mister TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT... "barack hussein obama"

11 to 18 is not doubling

it was 10.6 when he took office, it will be over 20 when he leaves, its 18.5 today. To not call that doubling is splitting hairs.

Actually, it is not doubled

It will be 19 when he leaves office and was 11 and growing when he took office. The 2009 budget was passed by Bush in Oct 2008 and was the responsiblity of Bush
Well Redfish.....errr..... rw hack boi?


Well what? dipshit. you and RW are liars and obama ass kissers. Do you want me to acknowledge that?

Please point out where I have lied about anything

post #228, this thread
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?
You forgot one, money spent on a multitude of bankrupt renewable energy companies that were an absolute bust and fraudulent.
you dull and ignorant idiot. is it your left-wing notion that anything legal is also right?? or even legal??

are there not legal forms of thievery some corporations practice?
Social Security is nothing close to what it was meant to be. and not that LESS THAN THREE are paying for what OVER THIRTY WORKERS used to pay for it is even more apparrent it is a LEGAL Ponzi scheme

Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history
And its bankrupt...

Far from bankrupt. With a few adjustments it can easily go another 75 years
Are you stupid??
In a few years there will be more people taking money out than putting in, on top of that. The amount of Each person taking money out is more than each person putting in.
And it's only getting worse.
If they want save SS it is best to have an opt in or opt out choice, no need to saddle people with a crap socialist entitlement program if they don't want it.

Far from it

What the numbers show is that we need to raise the retirement age from 67 to 70. Reagan did it thirty years ago, we need to do it again. We also need to raise the threshold where you get to stop paying into Social Security

Do that and it is solvent

Opt out is not an option. We still need a large workforce to pay those receiving benefits
An opt out is necessary...
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?

What should Obama NOT have spent money on:

$$ - Stimulus Bill: Nearly $1 Trillion for a self/party-benefitting spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork:
- Millions for Barbara boxer's husband ands Nancy Pelosi's husband - Millions to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
- Millions for a study to see if a gay Argentinian's love life was better than a heterosexual U.S. male's
- NONE for infrastructure
- NONE to fix the VA mess / scandal
- Millions set aside for 'shovel-ready projects Obama admitted never existed
- Millions for a 'Cash for Clunker' that took used cars off the market (destroyed), hurting the Middle Class

And in the end it ended up costing Americans OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created (even more per job because it was proven he fabricated some of those jobs saved/created numbers)

$$ - Fast and Furious: MILLIONS to hand over thousands of weapons and grenades to criminal Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 350 people (2 Americans), an undisclosed number of crimes OTHER than murder

$$ - Muslim Mosques: Spent / gave hundreds of millions to Muslims to help rebuild Mosques

$$ - HAMAS: Gave HAMA Billions to rebuild....their tunnels and to re-supply their rocket arsenal after the last effective cease fire.

$$ - Egyptian Election: The US injected itself into the Egyptian elections to help the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Egyptian government.

$$ - Obamacare: Despite LYING by saying it would not cost a dime and would pay for itself, Obama added a minimum of $1.6 Trillion (over 10 years) for the program, took $500 Million out of Medicare to help pay down the cost, is still spending BILLIONS (now) on a WEB SITE they still can't get to work without having a massive number of identity thieves, scammers, and hackers preying on citizens.

$$ - Libyan Gun Running: BEFORE the war in Libya Obama was sending weapons to Libyan Rebels - the same ones who had been hiring jihadists from around the world to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US GIs - to overthrow Qadaffi!

$$ - Obama's Libyan War: Although not a 'time-critical emergency' that would prevent Obama going before Congress to make his case, Obama took the nation to war in Libya to help AL '9/11/01' QAEDA take over Libya!

$$ - Hired an AL QAEDA-associated Militia to protect a NOW DEAD Us ambassador in Benghazi

$$ - Syrian Rebel / ISIS Gun Running: Spent hundreds of millions of dollars running guns/weapons to Syrian Rebels (most of whom converted to ISIS) from Benghazi

$$ - Funding for Syrian Rebels: Hundreds of millions to build rebel bases, arm and outfit Syrian Rebels to go against Assad - Putin's air force all but bombed Obama's mercenaries into the Stone Age - all but wiping them out.

$$ - Obama Syrian Foreign Policy: Which consisted of spending MILLIONS to fund/arm/outfit/train 6 (SIX) Syrian 'rebels' to 'take down' Assad - 5 converted to ISIS, taking everything we bought/outfitted them with to ISIS, and 1 was killed by Putin's troops.

$$ - Vacations: $12 - $20 Million dollar A PIECE vacations; averaging about 6 - 7 PER YEAR

$$ - Hundreds of Millions for Green Energy (Obama Supporters): Obama handed over millions of OUR tax dollars over to his big money donors so they would not lose any of THEIR investment money when Solyndra and 12 other Obama administration-supported 'green energy' companies went bankrupt

$$ - BILLIONS in Social Program Fraud / Waste / Abuse: Obama vowed one of the 1st things ge would do was eliminate the massive F/W/A in social programs...yeah, still waiting.

$$ - $72 billion in improper payments in 2008 ALONE.

$$ - $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties. [SELL them or at least RENT them out]

$$ - MULTIPLE ‘Duplicate’ Agencies: Examples from multiple Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports of wasteful duplication include 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs.[


$$ - Over a million to sponsor NASCAR driver

$$ - $9 BILLION in lost revenue ANNUALLY due to ignoring recommendations made by Department of Health and Human Services

$$ - Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000: “A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a 'mechanical device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.'”

$$ -Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000

$$ - Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

$$ - Funding Climate Change Alarmist Video Game: $5.2 million

$$ - Tweeting at Terrorists: $3 million: “A recent commentator in Time Magazine put it more bluntly, saying, ‘this outreach by the U.S. government is not only ineffective, but also provides jihadists with a stage to voice their arguments...’”


...and there is SO much more.

In only 4 years Obama added $7.1 TRILLION to the debt (adding another $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years), setting new 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records!

Since Democrats took over Congress / the budget in 2006, Obama and Democrats added approx. $9.6 TRILLION to the debt in those 6 years ($2.5 Trillion from 2006 - 2008, compared to $1.5 Trillion from 2000 - 2006....$7.1 Trillion from 2008-2012, and $9.6 Trillion from 2006 - 2012).
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?
You forgot one, money spent on a multitude of bankrupt renewable energy companies that were an absolute bust and fraudulent.

That was pennies out of our debt
Investing in new energy is still a wise long term investment

Oh....I forgot....Drill baby drill
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?

What should Obama NOT have spent money on:

$$ - Stimulus Bill: Nearly $1 Trillion for a self/party-benefitting spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork:
- Millions for Barbara boxer's husband ands Nancy Pelosi's husband - Millions to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
- Millions for a study to see if a gay Argentinian's love life was better than a heterosexual U.S. male's
- NONE for infrastructure
- NONE to fix the VA mess / scandal
- Millions set aside for 'shovel-ready projects Obama admitted never existed
- Millions for a 'Cash for Clunker' that took used cars off the market (destroyed), hurting the Middle Class

And in the end it ended up costing Americans OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created (even more per job because it was proven he fabricated some of those jobs saved/created numbers)

$$ - Fast and Furious: MILLIONS to hand over thousands of weapons and grenades to criminal Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 350 people (2 Americans), an undisclosed number of crimes OTHER than murder

$$ - Muslim Mosques: Spent / gave hundreds of millions to Muslims to help rebuild Mosques

$$ - HAMAS: Gave HAMA Billions to rebuild....their tunnels and to re-supply their rocket arsenal after the last effective cease fire.

$$ - Egyptian Election: The US injected itself into the Egyptian elections to help the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Egyptian government.

$$ - Obamacare: Despite LYING by saying it would not cost a dime and would pay for itself, Obama added a minimum of $1.6 Trillion (over 10 years) for the program, took $500 Million out of Medicare to help pay down the cost, is still spending BILLIONS (now) on a WEB SITE they still can't get to work without having a massive number of identity thieves, scammers, and hackers preying on citizens.

$$ - Libyan Gun Running: BEFORE the war in Libya Obama was sending weapons to Libyan Rebels - the same ones who had been hiring jihadists from around the world to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US GIs - to overthrow Qadaffi!

$$ - Obama's Libyan War: Although not a 'time-critical emergency' that would prevent Obama going before Congress to make his case, Obama took the nation to war in Libya to help AL '9/11/01' QAEDA take over Libya!

$$ - Hired an AL QAEDA-associated Militia to protect a NOW DEAD Us ambassador in Benghazi

$$ - Syrian Rebel / ISIS Gun Running: Spent hundreds of millions of dollars running guns/weapons to Syrian Rebels (most of whom converted to ISIS) from Benghazi

$$ - Funding for Syrian Rebels: Hundreds of millions to build rebel bases, arm and outfit Syrian Rebels to go against Assad - Putin's air force all but bombed Obama's mercenaries into the Stone Age - all but wiping them out.

$$ - Obama Syrian Foreign Policy: Which consisted of spending MILLIONS to fund/arm/outfit/train 6 (SIX) Syrian 'rebels' to 'take down' Assad - 5 converted to ISIS, taking everything we bought/outfitted them with to ISIS, and 1 was killed by Putin's troops.

$$ - Vacations: $12 - $20 Million dollar A PIECE vacations; averaging about 6 - 7 PER YEAR

$$ - Hundreds of Millions for Green Energy (Obama Supporters): Obama handed over millions of OUR tax dollars over to his big money donors so they would not lose any of THEIR investment money when Solyndra and 12 other Obama administration-supported 'green energy' companies went bankrupt

$$ - BILLIONS in Social Program Fraud / Waste / Abuse: Obama vowed one of the 1st things ge would do was eliminate the massive F/W/A in social programs...yeah, still waiting.

$$ - $72 billion in improper payments in 2008 ALONE.

$$ - $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties. [SELL them or at least RENT them out]

$$ - MULTIPLE ‘Duplicate’ Agencies: Examples from multiple Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports of wasteful duplication include 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs.[


$$ - Over a million to sponsor NASCAR driver

$$ - $9 BILLION in lost revenue ANNUALLY due to ignoring recommendations made by Department of Health and Human Services

$$ - Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000: “A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a 'mechanical device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.'”

$$ -Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000

$$ - Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

$$ - Funding Climate Change Alarmist Video Game: $5.2 million

$$ - Tweeting at Terrorists: $3 million: “A recent commentator in Time Magazine put it more bluntly, saying, ‘this outreach by the U.S. government is not only ineffective, but also provides jihadists with a stage to voice their arguments...’”


...and there is SO much more.

In only 4 years Obama added $7.1 TRILLION to the debt (adding another $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years), setting new 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records!

Since Democrats took over Congress / the budget in 2006, Obama and Democrats added approx. $9.6 TRILLION to the debt in those 6 years ($2.5 Trillion from 2006 - 2008, compared to $1.5 Trillion from 2000 - 2006....$7.1 Trillion from 2008-2012, and $9.6 Trillion from 2006 - 2012).

I was going to respond, but there is too much riduculous propaganda in there
Social Security has supported over a hundred million Americans and is one of the greatest social achievements in our history
And its bankrupt...

Far from bankrupt. With a few adjustments it can easily go another 75 years
Are you stupid??
In a few years there will be more people taking money out than putting in, on top of that. The amount of Each person taking money out is more than each person putting in.
And it's only getting worse.
If they want save SS it is best to have an opt in or opt out choice, no need to saddle people with a crap socialist entitlement program if they don't want it.

Far from it

What the numbers show is that we need to raise the retirement age from 67 to 70. Reagan did it thirty years ago, we need to do it again. We also need to raise the threshold where you get to stop paying into Social Security

Do that and it is solvent

Opt out is not an option. We still need a large workforce to pay those receiving benefits
An opt out is necessary...

I disagree. SS today is a tax whereby those working pay for those who are retired, it is no longer a personal retirement savings plan as originally envisioned. SS tax should be collected on all income, not just the first 120K or whatever the max is today.

If you want a personal retirement plan, max out contributions to your 401K.
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?

What should Obama NOT have spent money on:

$$ - Stimulus Bill: Nearly $1 Trillion for a self/party-benefitting spending bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork:
- Millions for Barbara boxer's husband ands Nancy Pelosi's husband - Millions to teach alcoholic Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
- Millions for a study to see if a gay Argentinian's love life was better than a heterosexual U.S. male's
- NONE for infrastructure
- NONE to fix the VA mess / scandal
- Millions set aside for 'shovel-ready projects Obama admitted never existed
- Millions for a 'Cash for Clunker' that took used cars off the market (destroyed), hurting the Middle Class

And in the end it ended up costing Americans OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created (even more per job because it was proven he fabricated some of those jobs saved/created numbers)

$$ - Fast and Furious: MILLIONS to hand over thousands of weapons and grenades to criminal Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 350 people (2 Americans), an undisclosed number of crimes OTHER than murder

$$ - Muslim Mosques: Spent / gave hundreds of millions to Muslims to help rebuild Mosques

$$ - HAMAS: Gave HAMA Billions to rebuild....their tunnels and to re-supply their rocket arsenal after the last effective cease fire.

$$ - Egyptian Election: The US injected itself into the Egyptian elections to help the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Egyptian government.

$$ - Obamacare: Despite LYING by saying it would not cost a dime and would pay for itself, Obama added a minimum of $1.6 Trillion (over 10 years) for the program, took $500 Million out of Medicare to help pay down the cost, is still spending BILLIONS (now) on a WEB SITE they still can't get to work without having a massive number of identity thieves, scammers, and hackers preying on citizens.

$$ - Libyan Gun Running: BEFORE the war in Libya Obama was sending weapons to Libyan Rebels - the same ones who had been hiring jihadists from around the world to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US GIs - to overthrow Qadaffi!

$$ - Obama's Libyan War: Although not a 'time-critical emergency' that would prevent Obama going before Congress to make his case, Obama took the nation to war in Libya to help AL '9/11/01' QAEDA take over Libya!

$$ - Hired an AL QAEDA-associated Militia to protect a NOW DEAD Us ambassador in Benghazi

$$ - Syrian Rebel / ISIS Gun Running: Spent hundreds of millions of dollars running guns/weapons to Syrian Rebels (most of whom converted to ISIS) from Benghazi

$$ - Funding for Syrian Rebels: Hundreds of millions to build rebel bases, arm and outfit Syrian Rebels to go against Assad - Putin's air force all but bombed Obama's mercenaries into the Stone Age - all but wiping them out.

$$ - Obama Syrian Foreign Policy: Which consisted of spending MILLIONS to fund/arm/outfit/train 6 (SIX) Syrian 'rebels' to 'take down' Assad - 5 converted to ISIS, taking everything we bought/outfitted them with to ISIS, and 1 was killed by Putin's troops.

$$ - Vacations: $12 - $20 Million dollar A PIECE vacations; averaging about 6 - 7 PER YEAR

$$ - Hundreds of Millions for Green Energy (Obama Supporters): Obama handed over millions of OUR tax dollars over to his big money donors so they would not lose any of THEIR investment money when Solyndra and 12 other Obama administration-supported 'green energy' companies went bankrupt

$$ - BILLIONS in Social Program Fraud / Waste / Abuse: Obama vowed one of the 1st things ge would do was eliminate the massive F/W/A in social programs...yeah, still waiting.

$$ - $72 billion in improper payments in 2008 ALONE.

$$ - $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties. [SELL them or at least RENT them out]

$$ - MULTIPLE ‘Duplicate’ Agencies: Examples from multiple Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports of wasteful duplication include 342 economic development programs; 130 programs serving the disabled; 130 programs serving at-risk youth; 90 early childhood development programs; 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities; and 72 safe water programs.[


$$ - Over a million to sponsor NASCAR driver

$$ - $9 BILLION in lost revenue ANNUALLY due to ignoring recommendations made by Department of Health and Human Services

$$ - Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000: “A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a 'mechanical device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.'”

$$ -Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000

$$ - Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

$$ - Funding Climate Change Alarmist Video Game: $5.2 million

$$ - Tweeting at Terrorists: $3 million: “A recent commentator in Time Magazine put it more bluntly, saying, ‘this outreach by the U.S. government is not only ineffective, but also provides jihadists with a stage to voice their arguments...’”


...and there is SO much more.

In only 4 years Obama added $7.1 TRILLION to the debt (adding another $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years), setting new 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records!

Since Democrats took over Congress / the budget in 2006, Obama and Democrats added approx. $9.6 TRILLION to the debt in those 6 years ($2.5 Trillion from 2006 - 2008, compared to $1.5 Trillion from 2000 - 2006....$7.1 Trillion from 2008-2012, and $9.6 Trillion from 2006 - 2012).

I was going to respond, but there is too much riduculous propaganda in there

translation: you are correct and I am looking for talking points on each of those.
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?
You forgot one, money spent on a multitude of bankrupt renewable energy companies that were an absolute bust and fraudulent.

That was pennies out of our debt
Investing in new energy is still a wise long term investment

Oh....I forgot....Drill baby drill

"investing in new energy is still a wise long term investment" unless of course that investment involves oil, gas, or coal, which could make the USA an energy seller rather than buyer.

But we understand, fossil fuels are evil. oil companies are evil,
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?
You forgot one, money spent on a multitude of bankrupt renewable energy companies that were an absolute bust and fraudulent.

That was pennies out of our debt
Investing in new energy is still a wise long term investment

Oh....I forgot....Drill baby drill
Like many things the government does, renewable energy And it's lobbyists are a waste of money just as is foreign aid that was wasted during the bush administration.
Most everything the federal government does is an waste
So, where did Obama's $8 trillion go?

- Paid for two unnecessary wars
- Paid for extensive tax cuts to the wealthy
- Was the result of an economic collapse that led to smaller tax revenues
- Was used to pay interest on existing debt
- Was used to stimulate a crashed economy and provide jobs

Which of these should Obama not have done?
You forgot one, money spent on a multitude of bankrupt renewable energy companies that were an absolute bust and fraudulent.

That was pennies out of our debt
Investing in new energy is still a wise long term investment

Oh....I forgot....Drill baby drill
Like many things the government does, renewable energy And it's lobbyists are a waste of money just as is foreign aid that was wasted during the bush administration.
Most everything the federal government does is an waste

exactly, what the libs don't get is that private industry and profit motive is where innovation comes from.
They are so insecure in their own ability to care for themselves that they think only momma government can do anything. But, as you said, almost everything the govt does is wasteful and unnecessary.

Once it goes beyond protecting the country and its citizens, the waste, fraud and abuse runs rampant.
Renewable energy is worth pursuing; however, at this point it is not economically viable /efficient.

I have no problem with spending money on research and development. INVESTING in such endeavors is like 'gambling', though. You put money into a venture in HOPES it will pan out. What Obama and his big donors did, though, is STEAL billions from U.S. citizens - tax payers - and give that money to the Obama donors so they would not lose any of their 'gambling money' (investments) when the 13 government-funded/supported companies went bankrupt. Sorry, that's STEALING!

Obama was / has been trying to drive the conversion of American energy use to alternate energy while big time donors and 'players' started putting their money down. Obama tried to drive this by waging a war on coal, oil, and natural gas while banking and promising a million electric cars and pushing 'green energy'. Obama learned the hard way - with our money lost - that government does not drive the market on energy use - demand / consumption / the market does. That's partly why these 13 companies went under, taking billions of our tax dollars with them.

When technology improves and using alternate green energy become more effective, efficient, and AFFORDABLE I have no doubt Americans will make the switch on their own...but for now Obama isn't going to FORCE anyone to do so.
link hack boi AKA Redfish ?

Yes, the rate of growth in govt spending has been reduced under obama. But deficit and debt are two different things. the debt was 10T when obama took office, it will be 20T when he leaves. Chart that for us, dingleberry.
r u claiming he could've cut spending to 0% shit for brains? He cut spending down to the bare minimum (1.5%)

Stop wasting my time w/ your made-up rw fantasies. IOW's post a link every now and then if you want to be taken seriously (Its a little too late for that in your case hack boi)

your juvenile insults just confirm your ignorance. When you have nothing to offer, hurl insults. We understand how you libs operate.

The bottom line regarding obama and the national debt is that it will have roughly doubled during his terms. no lib talking points or foollish insults can change that fact.

What do you think Obama should not have spent money on?

Tax cuts
Two wars
Paying interest on our debt

There was very little new spending

spending on food stamps increased, spending on welfare increased, spending on unemployment increased, spending on obamacare was not in the budget and is still increasing every day, in 2016 it will go thru the roof, and you libtards will blame the GOP president.

Now, would please list the items where he decreased or eliminated spending?

In 2007 on the campaign trail he said that increasing the debt was a sign of poor management by the president, but he has done it every year. Was he lying then or is he lying now?
newsflash!!! Ryan (R) included Obamacare savings in his budgets that never wernt anywhere when he was in ways and means but you knew that didnt you?

Paul Ryan releases House GOP budget plan
Ryan's plan also calculates savings that Democrats decry as gimmicks, such as counting savings projected to come from the Affordable Care Act while simultaneously calling for its repeal. In order to achieve balance,

You were saying hack boi?
Last edited:
it was 10.6 when he took office, it will be over 20 when he leaves, its 18.5 today. To not call that doubling is splitting hairs.

Actually, it is not doubled

It will be 19 when he leaves office and was 11 and growing when he took office. The 2009 budget was passed by Bush in Oct 2008 and was the responsiblity of Bush

Splitting hairs again. Obozo kept the Bush tax rates in place when he could have cancelled them. So most of that debt is on him. Funny how you round 10,6 to 11 but round 20,6 to 19.

Whether it actually doubles or goes up by a factor of 1.8, the fact is that obama wil have increased the debt more than any other president in 240 years

Our President was blackmailed by the Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts for an additional year

You should have heard them whine when he let them expire

Aw, poor little barry, the mean ole republicans forced him to extend the Bush tax rates--------------are you really that fuckin stupid?

You failed to answer the question

You complain about the additional $8 trillion in debt under Obama's watch....I showed where the money went, What would you have cut?

notice how Redhack never provides any sourcing either? A lazy (or lying) conservative. Ironic eh?
Actually, it is not doubled

It will be 19 when he leaves office and was 11 and growing when he took office. The 2009 budget was passed by Bush in Oct 2008 and was the responsiblity of Bush
Well Redfish.....errr..... rw hack boi?


Well what? dipshit. you and RW are liars and obama ass kissers. Do you want me to acknowledge that?

Pleas point out where I have lied about anything

Uhhh, probably about 95% of your posts. When you repost a lying talking point, you are lying.

We understand your role here. Post lies and try to convince the uneducated and uninformed that your liberal marxist collectivist agenda is working-------------but its not, never has, never will.

What works is freedom and personal responsibility, and small unintrusive government.

A very weak attempt at a response

If 95% of my posts are a lie, you should be able to pick out one or two that shows I am lying
he can't because providing sourcing would be too much work for Redhack.
Well Redfish.....errr..... rw hack boi?


Well what? dipshit. you and RW are liars and obama ass kissers. Do you want me to acknowledge that?

Pleas point out where I have lied about anything

Uhhh, probably about 95% of your posts. When you repost a lying talking point, you are lying.

We understand your role here. Post lies and try to convince the uneducated and uninformed that your liberal marxist collectivist agenda is working-------------but its not, never has, never will.

What works is freedom and personal responsibility, and small unintrusive government.

A very weak attempt at a response

If 95% of my posts are a lie, you should be able to pick out one or two that shows I am lying
he can't because providing sourcing would be too much work for Redhack.

I did provide one of his lying posts, but pick any one of them and you have a 95% change of picking a lie.
I',m beginning to think that Redhack & Oldstyle are related in that both of them love to make one-sentence OPINION posts without any citations to back them up :eusa_think:
Well what? dipshit. you and RW are liars and obama ass kissers. Do you want me to acknowledge that?

Pleas point out where I have lied about anything

Uhhh, probably about 95% of your posts. When you repost a lying talking point, you are lying.

We understand your role here. Post lies and try to convince the uneducated and uninformed that your liberal marxist collectivist agenda is working-------------but its not, never has, never will.

What works is freedom and personal responsibility, and small unintrusive government.

A very weak attempt at a response

If 95% of my posts are a lie, you should be able to pick out one or two that shows I am lying
he can't because providing sourcing would be too much work for Redhack.

I did provide one of his lying posts, but pick any one of them and you have a 95% change of picking a lie.
You sure are good at hyperbole Redhack.

Heres a tip- if you want to be taken seriously- provide sourcing. It makes you look petty, lazy, and a hack when you don't. Oh wait!!! You are.
Actually, it is not doubled

It will be 19 when he leaves office and was 11 and growing when he took office. The 2009 budget was passed by Bush in Oct 2008 and was the responsiblity of Bush

Splitting hairs again. Obozo kept the Bush tax rates in place when he could have cancelled them. So most of that debt is on him. Funny how you round 10,6 to 11 but round 20,6 to 19.

Whether it actually doubles or goes up by a factor of 1.8, the fact is that obama wil have increased the debt more than any other president in 240 years

Our President was blackmailed by the Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts for an additional year

You should have heard them whine when he let them expire

Aw, poor little barry, the mean ole republicans forced him to extend the Bush tax rates--------------are you really that fuckin stupid?

You failed to answer the question

You complain about the additional $8 trillion in debt under Obama's watch....I showed where the money went, What would you have cut?

notice how Redhack never provides any sourcing either? A lazy (or lying) conservative. Ironic eh?

go back to sleep. at least RW can carry on a somewhat intelligent conversation. you are embarrassing yourself.
Once you take out mandatory spending, interest on the debt, budget spending passed by Congress via continuing resolutions,

and last but not not least spending that the GOP agrees with,

it's pretty clear that Obama can't really be held personally responsible for much of any of the debt.

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