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Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

Take to mind, that what they say in western media and to westen ears, is sometimes totally different than what they say inside their mosques.

We see it now with the terrorist group called "The Muslim Brotherhood"
People sometimes say a lot of things. Sometimes they mean them and sometimes they don't.
Hopefully, most of the hateful things said in this thread are the latter.

Ever heard of Taqiyya?

Need I to add more?

Doings are what counts, not words alone, in their case.

As the saying goes, fool me twice...
Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

Do you not forget that Muslims were actually killed that day? Muslims who worked in the WTC, with families, were murdered by the scum who flew those planes.

Funny how you anti Islam nuts ignore that.

I could care less of the religious affiliations of those who lost their lives, they were all Americans. This isn't about that, this is about the appropriate use of the day of 9/11, and marching on that day with a list of demands is innapropriate. If they were marching as a remembrance, or to denounce the radicals inside of their religion, then that would be different. That's not the case here.

The Liberals want Multiculturalism and Diversity for Muslims in America.

Kinda like the Muslims are their new pets. They feel they must defend them from us Evil Repugnicans.

That we are terrible because WE DON'T CHOOSE THE PATH OF APATHY.

Liberals LOVE EUROPE, so we should become like them and open up the immigration gates to Muslims.

Here's what they want............I already mentioned Sweden.

There Is No England Now (Living On a Thin Line) - YouTube

Unfortunately what has really killed Sweden, and other places in Europe is that the fools stopped having children. It's happening here as well, but Europeans are ahead of the game, and they seem to be content at killing themselves off.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I object the idea of death of any child in war. That goes without connection to any type of religion. And when you hold that opinion, there is no need for argument. That's common sense.

And it is not a matter of judgment, but of views and opinions.

1. Try harder.
2. When did the war start?
3. I wasn't aware some nation declared war on Israel today Gaza isn't a Nation is it?
4. Oh you mean you are saying that when the muslims down in Gaza attack Israel up in Israel, its an act of war, and those children on either side are not to die, because its an adult war and supposed to be fought within the adults huh?
5. Gosh you really are naive if you think that.
6. Wars usually don't last long if you are fighting against the Jews, must of been a three second war I missed or something.


1. Try harder.

Always do.

2. When did the war start?

When Muhammad began massacring the Jews of Khaibar and Banu Quraiza.

I wasn't aware some nation declared war on Israel today Gaza isn't a Nation is it?

No, but at many aspects, it behaves as such.

Oh you mean you are saying that when the muslims down in Gaza attack Israel up in Israel, its an act of war, and those children on either side are not to die, because its an adult war and supposed to be fought within the adults huh?

Weh, yeah.

Gosh you really are naive if you think that.

I am well aware of that.

But this still doesn't change the fact that THIS is how it should be under normal circumstances.

Wars usually don't last long if you are fighting against the Jews

It has been happening for more then decades, for many, many years. catch up.

1. Muslims dream of the day all you Jews are dead and buried.
2. They would slip into your house at night and cut all your throats, if they could.
3. And not one would say it was unjust.
4. Face it, islam is evil towards your people, and every non muslim, nothing will ever change that, and if they kill each other trying to kill you, they deserve it, its really not your peoples fault.

Then why didn't they come out publicly and condemn the terrorists?

Why don't Catholics come out and publicly condemn the pedophiles in the Church?

You mean the same way you Liberals hate Christians simply because because they believe Abortion is murder ?

We don't hate Christians. I dislike those who want to force their opinions on everyone else, and control the lives of other people.

I'm atheist but I'll answer points and add some:

* I've seen many Catholics speak out condemn and remove those pedophiles from their Churches and cooperated with the police in the investigation and prosecution but I hear nothing but cricket sounds when it come time for the muzzies (who murdered my cousin on 911) to speak up and condemn 911 or the Boston Bombing.

In fact it's quite the opposite. Instead I saw videos from around the world of those so called peaceful Muzzies doing a victory celebration dance during the aftermath of 911.

Also I remember the so called peaceful Jihad mom of the Boston bombers spout out some hatefull statements towards America after the bombing and the bombers so called peaceful friends attempted to destroy evidence during the investigation.

* Also virtually all Christians speak out and denounce the hateful radical loony Westboro churches.

* In spite of me being atheist, I can't deny that they're more charitable than any other religion by far.

What charitable causes are the muzzies involved with....... besides trying to build victory mosques on ground zero?

We don't hate Christians. I dislike those who want to force their opinions on everyone else, and control the lives of other people.

That sounds like Sharia Law to me ... but yet you love and defend it.

Please tell me what rights did the Christians take away from you? How are Christians trying to control your life?
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets delve further into judgment and respect of a people.
2. I will try and simplify this for you daft people here.
3. Lets say you met one of your neighbors down the street, and as it were this person was a loud mouth rude, alcoholic, an over all mean person, and you decided you would not want to be friends with him, so as it were, you sent a messenger to him and the message was, "Please stay away from me, you're company is not desired around my house." lets say he wasn't your cup of tea, you could tell he was a angry drunk, and you knew in advance he would get nasty with you and threaten you for no good reason after one of his heavy drinking bouts.
4. So as it were one day he comes down to your house and starts some shit, he threatens you and says he is going to "BITCH SLAP" you for no apparent reason, so you call the cops on him and he runs away back towards his house and doesn't answer the door when the cops come.
5. And lets say this neighbor threatens you that you will respect him, and invite him into diner on Friday night, you will be hospitable to him, even after he has threatened you.
6. No, justice demands you pick your friends, you do not have to befriend people you don't desire to befriend.
7. His idea of respect towards him as a demand is not reality.
8. What islam is doing on 911 this year is the very same thing, we don't have to open arms to these bastards, and we shouldn't.
9. Islam is getting its hooks into America, and most of you don't even know whats going on, clueless, even after I spell it out, your just too fucking stupid.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Try harder.
2. When did the war start?
3. I wasn't aware some nation declared war on Israel today Gaza isn't a Nation is it?
4. Oh you mean you are saying that when the muslims down in Gaza attack Israel up in Israel, its an act of war, and those children on either side are not to die, because its an adult war and supposed to be fought within the adults huh?
5. Gosh you really are naive if you think that.
6. Wars usually don't last long if you are fighting against the Jews, must of been a three second war I missed or something.


1. Try harder.

Always do.

2. When did the war start?

When Muhammad began massacring the Jews of Khaibar and Banu Quraiza.

I wasn't aware some nation declared war on Israel today Gaza isn't a Nation is it?

No, but at many aspects, it behaves as such.

Oh you mean you are saying that when the muslims down in Gaza attack Israel up in Israel, its an act of war, and those children on either side are not to die, because its an adult war and supposed to be fought within the adults huh?

Weh, yeah.

Gosh you really are naive if you think that.

I am well aware of that.

But this still doesn't change the fact that THIS is how it should be under normal circumstances.

Wars usually don't last long if you are fighting against the Jews

It has been happening for more then decades, for many, many years. catch up.

1. Muslims dream of the day all you Jews are dead and buried.
2. They would slip into your house at night and cut all your throats, if they could.
3. And not one would say it was unjust.
4. Face it, islam is evil towards your people, and every non muslim, nothing will ever change that, and if they kill each other trying to kill you, they deserve it, its really not your peoples fault.


1. Muslims dream of the day all you Jews are dead and buried.

Redundant statement.

They would slip into your house at night and cut all your throats, if they could.

Also redundant statement.

And not one would say it was unjust.

Probably not.

Face it, islam is evil towards your people, and every non muslim, nothing will ever change that, and if they kill each other trying to kill you, they deserve it, its really not your peoples fault.

Never thought it is, or was, or will be. I have no sympathy for my enemies when they kill each other.

However, Arab toddlers and babies are not my enemies.

That's what I'm trying to say
Then why didn't they come out publicly and condemn the terrorists?

Why don't Catholics come out and publicly condemn the pedophiles in the Church?

You mean the same way you Liberals hate Christians simply because because they believe Abortion is murder ?

We don't hate Christians. I dislike those who want to force their opinions on everyone else, and control the lives of other people.
Than you must REALLY dislike muslims.
Then why didn't they come out publicly and condemn the terrorists?

Why don't Catholics come out and publicly condemn the pedophiles in the Church?

You mean the same way you Liberals hate Christians simply because because they believe Abortion is murder ?

We don't hate Christians. I dislike those who want to force their opinions on everyone else, and control the lives of other people.
Than you must REALLY dislike muslims.

As I've already pointed out to you, these terrorists carried through with their deed as a direct result of their religion. How you miss that point is amazing, but you're a liberal, so you'll continue to deny this fact.
You're also missing a few points. In the name of Christ, crusaders ravished the holy lands slaughtering Muslims and Jew for 200 years. Then there were the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century and the 30 year war in the 17th century. The Spanish in their attempts to Christianize the American Indians committed some of the most inhuman acts every recorded, enslaving, and murdering up to 2 million people, all with the churches blessing.

Ahh, throwing down the Crusades card. Lol !

This is 2013, please stop pointing to events centuries ago, to justify events of today.
You miss the point entirely. To condemn the majority of Muslims for the actions of a small minority and yet dismiss the centuries of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of Christ, is unabashed hypocrisy.
It's illogical and unjust to hold the majority of any religion, race, or ethnicity responsible for the actions of a minority, be them Muslim, Christian, black or white.. Personal guilt, not guilt by association is a basic tenet of American justice and this is how we should judge people, on their individual actions.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Try harder.

Always do.

2. When did the war start?

When Muhammad began massacring the Jews of Khaibar and Banu Quraiza.

I wasn't aware some nation declared war on Israel today Gaza isn't a Nation is it?

No, but at many aspects, it behaves as such.

Oh you mean you are saying that when the muslims down in Gaza attack Israel up in Israel, its an act of war, and those children on either side are not to die, because its an adult war and supposed to be fought within the adults huh?

Weh, yeah.

Gosh you really are naive if you think that.

I am well aware of that.

But this still doesn't change the fact that THIS is how it should be under normal circumstances.

Wars usually don't last long if you are fighting against the Jews

It has been happening for more then decades, for many, many years. catch up.

1. Muslims dream of the day all you Jews are dead and buried.
2. They would slip into your house at night and cut all your throats, if they could.
3. And not one would say it was unjust.
4. Face it, islam is evil towards your people, and every non muslim, nothing will ever change that, and if they kill each other trying to kill you, they deserve it, its really not your peoples fault.


1. Muslims dream of the day all you Jews are dead and buried.

Redundant statement.

They would slip into your house at night and cut all your throats, if they could.

Also redundant statement.

And not one would say it was unjust.

Probably not.

Face it, islam is evil towards your people, and every non muslim, nothing will ever change that, and if they kill each other trying to kill you, they deserve it, its really not your peoples fault.

Never thought it is, or was, or will be. I have no sympathy for my enemies when they kill each other.

However, Arab toddlers and babies are not my enemies.

That's what I'm trying to say

1. Gosh you are daft.
2. Justice and Judgment, does escape you, if a child of an enemy dies because an enemies cousin was trying to murder some of your neighbors or you for that matter, its fair and just the off spring of the supposed murderer dies, its no ones fault except the person who was trying to kill in the first place.
3. I never knew people were this daft???:eek:

You're also missing a few points. In the name of Christ, crusaders ravished the holy lands slaughtering Muslims and Jew for 200 years. Then there were the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century and the 30 year war in the 17th century. The Spanish in their attempts to Christianize the American Indians committed some of the most inhuman acts every recorded, enslaving, and murdering up to 2 million people, all with the churches blessing.

Ahh, throwing down the Crusades card. Lol !

This is 2013, please stop pointing to events centuries ago, to justify events of today.
You miss the point entirely. To condemn the majority of Muslims for the actions of a small minority and yet dismiss the centuries of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of Christ, is unabashed hypocrisy.

Name all those 'atrocities.'
Sorry bout that,

You're also missing a few points. In the name of Christ, crusaders ravished the holy lands slaughtering Muslims and Jew for 200 years. Then there were the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century and the 30 year war in the 17th century. The Spanish in their attempts to Christianize the American Indians committed some of the most inhuman acts every recorded, enslaving, and murdering up to 2 million people, all with the churches blessing.

Ahh, throwing down the Crusades card. Lol !

This is 2013, please stop pointing to events centuries ago, to justify events of today.
You miss the point entirely. To condemn the majority of Muslims for the actions of a small minority and yet dismiss the centuries of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of Christ, is unabashed hypocrisy.

1. Listen Bogie, Justice will have to rear its head up on islam again, and when it takes place, which may be any time now, it will be justified as it was before during the Crusades, and its not evil to defend your rights to live in Christ, look at those Christians now in Egypt, they are being murdered and their Churches are being burnt, because we all know that that's islams main goal in Egypt, the crap going on in Egypt has nothing to do with which dictator's leadership gets to control the free money we send them each year like some stupid fucking trained monkey with a lot of money to give away, these evil bastards just want the Christians dead, not unlike how they want *YOU* dead if your not a muslim, or not even a Christian, a basic no body.
2. Yeah, why not go to Egypt right now and go on down to the public square area and ask them why are they killing all the Christians?
3. Yeah your so logical about these things they would play nice, you betcha!:eek:
4. Yeah, "Here's looking at you kid"

You miss the point entirely. To condemn the majority of Muslims for the actions of a small minority and yet dismiss the centuries of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of Christ, is unabashed hypocrisy.
The "small minority" you're referring to are encouraged by the silence of their majority.
Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us.”

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

Passing laws to protect islam would be against separation of church and state.

haven't read any of the thread beyond the op. I'm betting that most liberals support the marchers and support them getting special laws.
You're also missing a few points. In the name of Christ, crusaders ravished the holy lands slaughtering Muslims and Jew for 200 years. Then there were the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century and the 30 year war in the 17th century. The Spanish in their attempts to Christianize the American Indians committed some of the most inhuman acts every recorded, enslaving, and murdering up to 2 million people, all with the churches blessing.

Ahh, throwing down the Crusades card. Lol !

This is 2013, please stop pointing to events centuries ago, to justify events of today.
You miss the point entirely. To condemn the majority of Muslims for the actions of a small minority and yet dismiss the centuries of atrocities committed by Christians in the name of Christ, is unabashed hypocrisy.

and here's you proving me right.

tell you what, lets go one for one.

I'll list horrific things muslims have done in the last 30 years.
While Ill let you go back 300 to make a list of things christians have done

Bet you can't match me.

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