Minimum wage is already “livable”

Cutting them off just creates squalor. Squalor will create more crime. Do we really want to do that? It's not logical to expect ignorant poor people to make economically intelligent decisions for themselves. Having sex is a basic biological function and they're just never going to stop having kids. Maybe if the public provided contraception it would help.

Which is why if we mandated people be fixed before getting any kind of assistance would stop people from having kids they couldn't afford. Welfare in many cases is generational. If they don't want to be fixed, let them get a job and support their own children.
The minimum wage is $7.25/hr in a lot of states

That equates to an annual salary of just over $14K for a 40hr per week job'

$14K....think about that

That is not a livable wage. Not even close...anywhere in this country

So who said minimum wage should be a living wage in the first place? I'm 61 years old and it's never been a living wage.
It's not logical to expect ignorant poor people to make economically intelligent decisions for themselves. Having sex is a basic biological function.
Is it logical to expect ignorant rich people to make economically intelligent decisions for themselves? How about the mentally ill? Shall we catapult some contraceptives at them?
Employer with min wage jobs have problems filling them because few workers don't have better options for their skills. And before the covid shutdown we had unemplyoment under 4% in most places. I suppose there's still a hypothetical argument as to whether a min wage harms employment, but practically speaking it is irrelevant. More affluent areas were already raising min wages. That might affect prices, but I didn't appreciate having to pay for unemployed energy workers to live in WV back in the 80s when there were plenty of jobs in Wyo and later ND .. and I took one of those jobs. So long as jobs are plentiful, there's no issue. And simply put, we don't have enough low skilled workers right now. Maybe that's why the gop wants to end Roe (-:
That's a possibility I hadn't considered.
Another RW abortion supporter

They are coming out of the woodwork today

Yeah, because people can't avoid having children or getting an abortion. It does require a modicum of personal responsibility though and that seems to be the real hangup here. Dumb people, um, I mean Democrats, aren't capable of such a feat, much like they aren't capable of getting an ID to vote.
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Should we require people to opt into being sterilized in order to receive welfare?
Why do crappy businessmen need to have such cheap labor? If they don't want to pay for labor then they need to build housing and provide food and clothing for their laborers instead of using govt. welfare programs to augment their crappy pay.

Companies don't use government programs--workers do.

This is not a new concept of any kind. When I was young yes, people had low paying jobs. But because there was little in the way of welfare back then, when people couldn't make ends meet, they worked a lot of overtime or got a second job. There were several times in my life I had two jobs, and at one point three. You did whatever it took to keep the lights on and a roof over your head.

Government took that drive out of people with their stupid social programs that pay people who could otherwise make it on their own. In many cases they discourage people from working harder because making more money reduces their government goodies. I've seen it repeatedly.
That isn't the employers job, commie
This may be the stupidest thing you've ever said in a long and distinguished career of saying stupid things. It's not the employers job to oay his employees enough to live on? Are you serious?

I missed this at first. That's a very controversial proposal.

What say the rest of ye?

Why would it be controversial? What do working people do when they can't afford anymore children? They get fixed. Nothing wrong with demanding people who's children we support do the same. It's not like we'd be asking them to do something we working people don't do ourselves.

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