Millions of Trump voters just basically voted to cut their pay.

Because the GOP absolutely refuses to invest in training programs, cheap loans, free community college, an infrastructure bill, or anything ! Duh. WTF does Fox COVER? lol I see. DumBama supposedly created all these good jobs that Americans can't do? Now why do you suppose he did that?

Cheap loans? Who do you think took over the student loan business?

There are plenty of training programs, it's just that your neighbor isn't going to pay for them. You need to pay for them yourself.
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....

blaming the GOP for high college costs? wow, lets see the numbers
Ay caramba....Google "GOP blocks''....EVERYTHING.
Last edited: I see. DumBama supposedly created all these good jobs that Americans can't do? Now why do you suppose he did that?

Cheap loans? Who do you think took over the student loan business?

There are plenty of training programs, it's just that your neighbor isn't going to pay for them. You need to pay for them yourself.
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....

blaming the GOP for high college costs? wow, lets see the numbers

Yep, ridiculous. High college costs are because government flushes cash into the system with no accountability to produce employable graduates or degrees that lead to jobs. Kids graduate with $100K in debt and an English degree then liberals wonder why they can't pay it back. It's mind boggling
well where do they go and work after graduation? I mean, there are no fking jobs to go compete for. obummer and his peers made sure of that. So we put em through school then feed their sorry asses cause they learned to be morons.

You know you're not disagreeing with me, right?
Try reality some time. "the GOP absolutely refuses to invest in training programs, cheap loans, free community college, an infrastructure bill, or anything ! Duh. WTF does Fox COVER?" lol. Reagan started public colleges charging- Their costs doubled again under W. HELLOOOOO?!? Obama and Hill wanted free community and public college. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupes.
Last edited:
Yep, ridiculous. High college costs are because government flushes cash into the system with no accountability to produce employable graduates or degrees that lead to jobs. Kids graduate with $100K in debt and an English degree then liberals wonder why they can't pay it back. It's mind boggling
well where do they go and work after graduation? I mean, there are no fking jobs to go compete for. obummer and his peers made sure of that. So we put em through school then feed their sorry asses cause they learned to be morons.

You know you're not disagreeing with me, right?
I was merely playing pile on to what you wrote.

Thanks, just making sure
no problemo. I'm enjoying the ass whooping the left are getting in the forum these days. Butthurt doesn't even capture the moment.
As Trump dumps your brainwashed bs every day...dumbest voters in the modern world...
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....

blaming the GOP for high college costs? wow, lets see the numbers

Yep, ridiculous. High college costs are because government flushes cash into the system with no accountability to produce employable graduates or degrees that lead to jobs. Kids graduate with $100K in debt and an English degree then liberals wonder why they can't pay it back. It's mind boggling
well where do they go and work after graduation? I mean, there are no fking jobs to go compete for. obummer and his peers made sure of that. So we put em through school then feed their sorry asses cause they learned to be morons.

You know you're not disagreeing with me, right?
Try reality some time. "the GOP absolutely refuses to invest in training programs, cheap loans, free community college, an infrastructure bill, or anything ! Duh. WTF does Fox COVER?" lol. Reagan started public colleges charging- Their costs doubled again under W. HELLOOOOO?!? Obama and Hill wanted free community and public college. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, dupes.

This is where libs miss it. To busy being pissed off I guess.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

Guess you don't want to admit my point.. add them all up
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

Guess you don't want to admit my point.. add them all up in Amarillo, the average rent here is around 500 to 1000 bucks per month, there are no barracks, and the combined VHA and BAQ for this area is only about 350/mo, which is what the military gives you to live in town to compensate for not housing you in barracks. Combine that with only about 150/mo. in COMRATS (Commuted Rations, meaning money to feed you since there is no chow hall), and you have to get all your meals for the entire month out of that 5.20/day.

There..............I added them up for you and showed where it still falls short. And those rates are based on the rate for an E-6 with no dependents.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....
The unions support who? You need a new line. You keep busting in here.
By the way, what party denies young black kids school choice?
Which party denies them a good area to grow up in, cheap training and college, good jobs, and good schools?

republicans 'deny' blacks good neighborhoods? that is fucking braindead
Also deny prosperity to middle and working class, dupe.

braindead liberal slogans, nothing more, 0 evidence or logic
Because the GOP absolutely refuses to invest in training programs, cheap loans, free community college, an infrastructure bill, or anything ! Duh. WTF does Fox COVER? lol I see. DumBama supposedly created all these good jobs that Americans can't do? Now why do you suppose he did that?

Cheap loans? Who do you think took over the student loan business?

There are plenty of training programs, it's just that your neighbor isn't going to pay for them. You need to pay for them yourself.
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....

blaming the GOP for high college costs? wow, lets see the numbers
Ay caramba....Google "GOP blocks''....EVERYTHING.

You dupe you know the real reason for rising college cost is because the government democrats and universities are in bed together..

America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check. in Amarillo, the average rent here is around 500 to 1000 bucks per month, there are no barracks, and the combined VHA and BAQ for this area is only about 350/mo, which is what the military gives you to live in town to compensate for not housing you in barracks. Combine that with only about 150/mo. in COMRATS (Commuted Rations, meaning money to feed you since there is no chow hall), and you have to get all your meals for the entire month out of that 5.20/day.

There..............I added them up for you and showed where it still falls short. And those rates are based on the rate for an E-6 with no dependents.

Current BAQ for an E-6 without dependents is $766.80 and with dependents is $1,021.80. COMRATS is $368.29.

Those are from the basic pay charts for 2016 -->>

I don't know what the Amarillo offset is if there is anything additional.

You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check.

I know that but you have a great pension program my two little cousins retired at 40. And got there pensions.

I was just pointing out in my first post you forgot about the fringe benefit s
which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any
Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

Don't let him get under your skin PN1. They're jealous of our career choices.

You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check.

I know that but you have a great pension program my two little cousins retired at 40. And got there pensions.

I was just pointing out in my first post you forgot about the fringe benefit s

Never forgot about the "fringe benefits". I know they're there, but what they are supposed to cover always falls short.

And..............when I retired, your retirement pay is based on what is called "high 3" meaning an average of the 3 highest months of your basic pay is figured, and you get 50 percent of what that figure is.
Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check.

I know that but you have a great pension program my two little cousins retired at 40. And got there pensions.

I was just pointing out in my first post you forgot about the fringe benefit s

Never forgot about the "fringe benefits". I know they're there, but what they are supposed to cover always falls short.

And..............when I retired, your retirement pay is based on what is called "high 3" meaning an average of the 3 highest months of your basic pay is figured, and you get 50 percent of what that figure is.

Better than me I am going to have to work till I am dead.. You guys get social security at 65 also? Just curious.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any
Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

Don't let him get under your skin PN1. They're jealous of our career choices.


You know World? There were MANY times I would see people doing the same type of work that I was who were getting paid 3 to 5 times what I was making, and I often considered getting out and becoming a civilian.

However..............the last 3 stations I had made staying in worth while. Went from Naval War College Newport RI, to an MSC vessel, to a MEPS in Amarillo. All 3 were choice assignments so I kept with it.

Glad I did, because I managed to retire at age 38.
Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check.

I know that but you have a great pension program my two little cousins retired at 40. And got there pensions.

I was just pointing out in my first post you forgot about the fringe benefit s

Never forgot about the "fringe benefits". I know they're there, but what they are supposed to cover always falls short.

And..............when I retired, your retirement pay is based on what is called "high 3" meaning an average of the 3 highest months of your basic pay is figured, and you get 50 percent of what that figure is.

Better than me I am going to have to work till I am dead.. You guys get social security at 65 also? Just curious.


Yep, but what we get in SS is deducted from our retirement checks.
You think slavery means you don't get paid overtime?


You know, for the 20 years I was in the Navy, we never got overtime (even though there were lots of times that we would work 60 hours a week while we were deployed), and I didn't get to choose who I worked for.

When I retired? I told myself that I would never work for someone that didn't treat me well, as well as told myself that if I had to work over 40 hours in a week, I was going to get overtime. If those conditions weren't met, I would exercise my option to find employment elsewhere, and on occasion, did.

If you work over 40 hours a week, you should get time and a half for every hour over 40.

Military is salary you knew it when you went in, did you also demand three meals a day and free housing and all the rest from your private employers?


Yeah............and because of it being salaried work, I told myself I would never work for a crappy salary ever again. Know how much I made the year I retired? 36,000/yr.

As far as meals? If you drew COMRATS, you had to pay for your meals in the chow hall.

And exactly where is all that "free" housing? Are you talking about living in the barracks? Yeah, that is "free", but if you live out in town, you get BAQ and VHA to help offset what the rent is for the area you live in, but it's never enough.

which means you were a low skilled and low ranking enlisted, which means your retirement benefits are way more than a comparable civilian who probably would not get any

Really? E-6 over 20 years, who is running the MEPS isn't exactly low skilled or low ranking. Military pay sucks. Anyone who is joining the military for the money is barking up the wrong tree.

And, the way they figure out BAQ and VHA rates is based on a complicated formula that they run every year based on housing rates.

If you have a family of 3? BAQ/VHA/COMRATS will NEVER equal what it costs you to keep them out in town. It has to be supplemented with your regular check.

I never said one should join the military for high pay, I said your was low yet you got a retirement after 20 which is way more than civilians get.

I was a navy nuke, an E6 in that billet also had nuke pay and sea pay when out on a ship. They make way more than 36K. I left an O3 way back in 92 and was making near 60K, must be 80K now.
  • Thanks
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Because the GOP absolutely refuses to invest in training programs, cheap loans, free community college, an infrastructure bill, or anything ! Duh. WTF does Fox COVER? lol I see. DumBama supposedly created all these good jobs that Americans can't do? Now why do you suppose he did that?

Cheap loans? Who do you think took over the student loan business?

There are plenty of training programs, it's just that your neighbor isn't going to pay for them. You need to pay for them yourself.
Because people on UE and Welfare have all that money. We have the most ridiculously expensive post HS education anywhere. Thanks GOP and you dupes....

blaming the GOP for high college costs? wow, lets see the numbers
Ay caramba....Google "GOP blocks''....EVERYTHING.

You dupe you know the real reason for rising college cost is because the government democrats and universities are in bed together..

Sure, GOP radio rube. lol. One talking point covers that, right? lol. GOP has blocked cheap loans, free community and public colleges, and chopped aid (to keep costs down) every chance they get DUH. You dupes also deny a 2008 meltdown even occurred. Absolutely nuts. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

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