Migrant kids outperform local kids

People send messages with their style of dress and choice of tattoos, and body language.

You didn't see those people, you didn't "personally observe" their appearance and behavior,...

And the coward posting admitted that he did not know the people he was afraid of, and thus could not know their circumstances, motivations, or intentions. Have you ever studied logic - even briefly - in your life?

But he could see their appearance and behavior.....

The only behavior he mentioned was standing, and only an illogical buffoon like you would believe that a quick glance while driving quickly away in fear is sufficient to determine circumstances, motivations, or intentions. You are a stupid animal.

Only a complete fool, or someone completely ignorant of the way the mind works would think that people cannot make, often fairly accurate judgments, based on first visual impression.

And considering the way street crime works, such as that incident with the old man being beaten nearly to death by the mob of "children" such information is often the only information we have to make judgements and choices about our personal safety.

You are a pretentious prick.

Illogical buffoon.

And ironically, your response is nothing but an irrational logical fallacy, Appeal to Ridicule.

My point about the way the mind works if very much true. Are you actually unaware of this? I could provide an educational link.
Thank to god, people managing this country are not stupid like these racist retards...

Immigrants play increasing role in U.S. science and engineering workforce | NSF - National Science Foundation

Why is the "SE" work force turning browner better for this country or our citizens?

Everything is about skin color with you leftists.

The topic being discussed is about comparing ethnic/racial groups.

That you would find my referencing race in this thread to be evidence of a moral failing on my part is completely irrational of you.

AND I note, you in no way answered the question.

How is it better for this country or our citizens?

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college......

This is a classic example of a mindless stereotype based on nothing but pure ignorance and prejudice.

You keep repeating that, as though repetition is making an argument.

My point about the way the mind works if very much true. ......

The point in question was not about "the way the mind works" (which you don't know much about, apparently). It was about fear, ignorance, and making assumptions. Just the sort of weak thinking that you seem to be limited to.
Thank to god, people managing this country are not stupid like these racist retards...

Immigrants play increasing role in U.S. science and engineering workforce | NSF - National Science Foundation

Why is the "SE" work force turning browner better for this country or our citizens?

Everything is about skin color with you leftists.

The topic being discussed is about comparing ethnic/racial groups......

YOU specifically mentioned color, you racist lefty.
Do you deny "unilaterally declaring the lives of billions of people "shitty" based on nothing but stereotypes and your own ignorance"?

As I am sitting at my computer by myself, pretty much everything I do here is "unilateral".

How many people do you have sitting with you?

Billions? Mm, probably more like tens of millions, I don't know how far those practices extend.

BTW, on another forum, a writing forum, I happened to be reading a story set in SOuth Korea, written BY a South Korean, with PERSONAL experience with the educational system we have been discussing.

I asked a question about it, vague, and I attempted to NOT be leading.

This is his complete response.

Sorry my reply is late. I was on my phone and I can't reply very well with it

So yes. I did attend hag-won myself multiple times (when I was younger and actually lived in Korea from 1st-2nd grade and 10th/11th grade for studies in Korea). Usually, it involved hours of studying and doing other stuff.

Basically, think of hag-won as a prep class for school and many times, the things taught at hag-wons are actually BEYOND what the school teaches. Say an 8th grader is learning pre calculus (and yes, Koreans do learn pre-calc levels at 8th grade), then at hag-won, the same 8th grader would learn calculus and even beyond that. I went to Korea over the summer to study at hag-wons (mainly to prepare for the 4 APs I was going to take Junior year), the kids are insane over there. Kids go to school, finish school at 2, and go to hag-wons until 10 PM (Korea has a law regarding this. Hag-wons MUST close at 10 PM because the situation got so bad). I did something similar at my time there, waking up at 8, going to hag-won by 9, and staying there till 9 PM.

Yes. It's completely normal. In fact, students either study by themselves after 10:00 PM or risk illegal acts and go to secret hag-wons that are often at held secretly with the lights dimmed. Korea is just THAT competitive.

I've been raised in America for 10 years, so I'm pretty much an "American" student despite my Korean look. So when I went to Korea, I was immediately overwhelmed just how much work a typical Korean student will and can do. It makes the American education system look like a joke, in all honesty.


NOte how the government passed a law that hag-wons had to close at 10 pm.

Even the SOuth Korean government too steps to restrict the level of "competition".

My point about the way the mind works if very much true. ......

The point in question was not about "the way the mind works" (which you don't know much about, apparently). It was about fear, ignorance, and making assumptions. Just the sort of weak thinking that you seem to be limited to.

Do you imagine that your mind does not work that way?

That you are a creature of pure logic?

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college......

This is a classic example of a mindless stereotype based on nothing but pure ignorance and prejudice.

You keep repeating that, as though repetition is making an argument.

You are the one trying (and failing) to defend your ignorance.
Thank to god, people managing this country are not stupid like these racist retards...

Immigrants play increasing role in U.S. science and engineering workforce | NSF - National Science Foundation

Why is the "SE" work force turning browner better for this country or our citizens?

Everything is about skin color with you leftists.

The topic being discussed is about comparing ethnic/racial groups......

YOU specifically mentioned color, you racist lefty.

Alpine posted a link showing a demographic change in a workforce and he made it clear he considered it a positive change.

I asked him to explain why he thought it was a positive change.

That is obviously a valid question.

For you to play the Race Card in response to that is insane and dishonest.

I hate to do this to you, but you leave me no choice.

It is not completely appropriate because I don't think your problem is actually lack of intelligence, but ironically intellectual laziness and cowardice. But, still...


I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college......

This is a classic example of a mindless stereotype based on nothing but pure ignorance and prejudice.

You keep repeating that, as though repetition is making an argument.

You are the one trying (and failing) to defend your ignorance.

I am defending the concept of communication.

When I read or hear about events far away, I am receiving communication about those events.

Most people consider that valid.
Competition demands constant improvement and reveals quality through outcomes rather than intentions or expectations. American universities are by far the best in the world because the university system is based on competition, in contrast to K-12 public education (perhaps inevitably, but...).

Even the SOuth Korean government too steps to restrict the level of "competition".

Have you ever been to a hagwan in Korea? Do you really know anything about it? You are defeating your own argument through ignorance.
This is an over generalization, but... Illegal alien offspring take it for granted they get away with whatever, Legal immigrant kids are trying to live up to a higher standard. That is one of the differences between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. This is not a scientifically proven fact. Just my opinion.

I've read recently an interesting study on higher class whites dealing with increasing competition from higher class, especially Asian immigrants with an extremely competitive and education driven culture.

And I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college.

That is not making this nation or the world a better place.

It's making it crappier.

Lazy losers like you are not what America is about.
This is an over generalization, but... Illegal alien offspring take it for granted they get away with whatever, Legal immigrant kids are trying to live up to a higher standard. That is one of the differences between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. This is not a scientifically proven fact. Just my opinion.

I've read recently an interesting study on higher class whites dealing with increasing competition from higher class, especially Asian immigrants with an extremely competitive and education driven culture.

And I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college.

That is not making this nation or the world a better place.

It's making it crappier.

Lazy losers like you are not what America is about.

Wanting Americans today to be able to have a traditional American childhood and not have to start competing for university admissions in preschool is not being lazy.

I do not believe there is a real benefit from that level of competition.......

You are a lazy POS, and weaklings like you only enervate society. Americans are competitors. Always have been, always will be. Unfortunately, losers like you have always found a way to coast along on the energy, effort, and courage of others.
This is an over generalization, but... Illegal alien offspring take it for granted they get away with whatever, Legal immigrant kids are trying to live up to a higher standard. That is one of the differences between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. This is not a scientifically proven fact. Just my opinion.

I've read recently an interesting study on higher class whites dealing with increasing competition from higher class, especially Asian immigrants with an extremely competitive and education driven culture.

And I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college.

That is not making this nation or the world a better place.

It's making it crappier.

Lazy losers like you are not what America is about.

Any time you want to list some benefits for Americans and America, go right ahead.

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