Minimum wage is already “livable”

"It's time the employers took on the burden of feeding their employees instead of the taxpayers."

That isn't the employers job, commie. Businesses are not charities. When are you morons ever going to get that through your heads?
If you need to pay people $7.25 to stay in business, you don’t belong in business
Yeah, that’s what people with no sense of the impact would be if you drive half of the businesses out of existence. They offer opportunities for teenagers to get some job experience, and a spouse with no job skills to get a job and contribute to the family income. You want to throw all those people out of work?
The problem today is that the opportunity to rise up the ladder are much less than they were a generation ago

Yes, people do not earn minimum wage for life. But low skilled workers do not rise much higher.
Total horseshit without a shred of supporting evidence. It's a commie fantasy.
What if they can't pay 15 or 20? Should those people go out of business too? Would the loss of that business really be good for our economy?

Nobody is advocating going from $7.25 to $15.00 overnight

Those businesses benefitted from a frozen minimum wage for 12 years. The price they charge for their goods or services have gone up tremendously…..wages have not

Time to catch up
What if they can't pay 15 or 20? Should those people go out of business too? Would the loss of that business really be good for our economy?
That is what’s he saying. The problem with those on the left, present company excluded, is that they are focused only in the receiving end - in give out more, more, more. They have no understanding, nor do they want to, of the impact that would have on those providing, and by extension, those receiving.
Nobody is advocating going from $7.25 to $15.00 overnight

Those businesses benefitted from a frozen minimum wage for 12 years. The price they charge for their goods or services have gone up tremendously…..wages have not

Time to catch up
Who cares what you are advocating? Why should you have any say in what employers pay?
Nobody is advocating going from $7.25 to $15.00 overnight

Those businesses benefitted from a frozen minimum wage for 12 years. The price they charge for their goods or services have gone up tremendously…..wages have not

Time to catch up
Companies around here are offering $17 an hour to run the ”scan it and bag it” line at Target, and still no takers. We are giving out so much free money that people don’t want to work unless they get paid $50,000 a year.
Companies around here are offering $17 an hour to run the ”scan it and bag it” line at Target, and still no takers. We are giving out so much free money that people don’t want to work unless they get paid $50,000 a year.
That free money is gone

Let Target treat their employees better
Companies around here are offering $17 an hour to run the ”scan it and bag it” line at Target, and still no takers. We are giving out so much free money that people don’t want to work unless they get paid $50,000 a year.
No one is giving out free money.

The extended unemployment is done...months done. The government hasn't handed out stimulus checks in about a year.
You're talking out your right wing ass
That free money is gone

Let Target treat their employees better
Oye. They’re getting more free money than ever with the new government child support payments! Why do you think they can afford to quit their jobs, or refuse to take them? Uncle Sugar is paying out more than ever.

The radical left is moving us rapidly toward socialism: destroy private ownership by killing small business and moving the workforce onto public assistance. You think THAT type of goal is what made our country the greatest in the world?
Oye. They’re getting more free money than ever with the new government child support payments! Why do you think they can afford to quit their jobs, or refuse to take them? Uncle Sugar is paying out more than ever.

The radical left is moving us rapidly toward socialism: destroy private ownership by killing small business and moving the workforce onto public assistance. You think THAT type of goal is what made our country the greatest in the world?
Assistance for child care does the OPPOSITE.

It allows for childcare that ALLOWS YOU TO TAKE THOSE JOBS
Nobody is advocating going from $7.25 to $15.00 overnight

Those businesses benefitted from a frozen minimum wage for 12 years. The price they charge for their goods or services have gone up tremendously…..wages have not

Time to catch up
What if, Labor could obtain unemployment compensation at the equivalent to fifteen an hour; true Capitalists must respond to market-based metrics since they are incorporated to make capital profit.
Absolutely untrue. I'm certainly not rich, I'm part of the vanishing middle class. Raising the minimum wage will not change my situation at all.
I was stating what the left believe in that as long as their are super rich, then the poor aren't making a living wage.
No one is giving out free money.

The extended unemployment is done...months done. The government hasn't handed out stimulus checks in about a year.
You're talking out your right wing ass
That will put an end to that "labor shortage." They'll go back to work when they discover they need to eat.

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