Military court rules "Bump Stocks," are not machine guns.....duh.....

Had the asshole used simple aimed fire he would have killed far more.

The fact he used a bump stock SAVED lives.

But you are ignorant of how guns work so spew ignorant twaddle.
Haha... you know nothing about me.
I have been around guns my entire 56 years of life.
The first time I shot one was with my grandfather when I was about 6 or 7.
When I turned 18, on that DAY - I went out and bought a Mossberg 20 ga. because I wanted to hunt with MY own gun I bought.
I gave that gun to my son on his 18th birthday.
I have 3 guns in my home, in fact, I have never lived in a home without multiple guns my whole life.

So enough of the assigning people to boxes you have no idea about.
I don't understand your comparison?
It is a strawman
Nuclear bombs kill more people than grenades. So we should legalize grenades?
What terrorist did with a truck is not related to the guy in Vegas.
There are, and always will be, insane people among us. And bad people.
There would be no need for ANY laws if everyone did only what they are supposed to.
But that isn't the case.

I am pointing out that a gun isn't a death ray and that focusing on the gun is stupid. The other idiot focuses on the gun because he wants to ban them. The real focus should be on the location of the attack, since it is the location and the defenseless people in that location that determines how many people the killer can murder.

The moron in the other posts attacks the gun.....while the bigger killer is a rental truck......
Haha... you know nothing about me.
I have been around guns my entire 56 years of life.
The first time I shot one was with my grandfather when I was about 6 or 7.
When I turned 18, on that DAY - I went out and bought a Mossberg 20 ga. because I wanted to hunt with MY own gun I bought.
I gave that gun to my son on his 18th birthday.
I have 3 guns in my home, in fact, I have never lived in a home without multiple guns my whole life.

So enough of the assigning people to boxes you have no idea about.

I know enough to know that you are ignorant of guns, and how they work. You are discussing, what we in the collecting world call "farmer guns". In other words, guns that are not interesting. They serve a useful purpose, but are not interesting from a mechanical, historical, or aesthetic reason. I have in my home well over 200 guns at the moment. Most are quite old and too valuable to shoot. But I also have around 50 that I use on almost a weekly basis. I will hazard a bet that I shoot more in one month, then you have in your entire life.

Remember, junior, it's not how many you have, or how long you have had them, but how much you USE them. I use mine all of the time.

Oh yeah, I do have one farmer gun. An old Winchester Model 67 that I taught my daughter how to shoot on.
You dumbass Moon Bat

There were significant casualties at Las Vegas because the shooter held the high ground and it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Since you don't know anything about bump stocks and I do let me explain a few things to you.

According to the police report the bump stocks caused the rifles to jam thus reducing the damage that could have been done.

Given his tactical position he would have been more effective with directed semi auto fire. If you ever would shoot a bump stock you would know that it spews out very inaccurate fire. He missed a lot of targets because he was using the dumbass bump stocks.

He would have inflicted much more damage if he had real F-A fire. Either from legally purchased Class III weapons or by illegally purchased or modified weapons.

He could have bought a legal double tap trigger and it would have put out more accurate and reliable fire power than bump stocks.

The guy was rich so he could have just bought illegal AKs or M-16s on the black market that would have been much more accurate and reliable.

As convoluted as it seems the fact that he chose to use bump stocks probably prevented more deaths than any other choices the nut case could have made.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are ignorant of firearms and it is pathetic to see you spout your stupidity.

Hey Loon Fuck - Did you have evidence that Paddock's gun jammed? Me neither, but even if it did, he had an entire arsenal of AK's outfitted with bumps.

There were 5 second pauses between machine gun-like fire and that's about it. He needed no accuracy. NONE. You and 2a should get a room and leave us normal gun owners the hell alone! isn't, and if you weren't a) stupid, and be b) an unhinged, anti-gun extremist without the common sense of a gnat, you would understand what I posted.......

The muzzle rise caused by the bump stock caused the bullets to miss human dumb fuck..........

So no....that particular loon did not hit as many people with the bump stock as he could have had he simply fired the rifle idiot.

You sir, are full of shit.
And to be clear, I'm a proud gun owner.
So beat it :cool-45:
You sir, are full of shit.
And to be clear, I'm a proud gun owner.
So beat it :cool-45:

No, you're not. You're a computer gaming fruit who dreams you could afford a gun.

Now beat it. Loser.
Hey Loon Fuck - Did you have evidence that Paddock's gun jammed? Me neither, but even if it did, he had an entire arsenal of AK's outfitted with bumps.

There were 5 second pauses between machine gun-like fire and that's about it. He needed no accuracy. NONE. You and 2a should get a room and leave us normal gun owners the hell alone!

Had the asshole actually aimed, he would have killed far more. Thank Mother Nature that his gun knowledge was about as good as yours.
Hey Loon Fuck - Did you have evidence that Paddock's gun jammed? Me neither, but even if it did, he had an entire arsenal of AK's outfitted with bumps.

There were 5 second pauses between machine gun-like fire and that's about it. He needed no accuracy. NONE. You and 2a should get a room and leave us normal gun owners the hell alone!
You are really confused aren't you Moon Bat?

First of all have you ever even seen a bump stock in real life?

Have you ever fired one?

I have seen hundreds and I have fired them. I know what I am talking about. You don't know jackshit.

They are notorious for not being accurate and for being unreliable. I don't think I have ever seen one fire more than two magazines without jamming some way or another.

Pollack had 23 firearms and only one of them was a bumpstock.

He fired over 1000 rounds and it would impossible to fire much more than a couple dozen rounds with a bump stock without it failing. The ATF said in their investigation that some of the guns that had been fired had jammed.

Semi auto or legal or illegal full auto would have been substantially more devastating. It takes precise mechanical timing to reliably shoot rifles at rapid fire. Bump stocks don't do that.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats demand to infringe upon us Americans Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms but you don't know a damn thing about what you want to infringe upon.

A bump stock is nothing more than a silly range toy. Most of the guys that bring them to the range are young kids just looking to hear a bang-bang-bang. No serious shooter would ever consider a bump stock to be a viable tactical firearm.

If Pollock had used semi auto or a real F-A there would been many more hits. He was a dumbass and you stupid Libtards idiots jumped on his dumbass wagon.
I know enough to know that you are ignorant of guns, and how they work. You are discussing, what we in the collecting world call "farmer guns". In other words, guns that are not interesting. They serve a useful purpose, but are not interesting from a mechanical, historical, or aesthetic reason. I have in my home well over 200 guns at the moment. Most are quite old and too valuable to shoot. But I also have around 50 that I use on almost a weekly basis. I will hazard a bet that I shoot more in one month, then you have in your entire life.

Remember, junior, it's not how many you have, or how long you have had them, but how much you USE them. I use mine all of the time.

Oh yeah, I do have one farmer gun. An old Winchester Model 67 that I taught my daughter how to shoot on.
As I said... in my original post... bump stocks are primarily toys.
No serious gun enthusiast would use one, except to fire into a pond or something to see splash.
But they are, and should remain strictly outlawed.
Why? Because someone, someday, if not already, designed and engineered one that actually works. Of course they will.
And then you will have a bunch of idiots and street thugs walking around with a working somewhat automatic weapon.
As I said... in my original post... bump stocks are primarily toys.
No serious gun enthusiast would use one, except to fire into a pond or something to see splash.
But they are, and should remain strictly outlawed.
Why? Because someone, someday, if not already, designed and engineered one that actually works. Of course they will.
And then you will have a bunch of idiots and street thugs walking around with a working somewhat automatic weapon.

Bump stocks are a toy. No less. Banning them is as useless as banning drugs. Bans never prevent the commission of a crime. Otherwise there would be no drug crimes, no rapes, no murders etc. Thus banning a part, like a bump stock, only affects the law abiding, and merely prevents someone from having fun. People experiment with gun parts ALL of the time. So your argument is specious.
He banned a range toy. You shitheads want to gut the 2nd Amendment......Trump can be educated, you are forever stupid.
You seemed to think it was important enough to start a thread about the device he banned. Make up your mind you batshit crazy gun nut.
You are confused Moon Bat.

These were three reasonable judges that looked at the evidence and decided that bump stocks were not machine guns.

I am a certified firearms instructor and range officer. I have seen hundreds of bump stocks in use. I have used them myself.

I know more about them than anybody working with the ATF or in any other branch of the filthy government.

They are nothing but a silly ass range toy that has no tactical use whatsoever. They can do rapid fire sometimes when they don't jam but they ain't machine guns by the ATF's own definition.

To ban them because of what that deranged asshole did in Las Vegas is nothing more blatant infringement on the right to keep and bear arms and is despicable.
Not sure what you being a firearms insructor has to do with if or when a military court takes precedence over a civilian court. Is that something a firearms instructor is usually required to know?
Not sure what you being a firearms insructor has to do with if or when a military court takes precedence over a civilian court. Is that something a firearms instructor is usually required to know?

Not sure why you are confused that three military judges have come to the conclusion that bump stocks are not machine guns. That really begs the issue of why those idiots in the ATF didn't come to that conclusion themselves.

Actually they did but then changed their minds.

ATF personnel are the Dufus Branch of Federal law enforcement. Just like we expect Joe Dufus to get everything wrong as President we can expect those turkeys in the ATF to be idiots.
Why is this even an argument?
You guys seriously want Bump stocks to be legal??
And if you have absolutely no interest in one, like all normal people, than why do you care?
Slippery slope maybe?
Not sure why you are confused that three military judges have come to the conclusion that bump stocks are not machine guns. That really begs the issue of why those idiots in the ATF didn't come to that conclusion themselves.

Actually they did but then changed their minds.

ATF personnel are the Dufus Branch of Federal law enforcement. Just like we expect Joe Dufus to get everything wrong as President we can expect those turkeys in the ATF to be idiots.
Perhaps you aren't reading what I wrote. I am fully aware that the military courts determined bump stocks are not machine guns. However, military courts and civilian courts are totally seperate. A military court ruling has no effect on our civilian courts. The ruling discussed in this thread has no bearing on our judicial system that was set up under our constitution. The military court ruling has no effect on you and me, unless you are in the military. Even if you are in the military, bump stocks are still banned by our US court system..
Perhaps you aren't reading what I wrote. I am fully aware that the military courts determined bump stocks are not machine guns. However, military courts and civilian courts are totally seperate. A military court ruling has no effect on our civilian courts. The ruling discussed in this thread has no bearing on our judicial system that was set up under our constitution. The military court ruling has no effect on you and me, unless you are in the military. Even if you are in the military, bump stocks are still banned by our US court system..

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about most of the time and this is no different.

The ATF did not make their filthy determination based on facts. The military judges put that issue to rest. It was some stupid political decision to deprive Americans of our right to keep and bear arms. Even if the arm is a stupid ineffective range toy.
You are really confused aren't you Moon Bat?

First of all have you ever even seen a bump stock in real life?

Have you ever fired one?

I have seen hundreds and I have fired them. I know what I am talking about. You don't know jackshit.

They are notorious for not being accurate and for being unreliable. I don't think I have ever seen one fire more than two magazines without jamming some way or another.

Pollack had 23 firearms and only one of them was a bumpstock.

He fired over 1000 rounds and it would impossible to fire much more than a couple dozen rounds with a bump stock without it failing. The ATF said in their investigation that some of the guns that had been fired had jammed.

Semi auto or legal or illegal full auto would have been substantially more devastating. It takes precise mechanical timing to reliably shoot rifles at rapid fire. Bump stocks don't do that.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats demand to infringe upon us Americans Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms but you don't know a damn thing about what you want to infringe upon.

A bump stock is nothing more than a silly range toy. Most of the guys that bring them to the range are young kids just looking to hear a bang-bang-bang. No serious shooter would ever consider a bump stock to be a viable tactical firearm.

If Pollock had used semi auto or a real F-A there would been many more hits. He was a dumbass and you stupid Libtards idiots jumped on his dumbass wagon.

The baby Jesus hates it shen you lie


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