Minimal Wage. Raises. Inflation. Cost of living.


That's what I'm trying to say, Minimum wage should be at a higher rate to accommodate The increase of, the cost of living and inflation. If the cost of living increases to the point that the minimum wage is no longer sufficient enough for a person that gets paid minimum wage to live comfortably

Yeah ... I understood what you posted.

We just have a different view.
To me the minimum will never be sufficient (it's the minimum) ... And no one should be comfortable making minimum wage.

That's what I meant about minimum wage not being a sufficient career choice.
If you want to compare minimum wage to the cost of living ... I am like WTF is someone doing trying to make a living at the minimum wage?
Minimum wage is somewhere you may have to start ... But by all means don't stay there, or at that rate, long enough to be comfortable.

Exactly. But unfortunately some people may have no choice

Who has no choice?
minimum wage, starve to death, rob a bank. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Or get a loan, learn a trade, and make sure it's a career with plenty of availability. My industry needs over 30,000 new drivers they can't find. Some places are willing to train and pay you while you learn. They will get you licensed, guarantee you a job with a livable wage, and all you have to do is sign a contract that you'll work for them for one year. Afterwards the will give you a handsome pay increase to get you to stay. Or you can do other jobs that are more to your liking.
ThatDude30 ... Take a look at how government intervention assists the minimum wage dilemma as is.

First examine the fact that the minimum is what is necessary to fill a position that requires minimum work experience and/or skills.
Then examine how, although less than optimal, welfare fulfills the most basic needs for existence.

You have to accept the fact that welfare helps provide a never ending pool of minimum wage employees.
There is no competition in that labor market ... An employer has access to a person to do a minimum job at a minimum wage.
The only time that presents difficulties is when the welfare recipients are more comfortable not doing the job the employer offers.

That part of the equation is too far gone ... You cannot get rid of welfare.
It would completely saturate the unskilled labor market ... People would kill each other for a job if it was required to survive.

Employees are a resource for a business ... And resources have value based on availability and sustainability.
The government has allowed for that basic labor resource to be sustained ... They have created a circumstance where there won't be a shortage or simple demand.
The only way they could increase the pressure by adding a shortage ... Is if they increased welfare benefits and made it easier for people not to want the job.

It's a self defeating proposition ... And a reflection of what happens when government in its ignorance attempts to control things it has no control over in the long run.
Add the fact that it seems the only cure people want to come up with ... Is giving the government more control to screw things up worse than they were before.

The government didn't just damage that particular labor market ... They absolutely fricken destroyed it ... And use their failure as an excuse to gain more power.

Last edited:

That's what I'm trying to say, Minimum wage should be at a higher rate to accommodate The increase of, the cost of living and inflation. If the cost of living increases to the point that the minimum wage is no longer sufficient enough for a person that gets paid minimum wage to live comfortably

Yeah ... I understood what you posted.

We just have a different view.
To me the minimum will never be sufficient (it's the minimum) ... And no one should be comfortable making minimum wage.

That's what I meant about minimum wage not being a sufficient career choice.
If you want to compare minimum wage to the cost of living ... I am like WTF is someone doing trying to make a living at the minimum wage?
Minimum wage is somewhere you may have to start ... But by all means don't stay there, or at that rate, long enough to be comfortable.

Exactly. But unfortunately some people may have no choice

Who has no choice?
minimum wage, starve to death, rob a bank. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Or get a loan, learn a trade, and make sure it's a career with plenty of availability. My industry needs over 30,000 new drivers they can't find. Some places are willing to train and pay you while you learn. They will get you licensed, guarantee you a job with a livable wage, and all you have to do is sign a contract that you'll work for them for one year. Afterwards the will give you a handsome pay increase to get you to stay. Or you can do other jobs that are more to your liking.
nobody will give me a loan. I'm 56 years old, drove for a living for 25 years, replaced by the internet. Can't drive a truck need to pee every hour. Plus too many Dr. appts. I found my niche, not everyone can do that.
Minimal wage increases every few years. Some employees get a raise every year if they are lucky, but some raises are insulting. Busting your butt, never late, never call off, take extra shifts, and you prove to be most reliable, just to be taken advantage of because the manager or supervisor knows you will do whatever they ask with out hesitation, so instead of wasting their time asking another employee that might not be so good or fast as you, and might be defiant and slack off. So being taken advantage of for a whole year and coming up is raise time. You are sitting in the office for your review, and the have nothing but good things to say, you are their best employee and this is the best review you have ever got. Then they tell you that you got a 15 cent raise. That is insulting if I ever got a raise that low I would tell them to keep it. Some companies once you are maxed out there is nothing to look forward to. No matter how much longer you are with that company. If that happens companies should give bonuses every year to keep employees moral up.
The Government decides to raise minimal wage every so often, to make it look like they are doing something good for the people. And the people that are making minimal wage actually believe The government did something for them.
Well in reality if inflation and cost of living increases faster then the minimal wage increases, it really doesn't matter if minimal wage increased at all if inflation and cost of living increases more and higher then minimal wage.

Ex. minimal Wage- $7.25
Gallon of milk-$4.50
Gas- $3.00 a gallon
gas bill- $100
electric bill- $70
rent- $500

Minimal Wage increases to- $8.00
Gallon of milk- $5.25
Gas- $4.00 a gallon
gas bill- $150
electric- $100
rent- $550

Minimal Wage -$8.00
milk $5.50
gas- 4.25
gas bill- $160
electric- $110
rent- $570

So if inflation and cost of living increases more often then minimal wage you are really not making more.

I think minimal wage and raises should increase at the same rate of inflation and cost of living. Also a minimal wage a company can pay their employees should be based on how much that company makes. If company A is making more then company B, company A minimal wage would be higher then company Bs minimal wage.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.
Minimal wage increases every few years. Some employees get a raise every year if they are lucky, but some raises are insulting. Busting your butt, never late, never call off, take extra shifts, and you prove to be most reliable, just to be taken advantage of because the manager or supervisor knows you will do whatever they ask with out hesitation, so instead of wasting their time asking another employee that might not be so good or fast as you, and might be defiant and slack off. So being taken advantage of for a whole year and coming up is raise time. You are sitting in the office for your review, and the have nothing but good things to say, you are their best employee and this is the best review you have ever got. Then they tell you that you got a 15 cent raise. That is insulting if I ever got a raise that low I would tell them to keep it. Some companies once you are maxed out there is nothing to look forward to. No matter how much longer you are with that company. If that happens companies should give bonuses every year to keep employees moral up.
The Government decides to raise minimal wage every so often, to make it look like they are doing something good for the people. And the people that are making minimal wage actually believe The government did something for them.
Well in reality if inflation and cost of living increases faster then the minimal wage increases, it really doesn't matter if minimal wage increased at all if inflation and cost of living increases more and higher then minimal wage.

Ex. minimal Wage- $7.25
Gallon of milk-$4.50
Gas- $3.00 a gallon
gas bill- $100
electric bill- $70
rent- $500

Minimal Wage increases to- $8.00
Gallon of milk- $5.25
Gas- $4.00 a gallon
gas bill- $150
electric- $100
rent- $550

Minimal Wage -$8.00
milk $5.50
gas- 4.25
gas bill- $160
electric- $110
rent- $570

So if inflation and cost of living increases more often then minimal wage you are really not making more.

I think minimal wage and raises should increase at the same rate of inflation and cost of living. Also a minimal wage a company can pay their employees should be based on how much that company makes. If company A is making more then company B, company A minimal wage would be higher then company Bs minimal wage.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.
Dollar menu will not double? It's more than doubled. I used to buy whoppers for a dollar and eat five of them. now they're like 5 bucks. A value menu item was like 2 bucks for a whole meal. Now you need at least 6 bucks and if you get something good you spend over 10 bucks. I get better value from a full service restaurant. Yet in that time the wages moved from 3.35 an hour to 7 something.

1992 I used to make 10 bucks an hour, company cell phone, company car, an expense account. Stupidly I spent all my money in strip clubs but that's immaterial. Now I still make 10 bucks an hour, without all the company paid for benefits. Costs of survival have continuously gone up. yes now we can afford fancy shit like big screen tv's and Microwaves. But basic survival keeps increasing. So now I have better stuff but I'm one Cold away from being homeless. Income has not gone up by the same percentages.

Metaphor for my life is I'm climbing a cliff. I keep climbing higher and higher, getting neater and better stuff to carry but I'm still can't get away from the edge and one slip and i come tumbling down into destitution. I am tired of climbing the damn cliff. Give me a fucking ledge. I don't need better stuff. i need my basic bills paid and some relaxation time so i can enjoy what i have instead of trying to get more.
Which is better than no minimum wage and people being unable to pay for milk, gas, gas bill, electric and rent, I guess.
have you, or anyone you know, ever taken a job that didn't pay enough to cover bills?

If you do, how old were you/they?
You ever walk into mcdonalds and see people in their early 20s or older people that should be retired? while I was going to school I worked at mcdonalds overnight, class was 7-1 everyday m-f so I needed a job for 6 months that I wouldn't care to loose. What they expect from people making $7.25/hour is crazy. I made $14.00 bucks an hour, and for 8 ours I would load up 8-12 pieces of aluminum to be machined, which took 5-10 minutes to load 4 at a time and press a button. Each piece had to go through 2 different processes and the 1st one took 2 hours and second process took 1 hour 45 minutes. So I would just sit there most of time. Mcdonalds expect way to much. I worked with other people their and they were struggling, and taking home $478 every 2 weeks aint cutting it. Also they wouldn't allow any over time.
I just feel pay rates should increase with the cost of living and inflation, thus would make employees happier and a happier employee means, they better job they will do and the more reliable they will be.

Great plan until reality steps in and blows your idea to hell.

My wife works in a call center for the second largest cable provider in the country. They start their employees at over $15.00 an hour. Their problem? They hire young people who refuse to show up for work, are late if they do show up, and refuse to follow the processes set forth by the company. Then they are aghast when they get fired. Their turnover rate in the 18-30 year-old worker demographic is horrendous!
Because the problem with this and future generations they fill they are entitled. They fill as those they should make $30-$40 an hour starting off. They have no concept of, you have to start somewhere. They want immediate results. They feel as though they are always right, and that they cant go to work today because they have a headache, caused by all the alcohol they drank the night before.
They are becoming lazier and lazier. Their parents are babying them for far to long. They see one of their friends making good money so they think they should too. Its Now, Now, Now with them. No patience. Shit if I got the opportunity to get a job starting off at $15 an hour when I was 18- early 20s I would of worked everyday, would of took any overtime or extra shifts. That would of been good money. Shit it still is good money.

But "Reality" is, there is people working at a job that pays $7.25 an hour, for whatever the reason may be. They don't have any health coverage, no vacation time, no paid days off, or any other benefits. Yet that company expects them to show up on time every day, don't miss any days. They expect you to complete your job plus more. If they see you are a fast and accurate worker, Managers will take advantage and make you do more, then expect that all the time, while joe over there barely gets his job done everyday and been working there for years.

If a company pays minimal wage they should at least offer benefits.

To me a person working for $7.25 an hour with no benefits, they are the modern day slave.

You say then don't work there or take that job. Well "reality" is someone has to do the work, and for some that might be their only option

Please answer this for us all, please. What is the typical household income where one of the workers is earning minimum wage?

How many households are there in the U.S. that exist on the income of one worker earning the minimum wage?

If you can't do that, you really have no clue what you are talking about, do you?
Well, assuming a 2,080 hour year, that would be annual wage of around $15,000/year. There are 13.7 million households that earn less than $15k/year. Out of those, 5.2 million are families, and of those families, 1.7 million are married couple families. American FactFinder - Results

So, not many. The truth is that most minimum wage earners are young, or old, or secondary earners. And many of those included as earning less than the minimum wage are restaurant servers who, with tips, actually earn more than minimum wage.
Minimal wage increases every few years. Some employees get a raise every year if they are lucky, but some raises are insulting. Busting your butt, never late, never call off, take extra shifts, and you prove to be most reliable, just to be taken advantage of because the manager or supervisor knows you will do whatever they ask with out hesitation, so instead of wasting their time asking another employee that might not be so good or fast as you, and might be defiant and slack off. So being taken advantage of for a whole year and coming up is raise time. You are sitting in the office for your review, and the have nothing but good things to say, you are their best employee and this is the best review you have ever got. Then they tell you that you got a 15 cent raise. That is insulting if I ever got a raise that low I would tell them to keep it. Some companies once you are maxed out there is nothing to look forward to. No matter how much longer you are with that company. If that happens companies should give bonuses every year to keep employees moral up.
The Government decides to raise minimal wage every so often, to make it look like they are doing something good for the people. And the people that are making minimal wage actually believe The government did something for them.
Well in reality if inflation and cost of living increases faster then the minimal wage increases, it really doesn't matter if minimal wage increased at all if inflation and cost of living increases more and higher then minimal wage.

Ex. minimal Wage- $7.25
Gallon of milk-$4.50
Gas- $3.00 a gallon
gas bill- $100
electric bill- $70
rent- $500

Minimal Wage increases to- $8.00
Gallon of milk- $5.25
Gas- $4.00 a gallon
gas bill- $150
electric- $100
rent- $550

Minimal Wage -$8.00
milk $5.50
gas- 4.25
gas bill- $160
electric- $110
rent- $570

So if inflation and cost of living increases more often then minimal wage you are really not making more.

I think minimal wage and raises should increase at the same rate of inflation and cost of living. Also a minimal wage a company can pay their employees should be based on how much that company makes. If company A is making more then company B, company A minimal wage would be higher then company Bs minimal wage.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.
Dollar menu will not double? It's more than doubled. I used to buy whoppers for a dollar and eat five of them. now they're like 5 bucks. A value menu item was like 2 bucks for a whole meal. Now you need at least 6 bucks and if you get something good you spend over 10 bucks. I get better value from a full service restaurant. Yet in that time the wages moved from 3.35 an hour to 7 something.

1992 I used to make 10 bucks an hour, company cell phone, company car, an expense account. Stupidly I spent all my money in strip clubs but that's immaterial. Now I still make 10 bucks an hour, without all the company paid for benefits. Costs of survival have continuously gone up. yes now we can afford fancy shit like big screen tv's and Microwaves. But basic survival keeps increasing. So now I have better stuff but I'm one Cold away from being homeless. Income has not gone up by the same percentages.

Metaphor for my life is I'm climbing a cliff. I keep climbing higher and higher, getting neater and better stuff to carry but I'm still can't get away from the edge and one slip and i come tumbling down into destitution. I am tired of climbing the damn cliff. Give me a fucking ledge. I don't need better stuff. i need my basic bills paid and some relaxation time so i can enjoy what i have instead of trying to get more.

Exactly right........bozo's who support the minimum wage also tend to chase unicorns. The economics are not at all understood........the residual effects. Why is it people like us understand that in life, there are necessary tradeoffs regarding life decisions? Not for the progressive guy.......missed the memo somehow that nothing in life is free. Those who end up receiving a minimum wage find out in a short time that a year or two later, they are still poor as fuck.:up:

lol........all duh all the time for liberals...... Minimum Wage Massacre: Wendy's Unleashes 1,000 Robots To Counter Higher Labor Costs
Minimal wage increases every few years. Some employees get a raise every year if they are lucky, but some raises are insulting. Busting your butt, never late, never call off, take extra shifts, and you prove to be most reliable, just to be taken advantage of because the manager or supervisor knows you will do whatever they ask with out hesitation, so instead of wasting their time asking another employee that might not be so good or fast as you, and might be defiant and slack off. So being taken advantage of for a whole year and coming up is raise time. You are sitting in the office for your review, and the have nothing but good things to say, you are their best employee and this is the best review you have ever got. Then they tell you that you got a 15 cent raise. That is insulting if I ever got a raise that low I would tell them to keep it. Some companies once you are maxed out there is nothing to look forward to. No matter how much longer you are with that company. If that happens companies should give bonuses every year to keep employees moral up.
The Government decides to raise minimal wage every so often, to make it look like they are doing something good for the people. And the people that are making minimal wage actually believe The government did something for them.
Well in reality if inflation and cost of living increases faster then the minimal wage increases, it really doesn't matter if minimal wage increased at all if inflation and cost of living increases more and higher then minimal wage.

Ex. minimal Wage- $7.25
Gallon of milk-$4.50
Gas- $3.00 a gallon
gas bill- $100
electric bill- $70
rent- $500

Minimal Wage increases to- $8.00
Gallon of milk- $5.25
Gas- $4.00 a gallon
gas bill- $150
electric- $100
rent- $550

Minimal Wage -$8.00
milk $5.50
gas- 4.25
gas bill- $160
electric- $110
rent- $570

So if inflation and cost of living increases more often then minimal wage you are really not making more.

I think minimal wage and raises should increase at the same rate of inflation and cost of living. Also a minimal wage a company can pay their employees should be based on how much that company makes. If company A is making more then company B, company A minimal wage would be higher then company Bs minimal wage.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.
Dollar menu will not double? It's more than doubled. I used to buy whoppers for a dollar and eat five of them. now they're like 5 bucks. A value menu item was like 2 bucks for a whole meal. Now you need at least 6 bucks and if you get something good you spend over 10 bucks. I get better value from a full service restaurant. Yet in that time the wages moved from 3.35 an hour to 7 something.

1992 I used to make 10 bucks an hour, company cell phone, company car, an expense account. Stupidly I spent all my money in strip clubs but that's immaterial. Now I still make 10 bucks an hour, without all the company paid for benefits. Costs of survival have continuously gone up. yes now we can afford fancy shit like big screen tv's and Microwaves. But basic survival keeps increasing. So now I have better stuff but I'm one Cold away from being homeless. Income has not gone up by the same percentages.

Metaphor for my life is I'm climbing a cliff. I keep climbing higher and higher, getting neater and better stuff to carry but I'm still can't get away from the edge and one slip and i come tumbling down into destitution. I am tired of climbing the damn cliff. Give me a fucking ledge. I don't need better stuff. i need my basic bills paid and some relaxation time so i can enjoy what i have instead of trying to get more.
Inflation happens regardless. You are confusing wage rate inflation to general inflation and price inflation for fuel, in particular.

What is the surcharge for labor in restaurants that pass that cost on to customers?
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.

It all depends on the industry. Increased wages effect businesses differently.

Of course an increase in minimum wage will have little effect on your Big Mac meal. That's because each McDonald's serves over 1,000 burgers a day, 800 french fries, 1,500 drinks and so on. They can raise each item a few cents to make up the loss. But Ben's Hardware store doesn't sell 1,000 hammers or screw drivers a day. He must increase prices much more than McDonald's because he sells much less products.
Yeah ... I understood what you posted.

We just have a different view.
To me the minimum will never be sufficient (it's the minimum) ... And no one should be comfortable making minimum wage.

That's what I meant about minimum wage not being a sufficient career choice.
If you want to compare minimum wage to the cost of living ... I am like WTF is someone doing trying to make a living at the minimum wage?
Minimum wage is somewhere you may have to start ... But by all means don't stay there, or at that rate, long enough to be comfortable.

Exactly. But unfortunately some people may have no choice

Who has no choice?
minimum wage, starve to death, rob a bank. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Or get a loan, learn a trade, and make sure it's a career with plenty of availability. My industry needs over 30,000 new drivers they can't find. Some places are willing to train and pay you while you learn. They will get you licensed, guarantee you a job with a livable wage, and all you have to do is sign a contract that you'll work for them for one year. Afterwards the will give you a handsome pay increase to get you to stay. Or you can do other jobs that are more to your liking.
nobody will give me a loan. I'm 56 years old, drove for a living for 25 years, replaced by the internet. Can't drive a truck need to pee every hour. Plus too many Dr. appts. I found my niche, not everyone can do that.

Well good luck, but it sounds to me that you may qualify for partial disability. One of my tenants just got on partial disability last year and she still works although (like you) has many restrictions.
Where are you getting your numbers from?

The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.

It all depends on the industry. Increased wages effect businesses differently.

Of course an increase in minimum wage will have little effect on your Big Mac meal. That's because each McDonald's serves over 1,000 burgers a day, 800 french fries, 1,500 drinks and so on. They can raise each item a few cents to make up the loss. But Ben's Hardware store doesn't sell 1,000 hammers or screw drivers a day. He must increase prices much more than McDonald's because he sells much less products.
gains have to come from productivity, not cheap labor.
The last time I looked into this, the inflation rate would be under five percent. Even the dollar menu will not double, even with a doubling of the minimum wage.

WAY under 5% inflation.

do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

common RW bullshit.

MW raises creates inflation that is a TINY FRACTION of the actual compensation increase. Much more significant are job loss effects, but they too come short of negating the pay upside overall.

CBO did extensive study on this and here are REAL effects on incomes that price in job loss and inflation.

if I'm reading that correctly, you just proved me right.
Exactly. But unfortunately some people may have no choice

Who has no choice?
minimum wage, starve to death, rob a bank. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Or get a loan, learn a trade, and make sure it's a career with plenty of availability. My industry needs over 30,000 new drivers they can't find. Some places are willing to train and pay you while you learn. They will get you licensed, guarantee you a job with a livable wage, and all you have to do is sign a contract that you'll work for them for one year. Afterwards the will give you a handsome pay increase to get you to stay. Or you can do other jobs that are more to your liking.
nobody will give me a loan. I'm 56 years old, drove for a living for 25 years, replaced by the internet. Can't drive a truck need to pee every hour. Plus too many Dr. appts. I found my niche, not everyone can do that.

Well good luck, but it sounds to me that you may qualify for partial disability. One of my tenants just got on partial disability last year and she still works although (like you) has many restrictions.
Turned me down. They recommended I get a job filling out paperwork for a living since I did such a good job on the Disability Paperwork.
Who has no choice?
minimum wage, starve to death, rob a bank. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Or get a loan, learn a trade, and make sure it's a career with plenty of availability. My industry needs over 30,000 new drivers they can't find. Some places are willing to train and pay you while you learn. They will get you licensed, guarantee you a job with a livable wage, and all you have to do is sign a contract that you'll work for them for one year. Afterwards the will give you a handsome pay increase to get you to stay. Or you can do other jobs that are more to your liking.
nobody will give me a loan. I'm 56 years old, drove for a living for 25 years, replaced by the internet. Can't drive a truck need to pee every hour. Plus too many Dr. appts. I found my niche, not everyone can do that.

Well good luck, but it sounds to me that you may qualify for partial disability. One of my tenants just got on partial disability last year and she still works although (like you) has many restrictions.
Turned me down. They recommended I get a job filling out paperwork for a living since I did such a good job on the Disability Paperwork.

Most everybody gets turned down the first time.
do you understand that when min wage goes up, by force, it creates the inflation you are talking about?

common RW bullshit.

MW raises creates inflation that is a TINY FRACTION of the actual compensation increase. Much more significant are job loss effects, but they too come short of negating the pay upside overall.

CBO did extensive study on this and here are REAL effects on incomes that price in job loss and inflation.

if I'm reading that correctly, you just proved me right.

What were you right about?

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