Millions of Trump voters just basically voted to cut their pay.

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.
spoken like a true libturd.

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Big word in there, 'could' not will. why not 'will'?
That's the whole point.

Starting with Reagan, the Republican Party used anti-government populism, national security and the Culture War to scare uninformed voters into the voting booth where they unwittingly pulled the lever for tax cuts that went to the wealthy elites who shipped their jobs to ultra cheap labor markets in Asia.

These heavily manipulated voters also pulled the lever to defund their schools, infrastructure and safety nets so as to make room for the tax cuts to the folks who owned their politician. And yes, Clinton joined the party, and no Trump won't change a thing because his global business empire is a HUGE benefactor of globalization, with its flexible labor markets and ruthless support for capital flight. His tax policy makes Reagan look like FDR, and his tough talk on trade was an obvious ploy to trick rust belt workers who have been decimated by Supply Side Trickle Down economics.
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The drivers of the ObamaEconomy: Unemployment, food stamps and part time work

Try putting that on someones plate when they get hungry from not receiving time and a half. Essentially this is so indefensible the only option you have is to complain about liberals and ignore that liberals arent the only people who earn time and a half pay.

Obama's $10 Trillion debt has done more damage to the economy that anyone dared to dream

Again its so indefensible that you believe telling those people Obama is bad is Chicken Soup for the Soul when they need Chicken Soup in their bowl.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.
Lol, you are sadly mistaken.

The high cost of salaries means fewer people actually have jobs, dude.

With Obamas regulations and union ass kissing, the economy was anemic, but now is already showing signs of robustness as the economy expects a Trump administration to undo all of Obama's stupidity.
I couldn't have said that any better!!!!
The drivers of the ObamaEconomy: Unemployment, food stamps and part time work

Try putting that on someones plate when they get hungry from not receiving time and a half. Essentially this is so indefensible the only option you have is to complain about liberals and ignore that liberals arent the only people who earn time and a half pay.

Obama's $10 Trillion debt has done more damage to the economy that anyone dared to dream

Again its so indefensible that you believe telling those people Obama is bad is Chicken Soup for the Soul when they need Chicken Soup in their bowl.
Let them go buy a chicken then.....
The GOP hates the working man and sucks the rich mans dick every chance they get. To hell with the GOP.

Abolish the gop and chase them out of this country.
who was the biggest group to vote for trump? Do you even fking know? The group you just posted your stupid with. THE WORKING MAN. holy fk are you a loser. Dude, you are getting worse. You must have a virus and you can't shake it and your mind is dying.
The drivers of the ObamaEconomy: Unemployment, food stamps and part time work

Try putting that on someones plate when they get hungry from not receiving time and a half. Essentially this is so indefensible the only option you have is to complain about liberals and ignore that liberals arent the only people who earn time and a half pay.

Obama's $10 Trillion debt has done more damage to the economy that anyone dared to dream

Again its so indefensible that you believe telling those people Obama is bad is Chicken Soup for the Soul when they need Chicken Soup in their bowl.
Let them go buy a chicken then.....

You just stole it and think that going "But Obama" is an excuse
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

Haha...don't partake of the Kool Aid my friend.
The overtime law Obama passed had nothing to do with overtime for most people. Nothing.
What it did was outlaw companies from taking advantage of low level managers by making them salary and working them well over 40 hours.
It had zero affect on the millions and millions of hourly people who are unchanged by this law.

Replies like that won't work. But wingtards will go for this childish shit. And rightwing idiots think Bush the War Monkey was treated badly? You ain't seen nothing. This is gonna be cakewalk making Trump enemy number one. Loses the popular vote, cuts pay for millions.[/QUOTE]
The drivers of the ObamaEconomy: Unemployment, food stamps and part time work

Try putting that on someones plate when they get hungry from not receiving time and a half. Essentially this is so indefensible the only option you have is to complain about liberals and ignore that liberals arent the only people who earn time and a half pay.

Obama's $10 Trillion debt has done more damage to the economy that anyone dared to dream

Again its so indefensible that you believe telling those people Obama is bad is Chicken Soup for the Soul when they need Chicken Soup in their bowl.
Let them go buy a chicken then.....

You just stole it and think that going "But Obama" is an excuse
They are still for sale.....
Why is it the majority of posters don't like workers getting ahead? Overtime pay? Not a chance. FMLA? No way. Medicare? Bad. Social security? Bad. Paid sick days? Nope. Maternity leave? Terrible idea. Safety regulations? Too many. But you believe workers should give 2 weeks notice if leaving. I totally disagree. Walk out right now...when most needed or provide higher pay on the spot. Its endless. Why the utter disdain for hard working people? A raise? Not deserved. In fact the overall message is most are ovetrpaid. If that is the overwhelming idea in this country then we are worse off than I thought. Or you are a bunch of miserly business owners. To top it off you feel workers should be loyal to employer....and complain if they are not. If you truly believe this then you are truly anti labor anti worker. Might as well admit it.
Reading the liberal responses, hard to believe I was this dumb in my youth.
they are pulling out all the stupid they own. I didn't think the world had as much stupid as what I've been reading the last two weeks in here. I don't see how they ever get a majority again. Far too many bright liberals will see this group and want to stay far far away.
Why is it the majority of posters don't like workers getting ahead? Overtime pay? Not a chance. FMLA? No way. Medicare? Bad. Social security? Bad. Paid sick days? Nope. Maternity leave? Terrible idea. Safety regulations? Too many. But you believe workers should give 2 weeks notice if leaving. I totally disagree. Walk out right now...when most needed or provide higher pay on the spot. Its endless. Why the utter disdain for hard working people? A raise? Not deserved. In fact the overall message is most are ovetrpaid. If that is the overwhelming idea in this country then we are worse off than I thought. Or you are a bunch of miserly business owners. To top it off you feel workers should be loyal to employer....and complain if they are not. If you truly believe this then you are truly anti labor anti worker. Might as well admit it.
Don't like it? Find another fucking job, it's that simple.....
Why is it the majority of posters don't like workers getting ahead? Overtime pay? Not a chance. FMLA? No way. Medicare? Bad. Social security? Bad. Paid sick days? Nope. Maternity leave? Terrible idea. Safety regulations? Too many. But you believe workers should give 2 weeks notice if leaving. I totally disagree. Walk out right now...when most needed or provide higher pay on the spot. Its endless. Why the utter disdain for hard working people? A raise? Not deserved. In fact the overall message is most are ovetrpaid. If that is the overwhelming idea in this country then we are worse off than I thought. Or you are a bunch of miserly business owners. To top it off you feel workers should be loyal to employer....and complain if they are not. If you truly believe this then you are truly anti labor anti worker. Might as well admit it.

Everything you wrote here has been happening for a long time now. Of the past 24 years A democrat has been President for 16. Democrats have controlled the houses most of this time also. So gee...that kind of screws up the whole "Republicans hate workers" tirade doesn't it?

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