Mitt Romney: Trump's pardon of Roger Stone is an example of corruption

Mitt still hasn't gotten over Trump being #45.........Mitt almost had it, but he will never get a number now.
Probably not. Neither par
Mitt still hasn't gotten over Trump being #45.........Mitt almost had it, but he will never get a number now.
Probably not. Neither party seems ready to offer a good candidate, and, while personally never a fan of "Mitt", he only looks good by comparison to the two current duopolists. Again, many of us will 'waste' our vote on 'other' rather than wasting it on "D" or "R".
Notice that the Trumper scum don't want to talk about Trump's actions...but focus on attacking Romney?
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

It appears that Romney is on the Soros payroll. They've been paying his private equity firm, Bain Capital, a buttload of cash.
Which is more corrupt:
  1. Conducting a political witch hunt to destroy the lives of your critics
  2. Taking a bribe from George Soros to slander a fellow Republican
  3. Commuting the sentence of a man who was convicted of a process-crime

The Soros thing is played out. invent a new one.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
First he was orginally sentenced to seven years I believe which was over the top so the sentence was reduced second the conviction was not overturned he is still a convicted felon last it's the left who is always saying their should not be jail time for non violent offenders that fits Stone. Oh under the law every President has the legal and constitutional authority to grant a pardon or commute a sentence.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.

We're not talking about Potentate Obamugabe and is terrorist allies, Comrade traitor.

But of course there NEVER should have been any charges against Roger Stone. Stone was a political prisoner circa the darkest days of Stalin's USSR. Stone was never charged with any crime, Instead, operatives of the radical left who are treasonously engaged in the destruction and overthrow of the United States, including Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Andred Weissman, et al. targeted Stone because Stone supports Trump.

The KGB was NOT able to establish any ties between Stone and Russia and could find NO CRIMES. Instead he was sentenced for lying to Communist traitor and vile pile of shit , Adam the lying little Schitt, who had attempted numerous coups and lied for years about "secret evidence." Even IF, and it's a BIG IF, Stone lied to the traitor fuck, it's hard to justify prison for lying to a disreputable, lying fuck like Schitt.

ANYONE who was VICTIMIZED in the coup attempt known as the Mueller probe should be pardoned as political prisoners. AND the coup plotters, including Weissman, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Strzok, et al should be tried and executed for treason.
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Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
Meanwhile, you completely ignore the biased judge and the heinously partisan jury foreman.....Listening to jackasses like you twaddle on about the rule of law is laughable,

The man deserved a retrial at the very least.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Why do you believe and support a man who killed some guy and had binders full of woman?
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Why do you believe and support a man who killed some guy and had binders full of woman?

It's amazing....These are the same dweebs who had Mittens framed as the worst human being on the planet n 2012.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

It appears that Romney is on the Soros payroll. They've been paying his private equity firm, Bain Capital, a buttload of cash.
Which is more corrupt:
  1. Conducting a political witch hunt to destroy the lives of your critics
  2. Taking a bribe from George Soros to slander a fellow Republican
  3. Commuting the sentence of a man who was convicted of a process-crime

The Soros thing is played out. invent a new one.

Like the way you folks on the left invent new hoaxes like Global Warming....Russian Collusion....and now COVID-19?
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It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Why do you believe and support a man who killed some guy and had binders full of woman?

It's amazing....These are the same dweebs who had Mittens framed as the worst human being on the planet n 2012.

No, they didn't.
Trump was running around in circles saying he had investigators in Hawaii looking into Obama's birth certificate.
He was the worst human being in 2012 and has carried that distinction to this day.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Why do you believe and support a man who killed some guy and had binders full of woman?

It's amazing....These are the same dweebs who had Mittens framed as the worst human being on the planet n 2012.

No, they didn't.
Trump was running around in circles saying he had investigators in Hawaii looking into Obama's birth certificate.
He was the worst human being in 2012 and has carried that distinction to this day.

Yes you jackasses did....And you were right, he's a opportunistic asshole.

But you chumps like your opportunistic assholes when they back your team.

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