Miss Milo yet?



Looks like a.....

But what does one expect from a White Supremacist confronting a group of illiberal protesters?
Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?
Another RussianWr cheering on an ex-con sucker punching a woman at least 70 lbs lighter.....Yay Comrade!

And, he didn't even leave a mark.

What a pussy!
Because if Whites exist, it's evil, and wrong, huh?

Could be.

Design by Robert Frost

I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
On a white heal-all, holding up a moth
Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--
Assorted characters of death and blight
Mixed ready to begin the morning right,
Like the ingredients of a witches’ broth--
A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,
And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,
The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?
What brought the kindred spider to that height,
Then steered the white moth thither in the night?
What but design of darkness to appall?--
If design govern in a thing so small.
Actually his "mission" was to point out the lies and violence of the left spectrum, and he did that quite well.

Nope, to create riots. A divided nation is much easier to control.

Yeah that free speech thing is really hard for you idiots isn't it. Bummer. Try another country.

I believe in free speech but not hate speech to rile crowds.
All Democrats have is hate speech.
Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?
fuck milo.
You sound like a homophobe.
I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?

Blood in the streets has ALWAYS been the goal of the democrats. It is what they consistently strive for.
fuck milo.
You sound like a homophobe.
I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Equality is playing favorites?
You sound like a homophobe.
I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Equality is playing favorites?

Equality, you mean "accommodations" that us "stable" LGBT's didn't want - invented shit to rally up sympathy and support votes? Those "accommodations"? No us "real" LGBT folks, the folks who've been gay since before it became a "fad" for the cool lefties, just wanted SSM, we just wanted religion to not be pushed on us (and mostly because we didn't want "religious re-education"), we just wanted to be left alone in our bedrooms. Christian's took a while, but they /did/ come around, and that is why I'm so very fucking disappointed with Milo coming out in support of fucking pedo ideals (accident or not.) Thanks to Milo people like OOM can now harp about how folks like me are pedo's and point at Milo - pisses me the fuck off, but that's the reality of how it goes when you mix in fucking politics. Reality is I've never been attracted to children, I prefer older women and men who can fully appreciate what's going... eh I won't get into that heh
Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?
fuck milo.
You sound like a homophobe.
I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!
I don't have anything against homosexuals, they just need to live their lives like normal people and stop trying to normalize their lifestyle.
Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?

Blood in the streets has ALWAYS been the goal of the democrats. It is what they consistently strive for.

Yo Brownshirt. remember the last time a bunch of Republicans and Libertarians went out rioting and burning cars?

Yeah, neither do I.



I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Equality is playing favorites?

Equality, you mean "accommodations" that us "stable" LGBT's didn't want - invented shit to rally up sympathy and support votes? Those "accommodations"? No us "real" LGBT folks, the folks who've been gay since before it became a "fad" for the cool lefties, just wanted SSM, we just wanted religion to not be pushed on us (and mostly because we didn't want "religious re-education"), we just wanted to be left alone in our bedrooms. Christian's took a while, but they /did/ come around, and that is why I'm so very fucking disappointed with Milo coming out in support of fucking pedo ideals (accident or not.) Thanks to Milo people like OOM can now harp about how folks like me are pedo's and point at Milo - pisses me the fuck off, but that's the reality of how it goes when you mix in fucking politics. Reality is I've never been attracted to children, I prefer older women and men who can fully appreciate what's going... eh I won't get into that heh
No equality like, the right to marry whoever you want with full legal benefits that come along with marriage. I don't know anyone who is trying to give special treatment or accommodations to the LGBT community, just equality. Christians may have "come around" as in they are no longer attacking, persecuting, and harassing homosexuals but they still continue to vote in politicians who want to erase your rights, they aren't your buddies.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Equality is playing favorites?

Equality, you mean "accommodations" that us "stable" LGBT's didn't want - invented shit to rally up sympathy and support votes? Those "accommodations"? No us "real" LGBT folks, the folks who've been gay since before it became a "fad" for the cool lefties, just wanted SSM, we just wanted religion to not be pushed on us (and mostly because we didn't want "religious re-education"), we just wanted to be left alone in our bedrooms. Christian's took a while, but they /did/ come around, and that is why I'm so very fucking disappointed with Milo coming out in support of fucking pedo ideals (accident or not.) Thanks to Milo people like OOM can now harp about how folks like me are pedo's and point at Milo - pisses me the fuck off, but that's the reality of how it goes when you mix in fucking politics. Reality is I've never been attracted to children, I prefer older women and men who can fully appreciate what's going... eh I won't get into that heh
No equality like, the right to marry whoever you want with full legal benefits that come along with marriage. I don't know anyone who is trying to give special treatment or accommodations to the LGBT community, just equality. Christians may have "come around" as in they are no longer attacking, persecuting, and harassing homosexuals but they still continue to vote in politicians who want to erase your rights, they aren't your buddies.

Oh you've forgotten the rediculious bathroom shit? Or you're proclaiming that's not an "accommodation" even though they call it such? And you think the left are my "friends" the ones who are bringing in a religion that hates my existence simply for votes? Yeah they care a lot huh?

Don't presume to tell me whom my friends are son. I'd say over half my "friends" are Christians, including my husband and my parents.
You sound like a homophobe.
I don't dislike milo because hes gay I dislike him because of what he says and stands for. You sound like an idiot.
You hate him because he is a republican. Thanks for proving you are a hypocrite.

Too funny and yet Republicans profess to be repulsed by homosexuals until one in their family becomes one, Cheney!!

Actually, no, that's just another lie your left biased media has been feeding you morons. The vast majority of Christian's, while not exactly supportive, don't hate homosexuals - they just don't want it being taught to others, they don't want it pushed in their kids faces, and they don't want the government playing favorites to us. All positions that I, as a reasonable LGBT member, understand, because it's almost exactly what us "stable" gay folks want as well.
Equality is playing favorites?
Consciously fucking over white people, men and Christians is not, and never will be "equality".
Another thrrad that absolves whites for their behavior by blaming everyone else for it.

Nothing in my op mentions race. The liberals that in Fresco, and at most of the college campus riots that shut down MIlo, and the vile media that marginalized him, were mostly white.

I am commenting on their behavior, not their skin color.

You are a race baiting moron.

Milo has a preference for black cock. Does that make him racist? lol

What the fuck are you talking about?

I countered some race baiting from a stupid vile lefty by pointing out the the topic was about the actions of mostly white libs.

YOur words have NOTHING to do with the post you were "replying" to.

Try to be less stupid.

Where's my apology? The one you owe me.

YOur increasingly crazy talk is of no interest to anyone. If you have something on topic to say, say it, or please don't fill the thread with static.
The RW'ers want to force people to accommodate Milo, but they don't want businesses to have to accommodate homosexuals.

Weird, eh?

That the left supports street violence is part of the given of my OP. But thanks for your support, i guess.

THe question is are you happy that Milo, as a spokesperson who responded to violence and abuse of power, with Wit and Contempt, has been replaced with defensive counter violence?

Do you consider this to be constructive progress?


Remember when the Right's response to the Left's street violence and abuse of power by authorities to shut down Free Speech was Wit and Humor?

View attachment 122310

You lefties stopped that.

Now you have this.


Are you happy with the way your plan is going?

Blood in the streets has ALWAYS been the goal of the democrats. It is what they consistently strive for.

But they wanted the OLD republicans, who went to these events, with the increasingly stupid expectation that civilized behavior would be enforced by the forces of Law and Order.

They didn't want republicans to be FIGHTING BACK.
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