Minimum wage is already “livable”

Why do crappy businessmen need to have such cheap labor? If they don't want to pay for labor then they need to build housing and provide food and clothing for their laborers instead of using govt. welfare programs to augment their crappy pay.
No they don't, moron. Businesses are not charities. They don't exist to server your purposes. They exist to serve the purposes of their owners. That's how things are in a free country, anyway.
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Change the laws to let legal people work and make it harder for illegals.

Years ago, a student came to me for advice when she was applying for a job. She was applying for a minimum wage burger-flipper job like most high school students worked. The manager of the franchise called her and rescinded the job offer, because according to her SS number, she already worked for them. Now, how does a high school, with no money, fight identity theft by illegals?
WE already have such laws. Their useless because Dims won't enforce them.
We're just gonna hafta agree to disagree here. I think you're wrong.
Employer with min wage jobs have problems filling them because few workers don't have better options for their skills. And before the covid shutdown we had unemplyoment under 4% in most places. I suppose there's still a hypothetical argument as to whether a min wage harms employment, but practically speaking it is irrelevant. More affluent areas were already raising min wages. That might affect prices, but I didn't appreciate having to pay for unemployed energy workers to live in WV back in the 80s when there were plenty of jobs in Wyo and later ND .. and I took one of those jobs. So long as jobs are plentiful, there's no issue. And simply put, we don't have enough low skilled workers right now. Maybe that's why the gop wants to end Roe (-:
So we should trust the left wingers who are paying people so much they can just quit their jobs, cause businesses to close, and simultaneously drive up inflation with all the free money?
We have a better understanding of economics now and this is what we are supposed to be doing with our form of federal Government:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

There is no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine.
So bad in fact that most of the people on government assistance actually do have jobs. It's time the employers took on the burden of feeding their employees instead of the taxpayers. Mandate a living wage now.
I've read a lot of stories were people went up to some homeless guy with a sign saying "will work for food" and tried to give them a bag of McDonalds, and they just sneered at it. What really they wanted was money for drugs and alcohol.
Why do crappy businessmen need to have such cheap labor? If they don't want to pay for labor then they need to build housing and provide food and clothing for their laborers instead of using govt. welfare programs to augment their crappy pay.

Why do crappy businessmen need to have such cheap labor?

Some workers with no skills and no experience need a first job.

If they don't want to pay for labor then they need to build housing and provide food and clothing for their laborers instead of using govt. welfare programs to augment their crappy pay.

Sure, comrade.
A minimum wage definitely won't destroy our economy. I'm just arguing that the situation is better for poor people looking to develop their skills when they have more opportunities to work wherever they want for whoever they want and for however much money they want.
The problem today is that the opportunity to rise up the ladder are much less than they were a generation ago

Yes, people do not earn minimum wage for life. But low skilled workers do not rise much higher.
A mandated minimum wage is more socialistic than the equality of equal protection of the laws.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

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