Minimum wage is already “livable”

OP, there was a time in the US when a waitress could buy a house and send 1 or 2 kids to college on what she made.

If that's not possible today, then the wage isn't livable.

Your "aspiration" spiel is just that, nonsense.
This may be the stupidest thing you've ever said in a long and distinguished career of saying stupid things. It's not the employers job to oay his employees enough to live on? Are you serious?
I'm totally serious.
The man who set it all up.

In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls;workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living

FDR was just another lying Dim bullshitting all the dumbasses.
OP, there was a time in the US when a waitress could buy a house and send 1 or 2 kids to college on what she made.

If that's not possible today, then the wage isn't livable.

Your "aspiration" spiel is just that, nonsense.
Really? When was that?
Who has suggested they should be able to live in a 2500 sq ft home, etc.? Oh.............hyperbole.

The suggestion was that the minimum wage was the generator for the middle class.

I was putting a picture to the suggestion.

And, that, BTW, is what the fast food geeks and others who "fight for 15" think that Big Labor will bring them.
OP, there was a time in the US when a waitress could buy a house and send 1 or 2 kids to college on what she made.

If that's not possible today, then the wage isn't livable.

Your "aspiration" spiel is just that, nonsense.

You are ignorant to the facts. A waitress was always paid far less than other hourly employees. Waitresses who did well did so on tips and not wages. Trust me as a son of a waitress and now the Uncle of one.
Yup. The one the liberals on CNN disdainfully referred to as a “black mouth.” I just don’t get how arrogant people have to be to say completely racist remarks, and then call OTHER people racists.

And let's not forget Larry Elder who the protection racket referred to as the black face of white supremacy.
Working people have a choice of getting sterilized

HITLER tells people to get sterilized or have their children starve

They can have all the kids they want and support them with their own money. But if they ask that taxpayers support them, there is nothing wrong with having mandates to do so. Speaking of which, the only Hitler type of actions taken recently is a President forcing people to take medication they don't want. If you want to discuss what is Hitleresque, that's it right there.
You are ignorant to the facts. A waitress was always paid far less than other hourly employees. Waitresses who did well did so on tips and not wages. Trust me as a son of a waitress and now the Uncle of one.
Change it to a supermarket cashier, same thing applies chump.
They can have all the kids they want and support them with their own money. But if they ask that taxpayers support them, there is nothing wrong with having mandates to do so. Speaking of which, the only Hitler type of actions taken recently is a President forcing people to take medication they don't want. If you want to discuss what is Hitleresque, that's it right there.
So your response to young mothers is…..
Get sterilized or let your children starve

You, my friend, are a Nazi
Change it to a supermarket cashier, same thing applies chump.

Cashiers are covered under minimum wage laws--waitresses were and are not. My mother was a waitress and could never buy a house or send us to college on what she made. Cashiers couldn't either.

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