Military Officials Say Trump Approved Raid Without Sufficient Prep

The Navy Seal was a casualty of a foolhardy operation that was not properly vetted. It was also compromised and the fact that they didn't turn back when they discovered as much brings shame to the operation.
Benghazi was a four year stink for a variety of reasons the first being the fact that Clinton announced her candidacy way too soon.
If you don't know what a Geneva Convention violation is perhaps you should be coloring books on the floor sweetie.
I'm asking you what action is a "Geneva Convention violation," dumbass.

Is droning a wedding and killing dozens of women and children a violation?

Yes, it is. You cannot go and kill innocent people. Does that ease Trumps foolhardiness in your mind?

So every single war since the beginning of humankind is a violation of the Geneva Convention?

What a dumbass.

No and the difference is that Obama did his accidently, where Trump publicly said that we should kill family members.

In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
I'm asking you what action is a "Geneva Convention violation," dumbass.

Is droning a wedding and killing dozens of women and children a violation?

Yes, it is. You cannot go and kill innocent people. Does that ease Trumps foolhardiness in your mind?

So every single war since the beginning of humankind is a violation of the Geneva Convention?

What a dumbass.

No and the difference is that Obama did his accidently, where Trump publicly said that we should kill family members.

In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?
Yes, it is. You cannot go and kill innocent people. Does that ease Trumps foolhardiness in your mind?

So every single war since the beginning of humankind is a violation of the Geneva Convention?

What a dumbass.

No and the difference is that Obama did his accidently, where Trump publicly said that we should kill family members.

In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?

Bripat, You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
The Navy Seal was a casualty of a foolhardy operation that was not properly vetted. It was also compromised and the fact that they didn't turn back when they discovered as much brings shame to the operation.
Benghazi was a four year stink for a variety of reasons the first being the fact that Clinton announced her candidacy way too soon.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Trump has a first class SECDEF, correct? Also has a first class head of the CIA. The "operational control" was obviously by the local military commanders, who we need to support. If the mission went sideways I'm sure it wasn't for lack of effort by the military. I'm still in "drones work better than boots" mode, and after going to Dover to meet the Seal's family I bet Trump feels the same way.
The Navy Seal was a casualty of a foolhardy operation that was not properly vetted. It was also compromised and the fact that they didn't turn back when they discovered as much brings shame to the operation.
Benghazi was a four year stink for a variety of reasons the first being the fact that Clinton announced her candidacy way too soon.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Trump has a first class SECDEF, correct? Also has a first class head of the CIA. The "operational control" was obviously by the local military commanders, who we need to support. If the mission went sideways I'm sure it wasn't for lack of effort by the military. I'm still in "drones work better than boots" mode, and after going to Dover to meet the Seal's family I bet Trump feels the same way.

I can agree with much of that, there is still much to learn about this operation, the foremost is what made them conclude that a tiny village was a hotbed of intel? Yemen authorities maintain it was just a village of goat herders and they also maintain that two people were taken into custody. I would like to know more about that since the military is claiming no one was captured.
So every single war since the beginning of humankind is a violation of the Geneva Convention?

What a dumbass.

No and the difference is that Obama did his accidently, where Trump publicly said that we should kill family members.

In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?

Bripat, You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
FAIL. You just got done claiming that it's OK for the military to kill civilians if Obumer gives them the order, but not if Trump gives them the order. This level of stupid is why no one takes the left seriously. All your complaints about Trump are fake.
The Navy Seal was a casualty of a foolhardy operation that was not properly vetted. It was also compromised and the fact that they didn't turn back when they discovered as much brings shame to the operation.
Benghazi was a four year stink for a variety of reasons the first being the fact that Clinton announced her candidacy way too soon.

Now we're getting somewhere.

Trump has a first class SECDEF, correct? Also has a first class head of the CIA. The "operational control" was obviously by the local military commanders, who we need to support. If the mission went sideways I'm sure it wasn't for lack of effort by the military. I'm still in "drones work better than boots" mode, and after going to Dover to meet the Seal's family I bet Trump feels the same way.

I can agree with much of that, there is still much to learn about this operation, the foremost is what made them conclude that a tiny village was a hotbed of intel? Yemen authorities maintain it was just a village of goat herders and they also maintain that two people were taken into custody. I would like to know more about that since the military is claiming no one was captured.
Totally agree
semper fi
No and the difference is that Obama did his accidently, where Trump publicly said that we should kill family members.

In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?

Bripat, You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
FAIL. You just got done claiming that it's OK for the military to kill civilians if Obumer gives them the order, but not if Trump gives them the order. This level of stupid is why no one takes the left seriously. All your complaints about Trump are fake.

Dum dum, I just got through agreeing that Obama violated the Geneva Convention. I also stated that Trump publicly said the same and (apparently) followed through on his threat. Put down your crack pipe and sober up before you comment further.
In other words, you don't have a fucking clue, and you're a giant economy sized hypocrite.

You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?

Bripat, You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
FAIL. You just got done claiming that it's OK for the military to kill civilians if Obumer gives them the order, but not if Trump gives them the order. This level of stupid is why no one takes the left seriously. All your complaints about Trump are fake.

Dum dum, I just got through agreeing that Obama violated the Geneva Convention. I also stated that Trump publicly said the same and (apparently) followed through on his threat. Put down your crack pipe and sober up before you comment further.
The "apparently" part is where you went wrong.Your theory that Trump intentionally killed civilians doesn't have thread to support it.
You have stopped making points. If you can't keep up it's ok to drop out, I won't make fun of you.
Why would I need to make any "points" against your fake news?

Bripat, You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in one lifetime.
FAIL. You just got done claiming that it's OK for the military to kill civilians if Obumer gives them the order, but not if Trump gives them the order. This level of stupid is why no one takes the left seriously. All your complaints about Trump are fake.

Dum dum, I just got through agreeing that Obama violated the Geneva Convention. I also stated that Trump publicly said the same and (apparently) followed through on his threat. Put down your crack pipe and sober up before you comment further.
The "apparently" part is where you went wrong.Your theory that Trump intentionally killed civilians doesn't have thread to support it.

Civilians died and Trump said:

"Donald Trump says the United States should kill the family members of terrorists, and not to do so is just being "politically correct."

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

Okay? in a court of law that wouldn't look to good and it doesn't look good to the rest of America who read about that. Trump should clear the air and answer to congress the reasoning behind this operation and why innocent people died. At least Obama let his casualties be collateral to a legitimate operation.
Let's see the con gens beat Isis. We're waiting
The plan is due the end of the month.....
But, but pathological liar Tramp said he had a SECRET "foolproof" and "absolute" plan to defeat ISIS "quickly and effectively and having total victory.” Why hold such magical plan back for a whole month????
How do you know he did?
So you admit that killing women and children was Tramp's "secret plan" all along and the Tramp administration's attempt to blame Obama is just more lies from the most dishonest president in history.
Thank you.

How about I let you in on a little secret? You don't know jack about special operations. According to news report I heard today, the plan was tipped off by the terrorists hearing the drones and they were ready when the SEALs arrived. They used women and children as human shields. Many of the women also took up arms against them also. Want to get dead real quick? Pickup a gun around a SEAL.How do I know this? Over 9 years working with special operations troops.
The OP was planned under barry's watch.....oops.
An already debunked Trump LIE! ....oops

The NY Times disagrees....oops.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended."
The Times is merely reporting the lies Tramp fed them.

Oh please! The NY Times despises Trump and the feeling is mutual! Why would they ever do anything of the sort?

You are delusional.
Let's see the con gens beat Isis. We're waiting
The plan is due the end of the month.....
But, but pathological liar Tramp said he had a SECRET "foolproof" and "absolute" plan to defeat ISIS "quickly and effectively and having total victory.” Why hold such magical plan back for a whole month????
How do you know he did?
So you admit that killing women and children was Tramp's "secret plan" all along and the Tramp administration's attempt to blame Obama is just more lies from the most dishonest president in history.
Thank you.

How about I let you in on a little secret? You don't know jack about special operations. According to news report I heard today, the plan was tipped off by the terrorists hearing the drones and they were ready when the SEALs arrived. They used women and children as human shields. Many of the women also took up arms against them also. Want to get dead real quick? Pickup a gun around a SEAL.How do I know this? Over 9 years working with special operations troops.
Trump knew more than you before he was potus why couldn't we?
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


It's the nature of SpecOps that shit happens. Sometimes there is no time to plan for a mission, you have plans in place, and when the opportunity arises you go. This sounds like some obummer appointee's and their sour grapes.
President Obama got Bin Laden. Had that mission been as fucked up as this one, you idiots would have tried to impeach the President You will give the orange clown as pass because he was just trying to prove what a tough hombre he is. His Executive Orders show how well he thinks anything out. The raid is just another example of his recklessness.
Ruh roh for Dems. In their haste to smear President Trump they are calling for a briefing and/or an inquiry as to how this supposedly "all went wrong".

Problem is that this was all planned on Obama's watch.

"At the White House, press secretary Sean Spicer said the raid had been approved in December by the Pentagon, and that Obama administration recommended greenlighting the operation.

But the next moonless night, which the military sought for the raid, was not until after Trump had been sworn into office. The new president ultimately approved the mission, according to the White House.

“This was a very, very well thought-out and executed effort,” Spicer said."

House Dem wants briefing on Yemen raid
Ah yes, and Spicer said the crowd at the orange clown's inauguration was much bigger than the one at President Obama's first inauguration.


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