Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

I gotta say, this thread is an interesting case study.

I guess nothing says "Constitution-loving Conservative" quite like wanting to kill people just because of their religious beliefs...

How are the families of the victims supposed to feel witnessing this insensitive irony on September 11?

Exactly the way that bunch of domestic terrorists intend for them to feel.
Why are they choosing this day then ? They are doing it fully well knowing that this date lives in infamy. It is a day of remembrance, not a day of demands.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

A so called plight they would not have if they had not knocked the towers down.
Attempting to rewrite history??
Why? The marchers didn't take down the towers. 19 Islamic Fundamentalist and al-Qaeda attacked America. Just as it makes no sense to blame all Southerners for black lynching in the South, all Jews for the Crucifixion of Christ, it makes no sense to blame all Muslims for taking down the towers. We hold individuals responsible for their acts not the acts of others.

Why are they choosing this day then ? They are doing it fully well knowing that this date lives in infamy. It is a day of remembrance, not a day of demands.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

I think it was a stupid choice and one made to be a slap in the face to America. However, I also think they have every right to choose whatever day they want. They will not get my support nor do they win any points with me by making such a choice... as if I really matter. :lol:

Why are they choosing this day then ? They are doing it fully well knowing that this date lives in infamy. It is a day of remembrance, not a day of demands.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

I think it was a stupid choice and one made to be a slap in the face to America. However, I also think they have every right to choose whatever day they want. They will not get my support nor do they win any points with me by making such a choice... as if I really matter. :lol:


I wonder if Obama is going to come out and grant them an audience from one of the White House porticos.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

I think it was a stupid choice and one made to be a slap in the face to America. However, I also think they have every right to choose whatever day they want. They will not get my support nor do they win any points with me by making such a choice... as if I really matter. :lol:


I wonder if Obama is going to come out and grant them an audience from one of the White House porticos.
He will probably make some sort of sympathetic statement. The further along he gets in his presidency, the less he tries to hide his affection for them and his hatred for the U.S.
Why are they choosing this day then ? They are doing it fully well knowing that this date lives in infamy. It is a day of remembrance, not a day of demands.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

I think it was a stupid choice and one made to be a slap in the face to America. However, I also think they have every right to choose whatever day they want. They will not get my support nor do they win any points with me by making such a choice... as if I really matter. :lol:

911 was the day their life changed, the day they were singled out for special treatment. I think they consider it appropriate to demonstrate on that day. The reason they are demonstrating is to draw attention to what they consider unjust treatment suffered because they are Muslims, not terrorist. Had they demonstrated on any other day, people would hardly noticed.
One more thing I would like those who for whatever reason have no problem with this to consider.

The very date of tragedy is the actual title of the tragedy, which makes the date paramount to all Americans.

For instance, when we think of the Oklahoma City bombing, we don't use the date to refer to it. Hell, most people probably couldn't even tell you the date off the top of their head. We have always refered to the tragedy as simply "The Oklahoma City Bombing".

That's not the case here, the WTC's and the Pentagon tragedies are refered to as of course "9/11"

Because of this, the date takes on an even higher sacredness than it would otherwise.

This makes what these Muslims want to do even more despicable.

Again remember, it is a day for remembrance, not a day to list your demands.
I think 911 was selected to call attention to their plight that began on 911 and continues to this day. Had they chosen any other day, few Americans would have noticed and even less cared.

I think it was a stupid choice and one made to be a slap in the face to America. However, I also think they have every right to choose whatever day they want. They will not get my support nor do they win any points with me by making such a choice... as if I really matter. :lol:

911 was the day their life changed, the day they were singled out for special treatment. I think they consider it appropriate to demonstrate on that day. The reason they are demonstrating is to draw attention to what they consider unjust treatment suffered because they are Muslims, not terrorist. Had they demonstrated on any other day, people would hardly noticed.

Why do some of you Liberals believe that only Muslim feelings are to be considerate here? With all due respect, 3000 innocent Americans died on that day. Their families are the true victims, not the Muslims, hoever wrong they belive is made against them. The date if pure provocation. Nothing more.
One more thing I would like those who for whatever reason have no problem with this to consider.

The very date of tragedy is the actual title of the tragedy, which makes the date paramount to all Americans.

For instance, when we think of the Oklahoma City bombing, we don't use the date to refer to it. Hell, most people probably couldn't even tell you the date off the top of their head. We have always refered to the tragedy as simply "The Oklahoma City Bombing".

That's not the case here, the WTC's and the Pentagon tragedies are refered to as of course "9/11"

Because of this, the date takes on an even higher sacredness than it would otherwise.

This makes what these Muslims want to do even more despicable.

Again remember, it is a day for remembrance, not a day to list your demands.

What’s despicable is your ignorance and hate.

Islam is not our ‘enemy,’ we were attacked by terrorists, not a religion, and the crime committed was sanctioned by no religion’s dogma.

Muslim Americans were as much victims of the attack as any other group of Americans; it’s just as much a day of remembrance for them, where they indeed remind us of these facts.
Sorry bout that,

1. Muslims make me cringe.
2. Anytime I see one I want to just barf.
3. Them in America wearing all that fucking stupid head gear makes me want to hurl.
4. They are hell bound and strut around in *OUR* country at *OUR* expense and they are offended because of people like me can't fucking stand them!
5. That's just too fucking bad you evil bastards, and I know you bastards secretly love what happened on 911, so fuck *ALL* you fucking muslims!!!
6. That's the way I feel, and its the truth as I see it, I lie not, and I don't regret saying it either.

One more thing I would like those who for whatever reason have no problem with this to consider.

The very date of tragedy is the actual title of the tragedy, which makes the date paramount to all Americans.

For instance, when we think of the Oklahoma City bombing, we don't use the date to refer to it. Hell, most people probably couldn't even tell you the date off the top of their head. We have always refered to the tragedy as simply "The Oklahoma City Bombing".

That's not the case here, the WTC's and the Pentagon tragedies are refered to as of course "9/11"

Because of this, the date takes on an even higher sacredness than it would otherwise.

This makes what these Muslims want to do even more despicable.

Again remember, it is a day for remembrance, not a day to list your demands.

What’s despicable is your ignorance and hate.

Islam is not our ‘enemy,’ we were attacked by terrorists, not a religion, and the crime committed was sanctioned by no religion’s dogma.

Muslim Americans were as much victims of the attack as any other group of Americans; it’s just as much a day of remembrance for them, where they indeed remind us of these facts.

As I've already pointed out to you, these terrorists carried through with their deed as a direct result of their religion. How you miss that point is amazing, but you're a liberal, so you'll continue to deny this fact.
Sorry bout that,

One more thing I would like those who for whatever reason have no problem with this to consider.

The very date of tragedy is the actual title of the tragedy, which makes the date paramount to all Americans.

For instance, when we think of the Oklahoma City bombing, we don't use the date to refer to it. Hell, most people probably couldn't even tell you the date off the top of their head. We have always refered to the tragedy as simply "The Oklahoma City Bombing".

That's not the case here, the WTC's and the Pentagon tragedies are refered to as of course "9/11"

Because of this, the date takes on an even higher sacredness than it would otherwise.

This makes what these Muslims want to do even more despicable.

Again remember, it is a day for remembrance, not a day to list your demands.

What’s despicable is your ignorance and hate.

Islam is not our ‘enemy,’ we were attacked by terrorists, not a religion, and the crime committed was sanctioned by no religion’s dogma.

Muslim Americans were as much victims of the attack as any other group of Americans; it’s just as much a day of remembrance for them, where they indeed remind us of these facts.

As I've already pointed out to you, these terrorists carried through with their deed as a direct result of their religion. How you miss that point is amazing, but you're a liberal, so you'll continue to deny this fact.

1. I was just in New York, and I noticed no muslim names were on the 911 Memorial.
2. Fuck anyone who whines about the muslims being rejected!
3. They should summarily be rejected!
4. Day in day out, fuck muslims!
5. I tell the truth.

Sorry bout that,

3. Them in America wearing all that fucking stupid head gear makes me want to hurl.

So go hurl and STFU. What the hell business is it of yours what someone wears? You're nothing but a hateful idiot.

1. Hate the sin but not the sinner.
2. Islam is muslim is islam; muslims are humans as people, but sub=human as muslims.
3. That's their main problem as I see it.

Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us.”

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

Do you not forget that Muslims were actually killed that day? Muslims who worked in the WTC, with families, were murdered by the scum who flew those planes.

Funny how you anti Islam nuts ignore that.
Why do some of you Liberals believe that only Muslim feelings are to be considerate here? With all due respect, 3000 innocent Americans died on that day. Their families are the true victims, not the Muslims, hoever wrong they belive is made against them. The date if pure provocation. Nothing more.

Consider both sides. Yes, the real victims were those who were murdered that day. But Muslims also suffered - imagine knowing that people who supposedly followed your religion went out and murdered people in the name of Islam? People changed their attitudes on Islam after 9/11. Muslims have suffered since, from people who assume that all Muslims are just as bad as those that hijacked those planes.

Imagine being hated simply because you follow a religion that a bunch of psycho's used to justify murder?
Sorry bout that,

Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us.”

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

Do you not forget that Muslims were actually killed that day? Muslims who worked in the WTC, with families, were murdered by the scum who flew those planes.

Funny how you anti Islam nuts ignore that.

1. Doubt it little lady!
2. If there were perhaps muslims here and there at the 911 event, they deserved to die a horrible death that they died, because its is their stupid so called religion which caused their deaths.
3. Piss on the whole bunch of those muslims who may have died during 911, good riddance!

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