Minimum wage is already “livable”

Ya know what they call black women in Texas who are forced to keep unwanted pregnancies?

Mothers AND Welfare Queens

What percentage of pregnancies are the result of rape and failed birth control vs simply not being cautious? Just curious.
Congratulations Lisa. 34 pages on min wage in one day..................LOLOLOLOL

I knew you were something special on your 1st post..................Way to go....I bow to you

A cuss word here or there though would be nice...lolololol
A cuss word from me? I am a lady!
So black women who have children are now on welfare? Wow, your true colors are showing. Anybody that is on welfare, no matter their race, should probably figure out what causes babies and try to take some precautions. Those that aren't are welcome to have as many as they would like.

Ok Let’s go there

Can you show me any Republican depictions of Welfare Queens that did not feature Black Women?
Or maybe not getting pregnant in the first place. I mean, that is an option you know.
I think you and I must be the only ones on this thread who have heard of birth control.
A living wage means a wage which covers the cost of living. MIT created a calculator which takes the average cost of basic necessities, such as groceries, utilities, childcare, gas/vehicle upkeep, etc., in different states, and calculates how much would be needed per hour on a full time basis to meet those costs. According to MIT, there isnt a single state where a single adult can meet the cost of living at the federal minimum wage. And when you get into families with children, the cost of living is even higher.

The funny part is liberals high fiving about a $15 minimum wage, and pretending it will eradicate poverty, even though it still wouldnt meet the cost of living in many families, especially in stes like New York and California.

Instead of a federal wage, each state should have its own minimum wage based on the cost of living in that state. States with lower prices would require lower wages, and states with higher prices would require higher wages. It still wouldnt cover everyone, since it would be based on average prices, but it would still bring far more families to a living wage than a federal wage would.
CA and WA set their own minimums but there are problems there as well. The minimum works for most of CA, but SF, LA and San Diego, the cost of living is MUCH greater than the other parts of the state and those low wage earners have to commute in---which is another problem all together.
I copied and pasted directly from the USDA SNAP page. If you have different information then give us a link, "because you said so" is not really good enough .
I am sorry that you cannot read. Keep looking and you will find exactly what I stated.

I guess you haven't been in a store with a deli in at least 5 years.

Either that or you can send me my normal fee for teaching of about $30 an hour.
Read the title, stupid

I read the title and one of my first posts on the subject was that people can't afford those things alone. They can live at home with their parents, get a roommate AS THE OP STATED but not have their own apartment yet alone kids or a house. It was like that over 40 years ago and it's like that today, because 40 years ago people who worked low wages stayed at home or got a roommate.

Nothing changed.

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