Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
The Republican Party died a long time ago. It is dead, dead, dead.

I held out hope for far too long that the membership would wake up to the fact the party has been hijacked by hucksters, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards. I finally gave up last year and retired my lifetime Republican membership and changed my voter registration to Independent.

As for Social Security and Medicare, we need to immediately raise the eligibility age to 70. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established Social Security. We should be working longer. That's just plain common sense.

If we raised the eligibility age to 70, and automatically indexed it to 9 percent of the population going foward, then eliminated the $1.4 trillion of tax expenditures (government gifts) in our tax code, we would find ourselves with a MASSIVE budget surplus which we could use to lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt.

I agree with the gay guy. Cogent post.
Has it occurred to you to that you can actually participate in the discussion instead of making irrelevant one liners?

In any case, social security is terrible deal for the young, and the old voted it in for their benefit... so the OP has no business whining when the young decide to take the free stuff away for their benefit. Moral of the story, don't attempt to make other people pay for your shit.
Those young will be sad when they haven’t saved shit for retirement.

Has it occurred to you that just like we can mandate them pay for the retirements of the old... we can mandate for them to pay for the retirement of their own?

Wow! it's like magic...
Yeah magic, and what happens to the retired who already paid in?

You going to mandate what corps they invest in too?

The retirees didn't pay into anything but government programs for themselves. If they actually paid into something there would be no problem.

Obviously, their benefits are cut... duh. Then maybe their children as well have a chance of getting at least half of what they are getting.
So you’d throw retirees out into the streets. Great plan.

Your plan is to throw their children into wage slavery, even though they didn't vote for it.

Great plan. I rather have the ones who created the mess at least take a hit.
Now that pensions are all but gone people need social security more than ever...

Along with those who lost their jobs during the Great Recession.

Social Security and Medicare are necessary and important, they work, and they’re successful – that’s the reason why conservatives hate both programs.

If they're such great programs, why aren't the voluntary?

Because a majority of the pseudocons on this forum would blow their money at Trump University and on gold-plated commemorative coins and Nigerian swindles, then they would be demanding the government bail them out of poverty in their old age.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.
How can those who are not old enough to collect SS say they get nothing from it? how many of you are Not SUPORTING or have your elderly relatives live with you because they have SS and are self supporting in part or whole, how many old grandmas & gramps are helping their
children or grandchildren because of the additional income they get from SS, OR disabled siblings. SS was a promise, one that should be kept there's plenty of waste to cut. why should our leaders care they have millions if not billions & will never need SS.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations. It must be just pure RW bigotry.

On the other hand the idea that generations vote for the next generation to foot their bills. That's a great sound decent idea, that can not be questioned.
Yeah right, phony republicans claim that they want to vote for the likes of Fauxahontis and senile Nancy even after democrats smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a democrat activist tried to assassinate members of a republican baseball team, because McConnell says we need to get a handle on domestic spending. Hypocrite lefties enjoy a 4.1 GDP, a DOW around 26,000 and the lowest unemployment in half a century but they claim to be outraged, I say outraged, 20 days before the mid terms because they claim their Social Security is in jeopardy. Get freaking real.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?

No you haven't paid into the system, because the government used the money that you "paid in".

It's free shit even if you don't know it to be so. It's not my fault that you were too stupid to eat the lies. Sounds like GOP is finally growing the balls and letting people in on the truth.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?

No you haven't paid into the system, because the government used the money that you "paid in".

It's free shit even if you don't know it to be so. It's not my fault that you were too stupid to eat the lies.

Okay, well, run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.

Only THIS time, show some balls for a change and cut them BEFORE you cut taxes again.

Be fiscally responsible for once.
10,000 to 1 Trump has his monthly SS check electronically deposited in one of his accounts.

Why shouldn't he, he paid both sides of the tax.


He is donating his Presidential salary to charity.



And he is generous. I am guessing he is doing the same with SSI. You needed me to explain that to you? Wtf!?

It's no ones business what he does with it. And there's no need to make assumptions, simple concept.

I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.
Too much of the party has been listening to too much talk radio.

That's the only thing that can explain the thought of cutting Social Security and Medicare getting any air.

How about this reason:

They are terrible programs and in debt to the tune of 150 trillion. How about the fact that people are living much longer now? How about the fact that the young may not want to pay for the free shit for the old while getting almost nothing in return?

Nope apparently none of those are explanations.
Free shit?

We have all paid into Social Security and Medicare.

That's exactly how the GOP looks right now: No free shit, even if you paid into it. Too bad. Good luck. You're on your own. So are your kids.

Is that really what you want?

No you haven't paid into the system, because the government used the money that you "paid in".

It's free shit even if you don't know it to be so. It's not my fault that you were too stupid to eat the lies.

Okay, well, run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.

Only THIS time, show some balls for a change and cut them BEFORE you cut taxes again.

Be fiscally responsible for once.

Mac I am not a republican and represent the party in no way. I represent the truth and if you can't handle it, go talk to someone else.

A other fact is that tax burden of average citizen has gone from 6% to almost 40% in the last 100 years. Largely this has been caused by the women vote, because they generally prefer free shit and do not care how it's paid for. Social security is an outgrowth of the same phenomenon.

However what is surprising is that someone like yourself, who is actively engaged in politics, still thinks he "paid into" something. And then blows fuses when it's pointed out that that's completely wrong.
I represent the truth and if you can't handle it, go talk to someone else.
Oh wow, it's good to know that we have someone here who Represents The Truth.

I now know where to go when I want The Truth. The guy who represents it! It can't get any better than that!

In all the places in all the world, I found you! Here! Right on USMB!

Okay, got it.
I represent the truth and if you can't handle it, go talk to someone else.
Oh wow, it's good to know that we have someone here who Represents The Truth.

I now know where to go when I want The Truth. The guy who represents it! It can't get any better than that!

In all the places in all the world, I found you! Here! Right on USMB!

Okay, got it.

Well, you should probably listen given that after years of being engaged in politics, you still don't know that the social security fund is functionally empty. Maybe a bit more truth digging and less deflection would be warranted.
We need to re-verify citizenship during the 2020 census and stop all entitlement payments to illegals.
I represent the truth and if you can't handle it, go talk to someone else.
Oh wow, it's good to know that we have someone here who Represents The Truth.

I now know where to go when I want The Truth. The guy who represents it! It can't get any better than that!

In all the places in all the world, I found you! Here! Right on USMB!

Okay, got it.

Well, you should probably listen given that after years of being engaged in politics, you still don't know that the social security fund is functionally empty. Maybe a bit more truth digging and less gossip would be warranted.
Like I said, let's see the GOP run on taking them away. Then let's see them do it.

Other than that, it's all just meaningless platitudes.
Anyone who thinks we can pay for the coming storm of unfunded Liabilities is an idiot.

Anyone who doesn't cut everything else first is also an idiot..........

Anyone who says they want to cut Social Security and Medicaid is committing political Suicide...

Our current path is the path of economic collapse........and a global reset.......there isn't any stopping it's too dang late.

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