Milage Tax or Tracking You tax?

I'm against any new taxes period especially those that while I am not positive how it exactly keeps tracks of whereabouts, is a consumption tax.
Why do that? Just give everyone an iPhone and they don't have to be in their cars.
I'm against any new taxes period especially those that while I am not positive how it exactly keeps tracks of whereabouts, is a consumption tax.

We already pay a good deal of tax on the gas we consume now. If they want more tax why not just tack it on to the gas? Why the need to track your miles?
Your gas is too high already.

from the link

The report, prepared at the request of the Senate Budget Committee, chaired by Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., recommended a vehicle miles-traveled tax that would be assessed by installing electronic devices on vehicles, to determine how many miles were driven. Tax payments would then be assessed and made electronically at gas stations.

Again why track your miles if they are going to charge you at the pump anyway?
Mileage tax is going to prevent people from driving alternative fuel vehicles. Imported fuel tax would be better but it still affects the poor more than the rich.

I think they should just mandate that all luxury automobiles or one costing over $39k should run on alternative fuels. Because hey if you can afford plush interior, awesome sound system, navigation, guidance & voice activation controls, you can afford the more expensive power plant upfront investment that gets you there & will save you money in the long run. The buyers will decide weather they want bio fuel, ethanol, battery, hydrogen, CNG, LNG, Propane, etc.

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