Minimum wage is already “livable”

What’s so confusing? You asked if Republicans ever consider a Black woman as anything other than a welfare queen, and I reminded you that Republicans voted in a black woman as Lt. Gov of Virginia.
Ummm….what does that have to do with Republicans calling black women who have children welfare queens?

But….but….we elected a BLACK WOMAN
I agree that any full time job, permanent job, should pay enough to support a person a child at least. But this isn't 1932. Society changed. We have many blended households with parents who don't work full time because they trade off taking care of kids, and their incomes need to stay under an amount to quality for healthcare, food assistance and even housing assistance.
It's where I break with the more liberal progressives. Imo we should focus more of the stability of soc sec and medicare, and make sure people can access that with the employment histories of today, rather than 1980 or 1932. Expand "free" breakfast and lunch at school ... esp with kids not having a mom to pack that peanut butter sammy. Expand Obamacare. In short, support working familes while realizing the 40 hour week is not really the reality for many

You do realize we are soon going to be over 30 trillion in debt, don't you?

Years ago government didn't raise children. We had different people provide for them. I forget what we called them was...............something like........oh yes, we called them parents.
Listen, poor folk in Africa make ZERO dollars and it is "livable"

Sure, their stomachs are bloated and they eat their own feces, but hey, they are still "living"

At least one out of 10 survive to adulthood that is.

And when we build our grass huts to live in as it gets harder and harder to afford things, government will point to it and say that they are proud of the increased home ownership rate of those grass huts.
Good answer to the OP's ridiculous post.
If someone works as restroom attendant, cashier at Walmart or in the drive-thru window at Popeye's, is it really realistic for them to live in a 3500 square foot home with a couple of SUV's, college tuition and orthodontic bills for the children?

The liberal idea that such low ranking jobs should provide a Middle Class lifestyle is sort of stupid, but what's even worse is that it causes their devotees who hold those jobs to try and vote themselves a good living instead of trying to raise themselves up.
Who has suggested they should be able to live in a 2500 sq ft home, etc.? Oh.............hyperbole.
Well, what is it?

Should a pregnant woman on welfare abort or keep the child?

That's their decision and I'm not about to get into an abortion debate because I never brought it up. No it should not be forced by government but they should be fixed to receive public assistance of any kind.
Let’s run some numbers:

At minimum wage, a 19-year-old with an IQ of 95 and a C-average in high school, takes a job running the ”scan items and place in bag” line at Target. (I could have done that job in junior high.) He earns $20,000 a year, or about $1500 a month.

So he rents an $1800 a month 3-bedroom towmhouse with two other kids. His share is $600. That leaves him $900 for everything else: $60 for bus fare to the job, $40 for his share of utilities, $300 for food, $50 for personal items (TP, shaving cream, etc.), and $50 for Obamacare premiums (maybe less).

So out of his $1500 monthly earnings, he has spent a total of $1100 for the basics: food, shelter, medical care, some necessary personal items. He Is NOT living in poverty, not by a long shot.

He still has $400 left over for things beyond basics.
The empathy of the Right on display here, folks. :eusa_whistle:
Pre Covid 70% of min wage workers are teens or college students

Libturds want you to think everyone does. Most libturds deserve min wage because they are min wage thinkers

If you never move past a min wage, you deserve min wage
So....pre covid, it WASN'T the illegals taking those jobs....................huh. Interesting how the story changed.
If only

I have yet to see any depictions by Republicans of “Welfare Queens” as a young, attractive white woman

All I can suggest is get out of the basement. We call anybody who lives on welfare and irresponsibly has kids welfare queens. I have no idea how you leftists elected a politician that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime as President, and then try to turn the tables of race on Republicans.
That’s what I keep saying. Everyone I know started out renting shared homes - and that includes the college graduates with a very marketable degree. NOBODY complained. It was what was expected.

The crux of the problem is that the left is creating an entitlement society, where even the unskilled, uneducated workers feel they don’t have a livable wage if they can’t rent their own place.
Your link to that creation doesn't work......or are you just making stuff up?
Ummm….what does that have to do with Republicans calling black women who have children welfare queens?

But….but….we elected a BLACK WOMAN
Because we elected a Black woman who has children, and we do not call her a welfare queen. We call her Lt. Governor.
Because we elected a Black woman who has children, and we do not call her a welfare queen. We call her Lt. Governor.
WTF does that have to do with Republicans condemning Black Women who keep their children?
WTF does that have to do with Republicans condemning Black Women who keep their children?
You are not too swift. You just accused Republicans of considering all black women with children as welfare queens. I gave you an obvious example of a black woman with children whom Republicans do not consider a welfare queen. Like, DUH.

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