Mitt Romney ended the night incredibly classy. His best moment of the campaign.



Mitt came out by himself, said he had the best running mate in the world. Said he left everything on the table. He was generous to the President. He showed his love for the country.

If he had presented himself like that, if that had been the man who ran, he would have won going away.

Someone said his mistake was to continue running as if he were in the primaries. The country knows he lied about the autos moving to China, about the welfare work requirement, he politicized Bengazi.

America is not stupid. I believe the 47% comment hurt him terribly. Seeing the Sandy devastation and realizing we might end up with a president who said he wouldn't represent half the country probably scared many people.

His secrecy, his overseas money, moving a company he own to China this month. All of these things hurt him. And he thought that America believed all the race based rhetoric leveled against Obama for the last four years.

If the man who gave that fabulous acceptance speech had run, we would have had a "President Romney", I have no doubt.

That being said, the speech John Boehner gave was a disgrace. He said there would be NO Republican compromise. Especially on raising any tax on the wealthy. He pretty much said, "We will compromise as long as you do it our way". The gauntlet has been thrown.

It mirrors his saying Republicans got 98% of everything they wanted, but the downgrade is the president's fault.

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

My overall assessment is I think we dodged a bullet. Obama won both popular vote and electoral college vote in spite of suppression and lies and one of the dirtiest campaigns in memory. The more than a million DVD's that went out saying his mother was in porn was a new low. You have to think, people who would do that would do anything.
Romney took a shower in front of the American people. An attempt to wash the stink of his campaign from his body and soul.

Not possible.
He gave a very good concession speech. Very gracious and classy and well done.
He looked great.

He looked happy about not having to actually govern.

Its the part of the job he doesnt do well in running for election for a living
I wonder about Paul Ryan and his "Obama will destroy our Christian Judea" country. Still trying to make Obama a "Muslim".
I enjoyed both speeches a great deal last night. Now ... the speeches are over. Let's get to work. Looking at you Bohner ...

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