Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

It "makes perfect sense" to you because you're a wingnut incapable of rational thought or logical argument. To equate exercising your right to buy a gun for sport of self-defense to a woman choosing to kill her own baby via elective abortion is just the kind of absurdity that we have come to expect from your OPs.
While it may be tongue-in-cheek, or perhaps NOT, there's not a thing wrong with demanding the same restrictions, tests and hoops of gun buyers. Its purpose is to put a bullet through something.

There are alot of reasons why a woman may need an abortion. Putting a bullet through something has never once been the reason.
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

And this will,get two votes.
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

If you are under 18, you can buy a gun without your parents' knowledge or permission?? Do tell.
As a lifelong gun enthusiast, hunter, and law-abiding U.S. citizen - I fully support closing all loopholes, universal background checks, limiting magazine capacities, and accurate and timely information being fed into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
As a lifelong gun enthusiast, hunter, and law-abiding U.S. citizen - I fully support closing all loopholes, universal background checks, limiting magazine capacities, and accurate and timely information being fed into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

I am not a lifelong gun enthusiast, though guns have always been in my family. I do not get enthused over Vice-Grips or socket wrenches either.

I am not a hunter. I have never hunted. Game.

I am a law-abiding U.S. citizen. My interest in firearms is limited to defensive use. With the exception of magazine capacities, I agree so long as none of the other issues are molded to trample the right, nor deprive one of the right simply because their name matches one found on a list somewhere, or because a twitchy, sensitive neighbor has a verbal dispute with someone more extroverted than themselves.
Last I checked there wasn't anything about the right to an abortion in the Constitution.
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

So he wants all guns used to take a human life? Just like abortions do.

And you like the idea?
Get back to us if it gets to a floor vote.
Go ahead and do it for all gun purchases going forward.

Here's your problem. There are over 300 million guns in the hands of private citizens in the U.S., if someone wants a gun, and cannot buy one legally, or they need one fast, they are out there.

The Genie is out of the bottle.
Last I checked there wasn't anything about the right to an abortion in the Constitution.
Check again
I did Fourteenth Amendment includes a concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action" includes "a right of personal privacy or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy and that this right of privacy is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. So it seems abortion falls under the broad concept of right to privacy in the Constitution but was not specifically written into it.
Dems need to come out in favor of a 95% income tax and no private ownership of guns; only government can have guns just like Nazi Germany, Stalin's USSR and Mao's China

Stop Dry fucking Humping Communism!!! Just Come out and say it!

Embrace your Inner Mao
As a lifelong gun enthusiast, hunter, and law-abiding U.S. citizen - I fully support closing all loopholes, universal background checks, limiting magazine capacities, and accurate and timely information being fed into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
How many posts per day do you stick up here on the pc screen that say about the same dang thing. And How many converts have you gained?
And how come you own a weapon?
Whether you''re willing to submit to a background check or not; you still own a weapon. You're no different than any other gun owner on this forum
But somehow because you tell us 50 times a day that your willing to submit yourself to some rigorous background check that you're better than the rest of us gun owners. Sheesh, talk about a holier than thou attitude.
Be sure when you go to heaven that you pull the rest of us in.
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

There is no equivalency to touring a trauma unit and meeting with families to that of being given a chance to look at an ultrasound and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure...get back to us when a woman seeking an abortion is required to first watch an abortion procedure and then meet with women who regret their choice and are experiencing emotional trauma. The idiot politician has clearly jumped the shark in his attempts to push an agenda and/or seek attention. Yeah, totally brilliant.:lol:
Again, it is just bizarre and sick that you would equate a woman's decision to have her baby killed merely for her own convenience (i.e., elective abortion) with a law-abiding citizen's decision to exercise their right to buy a gun for sport or self-defense. Guns save thousands of lives every year, either through active use or by it being known that armed people are around to protect others. Elective abortions, which account for 95% of all abortions, do nothing but kill babies and often cause health and emotional problems for the mother down the road. That you would see some moral equivalency between the two is very strange.

It is just weird that you'd even post such a thread in the aftermath of the worst jihadist terrorist attack since 9/11. By the way, how many times now have we been attacked on our soil on Obama's watch? I'm starting to lose count.
"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases."

A Missouri lawmaker is introducing a bill that would subject gun buyers in the state to the same kind of restrictions that women face if they choose to have an abortion.

State Rep. Stacey Newman (D-St. Louis) has pre-filed a bill for the state legislature's 2016 session that would require buyers to wait 72 hours to make a gun purchase, which they would only be able to do at a store at least 120 miles from their home. Women in the state must wait 72 hours before they can get an abortion and the 120-mile restriction is intended to draw attention to the long distances that women must travel to have one.

Newman told The Huffington Post that since Missouri has one of the strictest abortion regulation states in the country, it makes sense to use similar restrictions to lower the high gun violence rates.

"If the appetite is for more and more reproductive restrictions, then it makes sense to apply those to gun purchases," she said.

"My colleagues leave me no choice, because all we hear about is pro-life, pro-life pro-life."

The bill would require gun buyers to undergo an evaluation and receive counseling from a physician about the risks associated with owning a gun. Women in Missouri must sign a consent form 72 hours before an abortion, be given a chance to look at an ultrasound of the baby and be informed about potential health hazards of the procedure, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Under Newman's bill, the gun purchaser would be required to tour an emergency trauma center between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekend when firearms victims are present and meet with at least two families affected by gun violence as well as two people who have officiated the funerals of minors who were shot dead. The Washington Post reported in October that there had been more shootings by toddlers in Missouri than any other state.

More: Missouri Lawmaker Brilliantly Proposes Bill To Regulate Guns Like Abortions

This makes perfect sense to me! How could anyone who truly values life oppose such legislation? Does pro-life only apply to fetuses?

Logical consistency isn't in the law now, so why would we start with this? :)
Guns and Abortion being regulated the same? Then that means State and Local Governments can determine Abortion Free Zones.... No Abortions..... Just like guns. This sounds intriguing. Regulate Guns and Abortion the same.

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