Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

Brilliant! I cant wait to hear the cries of its not fair greeted by responses like "Take responsibility for yourself" "Dont have a car? Tough"
nonsense...tying gun ownership to The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun.

so..is this "doctor" a licensed firearm holder?

Has this "doctor" been properly instructed in the use and care of firearms?

Has he taken a course on gun safety?

Who taught the course?

How were they determined to be "qualified"?

What if the doctor makes a mistake one way or the other?..can he be sued for malpractice?

Isn't doctor-patient information confidential?

You want to open it up to gvt inspection? Who will determine what is "confidential", then, the government?

What about swimming pools? more kids drown in pools than are shot to death...should "doctors" be allowed to monitor which patients have pools and if they're using them "safely"?

Bicycles? more kids are killed on bikes than...etc..etc...should doctors be allowed to monitor and report people they don't think are using bicycles correctly?

it's a boondoggle of unenforceable feelgood nonsense by people with a political interest in an anti-gun agenda.
Yes, yes, we understand kids die in pools and cars and buckets. As I've said before, none of those things were designed to put a bullet through someone. How far are you going to take this "counter argument"? Rocks kill children, too. Won't someone please make the argument that rocks need to be outlawed so we can get that nonsense out of the way and move on to rational thinking? I've never suggested outlawing guns. I have strongly urged that we have more and better background checks even if they only save a few lives. Someone will give us the numbers again on how many people are killed by guns, the mentally ill, ISIS or accidents as if that will convince us a few lives are too few to bother with.

and what about these SPECIFIC questions regarding placing "doctors" in the position of making a decision on who "should" be allowed firearms;

is this "doctor" a licensed firearm holder?

Has this "doctor" been properly instructed in the use and care of firearms?

Has he taken a course on gun safety?

Who taught the course?

How were they determined to be "qualified"?

What if the doctor makes a mistake one way or the other?..can he be sued for malpractice?

Isn't doctor-patient information confidential?

You want to open it up to gvt inspection? Who will determine what is "confidential", then, the government?

What about swimming pools? more kids drown in pools than are shot to death...should "doctors" be allowed to monitor which patients have pools and if they're using them "safely"?

Bicycles? more kids are killed on bikes than...etc..etc...should doctors be allowed to monitor and report people they don't think are using bicycles correctly?
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

How so?

The federal government is prohibited from infringing upon the right.

And since when have you cared about the Constitution?

Since I was introduced to it at about the age of six.
nonsense...tying gun ownership to The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun.

so..is this "doctor" a licensed firearm holder?

Has this "doctor" been properly instructed in the use and care of firearms?

Has he taken a course on gun safety?

Who taught the course?

How were they determined to be "qualified"?

What if the doctor makes a mistake one way or the other?..can he be sued for malpractice?

Isn't doctor-patient information confidential?

You want to open it up to gvt inspection? Who will determine what is "confidential", then, the government?

What about swimming pools? more kids drown in pools than are shot to death...should "doctors" be allowed to monitor which patients have pools and if they're using them "safely"?

Bicycles? more kids are killed on bikes than...etc..etc...should doctors be allowed to monitor and report people they don't think are using bicycles correctly?

it's a boondoggle of unenforceable feelgood nonsense by people with a political interest in an anti-gun agenda.
Yes, yes, we understand kids die in pools and cars and buckets. As I've said before, none of those things were designed to put a bullet through someone. How far are you going to take this "counter argument"? Rocks kill children, too. Won't someone please make the argument that rocks need to be outlawed so we can get that nonsense out of the way and move on to rational thinking? I've never suggested outlawing guns. I have strongly urged that we have more and better background checks even if they only save a few lives. Someone will give us the numbers again on how many people are killed by guns, the mentally ill, ISIS or accidents as if that will convince us a few lives are too few to bother with.


300,000,000+ guns in private ownership in the United States

Annual deaths about 32,000, of which about 3/5s are suicide, leaving about 18,000.

About half the number of traffic fatalities in a year

Only one thing I can tell you.

Look both ways before crossing the street.
nonsense...tying gun ownership to The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun.

so..is this "doctor" a licensed firearm holder?

Has this "doctor" been properly instructed in the use and care of firearms?

Has he taken a course on gun safety?

Who taught the course?

How were they determined to be "qualified"?

What if the doctor makes a mistake one way or the other?..can he be sued for malpractice?

Isn't doctor-patient information confidential?

You want to open it up to gvt inspection? Who will determine what is "confidential", then, the government?

What about swimming pools? more kids drown in pools than are shot to death...should "doctors" be allowed to monitor which patients have pools and if they're using them "safely"?

Bicycles? more kids are killed on bikes than...etc..etc...should doctors be allowed to monitor and report people they don't think are using bicycles correctly?

it's a boondoggle of unenforceable feelgood nonsense by people with a political interest in an anti-gun agenda.
Yes, yes, we understand kids die in pools and cars and buckets. As I've said before, none of those things were designed to put a bullet through someone. How far are you going to take this "counter argument"? Rocks kill children, too. Won't someone please make the argument that rocks need to be outlawed so we can get that nonsense out of the way and move on to rational thinking? I've never suggested outlawing guns. I have strongly urged that we have more and better background checks even if they only save a few lives. Someone will give us the numbers again on how many people are killed by guns, the mentally ill, ISIS or accidents as if that will convince us a few lives are too few to bother with.


300,000,000+ guns in private ownership in the United States

Annual deaths about 32,000, of which about 3/5s are suicide, leaving about 18,000.

About half the number of traffic fatalities in a year

Only one thing I can tell you.

Look both ways before crossing the street.

..and then look at the demographics of gun violence....remove negro violence and we'd be as safe as switzerland.
Oh brother. Another idiot proposing another gun law.

Kinda funny that since a criminal won't be buying a gun or filling out the paperwork the only people who will, will be law abiding citizens.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. Those weapons will still get guns when law abiding citizens can't.

Sounds like a shitty deal to me.
Why dont we make aboritons like buying guns?

-7 day wait period
-Exam by a psychologist to determine fitness
-Only one a month
-Requires a permit
-Public record
-Fee to the state for exercising a right.

This is merely granstanding by one of the lesser lights of the MO legislature. IT has zero chance of being approved and is merely fodder for the stupid leftists who are easily duped.
But we see the real agenda of gun control advocates isnt to reduce gun violence but to stick it to lawful gun owners.
Easy...."the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."

Is a woman's constitutional right to get an abortion any less valid?

Yes, as there is no constitutional right to commit murder, nor a right to privacy as defined in Roe v. Wade.

Unfortunately for you, the supreme court disagrees with your opinion of the right to privacy as defined by Roe vs. Wade. We are not talking about murder. We're talking about the supreme court ruling that a woman has a constitutional right to have an abortion.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.

Well, sparky, even Justice Scalia says the 2nd Amendment is not absolute and unlimited.
Easy...."the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed..."

Is a woman's constitutional right to get an abortion any less valid?

Yes, as there is no constitutional right to commit murder, nor a right to privacy as defined in Roe v. Wade.

Unfortunately for you, the supreme court disagrees with your opinion of the right to privacy as defined by Roe vs. Wade. We are not talking about murder. We're talking about the supreme court ruling that a woman has a constitutional right to have an abortion.

They disagreed with me over Dred Scott too, and others.
Apples and oranges...get a grip
How is it apples and oranges? You aren't really serious about saving life, are you?

I'm all for saving the life an innocent, trying to link gun control to abortion is just a comical stretch.....I've noticed a lot of comedy since the Mooslims committed terrorism on American soil in California, in reality it's deflection.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.

Well, sparky, even Justice Scalia says the 2nd Amendment is not absolute and unlimited.

Perhaps, but that does not grant the federal government authority to infringe upon the right. The Constitution specifically restricts that.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.

Well, sparky, even Justice Scalia says the 2nd Amendment is not absolute and unlimited.

Perhaps, but that does not grant the federal government authority to infringe upon the right.

Sure it does. There are already limits on the Second Amendment - and there will be more as civilization slowly progresses.
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.

Well, sparky, even Justice Scalia says the 2nd Amendment is not absolute and unlimited.
Justice Scalia wanted to repeal the 2A? Link?
Is anyone who facilitates criminals and assorted nuts getting guns a terrorist? What about NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre? He's even fights against universal background checks and closing loopholes.
Is anyone who opposes the US Constittution a terrorist? After all, every member of the armed forces pledges an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
So people like Chief Shitting Bull Lakhota must be on that list because they oppose the 2A.

Well, sparky, even Justice Scalia says the 2nd Amendment is not absolute and unlimited.

Perhaps, but that does not grant the federal government authority to infringe upon the right.

Sure it does. There are already limits on the Second Amendment - and there will be more as civilization slowly progresses.
Compare gun rights 30 years ago to today and you are obviously wrong.
Oh brother. Another idiot proposing another gun law.

Kinda funny that since a criminal won't be buying a gun or filling out the paperwork the only people who will, will be law abiding citizens.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. Those weapons will still get guns when law abiding citizens can't.

Sounds like a shitty deal to me.

Its when they stop being law abiding citizens is the concern. Everyone who hasn't committed a crime is law abiding, but I would hope the guy talking to his imaginary friend wouldn't be able to get a gun from you.

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