Mitt Romney: Trump's pardon of Roger Stone is an example of corruption

It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Uh, dumbass

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.
style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Courier;color:#333333'>The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232
} - The Weissman (nee' Mueller) Dossier.

Try a different lie.

Romney is a scumbag, no different than Pelosi or Omar.

What lie are you referring to?

A. Factual Background The jury found Stone guilty of obstructing a congressional investigation, making numerous false statements to Congress, and witness tampering. This conduct was part of an effort to hide from Congress and to craft a false narrative about Stone’s conduct in 2016. The government briefly summarizes those background events. In 2016, Stone’s longtime associate Donald Trump was running for President of the United States. In the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, Stone made repeated efforts to Case 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ Document 279 Filed 02/10/20 Page 1 of 26 2 obtain information from an organization called WikiLeaks that would help the Trump campaign and harm the campaign of Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton
Romney is the definition of a people pleaser. He still believes that he will one day be President. But, we all learned he wasn't up to the task in 2012. If the GOP were to ever nominate him again, I would sit out the election.

As for Stone. It is a Profile in Courage. Trump absolutely did the right thing.

edit: I’d encourage you to click through for the rest of his thread. Good legal stuff. As much as Maddow is praised for her explaining, she’s not nearly as good as Ari Melber, or Stephanie Ruhle, the two best explainers of legal and financial news on MSNBC.
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It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

No......Stone was targeted in an illegal investigation against President Trump.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.

Sell that democrats...they are the only ones stupid enough to believe it.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Indicting Roger Stone is an example of corruption. Mueller knew 2 years previously that the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" conspiracy theory was a hoax. How do any of you douchebags justify continuing it for an additional two years?
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
Either way, he got a Get Out of Jail Free card from his buddy.

Who will be next, Flynn, Manafort or Ghislaine Maxwell?
It was hardly free, asshole. He went bankrupt paying for lawyers. Furthermore, anyone Mueller indicted should go free. His entire with hunt was illegal.

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