Correll, but about academic performance.

Now Correll, we can document with empirical data and quantitative analysis genocide. That is what we should be doing with the OP.

Stay on track.
What makes you think that my example is the exception? Other than your self serving interest in dismissing positions rather than seriously or honestly addressing them. Document the OP? Err, it already has been. My point has been that this is not a change for the better.
Your exception has not proven to be the norm. That is the fallacy of hasty generalization. Now, Correll, you are being dishonest. Accept the fact that you are arguing off your back foot and are in danger in slipping on your argument, Correll.

You've done nothing to prove your claimed "norm" at all.

You admit you have opinions and conclusions about issues you have no personal experience of, but still attack me for doing the same.

YOu are obviously just looking for excuses to dismiss arguments you cannot refute logically.

DO you have an opinion on Murder? Have you ever witnessed a Murder? Or done one yourself? I won't ask if you've ever been murdered of course.

I haven't. I still have a strong belief that murders are wrong, and I am strongly against them.

Slavery. I have no personal experience with slavery. DO you?

I am strongly against it, and I assume you are too.

Lets go on.

Abuse of animals. I have no personal experience with it. Still have a strong opinion.

Have you any personal experience with it? If you don't or if you didn't would you then refuse to take sides on the issue?

What about manned space flight? What about Polygamy? What about lobotomies as a treatment for mental illness?

Your position that personal experience is required to have a position on an issue is utterly absurd.
YOU have admitted you don't know what you are talking about, fool.

Your position that personal experience is required to have a position on an issue is utterly absurd.

Only an illogical fool like you would insist that ZERO actual experience, thoughtless stereotypes, and skimming part of a magazine article conveys more credibility than vast amounts of lived experience. Find some britches that fit.
You're like one of those "I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express" commercials, only you really believe it.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
Thats not really the case is it ? Graduation rates are improving all the time.
Graduation rates mean nothing. We have social promotion. Who ever hangs on, graduates. A diploma is not withheld because the student can't meet graduation requirements.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
Thats not really the case is it ? Graduation rates are improving all the time.
Graduation rates mean nothing. We have social promotion. Who ever hangs on, graduates. A diploma is not withheld because the student can't meet graduation requirements.

Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
Thats not really the case is it ? Graduation rates are improving all the time.
Graduation rates mean nothing. We have social promotion. Who ever hangs on, graduates. A diploma is not withheld because the student can't meet graduation requirements.

Most of the one's around here drop out long before graduation.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.

The one's who are dropping out aren't doing so to go to work.
It's usually due to criminal activity.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.

The one's who are dropping out aren't doing so to go to work......

Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.

The one's who are dropping out aren't doing so to go to work......


Nope...Go drive through the east side of Houston during school hours and tell me what you see.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.

The one's who are dropping out aren't doing so to go to work......


Nope...Go drive through the east side of Houston ......

I don't need to. I drive to work everyday.
The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
In rural Mexico, once kids get adult bodies, they are expected to work, not play around in school. Feeding the family is more important. It's hard to get some Mexican families to value that upper level of high school education. At 16, the pressure is really on. Not for all kids, but for a lot.

The one's who are dropping out aren't doing so to go to work......


Nope...Go drive through the east side of Houston ......

I don't need to. I drive to work everyday.

Whats that have to do with it?

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