Millions of Trump voters just basically voted to cut their pay.

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.

That and all the jobs will be lower paid jobs anyway. The US is being run by Trump for Trump.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.
Every salaried person I've talked to hates that law.
Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office

Millions of Donald Trump voters to lose overtime pay the moment he takes office
Republicans have made their clear their wish to roll back a number of Barack Obama's initiatives

Many millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump could find themselves losing their right to overtime pay as soon as he takes office.

Political observers pointed out that one of the things Mr Trump has undertaken to push forward with, is to reverse a planned pay boost enacted by President Barack Obama.

Part of the regulation - that is due to go into effect on December 1 - demands that companies pay time-and-a-half overtime to workers who make less than $47,000 a year.

:eusa_clap: Way to Trumpkin Bumpkins. A one month pay raise, to be taken away by Turkey Neck McConnell , overgrown frat boy Ryan, and billionaire man of the people Donald Trump.

What a joke. Demonizing the GOP over this stuff is gonna make replacing them all in 2018 and 2020 a cinch.
Every salaried person I've talked to hates that law.
I don't....
Where did I say republicans? Man you are dumber than dumb. I am describing stupid Americans who are against anything a hard working person might benefit from. And if you are a common worker stuck in the ugly godforsaken rat race who buys the anti worker be then you get what you deserve....nothing.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

It's not slavery when you accept a job on the employers terms. Slavery is working against your will and not getting paid.

I haven't gotten overtime pay in nearly 23 years. Overtime pay doesn't apply to truck drivers, and truck drivers and government have been enemies for years. We were even overlooked by this Obama plan.
I haven't had an increase since 2008. my healthcare costs have gone up at least 10% every fking year. The job is still too good to leave.
This is where the fun begins. "Trump Dumps on Chumps!" Should we start here, or when he announced that he is not going to throw Hillary in jail? No? Well, what about him deciding that he is not going to repeal Obamacare? Well, then there was that climate change agreement that he may not renege on. Then, of course, there is the wall, that is really a fence.

Has anyone noticed that Trump's nose seems to be getting longer, sort of like Nixon's?
nope haven't noticed anything close to your post. infact, I'd say you lie. but that's ok cause we already knew it.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

Smart people don't work overtime hours if they're not getting overtime pay. That's part of why my department at work Unionized in 2007.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

It's not slavery when you accept a job on the employers terms. Slavery is working against your will and not getting paid.

I haven't gotten overtime pay in nearly 23 years. Overtime pay doesn't apply to truck drivers, and truck drivers and government have been enemies for years. We were even overlooked by this Obama plan.

it might not be technically slavery, but still the employer has often the upper hand if the workers dont organise and stand together, they can "bully" you into their terms often you accept terms you wouldnt because you need to feed your family.

That's silly. They don't bully you into anything. In most cases, it's discussed up front because it's a real pain in the ass for employers to lay people off and find new ones, so they lay their cards on the table to get the right employee.

Saying they bully you into working late is like saying your grocery store bullied you into buying their tomatoes. It's an option, the price is right in front of you, and if you don't care for the price, you can go across the street to see what they are asking for tomatoes.
i've found that if there was mandatory time over 40 hours let's say, it is usually followed by some paid time off. I've never seen it any other way. in 40 years.
America is really terrible for the poor and workers etc. In Austria its normal to get overtime pay. I cant imagine how you work overtime hours but dont get paid. To me this is slavery.

Smart people don't work overtime hours if they're not getting overtime pay. That's part of why my department at work Unionized in 2007.
Actually, smart people don't pay attention to the hours they work.....
Owebo you should work weekends for people do that too...lmao at you. Keep up the good work...your employer appreciates it....cough wheez
I said smart

Smart enough to get out lyrics as much education as I need for my field. Smart enough to be able to find a job where I can get paid very nicely and not have to worry about my job changing get or going away anytime soon. I'll be comfortable for the rest of my career.
The working man has no candidate when the candidates are uber wealthy. Uber wealthy folk like hip liar and rump surely care about working folk.......and if you believe that...

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