Millions of Trump voters just basically voted to cut their pay.

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.

Says this coming from the side that said nothing as Middle Class take home pay has declined and healthcare costs have risen over the past 8 years.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.

Does the left have to lie every time they communicate?

Millions could be eligible on 1 Dec, not millions are getting a pay cut. Most would never get overtime anyway, employers would cut their hours, and this rule isn't even in effect and will be for only 50 days. The rule affects 4.2 million workers, say half of them voted trump. The impact then at most would be a couple hundred thousand people for 50 days.

the new overtime pay rules are here -- if you earn less than $47,476, read this — Ask a Manager

do you dumb fuckers ever stop lying?
The left was looking for full middle class joblessness .
And you probably believe that crap, superdupe. Luckiy, Trump doesn't.
Name a middle class jobs plan?
Infrastructure jobs bank, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs going begging that free trade has produced. Change the channel and get some real media. Ay caramba...pure ignorance.
How many families on food stamps before and now after obummer? Post the figures bubba!
88 months of growth, now even better pay, despite GOP. BS. People with crap GOP jobs are eligible for stamps....
Thanks, I knew you wouldn't post the figures and you post nonsense
I read a lot.
That's why I voted against that corrupt, bought off, a-hole criminal fossil, Hillary.
Balogna. Now all forgotten, dupe.

Nah, her criminality and corruption are still fresh in our minds.
Funny how your heroes don't care anymore, dupe?

My heroes? Like Hillary, Pelosi and Reid?
Oh, right, those are your heroes.
They ALWAYS said it was bs...and were right.
Balogna. Now all forgotten, dupe.

Nah, her criminality and corruption are still fresh in our minds.
Funny how your heroes don't care anymore, dupe?

My heroes? Like Hillary, Pelosi and Reid?
Oh, right, those are your heroes.
They ALWAYS said it was bs...and were right.
That was all crap, and from Putin to boot. Duh, dupe. My heroes are for America and don't lie like your scumbags and liars, dupe.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.

Says this coming from the side that said nothing as Middle Class take home pay has declined and healthcare costs have risen over the past 8 years.
Only in dupe world. Health care cost rises have slowed as care has become guaranteed, dupe. Middle class income has been going down for 35 years, dumbass dupes. It's pander to the rich Voodoo economics. Duh. see sig pp1.
And you probably believe that crap, superdupe. Luckiy, Trump doesn't.
Name a middle class jobs plan?
Infrastructure jobs bank, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs going begging that free trade has produced. Change the channel and get some real media. Ay caramba...pure ignorance.
How many families on food stamps before and now after obummer? Post the figures bubba!
88 months of growth, now even better pay, despite GOP. BS. People with crap GOP jobs are eligible for stamps....
Thanks, I knew you wouldn't post the figures and you post nonsense
Read something, dupe. What seems to be the problem? And thanks for the corrupt GOP WORLD DEPRESSION.
Nah, her criminality and corruption are still fresh in our minds.
Funny how your heroes don't care anymore, dupe?

My heroes? Like Hillary, Pelosi and Reid?
Oh, right, those are your heroes.
They ALWAYS said it was bs...and were right.
That was all crap, and from Putin to boot. Duh, dupe. My heroes are for America and don't lie like your scumbags and liars, dupe.
Or not
Wages have stagnated for working folk.....according to plan. Why would uber wealthy people want others to get ahead? This land is their land, this land is their land....that's the way the song should really go.
Fox lies about food stamps.
Dishonest Fox Chart: Food Stamps Edition

Single people earning <15k, family of 4 < 31k can get food stamps. Obama didn't do that, but the GOP won't help people earn more, dupe.

Our media and gov't SUCK at finding these figures. The GOP tends to suppress these stats being looked into....
You were
Look at that Fox chart, dupe. What your myth of Obama the food stamp Pres is based on...
Numbers and cost on stamps has been going down since 2012, dupes.
And that's how the New BS GOP wins, dupe. BS and Putin BS.
Fox lies about food stamps.
Dishonest Fox Chart: Food Stamps Edition

Single people earning <15k, family of 4 < 31k can get food stamps. Obama didn't do that, but the GOP won't help people earn more, dupe.

Our media and gov't SUCK at finding these figures. The GOP tends to suppress these stats being looked into....
You were
Look at that Fox chart, dupe. What your myth of Obama the food stamp Pres is based on...
Numbers and cost on stamps has been going down since 2012, dupes.
And that's how the New BS GOP wins, dupe. BS and Putin BS.
What about it?
Our media is lying disgrace or a pathetic POS.
Fox lies about food stamps.
Dishonest Fox Chart: Food Stamps Edition

Single people earning <15k, family of 4 < 31k can get food stamps. Obama didn't do that, but the GOP won't help people earn more, dupe.

Our media and gov't SUCK at finding these figures. The GOP tends to suppress these stats being looked into....
You were
Look at that Fox chart, dupe. What your myth of Obama the food stamp Pres is based on...
Numbers and cost on stamps has been going down since 2012, dupes.
And that's how the New BS GOP wins, dupe. BS and Putin BS.
What about it?
Our media is lying disgrace or a pathetic POS.
Look at that Fox chart, dupe. What your myth of Obama the food stamp Pres is based on...
Numbers and cost on stamps has been going down since 2012, dupes.
And that's how the New BS GOP wins, dupe. BS and Putin BS.
What about it?
Exactly, food stamp king
Look at that Fox chart, dupe. What your myth of Obama the food stamp Pres is based on...
Numbers and cost on stamps has been going down since 2012, dupes.
And that's how the New BS GOP wins, dupe. BS and Putin BS.

Yeah, and I suppose you'd give DumBama the credit, won't you?

Congress passes $8.7 billion food stamp cut
It was going down before that. And giving O credit would be typical, yes, dupe.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.

Yes, government will take you and protect you from the consequences of your choices. You just go ahead and keep driving your golf cart around believing that

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