Migrant kids outperform local kids

I always carried when going to that side of town......

Sounds like you didn't carry anything between your legs.

It's funny, I remember when that old man got beaten almost to death when he told the high school kids to get off his car.

All the libs were like, "it was his own fault for getting in their face when he had no street cred. He should have been more careful".

But now someone who is normally wary of street punks, and rightfully so, and he is ridiculed for being cautious around dangerous animals.

He was talking about people, not animals. Are you advocating for cowardice now?

"Children" who would beat an older man nearly to death because he told them to get off his car, imo, can reasonable be called animals........

Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior, yet you have a strong enough opinion on them to ridicule the person who did and judged them dangerous.

And you claim to be the logical one?


I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods and high rates of suicide.
Do you deny "unilaterally declaring the lives of billions of people "shitty" based on nothing but stereotypes and your own ignorance"?

Yes. That is nothing but your self serving spin.....

So, you didn't say:

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Fucking liar.

Calm yourself.......

Tell the truth, are the words quoted above yours or not?

Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

The graduation rate is pathetic among mexican"immigrants" in the U.S.
Some of the dumbest MFer's on the planet.
Thats not really the case is it ? Graduation rates are improving all the time.

So they say...
Immigration Reform 2015: More Hispanics In US Schools, But They're Struggling To Keep Up
I certainly don't understand why Mexican immigrants wouldn't do well? Their Mexican schools are just like what the RWrs want of our schools here.
Sounds like you didn't carry anything between your legs.

It's funny, I remember when that old man got beaten almost to death when he told the high school kids to get off his car.

All the libs were like, "it was his own fault for getting in their face when he had no street cred. He should have been more careful".

But now someone who is normally wary of street punks, and rightfully so, and he is ridiculed for being cautious around dangerous animals.

He was talking about people, not animals. Are you advocating for cowardice now?

"Children" who would beat an older man nearly to death because he told them to get off his car, imo, can reasonable be called animals........

Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods and high rates of suicide.
Yes. That is nothing but your self serving spin.....

So, you didn't say:

I do not want America to change to be more like high pressure East Asian countries, with their shitty childhoods ....

Fucking liar.

Calm yourself.......

Tell the truth, are the words quoted above yours or not?

Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

As I pointed out in the portion of my post that you dishonestly cut, it is not a simple yes or no question.

YOu are still being a dick.

It's funny, I remember when that old man got beaten almost to death when he told the high school kids to get off his car.

All the libs were like, "it was his own fault for getting in their face when he had no street cred. He should have been more careful".

But now someone who is normally wary of street punks, and rightfully so, and he is ridiculed for being cautious around dangerous animals.

He was talking about people, not animals. Are you advocating for cowardice now?

"Children" who would beat an older man nearly to death because he told them to get off his car, imo, can reasonable be called animals........

Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

But he could see their appearance and behavior.

As I pointed out, and you ignored.

Is ignoring your debating opponents words a school of logic?
So, you didn't say:

Fucking liar.

Calm yourself.......

Tell the truth, are the words quoted above yours or not?

Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

.... it is not a simple yes or no question....

It is a very simple yes or no question. Why are you afraid to answer it? You are lacking in character entirely.
He was talking about people, not animals. Are you advocating for cowardice now?

"Children" who would beat an older man nearly to death because he told them to get off his car, imo, can reasonable be called animals........

Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

But he could see their appearance and behavior.....

The only behavior he mentioned was standing, and only an illogical buffoon like you would believe that a quick glance while driving quickly away in fear is sufficient to determine circumstances, motivations, or intentions. You are a stupid animal.
Calm yourself.......

Tell the truth, are the words quoted above yours or not?

Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

.... it is not a simple yes or no question....

It is a very simple yes or no question. Why are you afraid to answer it? You are lacking in character entirely.

It obviously is NOT a simple yes or no question, and only a completely dishonest person would claim it was.

I'm not saying this as a personal attack, but you argue like a liberal.
"Children" who would beat an older man nearly to death because he told them to get off his car, imo, can reasonable be called animals........

Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

But he could see their appearance and behavior.....

The only behavior he mentioned was standing, and only an illogical buffoon like you would believe that a quick glance while driving quickly away in fear is sufficient to determine circumstances, motivations, or intentions. You are a stupid animal.

Only a complete fool, or someone completely ignorant of the way the mind works would think that people cannot make, often fairly accurate judgments, based on first visual impression.

And considering the way street crime works, such as that incident with the old man being beaten nearly to death by the mob of "children" such information is often the only information we have to make judgements and choices about our personal safety.

You are a pretentious prick.
Tell the truth, are the words quoted above yours or not?

Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

.... it is not a simple yes or no question....

It is a very simple yes or no question. Why are you afraid to answer it? You are lacking in character entirely.

It obviously is NOT a simple yes or no question, and only a completely dishonest person would claim it was.

I'm not saying this as a personal attack, but you argue like a liberal.

Still you lack the character to answer.
Neither he nor you know (of course) that the people he drove past in fear would do such a thing. Why are you so hostile toward logic?

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

But he could see their appearance and behavior.....

The only behavior he mentioned was standing, and only an illogical buffoon like you would believe that a quick glance while driving quickly away in fear is sufficient to determine circumstances, motivations, or intentions. You are a stupid animal.

Only a complete fool, or someone completely ignorant of the way the mind works would think that people cannot make, often fairly accurate judgments, based on first visual impression.

And considering the way street crime works, such as that incident with the old man being beaten nearly to death by the mob of "children" such information is often the only information we have to make judgements and choices about our personal safety.

You are a pretentious prick.

Illogical buffoon.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college......

This is a classic example of a mindless stereotype based on nothing but pure ignorance and prejudice.
Now you are being a dick.

"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

.... it is not a simple yes or no question....

It is a very simple yes or no question. Why are you afraid to answer it? You are lacking in character entirely.

It obviously is NOT a simple yes or no question, and only a completely dishonest person would claim it was.

I'm not saying this as a personal attack, but you argue like a liberal.

Still you lack the character to answer.

You are being dishonest.
"Yes" or "no" will suffice.

.... it is not a simple yes or no question....

It is a very simple yes or no question. Why are you afraid to answer it? You are lacking in character entirely.

It obviously is NOT a simple yes or no question, and only a completely dishonest person would claim it was.

I'm not saying this as a personal attack, but you argue like a liberal.

Still you lack the character to answer.

You are being dishonest.

You are honestly lacking in character and the ability to reason logically.
Do you deny "unilaterally declaring the lives of billions of people "shitty" based on nothing but stereotypes and your own ignorance"?
Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News

I guess they appreciate education more when they have to struggle to get it.

Great. More competition for college and higher end careers.

Tell me how that benefits you brits?

Competition IS great. You seem to have an identity crisis. You pretend to be British and your attitude is certainly not American.

Competition can be great. Or it can be harmful. Depending on how it is done and the context.

Taking steroids is competition. But it is unhealthy. For one minor example.

Your position that, as a brit, I can't have an opinion on what is going on in the UK is nonsense, as I have repeatedly explained.

AND, my attitude on competition is not conventional. That does not make it wrong.

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