mister TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT... "barack hussein obama"

Pleas point out where I have lied about anything

Uhhh, probably about 95% of your posts. When you repost a lying talking point, you are lying.

We understand your role here. Post lies and try to convince the uneducated and uninformed that your liberal marxist collectivist agenda is working-------------but its not, never has, never will.

What works is freedom and personal responsibility, and small unintrusive government.

A very weak attempt at a response

If 95% of my posts are a lie, you should be able to pick out one or two that shows I am lying
he can't because providing sourcing would be too much work for Redhack.

I did provide one of his lying posts, but pick any one of them and you have a 95% change of picking a lie.
Is that a C&P from one of PoliticalChica's diatribes? Sure seems like it!

Is your comment stupid? duh, yeah.
Once you take out mandatory spending, interest on the debt, budget spending passed by Congress via continuing resolutions,

and last but not not least spending that the GOP agrees with,

it's pretty clear that Obama can't really be held personally responsible for much of any of the debt.

or anything else, right? the kenyan messiah is responsible for nothing. you are sick.

How is Obama responsible for mandatory spending on the day he takes office?

Be specific.

the exact same way that Bush was, specific enough?

I blame Bush's adding to the debt primarily on his pushing for two major tax cuts while we added the cost of two wars to our spending,

and secondarily on his pushing through an unfunded Medicare expansion.

obama continued those tax cuts and continued the spending on those wars. those debts belong to both of them.

obamacare has caused much more debt than the medicare expansion.

That's not even a good dodge.
each president is held responsible for the difference between the national debt when he takes office to the national debt when he leaves office. Thats the way it has always been.

Obama will be responsible for around 10 trillion in increase to the national debt. Spin it however you like, that is how history will record it.
or anything else, right? the kenyan messiah is responsible for nothing. you are sick.

How is Obama responsible for mandatory spending on the day he takes office?

Be specific.

the exact same way that Bush was, specific enough?

I blame Bush's adding to the debt primarily on his pushing for two major tax cuts while we added the cost of two wars to our spending,

and secondarily on his pushing through an unfunded Medicare expansion.

obama continued those tax cuts and continued the spending on those wars. those debts belong to both of them.

obamacare has caused much more debt than the medicare expansion.

That's not even a good dodge.

happens to be the truth, sorry.
Once you take out mandatory spending, interest on the debt, budget spending passed by Congress via continuing resolutions,

and last but not not least spending that the GOP agrees with,

it's pretty clear that Obama can't really be held personally responsible for much of any of the debt.

or anything else, right? the kenyan messiah is responsible for nothing. you are sick.

How is Obama responsible for mandatory spending on the day he takes office?

Be specific.

the exact same way that Bush was, specific enough?

No, it's not. You're holding Obama personally responsible for every penny added to the debt since he was sworn in.

If I'm wrong about that, then you can prove me wrong by starting to list the part of that debt you do not blame Obama for.

You hold Bush responsible for every dollar of debt during his entire two terms, do different rules apply to obama?

Don't lie about what I believe.
each president is held responsible for the difference between the national debt when he takes office to the national debt when he leaves office. Thats the way it has always been.

Obama will be responsible for around 10 trillion in increase to the national debt. Spin it however you like, that is how history will record it.

I don't see where you declare that about Reagan, Bush, and Bush.
each president is held responsible for the difference between the national debt when he takes office to the national debt when he leaves office. Thats the way it has always been.

Obama will be responsible for around 10 trillion in increase to the national debt. Spin it however you like, that is how history will record it.

I don't see where you declare that about Reagan, Bush, and Bush.

It applies to every president. thats what I said. did you bother to read my post before responding?
or anything else, right? the kenyan messiah is responsible for nothing. you are sick.

How is Obama responsible for mandatory spending on the day he takes office?

Be specific.

the exact same way that Bush was, specific enough?

No, it's not. You're holding Obama personally responsible for every penny added to the debt since he was sworn in.

If I'm wrong about that, then you can prove me wrong by starting to list the part of that debt you do not blame Obama for.

You hold Bush responsible for every dollar of debt during his entire two terms, do different rules apply to obama?

Don't lie about what I believe.

sorry, I should have said "you libs", I don't know or care what you personally believe.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Cons are the losers who double the debt every time they control the White House. You people are the biggest liars and idiots. You act like the economy was great before Obama was elected and that he destroyed it when in fact just the opposite is true. Get your head out of your ass and wake up.

You can still make it in America!!
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

I think they should change to word trillion to Obama.

We will soon be $20 Obamas in debt.
Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

well not exactly nutjob lefty

obama added OVER $200 BILLION TO THAT LAST "BUSH" DEFICIT; see it here from very UN-RIGHT-WING factcheck.org:

Obama's Deficit Dodge - FactCheck.org
Sep 28, 2012 - President Obama is falsely claiming that his administration's policies are responsible for “about 10 percent” of the deficits “over the last four

and that Republican "OBSTRUCTION" the Left cried about prevented obama/democrats from spending TENS OF BILLIONS MORE THEY DIDNT HAVE A WAY TO PAY FOR.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Yes, Obama added $200 plus billion to the 2009 budget deficit, which totaled $1.4 trillion. Bush was responsible for $1.2 trillion of that deficit, and Bush's programs and tax policies led us to the huge deficits we saw for the next few years. Keep lying to yourself that this was Obama's doing, because it was not. I bought into the conservative lies for many years until I finally used my brain and figured out that it was those policies that were destroying the middle class and the economy.

View attachment 53831

You can still make it in America!!

So let's go after those who commit fraud when it comes to welfare rather than saying all welfare is bad and we should end it for everyone because some abuse it. Cons constantly bitch about this shit but don't do anything constructive about it except try to convince us we should dump the social safety net completely. There is room for conservative ideas when they make sense, but when they just speak to the ideological nuttery of the right, then it's just a waste of everyone's time.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

Cons are so stuck on their ideology that they can't see the light of day. They have the blinders on full force and will never accept reality.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.

Actually, spending has been cut over the past few years as a percentage of GDP. Outlays have barely budged the last few years as the economy has grown. This is why the deficit has continued to get smaller each year. The question is whether or not we can stay on this path or grow the economy more to cover the remaining deficit.
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

obozo could have cut spending if he did not like what his predecessors did, but did he? duh, no.

Actually, spending has been cut over the past few years as a percentage of GDP. Outlays have barely budged the last few years as the economy has grown. This is why the deficit has continued to get smaller each year. The question is whether or not we can stay on this path or grow the economy more to cover the remaining deficit.

gee leftard; why has spending been cut since Republicans got a hold of the budget purse strings?

didn't Obama/democrats want to spend BILLIONS MORE??
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

Cons are so stuck on their ideology that they can't see the light of day. They have the blinders on full force and will never accept reality.

UM NO IDIOT; you really aren't "supposed to take what Reagan did". WHY? because Democrats voted for nearly all of that spending too. Unlike left-wing losers do I never tried to dictate the parameters of the dcebate. I said democrats voted for the spending of Reagan and W bush, and they DID. so when you DO include the spending in THEIR outlying years shouldn't you have to note YOUR JAACKASS PARTY MEMBERS VOTED FOR THAT SPENDING TOO?

you idiotic left-wing crybabies; crying that others are brainwashed when it is you that don't even consider what you are saying when you cry about others

so many Democrats voted for Reagan's programs the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them

reality: Democrats voted for the Reagan spending and the W Bush spending too

REALITY: bsh's highest spending years were when democrats held the purse strings in Congress
Reality: bush's lowest spending years were when Republicans held the purse strings
Reality: Obama's highest spending years were when Democrats held the purse strings
REality: Obama's lowest spending years are with Republicans holding the purse strings

reality; Obama expenses his portion of both war the exact same way Bush did, with appropriations. so the "bush didn't count the cost of two wars" is just another bullshit left-wing talking point

let's talk about who wont accept reality and who does ok leftard???
$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, November 1, 2015

When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt

When the final numbers roll out after Obama leaves office, Obama will have increased the national debt by approximately 65%. This compares to Reagan increasing the national debt by 186% and GW Bush increasing it by 101%. These are real numbers based on statistical fact. Growth in the federal government has been at near stand still the past three years. The crushing deficits of the first two years along with Bush's last year were due to the economic meltdown started under Bush. God forbid we put another Republican in the White House again. Every time we do, they explode the debt much more so than any Dems.

more moronic propaganda from left-wing idiots.
first of all the "final numbers" wont be "rolled out" after obama leaves office, they will come YEARS AFTER he leaves office, because spending mandated by obamacare will SKYROCKET in outlying years after obama leaves office

libs are losers who lie to themselves
hmmmm, we are not suppose to take what Reagan did that has raised spending for the outlying years of his presidency, and not take what bush 1 did to expand spending in the years after his Presidency and not take the spending that passed under President Bush2 that extends after him leaving office,

BUT WE ARE suppose to count the spending after Obama leaves office as his....

okee dokee!

Cons are so stuck on their ideology that they can't see the light of day. They have the blinders on full force and will never accept reality.

UM NO IDIOT; you really aren't "supposed to take what Reagan did". WHY? because Democrats voted for nearly all of that spending too. Unlike left-wing losers do I never tried to dictate the parameters of the dcebate. I said democrats voted for the spending of Reagan and W bush, and they DID. so when you DO include the spending in THEIR outlying years shouldn't you have to note YOUR JAACKASS PARTY MEMBERS VOTED FOR THAT SPENDING TOO?

you idiotic left-wing crybabies; crying that others are brainwashed when it is you that don't even consider what you are saying when you cry about others

Well Republicans have voted for Obama's spending also, so there ya go! What a stupid argument. You do realize the federal government employs about 1 million less people than it did under Reagan, right? You truly are goofy.

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