Minimum wage is already “livable”

Oye. They’re getting more free money than ever with the new government child support payments! Why do you think they can afford to quit their jobs, or refuse to take them? Uncle Sugar is paying out more than ever.

The radical left is moving us rapidly toward socialism: destroy private ownership by killing small business and moving the workforce onto public assistance. You think THAT type of goal is what made our country the greatest in the world?
You tell em!

Because paying more than $7.25 is SOCIALISM
It is when it's at the point of government guns.
It is why we should resort to capitalism instead.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I was stating what the left believe in that as long as their are super rich, then the poor aren't making a living wage.

You are correct
The Super Rich are suffering

A minimum wage definitely won't destroy our economy. I'm just arguing that the situation is better for poor people looking to develop their skills when they have more opportunities to work wherever they want for whoever they want and for however much money they want.
Novel? Helpful? How is it any different for rich "people looking to develop their skills"? I'll tell you. Going there wouldn't be punching down. That thing populist bullies and cowards always do. Tweet divisive tale after tale. Disparage the least among us.. quickly manufacture some "other" to beat upon, mercilessly. The perpetually butt hurt are sure to gather and sing their praises. Hallelujah!

Can you imagine the hardship if they actually had to pay decent wages?

Many have to pay more for labor now and we have inflation we haven't experienced in 30 years. What about the hardship of people that have to spend a lot of money on gasoline to get to work, keep their house warm and people who buy their own food for their family?
LOL. Yes, I am correct. If the minimum wage was $100 per hour and there were billionaires, the left would still be claiming that it isn't a living wage. It's all about wealth re-distribution.
Thanks Capt Hyperbole

Because raising the wage over $7.25 means $100
Assistance for child care does the OPPOSITE.

It allows for childcare that ALLOWS YOU TO TAKE THOSE JOBS

Not having children you couldn't afford in the first place does the same thing, except it doesn't put us deeper in the hole.

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