Mike Lindell Urges SCOTUS to 'Immediately' Reinstate Trump and 'Get Rid of Communists'

Not only do Democrats steal the election, but now they are going after Rudy because he was trying to stop the steal. And now they are going after Trump, trying to get his accountant to flip on him.
Not only do Democrats steal the election, but now they are going after Rudy because he was trying to stop the steal. And now they are going after Trump, trying to get his accountant to flip on him.
The Judiciary is going after Rudy and all of the other rag tag lawyers who presented phony evidence and made misrepresentations to the courts. You do know that they are all getting raked over the coals in Federal Court in Michigan, don't you?

Rudy's law license was suspended in New York and DC for lying about the election. What alt reality are you living in when you keep insisting that the election was stolem?

How logical is it to go to court over 60 time claiming fraud when you don't have any evidence of it?
It just proves we have too many liberal judges.
That is just as stupid as stupid gets. Many of them are Republicans, and some were appointed by Trump
These people are allergic to truth....it makes them uneasy.
Trump to be re-instated August 13th, there is your "truth"

The trouble with the My Pillow guy wanting to "get the Communists out of the political arena," is that (until the pro-one party only Democrats completely take over), we have a multi-party system in which any cockamamie political can be formed and run for office.
Some actual examples are:
The United States Pirate Party.
The American Vegetarian Party.
The Objectivist Party.
The American Common Sense Party.
Et cetera......
The problem with the Democrat Party, which I understand that now likes the description as the Social Democrat Party, is that one thing it really will not be if they do get total control, is Democratic. I hear them and I think another nation that calls itself Democratic, the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of Korea (North Korea). For some strange reason, the only candidate allowed to run for the head of that nation, seems to win100% of the votes and if anyone does a write in candidate, they oddly disappear.
No nation should be a one political party nation, it always becomes authoritarian and tyrannical...ALWAYS.
I do believe that there should be an official limitation as to how many political parties can be considered acceptable (perhaps six or so), if only to rid the field of the absurd ones that crop up.
Lunatics like Lindell have the “courage to speak out” because they don’t realize that what they’re saying is absolutely insane.
The lunatics are the ones who think the whole set-up we have been witnessing since the 2020 steal, is sane. And as more and more unvetted, unvaccinated illegal aliens are spread all over the country, taking all those open jobs, and Americans find themselves without jobs, without unemployment $$, and without $$ period, and being EVICTED, the shit will hit the fan.

Problem is, it it will be too late for these idiots, who have been going along with this lunacy, all along. Unless, that is, they are dead, from all the crime in police defunded cities.

As I was about to walk into the barn where my car is parked, a fox came rushing out. I don't know who was more surprised, me or the fox.
Even if I want Trump back in the White House......
WHY would I listen to a pillow salesman?

Unless I'm in the market for an extremely, heinously over-priced pillow, he has nothing to say that interests me.
The Dems don't ever give us a break. There's no rest day nor night in Democrat territory.
The problem with the Democrat Party, which I understand that now likes the description as the Social Democrat Party, is that one thing it really will not be if they do get total control, is Democratic. I hear them and I think another nation that calls itself Democratic, the DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC of Korea (North Korea). For some strange reason, the only candidate allowed to run for the head of that nation, seems to win100% of the votes and if anyone does a write in candidate, they oddly disappear.
That's why they spend so much energy attacking Trump. They want to weaken Trump as a candidate because they see him as a threat.
That's why they spend so much energy attacking Trump. They want to weaken Trump as a candidate because they see him as a threat.
A threat to what ???? Trump working for all to bring job's back, bring prices down, strengthen the military, fix the VA, restore dignity to labor, help with Israeli/Palestinian relations, stopped North Korea's hostile action's, created right to try, warp speed, trade fairness, regulatory roll back's that allowed industry and job's to thrive again, stopping the libs from using the military as a social experiment, stopping the libs from using America as a social experiment, and on and on and on and on it went for the betterment of all Americans right ?????????????? Right...

Trump was no threat, as he never threatened upstanding good American's, but sadly we can't say the same about the Democrat's who are authoritarian dictator's can we ? Nope we can't...... Thanks for your post.

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